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Messages - Suppercut ♡

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I'm using pumpkin spice currently.  Hazelnut is my preferred creamer.
How is pumpkin spice, anyways? My total white girl side of me is definitely curious about it, but my friend made me try something simpler last time we were at Starbucks (which was my first time ever being at Starbucks).

Forum Games / Re: "This or That" Game...
« on: November 11, 2015, 07:25:32 AM »
Sirens. I mean, do harpies have eridium-fueled psychic powers-- *is shot*

Hot coffee or iced coffee?

Because tech school is "hard", I've had to turn to energy drinks to keep me from getting administratively destroyed for falling asleep in class. I can't stand any of the "normal" Monster drinks, but Java Monster is the one energy drink I can actually stomach and finish the can without grimacing from the battery acid taste.

I think it's the milk, really. It makes it way more bearable.

Too bad it seems to be going out of stock or something. I can't seem to find it on sale anywhere except for the meal truck that overprices the crap out of it. ;O;

On another note, should I make a new "this or that game" thread or should I revive the old one...?

Gaming / Re: Project X Zone 2
« on: November 11, 2015, 06:38:14 AM »
I remember finding out this game was being made literally a day after I bought PxZ1. -u-'

Off The Wall / Re: The NSFW Ecchi Thread! (NO NUDITY)
« on: November 11, 2015, 06:32:19 AM »
Bridget is so overrated.
I totally forgot he said this
and there I go debuting Bridgetframe in Wilypocalypse
Sinos gonna lay some smackdowns for talkin crap bout mai waifu.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: November 11, 2015, 05:37:08 AM »
"Well, there's no use in sitting on my butt about this..." Sinos started, hopping out of the bed in his quarters. He wandered off into the hangar area and took a look. The computer system seemed to respond to his presence and notified him that his "customizations were finalized". He didn't quite remember how it happened, but apparently, some plans from the far side were uploaded to the terminal here via Sinos, and somehow the Sex Station made sense of them.

"What...?" Sinos asked at first, then shrugged. "Whatever. I'll take what I can get. Hopefully it's got intuitive controls."

Minutes later, an unusual mech blasted out of the Sex Station. The only logos it blazed was one unidentified symbol that seemed familiar -- a dramatically styled "SI". The mech itself sported a gold-accented white and blue color scheme. The mech's head was odd for a supposed "Gundam" and almost seemed to be sporting a sort of blue veil on it. It was accented by gold crosses and even a strange gold "bow" design on the chest. It also had an odd sort of "utility belt" type design on its waist that was a contrasting black compared to the rest of the robot. Strapped to this "belt" was an assortment of large red and black mine-like discs. Trying to process the model type of the "Gundam" would come up with an error, though the on-board computer systems (and the Sex Station) identified it as a "Bridgetframe".

"U-uh... Sinos here, s-standing by in battle position!" he spoke into the radio comms. The suit actually allowed him to interface with it directly, controlling it with his AI with ease.

(Someone might recognize the "SI" symbol as the same ones from Sinos's upgrade capsule...)

Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
« on: November 11, 2015, 01:03:06 AM »
I don't think I understand that pun....
Um... Zero Sense Samus = Zero Suit Samus...? -u-'

then again this is sans.......

* geeeeettttt dunked on!!

Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
« on: November 11, 2015, 12:44:46 AM »
Man, the story gets worse every time. Samus makes zero sense in this game.
I guess you could call her

Zero Sense Samus. 8D

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 09, 2015, 12:37:19 PM »
I was just curious since your face was blemish-free.
Still, very nice. I'm not very good at applying makeup myself honestly and every time i've had it done my friends have had to do it for me.
My face is wracked with acne, actually. XD
It's just not a good enough shot to see it, and I do have some stuff that makes it less noticeable.
I'm still a novice when it comes to makeup, but I still do my research and I could probably out-makeup a lot of girls I know, haha.

I really like the outfit.
I'm actually not very fond of the top. The vest-like thingy is too see-through and flowy, and doesn't really accent my figure at all. Though, duly noted, I will give the whole black/white combination another try once I find a decent cardigan with skinny sleeves.
I do have another top I have yet to take pictures with, though. It's a black long-sleeved blouse that looks pretty cute. It would really look good with my purple wig, if I can ever get that thing under control... B(

EDIT: No, the double post merge thing does not work anymore. Sad. Oh well.

So, this is why I always freak out when someone even jokes about there being a wall locker inspection, and why I really need to wait on getting anything biglike a maid outfit.
Half the "fun" is trying to reorganize this mess after I finish using it...
Not pictured is the two wigs being "hidden" by a Firefly board game up on the top shelf of the locker. '>.>[/spoiler]

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 09, 2015, 03:41:07 AM »
That's what we have Pema for.
But is Pema an adorkable crossdresser?!?!

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 09, 2015, 02:57:22 AM »
Yay programming skills! 

