RockmanPM Forums

Other Things => Off The Wall => Topic started by: Pringer X on January 04, 2010, 10:42:07 PM

Title: Little things that you hate
Post by: Pringer X on January 04, 2010, 10:42:07 PM
What are some of the little things in life that you just hate? I don't mean like stuff that just causes you to rant and rave half a page, just certain things like [Bumpity-Boom!] that cut you in traffic and forced you to miss the last chance to past a green traffic light or getting to a store and not finding what you wanted on your list.

One thing that annoys me is whenever I burp after drinking a soda, the fix just shoots up into my nose and it stings for awhile ><
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dexter Dexter on January 04, 2010, 10:55:15 PM
One thing that annoys me is whenever I burp after drinking a soda, the fix just shoots up into my nose and it stings for awhile ><
Quoted for the truth.

One of those "little things" that bugs me is people chewing with their mouth open, and also, feeling dizzy after sitting down on a sofa for a long time.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: DjKlzonez on January 04, 2010, 10:58:26 PM
If is there something i hate everyday, is those first 20 seconds when you wake up:
1.-opening the eyes and can't see anything for 5 seconds.
2.-asking yourself ''where am i? oh, bed''
3.-the big yawn.
4.-stretching yourself and hear all those bones crunching.
Seriously, why we can't awake like a kid on x-mas morning searching for his presents?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Sky on January 04, 2010, 11:07:04 PM
that little ache you get in your stomach after you waited for a long time to pee

the feeling of your kidneys recovering from being stretched out is like the morning after drunken buttsex only not as bad
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on January 05, 2010, 12:13:03 AM
Let's see...

There's that strange occurrence of paralysis when one is drifting between consciousness and unconsciousness when you've just woken up, and one is aware of their state, but can only breathe, and all other movement is impossible.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Tickle Buffalo on January 05, 2010, 01:20:09 AM

[tornado fang] i am so witty
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 05, 2010, 06:24:12 AM
When I take my coat/hoodie/jacket off of a hanger in our coat closet in the front room, if the same EXACT hanger isn't there because someone used it for their coat, I get upset.  Mind you, there are plenty of hangers in the coat closet, but if it's not the same one, it just...bothers me.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Nekomata on January 05, 2010, 06:27:20 AM
every single person who has posted in this thread.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Rad Lionheart on January 05, 2010, 06:27:41 AM
Except me, right?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 05, 2010, 06:42:44 AM
every single person who has posted in this thread.

But I thought you loved yourself?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Rad Lionheart on January 05, 2010, 06:46:21 AM
I'm still an exception though, right?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Pringer X on January 05, 2010, 07:03:51 AM
But I thought you loved yourself?

Nekomata is hatred incarnate, Nekomata hates all, HULK SMASH!
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Rad Lionheart on January 05, 2010, 07:05:58 AM
But that means I'm still loved?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Pringer X on January 05, 2010, 07:06:49 AM
Give me a cookie and I'll love you, deal?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Tickle Buffalo on January 05, 2010, 07:08:12 AM
every single person who has posted in this thread.

Hey, my girlfriend assured me I was huge after she stopped laughing.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 05, 2010, 07:09:35 AM
I'm still an exception though, right?

C-3PB0 - "No, I don't think she's likes you at all!"

RAD2-D2 - *whistles*

C-3PB0 - "No....I don't like you either!"
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Rad Lionheart on January 05, 2010, 07:10:56 AM
That was funny until I realized I couldn't whistle, now I'm just depressed.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Sapphire Knight on January 05, 2010, 07:45:01 AM
Now let's see...

-bad grammar, especially after correction
-Abel (from Street Fighter 4)
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Quickman on January 05, 2010, 08:52:49 AM
When people smack their lips.  God, it might as well be nails on a chalkboard, I hate it so much.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on January 05, 2010, 05:31:25 PM
-People chewing with their mouth open
-Bad grammar
-People exiting through the emergency exit door in the subway
-People exiting through the front door of the bus when other people need to get on
-People trying to get on a bus that's already full
-People who, for some reason, have to walk in a straight path continuously, and if one is in their way, they will not go around them, and instead, will shove them out of the way
-Bad drivers (I don't drive, but people who can't follow fundamental traffic laws is just upsetting)
-"...where it's at." or any variant thereof
-People who won't read (e.g. "Hey, where does this bus go?" and the destination is displayed in huge [tornado fang]ing letters on the front of the bus.)
-People who repeat statements more than one consecutively/in succession
-People in class who say "What's the point of learning this? We're never gonna use this in our lives" or any variant thereof.

