The Gonzo has art.

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2825 on: April 19, 2014, 06:07:53 AM
Thanks! ^^

Got another one done.

* The first row is of old DBZ fan-guys of either mine or a friend from high school; all of them are Saiyans or have Saiyan blood.

* Goemon got a long-overdue armour redesign.

* I think Callipso might have been a fan character I saw on the Team Artail oekaki (now defunct along with the rest of the site). I've had no luck in tracking down her owner.

* Here's to hoping New Kid has some relation to Akane.

* Hataraku and Scoithin both got their outfits adjusted; they're next to Mima, who they were said to be trying to find (don't think I ever determined why, though).

* This is where I first drew that casual outfit of Boom!Amy's.

* The rest of the row is taken up by fan characters of ayamepso's and Guiber-Ur's; I put Eva in an alternate outfit, then decided to do the rest for the other girls.

* Bea's clothes are a reference to Final Fantasy's Geomancer class, of which Aerith belonged to early in FFVII's development (Bea's normal clothes are modeled after Aerith's).

* Lilith is wearing this fashion vomit I gave her back in '06, with some attempt at colour balance (I'll probably have to change it further next time).

* Ifalna is Aerith's birth mom.

* Tweaked Thornwoman and Ironwoman slightly; Snowwoman is mostly unchanged.

* Princess Luna and Amy hanging out together is one of those things that makes sense only to people familiar with the latter's characterization in StS.

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Reply #2826 on: April 20, 2014, 11:33:23 AM

Back in the ancient year of 2006, I experimented with Terragen (the results of which can be seen in that year's folder, if you don't mind the eye poison); the other night, I re-downloaded the old version and produced a couple of worlds with the purpose of getting a good enough render to draw characters on.

I had some artwork of Itadoki's in mind (their art can be found on Tails Kicks, and it may be the ONLY place it can be found now, as I think their site's down), in which they drew 2D characters over a computer-generated image, albeit with older software than Terragen 1. Other artists have done similar things, and I always thought that was an interesting effect.

I think I spent over four hours on this.

In my infinite wisdom, I got this StS/KLK crossover brewing even though I'm not that familiar with the latter, I think it was spawned by noticing that Ryuko is kind of a Shadow expy, then thinking that it'd be pretty fun to see those two team up.

Story-wise, the plot would start with Sonic and Shadow attempting to track down a Chaos Emerald that ended up at Honnouji Academy; they split up, with Shadow meeting Ryuko (and Senketsu and Mako) and Sonic encountering and eventually proving his worth to Satsuki (hence the Goku Uniform). Things escalate from there, primarily because Nui drops in to [tornado fang] up everything.

While the reasons behind teaming up Ryuko and Shadow is fairly obvious, Sonic and Satsuki don't have much in common beyond being rivals to someone else and having lots of blue colouration...but I will not accept Nui "Pastel Lolita Satan" Harime as the real Sonic expy. 'sides, I'm not passing up an opportunity to give Sonic Rose another coat.

On Ryuko herself: like the last time I drew her in her transformed state, I buffed her up and tried to cover her boobs more.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2827 on: April 21, 2014, 06:22:45 AM

I had this sketch that wasn't working out for what I'd originally set out to draw, but I didn't want to let it go to waste.

Sonic's trying to sleep in, but Gabi and Ailbhe are being butts.

"...I think I shouldn't be wearing this in eighty-degree weather."

Here's a question: did Rarity make that?

Story here.

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Reply #2828 on: April 21, 2014, 07:24:49 AM
I really like the lighting in that alley way.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2829 on: April 22, 2014, 03:35:44 AM
Thanks. ^^

Unlike Sonic and Knux, everyone but Nicole gave me some trouble. Like the guys, their outfits are meant to be fairly casual (Amy's isn't, but she wears what she wants). Nicole's a sort of low-key cyber goth; Amy's hat was borrowed from some Deus Ex: Human Revolution concepts.

Technically, Dark Sonic isn't in StS (it's replaced with Darkspine), but that was one of the cooler elements to come out of Sonic X and I don't draw it enough.


Amy's not in my potential StS/KLK crossover and I'm not familiar with Kamui design conventions, but I got this idea for a Kamui with an eye-cape that had to be drawn.

She's somewhere between a showgirl and a magician, I think.

At some point in StS x KLK, I have in mind that Junketsu hijacks Sonic at some point and forces him to fight Ryuko and Shadow. While Sonic's safe from brainwashing, there's not a lot he can do to keep Junketsu under control.

Also, Junketsu is a bastard and a half to draw.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 02:33:02 PM by The Great Gonzo »

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2830 on: April 25, 2014, 12:22:25 PM

Drawn for the purpose of testing out chromatic aberration.