Also Steven is going to be Wilypocalypse right, I want to see that Corgi Canon there!
Th...that's not going to be the focus of his character at all, though... -u-'

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 09, 2015, 02:39:13 AM »
i guess that's a perk of having to have a military regulation haircut, wigs must be MUCH easier to get on, its a nice wig on top of that.

Also you're very qt, are you wearing makeup?
Yeah, it's the one good point about it. I could really care less about the haircuts I get too, I just say, "as long as it doesn't touch the ears it's fine" and they do the rest. Because why even take care of 1/2 inch of hair lololol 8U

And yes, I am. My next picture I take is going to be of exactly why I freak out whenever someone jokes about there being a locker inspection. I have a drawer filled to the brim with nothing but makeup and clothes o//////o
Makeup is still technically kind of a fetish for me. B-but... it's n-not like other girls have a fetish for makeup, r-right? '>.> I mean, my actual interest in makeup is rather innocent... and my fetish more applies to actually well done makeup, haha...

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 09, 2015, 02:16:02 AM »
Maybe use a real D20 to make the effects random?
Having only 20 events is boring, and even if I divided it up into 20 categories and stuff that would be just slow. I could use my programming skills to go a little bit further and make a script that will pull randomly from a decent sized database of stuff that could happen... That allows me to add various effects as I go along without having to restructure the whole system, and I can have an arbitrary number of positive and negative effects!

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 09, 2015, 02:02:43 AM »

but i want to see pics of you first, i already got one person who's too reluctant to send me qt pics.
murrrrrrrrr fineeeeeee

can't hotlink with dropbox anymore so here's this

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 09, 2015, 12:54:05 AM »
I was thinking more that Sinos already had it made since 2 Days had passed in RP.  Most of us got blueprints from the Fxenodrome and had them made.  But yeah I don't know what a Generic Gundam would be like, most of them are customs like Heavy Arms having a [tornado fang] ton of Machine Guns and others. 
Alright, that makes sense. I'll work on brainstorming what his mech is like.

Also I hope that system won't be to complicated to write for you.
I've written for it before, it's not terribly complicated. I just have to avoid deus ex machinas as best as I can.

Actually, I had a great idea: Take Steve's concept and apply it to the Manaverse with my unused OC that was theoretically supposed to be some sort of future-Caitlyn but then kept getting retconned out of the timeline and eventually replaced by TWG's resident witch Violet. I figure an adorkable qt-boy spellcaster with unmatched yet uncontrollable powers is something any roleplay surely needs! :V

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 09, 2015, 12:21:09 AM »
Wilypocalypse is still alive and 2 things are happening.  Both the Sex Station and ISS are being attacked by Wily and we have to defend both places in Mechs.  If you intend to bring Sinos back he'll be in the Sex Station with Blue, PBPB, and Phi.  You have a choice between using an Arwing or using a Mech.  The mechs you cannot use are Gundam Hell Scythe, Wing Gundam, Gundam Sandrock, The Nadeleh Gundam (sorry for misspelling), Nobel Gundam, Gundam Quanta, Ardjet, Mighty Orbots, LEV frame Vic Viper or the Grand Sacred Treasure from Kid Icarus Uprising.  You obviously won't be limited to Gundams, it can be anything from Knightmare Frames, Gunmen, Orbital Frames or whatever.  Or make something new.

Meanwhile Fugo found some new recuits for the Resistance and they are being attacked by one of Evil Alternate Universe Fxeni's Death Masters.  They are in St. Acidburg.

The other RP that is active is Mana-verse which is a Fantasy RP.

I could always throw Sinos into a generic Gundam, or maybe have Corey upload custom mech plans and get the SS's onboard computer to make it for him. The two concerns is how long it takes the ship to make robots, and whether or not Sinos ends up relying on the "Supper-Gundam" in ground fights.

Alternatively, the St. Acidburg situation also sounds like a great place to insert Steve (possibly with Caitlyn in tow, depending on what timeline I'm pulling them from).
[spoiler=Explanation on Steve]Essentially, Steve Karmer is a walking roguelike. He used to belong to a corporation comparable to the SCP Foundation, which specialized in subduing dangerous supernatural beings. His Cyber Architecture allows him to possess any supernatural ability possible, and it was once linked to a whole database of them, which he and his elite team of peacekeepers used to counter increasingly powerful enemies. However, the corporation was destroyed by a rival terrorist group, and the database no longer exists. Caitlyn, his friend (spoiler: it's a trap!), tried his best to fix the CybArch, but alas, there no longer was a database for powers for it to connect to, and the device itself had no storage except for its RAM. So, he installed a program that attempts to randomly generate powers, with some very odd effects. It's a very "critical fail, d20 for random magic effect" kind of system, where sometimes he'll get something rather useful, while other times it summons a corgi cannon. A later upgrade allows the device to draw pointers from nearby supernatural power users in order to make something at least slightly more useful, but it also increases the tendency to "fight fire with fire".