-People who think one's ethnicity/race should be a factor in anything other than racism
-People who abuse the phrases "kiddy [parasitic bomb]," "young adult," "mature," etc.
-People who barge into threads about things they don't like and post such bullshit as "WHY DO YOU PEOPLE PLAY THIS HURP DERP DURR"
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dexter Dexter on January 05, 2010, 05:42:51 PM
DAMN, that's a lot. Well, that's what you get for livin' in NYC, folks. The people there just don't want to be responsible (no offense to any NYC residents here).

Also: Children, dogs, most parents and some TV commercials.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Archer on January 05, 2010, 05:48:23 PM
-People in class who say "What's the point of learning this? We're never gonna use this in our lives" or any variant thereof.
But I won't ever use it.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on January 05, 2010, 06:11:37 PM
But I won't ever use it.
Okay, maybe I should clarify.
I don't like it when people say that as an excuse to not do anything in class, as if the teacher will somehow agree with them and say "Okay, since there's no point, we'll just order pizza and coke using the principal's credit card!"
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dexter Dexter on January 05, 2010, 06:13:33 PM
People who think the number of chicks they nail is proportional to how much power you have. O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:< O:<
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Archer on January 05, 2010, 06:13:59 PM
Okay, maybe I should clarify.
I don't like it when people say that as an excuse to not do anything in class, as if the teacher will somehow agree with them and say "Okay, since there's no point, we'll just order pizza and coke using the principal's credit card!"
Ah. I get you now.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 05, 2010, 06:59:06 PM
-People exiting through the emergency exit door in the subway

Now is this because of the annoying sound it makes, or because you actually believe that they serve some sort of emergency purpose?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Nekomata on January 05, 2010, 07:37:25 PM
the fact this should be in forum games when it isn't.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on January 05, 2010, 07:39:54 PM
or because you actually believe that they serve some sort of emergency purpose?
Okay, I guess its purpose is only ideal.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Waifu on January 05, 2010, 07:46:52 PM
I hate all the symbolism that I see in the most prolific novels, games and etc., so you mean to tell me that Rosebud was the sled? Or some oother object meant sexual awakening? 
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on January 05, 2010, 07:52:31 PM
so you mean to tell me that Rosebud was the sled? Or some oother object meant sexual awakening? 
is dat sum Citizen Kane
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 05, 2010, 11:45:06 PM
Okay, I guess its purpose is only ideal.

Its purpose should have never been made into an Emergency Exit.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dexter Dexter on January 05, 2010, 11:53:11 PM
There should be more personnel in the subway. 'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 05, 2010, 11:57:01 PM
The subway pretty much just needs to run better.  I mean, I love the NYC Subway but essentially we are paying more money and the service gets worse.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dexter Dexter on January 06, 2010, 12:11:31 AM
BLAME THE PEOPLE. They do stupid [parasitic bomb] in the subway (i.e., such as delaying service by holding the doors open, etc.), which results in shitty service. If this keeps up then NYC doesn't deserve the Second Avenue Subway. People tend to take public property for granted because they pay taxes that that the city needs as funds for that property, but the people use taxes as an excuse to do whatever the [tornado fang] they want out in the streets despite any laws that are enforced because they see taxes as a nuisance.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on January 06, 2010, 12:20:47 AM
Its purpose should have never been made into an Emergency Exit.
I don't understand.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Sakura Leic on January 06, 2010, 12:33:25 AM
I hate how I feel a hell of a lot smarter than most of the students and 1 or 2 teachers yet I know I'm not so great.  The fact that no one thinks ahead at all.  And for some reason I feel like I should be praised but I haven't anything expect what I'm supposed to do because no one in my school cares about others and they even make fun of me for being serious most of the time.  O^O

Can somebody explain this to me because I've been thinking about this for a long time but I don't get why I'm feeling like this and it's really bugging me. :'(
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 06, 2010, 12:40:13 AM
BLAME THE PEOPLE. They do stupid [parasitic bomb] in the subway (i.e., such as delaying service by holding the doors open, etc.), which results in shitty service. If this keeps up then NYC doesn't deserve the Second Avenue Subway.

