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Messages - Hypershell

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Gaming / Re: Gunvolt [New Inafune & Inti Creates game]
« on: October 08, 2016, 10:26:07 PM »
I THINK they get added automatically at the end of a stage, didn't pay that close attention.  But they also get added when you use an offensive special skill, same as in the first game (my tendency to use special skills as finishers is what makes it tough for me to notice).

Gaming / Re: Gunvolt [New Inafune & Inti Creates game]
« on: October 08, 2016, 10:13:30 PM »
Just finished the game's story.  Gunvolt's abilities are explained much, much better than in the first game.  Copen, not so much, but when you figure out how his abilities work the guy is a beast.

Copen plays like Beck, Model A, and Model H all rolled into one.  Inti basically said, "hey, let's take the dash-ramming an enemy thing and make it not suck" and made it your lock-on instead of your high score finisher.  The boss weapons are just varying flavors of extra damage, which you'll need, since Copen's default abilities take a bit longer to whittle down the enemy than GV's (those water lasers, though).  His special skill Shred Storm kinda sucks, but his defenses are near impenetrable.  So long as you don't get careless with your air-dashing Copen can pretty much prevade into eternity, and if you do find yourself in trouble his heal skill regenerates relatively quickly.

GV has an extra "Clip" gear which decides his tag count independent of what Bolt type he's using.  Generally speaking, lower tag count means more attack strength and vice-versa.  Most gears have an EXP gauge that fills as you clear levels with them, full gauge gets you an upgraded version.  It's a welcome change compared to the first game requiring you to synth two of the same gear together, however, the upgraded version is NOT usable as synth material at all, so you actually need to make sure to not use gear that you're intending to synth into something else entirely.

Challenges are now always active after your first clear of a given stage, which makes things far more convenient. 

Racking up Kudos is MUCH easier.  The game by default gives you three hits until you lose it (as opposed to one in the original).  You can change it to one hit for a higher score multiplier, or NEVER lose it in exchange for a lower one.  Combine that with one of GV's eye upgrades that removes the level checkpoints, and yeah, crazy (I assume Copen has an equivalent armor upgrade but I've not unlocked them all).

No more chaos emeralds jewels to collect, and no requiring the use of underpowered gear, the extra ending is unlocked simply by replaying the final stage after you already cleared it as both characters.  Grab a tissue box, though.

Gaming / Re: Nintendo to release Mini NES in November
« on: October 04, 2016, 07:51:57 AM »
Well, the Wii disc is easy enough to come by these days (it was added to Player's Choice Nintendo Selects).  Just blows that it doesn't include World.

Gaming / Re: VG Music Thread
« on: October 04, 2016, 07:42:21 AM »
Just finished AA6, and the more I hear this one, the more I love it.


Gaming / Re: Nintendo to release Mini NES in November
« on: October 03, 2016, 06:23:27 AM »
The downside is that, controller cords being what they are, you have to keep the system within 3 feet of where you're sitting.

Yeah....I'm still hoping to grab a controller, plug it into my Wii remote, and leave it at that.  It doesn't matter how much shinier the colors look, an NES box with no hope of launching Mega Man 3 is not an NES box I'm willing to pay 60 bucks for.  And I don't even want to count how many versions of the Super Mario Bros. games I already have.

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Generation VI: X/Y & Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
« on: October 02, 2016, 03:56:45 AM »
You can also nab a Darkrai if you missed the Gamestop one.  Enter the code Darkrai20

Gaming / Re: Nintendo NX coming in March 2017
« on: October 02, 2016, 03:54:43 AM »
On that note...

Nintendo of Canada does not want to discuss the fact that they don't want to discuss the NX.

I'm gonna guess that has something with the fact that Nintendo of Canada themselves let a bit of speculation slip out, that being that they're expecting a Direct (although, honestly, that's not much of a stretch at this point).

Gaming / Re: Nintendo NX coming in March 2017
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:18:01 AM »
I approve of any method of seeing Dragonite on my NX.  That said, I'm surprised to hear Pokemon Co. jumping onto new hardware already, normally they take their sweet time with that stuff.

Having fun sifting through the rumors.  The last Foxconn rumor I assume to be 80-90% BS, as the translator himself seems unsure of just how many parts the system is composed of, and it claims the chipset is still up in the air, meaning that even if it's legitimate it is outdated (I'm no electronics manufacturing wiz but I cannot imagine any way in hell they could be planning a March release without yet knowing what it is they're manufacturing).

One of the interesting conflicts I've heard regards the whole "detachable controllers" shpiel.  Numerous rumors including Emily Rogers report under the assumption that the point of the detachable controllers is to use them at home while the system is docked, but Peer over at IGN suggested that they're cheapy "travel controllers" not meant to be your main controllers for use at home.  Makes me wonder if it ties into the whole "infrared clip-on controller" patent that was unearthed, and if so that would go a ways to explaining the reports of a split D-Pad.