Marron (who belongs to Merokosart ) is a neat character and she and Sonic are pretty cute, but for some reason it's hard to get her down right. As for what they're talking about, Sonic probably tried to pass off that injury as being sustained at home.

Future StS!Amy, drawn on more-or-less a whim. At some point in the timeline, she joins the trench coat brigade.

"What's the next StS/MLP:FiM thing I should draw?" "How about something utterly nonsensical"

So here's Sonic imagining things. This is also the first time I've drawn Princess Twi (as a pony); not too sure about the anatomy on Sonic--I shouldn't draw things when I'm tired--but I guess it's passable.

I don't even know what species Sonic would be classified as after "ascending".

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Reply #2831 on: April 25, 2014, 09:55:55 PM
Amy's investigating a case in a bad part of town, where the sun never shines, where brutality is a way of life, and where... where people aren't really very nice at all.  Really.

Now I'm picturing Sonic noir.  Yeah, they did Spin City, but it can still be redone and grittier.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2832 on: April 26, 2014, 10:12:50 PM
Heh, yeah. XD (Spin City confused me as a kid...)

Time taken: easily over ten hours, not counting the sketch work done the other day.

Lately I've been putting a lot of thought into a potential Sonic Adventure 3, mostly because I now have a vague idea of the plot. For some reason, the concept always gave me a lot of trouble, in part because you can't really directly continue from SA2 (both games in the duology are self-contained, Artificial Chaos notwithstanding).

* Somehow, Sonic ended up as the second-shortest person here. He's holding an as-of-yet unnamed gem that powers Excella's mooks; the three smaller purple gems on its face indicate that it came from one of the strongest units.

* Amy's holding the Long Hammer, one of her upgrades from SA1.

* The text on the TVs (modeled after the Trinitron) are from something I wrote on a pic from 2006 (smaller monitor), Colossus the Forbin Project, and Dangan Ronpa.

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Reply #2833 on: April 29, 2014, 03:41:39 PM


* Fiona and Tiara were requested by lalalei2001, after noting some visual similarities between the two.

* Hedgehog!Lily (by Drawloverlala ) is one of those concepts I wish I'd thought of.

* Even if it didn't make much sense from a SEGA standpoint, I always liked Future Julie-Su's voluminous ponytail. (The StS version still has her bionics.)

* I accidentally altered Samantha's bangs, but I guess that could be explained as her not having her hair up. (Also, we don't speak of the original comic. Just trust me.)

* The black turtleneck isn't part of Sonic's Goku Suit; he was already wearing that when he and Shadow went to Honnouji.

* Definitely going to have to revise magical girl!Amy sometime in the future.

* As expected, my colour scheme for Coral was way off (not to mention, I didn't realize that she had a hat).

* That's a Kit-Kat Naegi's eating.

* Not too big on Sm4sh!ZS-Samus's rocket heels, but I do like the idea of her having some basic equipment.

* Jenny, Phoebe, and Contra are all ponies of mine from 2011, tweaked very slightly (Phoebe was simplified a bit and is no longer huge). Jenny technically still has her single cyan lock.

* I think it'd be cool if Amy wore StC!Amy's SA1 getup for one game.

* Relic's only appeared in one issue thus far and I already like her.

* With the exceptions of Colourmist (who's a "Dream Beauty" from G1 drawn in G4 style) and Guiding Light, the rest of these ponies were made in Pony Creator v3.

* I wanted Vix's name to be something clever (related to shadows and/or occultism), but couldn't come up with anything. Her cutie mark is based on that gem that came with Scowlene, a character from Moon Dreamers.

* Don't annoy Quickshot; you'll be eating pavement before you even realize that she had hit you.

* Primaprisma is more than likely the one who watches over the town that Jenny and co. live in (I have in mind that it's by the shore). I haven't decided on her office yet, but she doesn't refer to herself as a Princess (too many P's).

* The Puella Magi runes on 13-year-old Sonic's hoodie spell "Rose".

* One of these days, I'll draw the rest of the Mane Six (and Celestia, Luna, and Cadence) as Chao. Their physical attributes are primarily based on the ones your Chao can gain in SA2.


Said I'd draw them as Chao.

My primary goal was to simplify them as much as possible (both detail and colour-wise), since Chao without animal bits tend not to be too complex.

My current "main pony", more or less, who was originally background-tier. Her cyan lock has been relocated to the other side of her head.

I don't have much of a back story for Jenny yet, but I have in mind that she and a few others stumble across some really nasty stuff.

For some reason, I think it'd be funny if the only sodas Shadow Kojima is seen drinking are defunct brands like the ones he'd holding (it doesn't count as product placement if you can't get it anymore, right?).

Originally that was going to be a can of Mr. Pibb, but it seems they still make that. (Shadow probably played that mediocre tie-in FPS--yes, that is a thing that exists--and found the mascot too annoying to bother with the drink itself.)