It's not just the people.  A sick passenger does not make the 7 Train suddenly decide to skip all the Local Stops going one way.  Holding doors open does not delay a train 30 minutes or make a train not go from Queens to Manhattan or divert the routes every other weekend.  The MTA is cutting back service and asking us to pay more for a MetroCard.

And the Second Ave line is to try to ease up the amount of people who take the 4 and 5 train, which is chaos incarnate during Rush Hour.  I'd rather they extend the N & W train to LaGuardia Airport or extend the 7 Train to the Jacob Javitz Center.

I don't understand.

Making regular exits into emergency exits serves absolutely no purpose.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dexter Dexter on January 06, 2010, 12:57:29 AM
It's not just the people.  A sick passenger does not make the 7 Train suddenly decide to skip all the Local Stops going one way.  Holding doors open does not delay a train 30 minutes or make a train not go from Queens to Manhattan or divert the routes every other weekend.  The MTA is cutting back service and asking us to pay more for a MetroCard.

And the Second Ave line is to try to ease up the amount of people who take the 4 and 5 train, which is chaos incarnate during Rush Hour.  I'd rather they extend the N & W train to LaGuardia Airport or extend the 7 Train to the Jacob Javitz Center.
I retire my argument about the Second Avenue Subway, but I now present to you another major problem: litter. I don't see why it is so hard to hold on to your trash until you pass by a trash receptacle. This could be a contributing factor to the MTA's budget gap because the MTA pays subway personnel (i.e., janitors) to clean up after the people.

Also, about the MTA reducing service and raising the fare, you can add that to the list of things that pester me. Major companies that pinch their pennies and try to milk as much money as possible from the people.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Sakura Leic on January 06, 2010, 01:01:11 AM
And another thing that I don't get at all why are people so impaitent, rude, inconsiderate and have such short attention spands in this generation and below?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Black Mage J on January 06, 2010, 01:09:20 AM
Its television and the fact that this generation needs to be entertained ALL the time, they cant just sit there for a couple of hours, me being the serious type in my circle of friends cant even explain that there is NO WAY that that truck had black people giving you the finger and had a gun out ready to kill you, especially in this town, and I saw it with my own eyes, I saw no gun or middle finger.
The thing there is that kids tend to twist the truth about to entertain them, sigh, such imagination wasted.

Wait, did I just rant?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Sakura Leic on January 06, 2010, 01:14:28 AM
Wait, did I just rant?
Nah you didn't really seem angry or encentic enough for it to be a rant.  At least to me...I think.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 06, 2010, 01:34:08 AM
I retire my argument about the Second Avenue Subway, but I now present to you another major problem: litter. I don't see why it is so hard to hold on to your trash until you pass by a trash receptacle. This could be a contributing factor to the MTA's budget gap because the MTA pays subway personnel (i.e., janitors) to clean up after the people.

Oh, that you can definitely blame the people for.  It really has nothing to do with the MTA Budget Gap, but still people are inconsiderate.  Not everyone, but all it takes is a few to make a train look disgusting.  Sadly though, with so many people living in NYC, without strict rules, there's not much you can do.

And another thing that I don't get at all why are people so impaitent, rude, inconsiderate and have such short attention spands in this generation and below?

