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Messages - Gauntlet101010

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Original / Re: Favourite RMs
« on: November 18, 2008, 02:22:52 AM »
Mostly I go by designs.  Here's my ranking:

MM3: Shadowman (followed rather directly by Magnetman)
MM4: Pharaohman (style factor)
MM2: Metalman (i nspirational when I saw him as a kid in Cap N ... say what you will, but he looked pretty bad-ass to me back in the day)
MM1: Fireman
MM5: Gyroman (now we're getting to my "not-quite-as-played" games)
MM6: Centaurman (style alone)
MM7: Freezeman
MM8: Tenguman (I guess)
MM9: If I could play it, Jewelman would probably win me over because of his weapon.


MM3PC: Torchman (Simply on my experiences writing him)
MMDW: Expressman (Cool design)

Original / Re: Mega Man Chronology Discussion
« on: November 16, 2008, 08:57:20 PM »
Beat was in Rockman Soccer.  In the background of one of the fields, in the stands.  Rockman Soccer backgrounds and stuff within the backgrounds were never effectively ripped by INC.

The only thing I'm inclined to challenge is PF being after RM9.  From every interview it seems the idea is that RM9 is supposed to be the very latest RM game.  But the inevetable newest timeline will probably clear this point up better than pages of arguing in a forum will.

Original / Re: Mega Man Chronology Discussion
« on: November 16, 2008, 08:13:40 AM »
So, after you defeat him, does he join your cause, or just beat feet?

Also, Zan, what is your reasoning for Strategy being after TPF? I'm also interested in your thinking behind the placing of RockBoard and Soccer.
Technically he explodes into falling bubbles (their version of the classic exploding into bubbles).  But so does Wily and every single other boss (including Luna and Apollo who later reappear and are very much alive) so take that for what it's worth.

I don't think you can get him in your party.  I didn't have much patience with figuring out the entirety of who you could get, but it seems limited to those with reverse-facing sprites.  So, in other words, no he probably doesn't join you after you beat him.

It's worth noting that there's a good deal of evidence to suggest RM Strategy was unfinished, so thre's not a whole lot of dialogue outside of the first few stages and various cutscenes.

Original / Re: Mega Man Chronology Discussion
« on: November 16, 2008, 07:39:21 AM »
Forte's role in Rockman Strategy is a stage boss.  That's it.  You fight him and Treble seperately.

Gold Empire can actually fit in right before Rockman 9 since it's story says Wily retired from villainy (and Forte joins with Light, but ... that can be a stint).

Edit: - Zan's Classic timeline. 

Original / Re: Mega Man Chronology Discussion
« on: November 16, 2008, 02:55:29 AM »
If you really want to be complete with this, you might want to add in Cannon Spike and Marvel VS Capcom 1 and 2 as well.  While I don't think their canonicity is awknowledged by Capcom, it's not like anything really happens to MM to disclude them (MM's story is rather flat, so their inclusion doesn't conflict ... at least for MVC; dunno as much about C Spike). 

Anyhow, this seems to be a list of "it's probably not in, but if it was it'd be *here*", so...

Forums aren't a great storage space for info.  At some point someone might want to add it to one of the wikis floating about.

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: November 14, 2008, 06:41:47 AM »
Unless Capcom says otherwise, I highly doubt that is it. I'm 99.99% sure that is not it. Capcom wouldn't be pulling our legs with something like this.
This isn't Capcom, this is some higher-up at the Capcom Unity forums. 

In other words, a nobody who played the game a lot or who heard rumors around the office.

Original / Re: Bubble Lead, or Bubble Lead?
« on: November 14, 2008, 06:15:14 AM »
Who cares if it's gramatically incorrect?  Or why Search Snakes don't match it?  The reason why it's lead"ing" has been given.   It's a funky Japanese weapon name.  Why does Flash man have Time Stopper and Bright man have Flash Stopper?  Who cares?  They just do. 

Original / Re: Bubble Lead, or Bubble Lead?
« on: November 14, 2008, 04:53:57 AM »
If it was lead-the-element then it should just drop like a stone and stay in place.  It's a pretty good name tho, considering one bubble "leads" the other along the floor. 

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: November 14, 2008, 04:52:11 AM »
If this is it, then it's a totally lame secret.  

On a similar note, it reminds me of the trick where you can knock yourself under the floor of Concreteman's boss rooom ... and subsequently dying  by falling intot hat pit.  It was in some demo of the game (can't remember who posted the vid).

Original / Re: Bubble Lead, or Bubble Lead?
« on: November 14, 2008, 04:50:02 AM »
It *is* lead as in "to direct".  This was news on MM Network back in the day.

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: November 12, 2008, 12:01:42 AM »
There's lots of unknown secrets in MM ... we just don't know what they are yet.  ;)

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: November 10, 2008, 06:45:56 PM »
Yeah, I knew of the Newspaper article and such, since it was right there.  However, the info that I remember reading was from some gaming magazine or something, that said you got to fight CutMan, when it turns out they actually meant GutsMan.
Oh, I see.  Well, there was a totally seperate rumor from that and it came from Mandi's list making people think you got to fight him. 

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: November 10, 2008, 06:40:49 PM »
LoL, as in you get to fight him?
That's why things like this are BS.

Mandi said it as soemthing of a joke and people blew it out of proportion.  She just listed MM7 as a Cutman appearance and people took it to mean that you got to fight him.  That was a mistake on their part, but the roots of that rumor was the newspaper article at the very beginning.

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: November 10, 2008, 06:37:53 PM »
i'm still thinking its a cheat code. it's the only thing that makes sense. didn't the spriters already rip everything from the game?
Not really.  There's still background tiles to rip and Fake Man's sprites to sift through.  They ripped all the main things tho.  There's any number of unused things he could be talking about.

He's pointing to a new game and shouting "I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'T!"  It's possible, but ... it seems likely that he's full of BS.  Does this guy regularily find hidden things?

And Cutman IS in MM7.  The newspaper at the very beginning.  The rumor comes from Mandi's site and she confirmed it long ago.

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: November 10, 2008, 06:30:46 PM »
If it was that then Vixy woulda found that secret ending now.

It seems like a hoax to me.  Because it could be ANYTHING.  A month from now someone could have done any kind of glitch and he could be "oh yeah, that was it".  Or it could be any number of unused sprites, because THAT'S a secret too. Or it could be a bit of missed graphics (like Astroman's graphic in Springman's level). 

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