Gaming / Re: Pokemon GO is-a go!! Share your Pokemon Journey here!!
« on: September 16, 2016, 07:23:43 AM »
Crap, I'm the save level as Vix, and the buddy update just makes me want a Dragonite that much more. O:<

Entertainment / Re: Ken Penders Craptastic Topic!
« on: September 11, 2016, 07:41:23 AM »

Why did I read this thread?!


Sooooo.... Ken Penders now apparently traces.


Gaming / Re: VG Music Thread
« on: September 10, 2016, 07:34:35 AM »

God, I wish Vesperia was on a Nintendo platform (and/or the PS3 version had been localized).  I don't own a 360, but I love these guys, and Estelle too.

Gaming / Re: Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
« on: September 10, 2016, 07:29:06 AM »
While I loved the game in general I didn't appreciate their attempt to dive into the moral dilemmas of SHIFTing.  Like, the very nature of how one figures it out means they've already jumped off that particular bridge. 

As bizarre of a Deus Ex Machina as the alien transporters are, there are only so many ways to get around 4 recurring characters when 6 of the group are supposed to die to lead into VLR.  It...really is weird.  However, given that VLR was hinting, through Clover and Alice in Another End, that sending bodies between timelines was a possibility, I can only guess that is what they were getting at (Schrodinger's Cat I take to refer to, however it is they return, that they'll be safe so long as they do not view/disturb their cold-sleep selves).  It actually wraps itself up quite well, since Akane of VLR is herself a transporter clone, and even if Alice and Clover had nothing to do with ZTD it does leave the door open for them to reappear in other stories.

And before we go any further, yeah, I'm going to call bullshit on the "Another End is not canon" statement.  It is very obvious that ZTD was made under a tight budget, and as I've said in the past, as much as they wanted to communicate more stuff to the player, Akane's statements about how much Kyle meant to Sigma clearly showed there was more to it than that.

Brother...jeez, that completely slipped my mind, I had to re-read the VLR notes on that one.  Shouldn't Delta be dead in the timeline that leads to VLR?  He must have had a successor.  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of what VLR told us lines up with him.

Yeah, I was disappointed with the lack of Kyle as well.  As said in my previous post, my own head-canon is that Kyle does not "shift" in the traditional sense but rather accesses the Quantum Computer in the background at some point, meaning that ? is Sean.  It may be a stretch but it's the best fridge logic I can come up with.  Also, I refuse to believe that Kyle and Phi will not see each other again in the new timeline.  That's just way too cold.

I do wonder exactly how much Another End Phi really knew, since we can't really be sure how many other timelines she jumped through during ZTD before going to VLR.  Also I loved that VLR Akane's ring turned out to be a gift from Junpei.  For everything she gave up, she never forgot, even if she made sure that Junpei did.  Might not be in the whole Sigma/Phi/Dianna league with the feels, but not too shabby.[/spoiler]

Gaming / Re: Legend of Zelda - The official Zelda thread
« on: September 02, 2016, 07:16:47 PM »
I'm glad to see they're redoing LoZ Amiibo since Smash's Link and Zelda were IMHO not very well done.  The OoT Link Amiibo looks gorgeous, and even though I'm not a big fan of the Toon style, I might consider Toon Zelda.

I really feel that Nintendo Direct, when you are speaking directly to people most likely to own a Wii U, is not the best time to announce that Yoshi's Woolly World is the new Hyrule Warriors...

Oh well.

I hope that the new sports compilation's version of golf doesn't have the cursor changing speeds mid-swing.  I HATED that about the last 3DS Mario Golf.

Mii Plaza updates are welcome, just got the slot car racer as my freebie.

Gaming / Re: Nintendo NX coming in March 2017
« on: August 23, 2016, 05:58:22 AM »
I wonder if DQXI will make it out of Japan...

Still... Dragonitenite. 8D
I can just imagine Mega Dragonite having a new Ability that makes its attacks induce sleep.

That, or we could just go with Dragonicite.  But where's the fun in that?  8D

There's a lot of speculation as to how/if Mega Evolution fits into Sun and Moon.  No announcement has been made on this, but someone is apparently claiming that the Sun/Moon trainer bracelet can equip one Z crystal AND one Mega Stone, meaning any Mega will be able to use hold items and not just Rayquaza.

...eeexcept that Mega Evolution ALREADY has the trainer holding a stone in their bracelet?  Sounds a little off, but if it's true, at least the game would no longer revolve around Mega Rayquaza, and it would alleviate the "offensive Mega outclassed by Choice/Life Orb" phenomenon.  I personally would have expected Z Moves and Megas to not overlap, as in you'd choose one or the other.  But hey, nobody gave a crap about limits with Primal Reversion (seriously, they need to fix that), so who knows?

Z-Moves kinda felt to me like the answer to the eternal "why doesn't *fill-in-the-Pokemon* have a Mega evolution?" questions.  God knows I'd love my Dragonite to whip out an awesome super-move like that.

...also, this.

I couldn't help myself.

Once my finances get a little more sane, I'll probably want to look into Luigi's Mansion.  Never did get around to that one.