Oh, that's easy: Instant Information & Communication.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Sakura Leic on January 06, 2010, 01:35:40 AM
Oh, that's easy: Instant Information & Communication.
Yeah I can see that.  What about my first question?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Black Mage J on January 06, 2010, 01:43:41 AM
Nah you didn't really seem angry or encentic enough for it to be a rant.  At least to me...I think.
Whew, good thing I expressed my opinions reasonably.
I hate how I feel a hell of a lot smarter than most of the students and 1 or 2 teachers yet I know I'm not so great.  The fact that no one thinks ahead at all.  And for some reason I feel like I should be praised but I haven't anything expect what I'm supposed to do because no one in my school cares about others and they even make fun of me for being serious most of the time.  O^O

Can somebody explain this to me because I've been thinking about this for a long time but I don't get why I'm feeling like this and it's really bugging me. :'(
Because you do not see yourself better, rather different which makes you feel kind of left out, I know I sometimes do, but then I remember that I am looking towards the future and aren't stupid enough to steal a dammed pizza when the lunch lady and a bunch of other kids ARE RIGHT [tornado fang]ing THERE! Seems it has to do with status. You should try to be proud of your genius and maturity. You aren't missing much anyways.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: VixyNyan on January 06, 2010, 01:46:38 AM
I think that also counts for most of us on RPM, Nova. >U<
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Gaia on January 06, 2010, 01:47:09 AM
I hate how I feel a hell of a lot smarter than most of the students and 1 or 2 teachers yet I know I'm not so great.  The fact that no one thinks ahead at all.  And for some reason I feel like I should be praised but I haven't anything expect what I'm supposed to do because no one in my school cares about others and they even make fun of me for being serious most of the time.  O^O

Can somebody explain this to me because I've been thinking about this for a long time but I don't get why I'm feeling like this and it's really bugging me. :'(

It can be that High School is so unforgiving. I spent the last year and graduation alone without my friends (or in this case "so-called friends"). >.>
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Police Girl on January 06, 2010, 01:47:20 AM
Those God Damn Stickers Gamestop and Best Buy put on their DVD's and Game Cases. I just want to have a nice looking front cover. I don't want to have to use Goo Gone or pick at it with my fingers and either A. Rip the packaging (Which will happen with DVD's with Slipcovers), B. Have sticky smudges on the covers (Evangelion 1.0 and MMSF3 are my main complaint with that.) Or C. Have sticker remnants (The little white parts leftover that are really hard to get off.) Make the damn stickers easier to remove! Not this Industrial glue thats impossible to get off in one fell swoop!
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on January 06, 2010, 01:49:04 AM
Making regular exits into emergency exits serves absolutely no purpose.
Is that what happened?

It's not just the people.  A sick passenger does not make the 7 Train suddenly decide to skip all the Local Stops going one way.  Holding doors open does not delay a train 30 minutes or make a train not go from Queens to Manhattan or divert the routes every other weekend.  The MTA is cutting back service and asking us to pay more for a MetroCard.

And the Second Ave line is to try to ease up the amount of people who take the 4 and 5 train, which is chaos incarnate during Rush Hour.  I'd rather they extend the N & W train to LaGuardia Airport or extend the 7 Train to the Jacob Javitz Center.
It seems to me this is one of those chicken-or-egg situations. Even though corporations do tend to shake people down for profits, people also cost any public service a great deal (e.g. their "I pay goddamn taxes so I'm entitled to treat this place the way I want" or something).

My father, an MTA bus driver, tells me that fares paid by customers aren't enough for the MTA to pay for their costs, so they also receive subsidies from the state and federal government. I don't know if that's relevant in any way, though.

I don't like how the family car is better heated than my home.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Black Mage J on January 06, 2010, 01:50:10 AM
I think that also counts for most of us on RPM, Nova. >U<
70 birds with one stone, then.
Those God Damn Stickers Gamestop and Best Buy put on their DVD's and Game Cases. I just want to have a nice looking front cover. I don't want to have to use Goo Gone or pick at it with my fingers and either A. Rip the packaging (Which will happen with DVD's with Slipcovers), B. Have sticky smudges on the covers (Evangelion 1.0 and MMSF3 are my main complaint with that.) Or C. Have sticker remnants (The little white parts leftover that are really hard to get off.) Make the damn stickers easier to remove! Not this Industrial glue thats impossible to get off in one fell swoop!
Don't we all?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: VixyNyan on January 06, 2010, 01:52:27 AM
I know that I'm proud of my genius maturity and fighting for a brighter future. PB thinks so too. ^^
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Sakura Leic on January 06, 2010, 01:53:48 AM

