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Messages - Suppercut ♡

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11 days, 18 hours and 41 minutes.

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: December 05, 2015, 04:55:37 PM »
[spoiler=to those who haven't played Undertale up to this point in the game]
Goddang!! That Mettaton booty.[/spoiler]
NCH one-ups that with a real anime transformation.



It's a kickstarter, by the way.

internal screaming

I am extremely [tornado fang]ing upset that the papers I had that my sponsor told me are my orders aren't my orders at all, and I don't have orders period. I was told to find them online, and they're not there at all. Which means all the busywork I had laid out for this week to be able to leave this godforsaken place on time is totally disrupted for some reason or another. I just wanna go home and see my family and then go do my job on knockoff area 51.

too technical didn't understand: I can't leave because stupid

i must sleep
good night manaverse

Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: December 01, 2015, 04:51:56 AM »
"Oh dear... have I encountered a female bard?" Caetlynn quipped, raising her eyebrow at the smashed patron in interest.

(For the record Borock-bot probably could remove cursed equipment, but I doubt he could remove something as powerful as the Band of Chaos.)
(Yeah, I'm going off of the idea that only the crafter can remove it, and that he gave it to her for a very specific purpose.)

Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:57:15 AM »
"Eheh...It's a long story, really," Caetlynn said tiredly, and added, "The most important part is that I need him to get this cursed thing off of me." She shook her right wrist angrily, the charms attached to the Band of Chaos jingling around but the trinket itself not moving at all, almost as if it were affixed to her skin. "It's a sort of magic trinket that still confuses me to this day. It wields the potential of one of the greatest sorcerers in the universe, but every time I use it, it's always a completely different spell. I still don't think I've managed to go through all of them, and I've only gotten the same spell a few times in the past year or so I've been using it. It does almost any kind of offensive or defensive magic, from fireballs to thunderstorms. It's even summoned a really powerful sword at one point. I think they called it a 'maw-za-moony' or something. Disappeared after an hour, though."

Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:14:38 AM »
"Ah, Caetlynn," she nodded to the man inquiring her name. "I'm a traveler, too. I'm kinda in the need of a group of ragtag adventurers to help me find someone I'm looking for. He's a magician..." Caetlynn measured her hand about six feet from the ground and stated, "about yae tall, though about this tall with his hat on," she moved her hand about a foot and a half up, standing on her tippytoes at this point. She exhaled from exerting her hand in her measurements as she came back down to continue in the party's direction, "Kind of an odd person. Smells like daisies. You've probably never seen him, but I have a couple leads at least." She brought her arm up to attempt to stuff a tuft of hair that escaped her long braided ponytail back into its place, drawing attention to her Band of Chaos.

Okay, I haven't changed a single line of coding, and none of the changelogs for GMS mention anything about fonts or image blending, yet for some reason the code I wrote not too long ago has become so broken for literally no reason whatsoever and I can't figure out why and it's stressing me out because it makes literally no sense please kill me

Past thirty minutes has been me yelling at the screen, "What changed?!" "Why is it doing that?!" "What the hell?!" "What are you (the computer) doing?!" "It was fine earlier, what the hell changed?"

Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
« on: November 29, 2015, 07:52:46 PM »
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse.

Man, I knew this game was good, but man is it good! 8D

I think it's interesting that there's an RPG out there that you can play without killing anyone.

I also think tumblr and its ilk blew up the game too much and it's not really remarkable.

It's backlogged for me anyway.
I dunno man, I for one enjoy the Undertale fan content. There's something about the characters, I guess.

Or maybe I just have filthy taste.

Screw it.

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 27, 2015, 04:53:39 PM »
I'd call now a good time to hop in with Supps, I suppose.
I'm not sure what you mean here, I'm mostly waiting on a response from the group. I mean, if I were still back over at the bar, I'd make some fun quip before walking over, like "ayy knock it off" but uh... I dunno, it'd be weird now unless I just, like, I dunno... took a look over my shoulder at you while I'm responding to my response...?

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: November 26, 2015, 08:51:45 PM »
This gif keeps messing up on tumblr so let's find out if it's screwing up here.

If it doesn't screw up, this gif is 100% me.

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: November 26, 2015, 07:57:53 PM »

oops sorry i saw this post and I ruined it

Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: November 26, 2015, 04:13:00 AM »
"Fly in, you say..." Caetlynn casually fished around the bag she kept concealed in an unknown area, pulling out 50 gil and sliding it on the bartop towards the orc. She eyed over the party Grak had motioned to, sizing them up.

Naturally, Pema caught her eye first. The appeal of an adorable little-sister character in the party practically drew Caetlynn in herself, and she cracked a bright smile. Overall the group seemed rather appealing to her. Picking her bag back up and concealing it again, again with nobody witnessing where it went, she casually moved closer to the table.