Caitlyn, on the other hand, in trying to understand and/or copy the CybArch, accidentally incorporated within himself a metaphysical CybArch of its own. It's difficult to control, and really doesn't like multiple powers at once, but trying to get it to DELETE powers instead of adding them is something beyond Caitlyn's understanding. Right now, he's stuck with something he refers to as his Fierce Aura, which is pretty much SF3 Ken Masters in a nutshell, right down to the parry ability. He also has some strange magical powers, but they're partially deactivated to avoid clogging up the metaphysical CybArch's system.[/spoiler]

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 08, 2015, 11:31:09 PM »
Considering joining an RP here since roleplay as a whole has gone to crap over on Chatango, and I've been craving actual character development and combat. Is Wilypocalypse still a thing? What else might be going on now?

Of course, then I have to figure out if I want to revive Sinos, or try to incorporate Excyber's story and have Steve and/or Caitlyn join the fight. Or make some crap up.

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 08, 2015, 10:08:32 PM »
To be fair he was hardly the only one, but he was the one who started it.  Hopefully this doesn't happen again, nobody should have to suffer that here.
...wait, there were multiple people talking crap about me? I really don't remember this...

*jumps in the RPM Time Machine*

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 08, 2015, 09:38:59 PM »
i'm not one for hiding.
New and improved Touko 2.0, now with more chill and less unchill
I'm going to launch into another one of those explicitly descriptive descriptions of how I'll run up to you and clasp both of your hands and declare my affection for you if you post another one of these pics.

I'm totally gonna visit you one day, get you to smile by any means necessary, and then take a pic of the cuteness for wonderful RPM glory!!



I don't care

I wouldn't even look if you didn't call me out and make me curious
Oh dear, Ruri has found the pictures.
also [objection!] YOU were the one who gave me crap, saying I'd look awful in a wig

Off The Wall / Re: Discuss your favorite fashion styles
« on: November 03, 2015, 11:55:09 PM »
My friend insisted I buy some for halloween, I told him "no, they'll go to waste".

I'm happy with my choice, they would've went to waste since Halloween was a complete and utter bust.
Wear them anyways, they are adorable! :W

Off The Wall / Re: Discuss your favorite fashion styles
« on: November 03, 2015, 02:37:56 AM »
I tried some cat ears once.

Had to return them since they were those brainwave ones, broken.
Normal hairclip ones are way cuter, they have those little ribbons and the bells that make noise every time I move eeeeeeeeeee >w<

Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:12:54 PM »
Less a RPM RPG and more a story featuring some of the characters reinvisioned to fit the world of the game. I might do some more cameos later but for the time being I want to keep it simple and work on the base game. (Story is all thought up)

MV script language is Java I think? Otherwise it functions about the same as VX/VX Ace with some changes under the hood. Honestly MV is better than VX Ace in some ways and worse in others.

Some missing features like the resource manager or the auto damage formula option being removed is--odd and adds some unnecessary busy work while the loss of MP3 compatibility for new formats is also annoying.

At the same time things like the more advanced character maker, the built in option to switch between side view and first person and more classic features of RPGs built into the database are welcome.
Oh dear. Java is 300% more confusing than Ruby. Game sounds cool though!

Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:05:55 AM »
Played Bloodborne this morning to celebrate halloween. But I've been on RPGMaker MV most of the day tweaking stats and making new spells. (Time for items and equipment then I start on the prologues for each character.  8D )
Hang on, so you're making an RPM RPG? That's pretty cool. I can help out, if you want. I have no idea what MV's scripting system looks like, but I was working on a battle system for VX, and I generally have a knack for creating mechanics and systems that work well.

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 01, 2015, 03:35:08 AM »

Don't touch my dingly! D:
Looks totally awesome. owob

I didn't do Halloween, the only costumes I'd really want to do are all against AFI anyways. Oh well, next year for sure.

I was trying to design a cosplay to go along with my collab-drawn OC based off of a Terraria outfit I made (I swear, games like these where I can make complicated ass outfits with all the dyes and vanities...). I've got a wig that will totally work with it, and I got some comfy striped socks but the socks have a hole in the knee and it pisses me off because they're SO FREAKING COMFY like oh my god I put them on and couldn't stop wriggling my toes nngh. Also the wig is full of tangled ends, and I don't have a proper stand for it, so it gets messed up when I'm not wearing it.

I'm highly uncomfortable actually posting RL pics what with Ruri conveniently reappearing when I did, as if I totally didn't see that coming from a mile away.

Important: I seem to have a thing for easter eggs.

Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
« on: October 31, 2015, 07:53:39 PM »
Surprisingly I haven't found the Arkhalis in the world I've made. I think I have a spare Unlucky Yarn somewhere.
*hoards the Arkhalis* nuuuu, you may not have >^<

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