You should try to be proud of your genius and maturity. You aren't missing much anyways.
I know I'm not missing out on anything but how the heck do I stop people from making fun of me.  I try not to react and ignore them but they just keep doing it.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Black Mage J on January 06, 2010, 01:58:27 AM
Simple, you act like them, then take over thier puny minds soon enough, the school and the surronding middle and elementary schools shall be yours! MUAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH! Well maybe that wont work for you, sorry I can't be of bigger help, but all I can say is try and fit in with the crowd, or find others like you and start some kinds of group, which could get it out of your mind. Or they are just teasing you and you should ignore it.
I know that I'm proud of my genius maturity and fighting for a brighter future. PB thinks so too. ^^
I knew I belonged here.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on January 06, 2010, 02:09:40 AM
I know I'm not missing out on anything but how the heck do I stop people from making fun of me.  I try not to react and ignore them but they just keep doing it.
Make fun of you? Why?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dexter Dexter on January 06, 2010, 02:16:16 AM
I know I'm not missing out on anything but how the heck do I stop people from making fun of me.  I try not to react and ignore them but they just keep doing it.
How exactly are they doing it?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 06, 2010, 02:48:12 AM
I hate how I feel a hell of a lot smarter than most of the students and 1 or 2 teachers yet I know I'm not so great.  The fact that no one thinks ahead at all.  And for some reason I feel like I should be praised but I haven't anything expect what I'm supposed to do because no one in my school cares about others and they even make fun of me for being serious most of the time.  O^O

Can somebody explain this to me because I've been thinking about this for a long time but I don't get why I'm feeling like this and it's really bugging me. :'(

To answer this question, lots of people make fun of others for being so serious at times because they themselves are not.  Mind you, it's okay to be serious as the world needs more people to be serious, but to be overly serious all the time can be somewhat detrimental to your social development.  It's good, almost necessary, to be silly once in a while.  Laughter & downright childishness is important for keeping one sane.  Joking around with friends, making fun of not only other people but yourself too is very healthy.  When you don't do these things, a lot of times you can be picked on as you are seen as the "odd one out" and they are usually easy targets. 

However, don't feel bad, because you can get made fun of for any number of things.  If no one in your school cares about others, then simply don't care about them.

I know I'm not missing out on anything but how the heck do I stop people from making fun of me.  I try not to react and ignore them but they just keep doing it.

Sadly, you don't stop people from making fun of you.  It's a part of life, and always will be even when you're grown up.  What makes you, well you, is how you react to it and how you deal with it.  As I said in the above paragraph, it's very healthy to be able to laugh at yourself and to have a good sense of humor.  If I found someone's insult of me funny, I laughed.  If I didn't, I ignored it.  The only problem you really have is when it gets physical, and you could get physically hurt.  A wise man once said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!"

Is that what happened?

Yep, that's what happened.  Those emergency exits were just regular exits.

It seems to me this is one of those chicken-or-egg situations. Even though corporations do tend to shake people down for profits, people also cost any public service a great deal (e.g. their "I pay goddamn taxes so I'm entitled to treat this place the way I want" or something).

My father, an MTA bus driver, tells me that fares paid by customers aren't enough for the MTA to pay for their costs, so they also receive subsidies from the state and federal government. I don't know if that's relevant in any way, though.

Oh, I'm not disputing that people aren't at fault too.  Like with the garbage thing, some people are simply inconsiderate and act like they are owed something in life for all their hardships.  It's one of the prices you pay for living in a big city with so many diverse cultures.

As for fares & subsidies thing, it's not that relevant, however something has to change before your low income worker cannot afford a monthly MetroCard anymore.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Waifu on January 06, 2010, 03:01:03 AM
I don't why but I wish more jobs would just make themselves available so that I don't have to scour around for them. I also hate the fact that I am alsways the last to get the thigns that I want only see that other people have moved on to bigger better things.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Elpis TK31 on January 06, 2010, 03:25:54 AM
fat people. oh wait, little things >.>

little things:
-when you're talking to someone and he/she will dodge a question, even when asked repetitively.
-when people talk so much that you can't even reply.
-when people actively sidetrack into subjects that are not even remotely relevant to the subject you were initially talking about.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Flame on January 06, 2010, 04:40:37 AM
Let's see...

