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Messages - dzamper

Pages: 1
Original / Re: Megaman 9 & 10 are just ripping off
« on: February 05, 2010, 04:51:49 PM »
Well, I know that most of the robot masters have some kind of natural power, like water/fire/ice/rock/speed/timestopping/flying/whatever, but there are still many options left. And Sheepman actually splits into CLOUDS. If it would be Sheepman, it would shoot fur bullets that blind enemies or something. But this feels like Capcom was "Okay, we have only 7 robot masters, so let's copy some of the old ones. Okay, Cloud is cool, just give him some other name because Cloud Man II sounds stupid. Brainstorm. Cloud is fluffy. Maybe something fluffy. Sheep. Sheepman. Sheeps don't shoot thunders, so let it split into clouds. Clouds shoot thunders. /topic". Okay, maybe I nitpick too much here, but I'm certainly not like "OMGZ ALL BOSSES HAZ BLACK OUTLINES PLAGIARISM!!11!!eleven11!". Similarities are fun. Copies are not. Maybe many companies are doing this, but also many people kill and steal. You can, but you don't need too be like them.

It amazes me how one "group" of you tell me that I'm Cpt. Obvious, while the others try to tell me that I'm completely 101% wrong. Also, why you tell me I'm on the rage like "I MUST BE RIGHT IT'S BASED ON ATLANTIS' SCIENTISTS WORK IF YOU DON'T AGREE THEN YOU HAVE NO BRAIN", when I wrote only two messages, with no exclamation marks or offensive phrases.

Original / Re: Megaman 9 & 10 are just ripping off
« on: February 03, 2010, 03:44:53 PM »
THAT'S the earliest shield weapon you can think of?!
No, these are the most similar shield weapons I can think of. Also, I know how they started to run off ideas in 4 (or even in 3 & 2), but come on, this is whole five out of eight weapons and five out of eight bosses. And there's probably even more.

Original / Megaman 9 & 10 are just ripping off
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:07:40 PM »
Hornet Chaser - Dive Missile
Jewel Satellite - Skull Barrier/Star Crash
Magma Bazooka - Atomic Fire
Plug Ball - Bubble Lead
Tornado Blow - Gravity Hold

Sheepman - Cloudman/Elecman
Commandoman - Searchman
Blademan - Tennguman/Swordman
Chillman - Iceman/Blizzardman/Coldman
Pumpman - Oilman

On side note I think that MM5 bosses are the only one that aren't ripping off other robots and are not ripped off by other robots at the same thime.  8D

1: what only 6 robots
2: is good
3: good and too long
4: underrated and even longer
5: kinda good and even longer
6: 8 letter boss names and even longer
7: 16bit is good
8: 32bit is not good
B: 16bit 32bit styled is also not good
9: 8bit is better
10: 8bit and 8 letter boss names for 2nd time is not good

Rockman Series / Re: The way you play Mega Man games
« on: May 05, 2009, 09:23:00 PM »
Jumping thru the gates, huzzah! Also standing subpixel from the gate and then entering it, you know, I bet everyone will have same facial expression and behave like normal while having ability to move while sliding without moving (lol). Speaking of abilities, I mainly use P-Buster, when I have Mega Buster/X Buster/whateva I rarely charge when not needed because sound is annoying. I RARELY use any special weapons, I would more likely risk death than using Rush or weapons special abilities (and that makes some stages harder for me than they really are). I always go through the lasers in Quickman's stage without using Flash Stopper (it's useful for Quickman itself, or I just pwn him with one correctly placed Crash Bomber). And I always suceed 8D (it got a bit boring, though. You know, being perfect all the time is not so nice). Speaking of Crash Bombs, if boss is relatively easy to me I always try to beat him after dying. Having orbs frozen on screen after beating boss is priceless :P Just all what I can remember, I will post/edit if I recall something more.

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: April 21, 2009, 06:36:43 PM »
Oh, just noticed. IDK anyone did, but don't blame if someone actually knew. It's just so obvious, but I feel like needing to point.

Splash Woman's bubble puzzle. Wave Man, anybody?

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: April 17, 2009, 05:42:58 PM »
I don't know, but maybe it's it. In Megaman 9, when Megaman dies, the game freezes for a second before playing the "death sound", just like in Megaman 1, but unlike the other ones.

General / Re: What did you get for Christmas?
« on: December 25, 2008, 07:40:51 PM »
Some chocolate things and Super Mario Galaxy :D Oh, and I won a reg code for a New Star Soccer 4 in Christmas Contest!  8D

Original / Re: Favourite RMs
« on: November 17, 2008, 10:07:50 PM »
Megaman 1: Cutman
Megaman 2: Quickman
Megaman 3: Snakeman
Megaman 4: Pharaohan
Megaman 5: Gravityman
Megaman 6: Tomahawkman? Seriously, I have no idea.
Megaman 7: Springman
Megaman 8: Tenguman
Megaman B: Tenguman
Megaman 9: Plugman
Overall Favourite: Elecman  8D

Off The Wall / Re: Post a Random Fact About Yourself
« on: November 13, 2008, 11:24:18 PM »
I nose-pick sometimes... ... ...Where is everybody? Come back!  :(

News and Announcements / Re: Another RPM Revival~
« on: November 08, 2008, 04:13:35 PM »
Ahh I had to register again  X(

Pages: 1