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Topics - Skaarg

Pages: 1
Rockman Series / The Blue Bomber in 3D Dot Game Hero
« on: May 22, 2010, 02:55:37 AM »
Well I got to looking at the two videos Protodude posted on his blog earlier and noticed there are no download links for either of those so I figured I'd try and fix this, by making my own version to share.

So this took about 20 minutes of work, but I think it looks decent. Hope you enjoy and feel free to improve upon and share!

Preview Image

Any other Mega Man themed characters you guys have would be awesome to download and try out!

Edit - I actually decided to do a quick edit to make a Protoman character and I'll possibly upload that later tonight when I get home. Waving cape when walking included. =P

Rockman Series / The PC games
« on: September 15, 2009, 10:46:54 PM »
As a couple of you might know I'm trying to collect all of the US released Mega Man games, and well I am actually almost done with consoles and handhelds. I have 5 console games left and 3 handheld games left (going by what has been released so far). Well soon I'll be at the point where I'll really have to work on the PC versions of games. Well unfortunately all I have is a complete copy of X5 so far.

After searching around on the internet I've compiled a list of US released games, but I wanted to make sure it's accurate, and hopefully some of you can help?

Mega Man - 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 floppy
Mega Man 3 - 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 floppy and CD-ROM bundled with Street Fighter 2
Mega Man X - CD-ROM (game alone, and a version bundled with a controller)
Mega Man X3 - CD-ROM
Mega Man X4 - CD-ROM
Mega Man X5 - CD-ROM
Mega Man X three pack - CD-ROM comes with X3-X5
Mega Man X8 - CD-ROM or DVD? I haven't found the answer for this yet.
Mega Man Legends - CD-ROM

Some sites also say Legends 2 was released, but from my reading it looks like it was set to be released and even got a SKU which can be found by looking online, but was never actually released. Whenever I've sent Capcom an email asking about this I've gotten nothing in return.  :|

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