There's that strange occurrence of paralysis when one is drifting between consciousness and unconsciousness when you've just woken up, and one is aware of their state, but can only breathe, and all other movement is impossible.
Happens to me in like, the dead of night, and it freaks the [parasitic bomb] out of me.

That stupid plastic blister packaging that comes on things like electronics,(and sometime toys too) thats almost as hard as rock, and even annoys my scissors.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Solar on January 06, 2010, 04:47:50 AM
When someone orders my things without me knowing. DAMNIT I KNOW IT'S A DISORDER, BUT IT'S MY DISORDER AND IT'S ORDERED MY WAY!  O:<
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on January 06, 2010, 04:49:32 AM
That stupid plastic blister packaging that comes on things like electronics,(and sometime toys too) thats almost as hard as rock, and even annoys my scissors.
PVC packaging, mortal enemy of mine.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Gaia on January 06, 2010, 04:51:18 AM
That stupid plastic blister packaging that comes on things like electronics,(and sometime toys too) thats almost as hard as rock, and even annoys my scissors.

Don't we all?  XD

Well, I have this nervous twitch in my right leg, it annoys me sometimes.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: borockman on January 06, 2010, 05:08:50 AM
Little thing that I hate?

Waiting for people who are late.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dexter Dexter on January 06, 2010, 05:12:18 AM
My leg muscles twitch frequently, and it scares me. Also, camera flashes and combing my hair.

Yep, that's what happened.  Those emergency exits were just regular exits.
WHAT?! THE MTA [tornado fang]ing FAILS. Apart from that, most of their subway stations are so goddamn old too. Have you seen the Jay St.-Borough Hall station? It's a [tornado fang]ing MESS. Does this sound like a rant to you?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 06, 2010, 05:15:57 AM
WHAT?! THE MTA [tornado fang]ing FAILS. Apart from that, most of their subway stations are so goddamn old too. Have you seen the Jay St.-Borough Hall station? It's a [tornado fang]ing MESS. Does this sound like a rant to you?

Well they are indeed working to fix.......some of them.  74th & Roosevelt has finally been fixed up.  Although I still find it sadly that 42nd Grand Central is the ONLY station I know off with A/C.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on January 06, 2010, 05:28:33 AM
Also: WHAT?! THE MTA [tornado fang]ing FAILS. Apart from that, most of their subway stations are so goddamn old too. Have you seen the Jay St.-Borough Hall station? It's a [tornado fang]ing MESS. Does this sound like a rant to you?

Also: I never knew the Grand Central station had AC. It seemed like it didn't have it, unless it was a recent addition.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 06, 2010, 05:33:02 AM
Only the 4, 5, and 6 platform.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Flame on January 06, 2010, 05:38:03 AM
Don't we all?  XD

Well, I have this nervous twitch in my right leg, it annoys me sometimes.
My bad shoulder. It always feels tense, in the tingly tickley bad way. even if im relaxing. (Blamed on carying a schoolbag with a heavy textbook)

related to above- the twitch that sometimes ensues in that arm's hand.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: AquaTeamV3 on January 06, 2010, 06:38:21 AM
-When people visit you and spend half of their time on Facebook
-People who tailgate when they could easily pass you
-(related to above) Impatient drivers in general
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Hiryu on January 06, 2010, 07:46:09 AM
It can be that High School is so unforgiving. I spent the last year and graduation alone without my friends (or in this case "so-called friends"). >.>

Personally, I find College>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>High School. I hated the stupid rules our state department put on us and the teachers. The rules they instituted had no relevancy and were create under the impression that all children are good and sit quietly and do their homework. And if they didn't, it's the teachers fault. The people up there are stupid and are in need of a reality check.