Rainbow Power Dashie and a gothic Pinkie that I assume will be part of a future sub-line or set. I didn't have enough energy to do proper shading, so here's this "minimal + gradient" thing.

I should note that both of my refs for Dashie were blurry as heck, and there's no art of goth!Pinkie yet.

(Is it just me, or is RP!Dashie's mane slightly reminiscent of Sonic's quills? The way I drew it, at least)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 05:30:55 AM by The Great Gonzo »

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Reply #2834 on: May 02, 2014, 08:39:49 AM
Bet Shadow would also enjoy a nice Crystal Pepsi.

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Reply #2835 on: May 02, 2014, 10:52:43 PM
Yep. XD (Kinda wish I'd tried one...)

I draw knockabiller fanart -> Knockabiller draws me fanart (not yet visible on dA) -> I draw Knockabiller fanart -> have I just initiated an endless cycle

First thing to come to mind upon viewing their alternate Mephiles. Saku finds Solaris terrifying, but at least he's not lodged in the Mobian equivalent of the uncanny valley.

I think this is the first time I've messed around with channel mixing layers.

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Reply #2836 on: May 03, 2014, 01:54:10 AM
Giant eye crystal thing...

At least that's what it looks like to me.

What is it?

And Shadow should eat Doritos 3Ds with his Surge. XD

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Reply #2837 on: May 05, 2014, 03:29:17 AM
I think it's a gemlike mask. (and heh. XD I kinda remember Dorito 3Ds...)

Inspired by a discussion I got into with TheKKM over on Bumbleking regarding alternate continuities and expansions (read: I gunked up a thread with my "it's an alternate continuity; these changes shouldn't matter" grousing for the five thousandth time). The scale in question would be how close something is to the source.

On one end you've got me (one of the few people capable of enjoying Novas Aventuras de Megaman); in the middle there's theKKM, and at the other end there's Boring McCopyPaste, scourge of discussions on alternate continuities and proponent of forcing square pegs into round holes. (In extreme cases, not even originating from Japan will save something from pages upon pages of "IT'S NOT LIKE THE GAMES")

As someone who's devoted to learning as much about a series as possible, you can imagine how annoying I find the lattermost.

(edit: way too much space left at top.)

An AU thing (unrelated to StS) based on a dream I had, documented here:…

Essentially, I saw a version of Rouge who was dmab* genderfluid, and after waking up I was all "I need to preserve this idea as quickly as possible, because I literally cannot remember seeing any gender-play with Rouge that wasn't standard rule 63 or transphobic garbage".

It also kinda ties in with my "what if we'd gotten an ongoing Sonic manga that was mostly serious in tone" ponderings (note: that dream I had was in the form of a manga).

Rouge usually identifies as female, but she semi-frequently has "guy days", in which case he goes by Rogue (which may have been his birth name). I'm not yet sure if Rouge is still a GUN agent.

Her outfit is based primarily on her secret costume from SA2, with added tights; Rogue's is pretty much just a normal suit, with his shoes derived from an idea I had for Rouge's. Not too sure about the leg anatomy.

(* designated male at birth)

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Reply #2838 on: December 02, 2016, 01:16:15 PM
I haven't updated this thread in a while. Here's some merfolk from a Marathon AU.

The first pics for said AU that I doodled; at the time, it was meant to be a one-off thing. Durandal on left, Cortana on right.

Vincent Callahan (the human) carrying Durandal (the lionfish). They're both snarky bastards.

(About the sky: this AU takes place on Mars, which was where the player character of the Marathon Trilogy most likely lived prior to the first game)

Merfolk eat a lot of fruit that doesn't look that appetizing to humans. At least it ain't citrus.

Vince sleeps long and often, to Durandal's annoyance.

The baby in his arms is Joyeuse, who's his and Durandal's natural-born kid (it's semi-common for merfolk to be fantasy-intersex, as Durandal is).

Joyeuse with both her parents.

Cortana, Leela, and Tycho (the latter two having different insignias than usual).

Laundry day.

Vince doesn't like citrus.

Other stuff:

Two things relating to characters belonging to some friends of mine.

Some doodles. (Note: Tycho no longer has that insignia, since he's not related to Durandal here)

Leela and Tessa (note: Tessa is not a Marathon character).

Cortana with a spear, and Durandal with Joy's egg.

Grown-up Joyeuse.

The twins' mom, Ogier.

Durandal and Tycho don't get along.

Joyeuse would like to have a sibling.

Two unrelated merfolk, Caliburn and Pridwen.

A page with three rows of merfolk.

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Reply #2839 on: December 02, 2016, 06:30:25 PM
Merfolk! o:

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #2840 on: February 11, 2024, 11:53:32 PM
sa game