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Messages - Klavier Gavin

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Gaming / Re: Dead Rising 2: Case 0 is out on XBLA!
« on: September 15, 2010, 06:05:16 PM »


Interest = 0

Same here.

Posted on: September 15, 2010, 07:28:00 AM
Trailer and [parasitic bomb].

I swear if they replace the music with hip hop...

To be honest, I lol'd reading that. I'd probably rage if they do though.

Posted on: September 15, 2010, 07:10:35 AM

Just confirmed:

Ninja Theory are making DMC5.

Indeed. 8D

Edit: Yeah Klavier beat me to it.


lol thread title change.

5:55 They are making a new Devil May Cry -- called "DMC"
5:55 The game shows a young man changed up in what looks like is a mental institution
5:56 a voice asks
5:56 What is your name over and over again
5:56 the same guy, cleaned up and wearing a spiffy Devil May Cry suit
5:57 is smoking a cigarette, which he puts out on a baddie's face
5:57 he fires dual pistols, spins and shoot
5:57 bad ass
5:57 the voice asks again: "what is your name?"
5:58 back to the young man chained up -- a robotic sphere with a glowing red eye looks at him
5:58 and the young man, cleaned up and cool, is taking down baddies
5:58 and the voice says "I'm going to ask you again, what is your name?"
5:59 and the young man goes "My name is Dante" and then jumps through the air
5:59 "DMC" flashes on the screen
5:59 the trailer obviously shows a younger -- maybe more rebellious dante
6:00 the game is being developed by ninja theory

From Kotaku's Capcom TGS Live Blog.

Gaming / Re: Dead Rising 2: Case 0 is out on XBLA!
« on: September 15, 2010, 01:29:05 PM »
I'll just post this here.

5:21 Capcom announced Dead Rising Case: West
5:22 It is an epilogue to the series. The game features Dead Rising 2 hero Chuck Greene -- *and* Dead Rising hero Frank West.
5:23 A short trailer showed Chuck Greene standing over Fortune City.
5:23 He says he must prove his innocence.
5:23 And he says he has someone to help him. That is Frank West.
5:24 The game is an Xbox 360 exclusive -- a downloadable title.
5:24 It takes place after the events of Dead Rising 2.

From Kotaku's Capcom TGS Live Blog.

Edit: Dead Rising: Case West trailer

Gaming / Re: Sonic Colors (Wii, DS)
« on: September 15, 2010, 12:46:54 PM »


“We know they look delicious, but please refrain from licking the rides. That would be disgusting. Do you know where those rides have been?”

[tornado fang]ing Eggman. 8D

Also, Tails' new voice at the one minute mark.


Gaming / Re: The Kingdom Hearts Thread
« on: September 15, 2010, 10:26:06 AM »

Gaming / Re: Sonic Colors (Wii, DS)
« on: September 14, 2010, 01:50:45 PM »
Honestly, In SA1 and SA2, I can admit the soundtracks were awesome. Corny, but awesome, in a "pull our childish heartstrings" kind of way.


Sonic Heroes sucked in terms of theme songs

Oh [tornado fang] you, Follow me and Team Chaotix are awesome! D:

What I'm Made Of... was meh, but I still liked it.


Eggman theme remix, and maybe the two Crush 40 songs.

Sonic the Hedgehog

I would say Sweet, sweet, sweet/Sweet Dream, but the whole rap thing kinda ruined it.


Theme was okay, had a few stage songs I like.

Secret Rings had SOME improvements but seriously, the more I hear, the less I like. (and yes, I admit, SO MANY [tornado fang]ing REPETITIONS OF THE TITLE)

[parasitic bomb]'s awesome though. D:

Black Knight.

Knight of the Wind, Fight the Knight, With Me, and Live Life. Some stage songs were pretty good, then there are the remixes of the character themes from the Adventure games. :v

Gaming / Re: Sonic Colors (Wii, DS)
« on: September 14, 2010, 09:00:10 AM »
Knowing him, he's probably referring to the fact that the name of the song is "His World"

You know me so well. 8D

Gaming / Re: Sonic Colors (Wii, DS)
« on: September 14, 2010, 08:55:06 AM »

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: September 14, 2010, 06:12:32 AM »
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that blue guy censorship real? Seriously?

Yes. Along with other things, like editing out "kill/killed", "shut up", "stupid", the opening credits, nudity, and instead of Goku having a halo when he's dead, he has a little glowing ball of light above his head.

I don't know why, but I chuckled.

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: September 13, 2010, 03:56:18 PM »

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: September 11, 2010, 08:30:18 PM »
To be the best, like no one ever was.

Catching them is your real test, training them is your cause and [parasitic bomb].

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: September 11, 2010, 07:35:13 PM »
Not to mention, THREE GYM LEADERS?


Oh Thanatos.

Gen3, two gym leaders, double battles, etc.

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: September 11, 2010, 06:28:02 PM »
I hate stupid rumors.

Especially when they turn out to be true.


Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:57:25 PM »
Anyways am I the only one who likes that Mummy pokemon...

No, pretty much everyone does.

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:53:40 PM »

>Real name is North
>Has a brother named South
>South is the Champion of the Pokemon League
>Also has two sisters, East and West

[tornado fang] yeah, rumors. :v

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:46:15 PM »
Nah, the only kinda-rage thing he said was that how can an otter end up becoming a unicorn thing XD

Indeed. Yet, he read those Pokemon Peer interviews or whatever.

People are still arguing that the starter evos are fake.

[parasitic bomb] is making me lol.

And wait a minute what the heck is N's role now?

There's a rumor going around that his real name is North and that he has a brother named South who is the Champion of the Pokemon League, and they also have two sisters named East and West.


Gaming / Re: Sonic Colors (Wii, DS)
« on: September 11, 2010, 01:19:27 PM »

lol he shitted 2 pieces of gold, then just shitted out [parasitic bomb].

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