Plus, you don't have to go from 8-3 or [insert your school time]. You choose your own schedule. Atleast in USA.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Strider Xhaiden on January 06, 2010, 04:31:55 PM
Snow, and the ice that goes with it.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Kit on January 07, 2010, 05:40:37 AM
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: megaman24681012 on January 07, 2010, 06:49:26 AM
Learning when I don't want to, aaaaaannd being told what to do.  -_-
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Mirby on January 07, 2010, 11:44:49 PM
- When my save is erased
- When I accidentally erase someone else's save
- Arrogant know-it-all's who do not actually know anything at all (know-it-all's who do know-it-all and don't flaunt it are okay)
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Waifu on January 08, 2010, 02:06:07 AM
I hate being thwe last to get all the cool stuff.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Sakura Leic on January 09, 2010, 06:52:22 AM
I hate the way my music teacher favors the seniors.  They don't really work as hard as they should and most of them have only been there for 2-3 years, and in the worst case senario 1 year, and yet he only gives them the chance to do solos and other things like go to festivals that have limited particitents.   He really needs to learn that skill is more important than age.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Kirby Pink on January 09, 2010, 09:25:34 AM
Games that are over hyped and then just turns out to be crap.
Aion. It got me hyped, finally i could play something else then WoW. It's fresh new combat (Well new and new it was a bit diffrent).
And the abiltiy to fly. Wee! Last mmorpg was FlyFF and FlyFF was only awsome during open beta. Now it's halloween everyday.
Aion turned out to be the grand master of grind. Thus i call it Grind Online. Why is it Grind? Well, to get anywhere you need to do repeat quests.
And not just 2-3 times , no 20-50 times. PER LEVEL! Same quest over and over again. Also the harvesting takes forever. Usally it takes 1-3 times to lvl up a skill point. But in Aion it times 15-30 times. And you can only harvest in the air. And your Flight time is only 1min. And they are high up in the air , and if you fall down, you DIE! The only good thing about this game is the crafting, you can do most of it while you are in town trough order quests.

So...Star Trek Online is hyped. Will it be any good? Will it suck ass? Possible. Maybe... 3 days left until Open Beta.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Frozen Potato on January 09, 2010, 02:15:04 PM
-Cheats....cause they spoil the fun of gaming....especialy cheatin in RPG's...
-when i asked what happened,they just said...nothing...even if i asked many times....
-my handphone.....recently rotting day after day...(ze keypads are gone  8D)
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Hiryu on January 09, 2010, 10:02:40 PM
Games that are over hyped and then just turns out to be crap.

Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Kirby Pink on January 09, 2010, 10:24:03 PM
Castlevania N64.
Do i need to say more?
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Nekomata on January 09, 2010, 10:33:56 PM
except the N64 castlevanias were good.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Sapphire Knight on January 09, 2010, 10:38:03 PM
Newbies that win by randomly smashing buttons.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Kirby Pink on January 09, 2010, 10:46:04 PM
except the N64 castlevanias were good.
Well, they aren't bad. It's just small annoying things.
Little things that you hate
The camera ruins it. There is no direct way of focusing the character behind you at all times.
The whip is semi-good. The lock on is okay, it works and you do get used to it.
No music! Okay, there are a few music scores, but when i ran trough the first segement of the game, there was none.
Hold A while jumping to climb. Altough, the jumping was generous as i  climbed from the side, while i jumped straight forward.
If the wall was - i climbed I . Small thing. Just a bit wierd.
Respawn time. Zero. I checked, the same skeletons kept respawning.
What else...the signs. I found signs that said: route. Really : route that was it.
The graphics are "okay" , but after seeing the same enemies over and over again.
I came to these small stones houses which contained coffins. Now they was on 2 diffrent floors. I had to whip while in the air to open them up.
Now the upper coffin roofs had a hug box , so my character kept getting stuck and started climbing. I tought it was just a minor thing, but every single house i came to it had the same problem. When i tried to run, jump and whip at the same time it got stuck in the roof of the first floor coffin.
And i couldn't just stand on the ground jump and whip because it didn't reach.

Bottom line is. The game is okay, it's not the worst game for the N64, it's just really annoying.Hence the term: Little things that i hate.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Hiryu on January 10, 2010, 09:10:51 PM
Not to mention that part with Carrie and the nitro is vague and annoying.
Title: Re: Little things that you hate
Post by: Nekomata on January 10, 2010, 11:12:29 PM
except it isn't. >.>