"Hey there! You seem like you're from pretty far from here. Are you guys travelers?" Caetlynn started, hoping that pretending like she didn't know they were adventurers would get them to talk about their quest.

((Also, the spell system is nearly complete, I just need to copy over the 50+ spells from the notepad I had into the format the program reads them in... It actually features a cool little tagging system thingy, where I can have certain elements of spells be random as well. For example, Summon Sword's effect text says to summon [Sword], which triggers the program to search for a random Sword and insert it there, resulting in one spell potentially summoning anything from a long sword to a claymore to a buster sword or even faux versions of legendary blades.))

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: November 26, 2015, 03:26:16 AM »

Wait, do we have a manga screencap thread? (Sauce isn't actually NSFW for the most part, just a collection of trap fluff, really)

Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: November 26, 2015, 03:05:25 AM »
After a very long amount of walking, Caetlynn stumbled upon The Spoony Bard in a less than favorable mood. She was attracted to the general area after witnessing an odd magical lightshow somewhere in the area akin to a star falling. Figuring she would need a place to crash temporarily, and hoping the establishment could potentially house an encounter with a new ragtag group of adventurer escorts, she strode through the door.

As she walked in, she caught the eye of a lot of patrons -- some ogling, and some wondering what exactly brought a young girl in such an... interesting outfit to The Spoony Bard. Some lowered murmurs mixed into the usual merriment as Caetlynn passively attracted attention.

Collecting herself, she sauntered over to the bar where Grak, the owner, was, and proceeded to fish around for her money. The various charms clinked together as they hung from her Chaos Band, a mysterious armband that practically had an aura of its own separate from Caetlynn's. As if nothing was unnatural about the situation, she calmly asked the orc with a hint of exhaustion in her voice, "Hey, are you the owner? Is there a room open?"

((The idea is that she was left for dead by the last group she was in due to an unsettling reveal; whether or not the reveal was her real gender is up to the coin flip when we check, haha.))

*adds a layer to the hug* 8)

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 25, 2015, 12:21:12 PM »
Spoiler: That hug would net you a missing wallet and POSSIBLY a knife in your spine

unless you're cute

then it's just the wallet
she would steal my heart in the process too~ <3

Mabel died.
I know I told myself I would curse less, but...
[parasitic bomb], man. That's [tornado fang]ing terrible. >^<
Will try to send spirit hugs tonight. :'(

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 25, 2015, 03:51:11 AM »
I like the heels. They go well with the pants.

Though the flannel screams butch lesbian to me  8D
I told her I wasn't a fan of the flannel, but she was all, "noooo you try, you try". I mean it's alright but yeah butch was kind of the first word I had for it.

I have a cute short blue dress and cardigan I can't wait to wear, but I really gotta clean up my hairy arms and legs. It's actually past my wrists now, not to mention I'd like to wear my leggings without hair catching on it.

Also, heels are a rite of passage for any femboy. :V

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 25, 2015, 12:51:29 AM »

how does my new belt look
Had to adjust my perception a bit, for a second there I wasn't sure if you were showing off an armband or something (I also had no idea it was RPM best grill until like ten seconds and two posts later).

Good stuff though, good stuff. owob

Meanwhile I have another friend trying to help me with my cuteness and bolster my self confidence. This is outfit 1 of 2, the other one is more dressy but this is the only one I managed to take a picture of. I'm not 100% fond of it as it looks a bit more masculine than I normally do, but it actually strikes a nice balance in my eye.
[spoiler]oh my god puush are you flipping serious right now[/spoiler]
I really do like skinny jeans, I just wish they'd stop sliding down so much. O:<
I have a long weekend ahead of me, so maybe I'll manage to squeeze myself into my cuter outfit and I'll have some nicer photos then.

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 25, 2015, 12:43:15 AM »
Sketch/lineart is in for manaverse.

Courtesy of
Assuming you were going for QT, 10/10 would hug

...Wasn't I supposed to get an introduction?

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 23, 2015, 02:47:26 AM »
I guess I'll wait until everybody makes it to the inn first before I post, I guess. I just have to figure out her approach. The only way I could see this character approaching the party is if she assumes they're adventurers, and she's looking for a party.

As for backstory, I actually didn't have a lot thought up in advance. Though one idea I have to go off of is a sort of nod to Samurai Champloo, where she introduces herself as a caster looking for a wizard who smells like daisies. XD

Also, I feel like making it so she learns to gain more control over her magic, which I've decided is made so "random" through her Band of Chaos, a trinket that unlocks an unfathomable array of spells no spellcaster could possibly remember all at once, all managed by being chosen at random. I think an improvement she will make down the line is sort of an attempt to put the spells into "categories" in order to get better use out of the spells she needs while still having some RNG to deal with.

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