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Topics - newbalance84

Pages: 1
Fan Games / Mega Man Escape Velocity
« on: February 27, 2010, 03:07:13 AM »
Greetings, everyone.  The name's newbalance84, and I'm a new challenger to these parts.  I've been working on a fangame for the past few months, even though I am inexperienced in game programming and design.  I'm teaching myself to sprite, make tiles, and use Game Maker 8.0 (I have Multimedia Fusion 2, but I haven't looked at it as much).  So far, I've sprited all eight Robot Masters (provided below), the weapon sprites (also below, but a few need further work), the color palettes (ditto), and am working on six tilesets.  

Edit: The story of Escape Velocity involves our hero, the Blue Bomber, confronting an invasion of eight new robots from outer space (they each hail from different planets).  The group is led by two mysterious robots, Astute and Vortex, who have eradicated/colonized every other planet except for Earth (their last stop).  There's more, though: one night, Dr. Wily's castle is attacked by the eight robots...and Bass, as well.  With all his robots trashed, in addition to his lair decaying in disarray, Wily contacts Dr. Light and Mega Man.  Our hero believes it is a trap, but once Wily reveals that Bass is assisting in the attacks, Mega Man blasts off to the fortress (with Rush) in a blink.  The plate is stacked to the sky with dangers this time...

Note: I do realize that certain RMs, like Armor, Rocket, and Noise, are used by other creators, but so are Blade, Shark, Spike, Pyro, and Flare (and others), so whatever.  To me, it's a matter of design, weapon, stage, and behavior.  Any questions or comments are appreciated.  More to come in the future.  Hope you like my work.

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