Gaming / Re: List Those Free Games!
« on: August 09, 2016, 06:23:27 AM »
I've seen some people questioning whether that was legitimate.  The lawyer's name is unknown and false DMCA claims are a lot easier to hand out than a false C&D, and Nintendo isn't exactly known for being shy about handing out C&Ds.  Also apparently it's usually NCL that does that, whereas this DMCA claim is alleged to be from NOA.

Ah well, I figured something would likely go haywire so I made sure to download the game promptly.

Alola Ninetales is my instant favorite Fairy type.  If I do nickname it, it'll probably be Nailah for a female or Lunaedge for male.

I'm also curious about how well an Ice/Steel Sandslash would perform.  As lousy a defensive typing as Ice is, coupling it with Steel works great since it only compounds Steel's existing weaknesses instead of adding new ones.  I could definitely see it as being a mean Ice Shard user.

Gaming / Re: Nintendo NX coming in March 2017
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:42:27 AM »
I believe that remark was the author's and not Reggie's.  That said, I wholeheartedly agree.  "Wii" as a brand severely weakened right before Wii U launched, it was bad foresight and while I wouldn't put too much weight on a name alone (that kind of confusion is a symptom of disinterest), it certainly did more harm than good.  Doubly so in the long run, since it seems like ever since late 2015 Nintendo has been abandoning the Wii remote.

The Wii U was basically Nintendo's Playstation 3 in terms of how it was presented.  They came in with sheer arrogance because they assumed last gen's success would carry over, and it bit them square in the ass.  The 8GB SKU was pathetic, and it took them entirely too long to realize that Nintendo Land could never be Wii Sports.  Miyamoto in particular seems to not understand to this day that Wii's success was not based on originality for originality's sake, it was based on intuitiveness.  That's why off-TV play justifies the Gamepad more than Star Fox ever could.

Gaming / Re: VG Music Thread
« on: July 31, 2016, 07:50:07 AM »
This is why I ALWAYS play Mario levels in Fortune Street.


Gaming / Re: Nintendo NX coming in March 2017
« on: July 28, 2016, 07:53:15 AM »
New rumors which may be nothing.  Yay?

Eurogamer has put up a pair of articles going back to the "hybrid device" mentality.  They are claiming that the NX is a handheld with a dock that connects to a TV, the sides of the handheld being detachable controllers, and that it'll be running off of a Tegra chip (claims that the devkits using a fan-cooled Tegra X1).  They are, naturally, sticking to the previous cartridge rumors.

I'm not sure how seriously to take these guys since they admit within one of the articles that prior to these reports they were banking on the "AMD/x86 system that will blow PS4 out of the water" theory.  I think that entire mentality was one giant overreaction to the "industry leading chips" comment that in no way whatsoever specified graphics.  Also, I distinctly recall that Tegra was rumored for the 3DS, which turned out to be false.

If this does turn out to be true, I'd be curious to know if that whole "supplemental computing" patent from a while back may refer to the system dock, to bump up the screen resolution at home (I can't imagine any way in hell Nintendo would put an HD screen on a handheld).  I'd also wonder if the dock can stream from the handheld if the full unit is needed for a particular game (assuming the unit has a touch screen).

I will say this:  If it is true, and Zelda Breath of the Wild is playable on the go, that would be pretty mind-blowing.

Gaming / Re: [sonic slicer] about Sonic
« on: July 28, 2016, 07:14:14 AM »
so apparently, Mania is going to be LONGER THAN GENERATIONS

and have a boss after EVERY act.

Damn son.

also who else watched that stream last night. Was that something or what. It was so bad it became awesome.
So, Sonic, Tails, Knux, and Act1 bosses.  All we need is some Super Emeralds and we've basically got the S3&K formula.

I'm rather shocked that not-Generations-2 is confirmed for the NX yet Mania is for the moment skipping Nintendo platforms.  If anything I'd have expected the other way around.  Renegade Kid is offering to fix that, so here's hoping.

Something that concerned me a little with Mania is the fact that modern devs trying to emulate 8/16-bit game styles have a tendency to forget to keep decent contrast between their background and foreground layers.  I was a bit worried about Studiopolis at first, but the more I see it in motion, they're USUALLY keeping the foreground noticeably brighter, so hopefully it should work out.

Gaming / Re: Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
« on: July 26, 2016, 07:14:53 PM »
Like I said, my main wall was the game room.  There's a hint of "odds" that you'd THINK refers to the odd bet option on the roulette wheel, but it doesn't, it refers to the barely-visible (at least on 3DS, I don't know if the Steam/Vita textures are better) odds disclaimer on the slot machine.  The transporter room wasn't exactly friendly, either, but I did manage.

But wow, he was completely wrong when he claimed ZTD would be a great starting point for newcomers. It barely explains anyone's connection in the beginning. Just vague little plot points.
As someone who jumped in at VLR and missed 999, I kinda have one foot in both camps.  I see it as this: The team leaders in ZTD are all newbies.  If you're unfamiliar with the past titles, then you as a player relate better to Carlos and Diana (Q Team is all newbies so it makes no difference in their case).  If you are a veteran, then your focus shifts to the recurring characters, and Carlos and Diana are basically filler characters until they themselves get up to speed.

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