Mega Man Perfect Harmony (4-player Cooperative Fan Game)

The Legendary Rud · 123479

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Offline The Legendary Rud

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Reply #75 on: May 15, 2012, 07:15:48 PM
The new beta is out today!

You can grab it here!

Things this beta includes:
-A solid single player campaign with less enemies.
-Major differences between Easy, Normal, and Hard.
-An unlockable Extreme mode that turns up the game settings.
-Tons of bug fixes.
-Tons of gameplay tweaks and balances to make it accurate and closer to the original game series.
-A new introduction sequence.
-New waypoints and other changes to the games levels designs.
-Tornado Man is available from the start of the game and has a rising blade attack.
-New abilities for certain characters.
-Blues and Forte unlock new abilities by actually performing the attacks.
-X and Zero can be alternate skins for Rock and Blues.

Offline Joseph Collins

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Reply #76 on: August 31, 2012, 04:34:53 PM
Warning: The opinions expressed in this review are solely those of the writer.  Though complaints are legitimate, they may expressed in a way which may be considered biased or just plain unfair.  This is not the intention, intention being to express an opinion and critique the product being reviewed.  Please keep this in mind while reading the review.

So…  In order to stave off overbearing boredom, I recently downloaded a copy of a fan game called “Mega Man Perfect Harmony,” despite the fact the characters all use their Japanese names (“Rockman,” “Blues,” “Dr.  Right,” etc.).  This game can be played by up to four players at once.  Yes, you read right.  A four-player co-op Rockman game.  Despite that, however, I’m not going to link to the website.  If you want to find the game, you can Google it easily enough.  But I warn you…  the website a freaking horrible mess that tends to make even good computers hang.  It’s stupid.  There’s no reason for it to do that!  But I digress…

The game’s story goes as follows: Dr.  Wily infects the world with a virus (Mega Man 10) that causes all the robots in the world to go crazy-go-nuts, so Megaman Rockman has to stop it with an anti-virus developed by Dr.  Light Right.  Unfortunately, the spread of the virus is so large that Rockman can’t possibly stop it alone, so he enlists the help of Protoman Blues.  (Rockman 10 again.) Bass Forte also decides to help to prove to Wily once and for all who the strongest robot is (Rockman & Forte).  Tornadoman also decides to tag along, as does Roll wearing a Blues suit (Bob & George).
Some of Rock’s other friends and even enemies decide to lend a hand as well.  (unlockable characters) And of course, Dr.  Cossack also decides to join the party by creating a bunch of brand new robots (fan characters?) just for this specific mission.  And on top of that, there’s hidden, super-secret characters here or there, which can’t be selected conventionally.

The game plays like your average Rockman game: Select a stage, run to the side, shoot, run more, shoot more, get to the end boss, beat the end boss, go to the next stage.  Instead of getting weapons from the Robot Masters, however, you get abilities — usually for one character or another.  Beating one boss, for example, unlocks a poodle for Roll.  (Think of the poodle as a girly version of Rush.  Because that’s basically what it is.)
There’s also an item shop where you can cash in Bolts/Screws found in-game.  The items you can purchase unlock additional moves and abilities for…  well, mostly Rock and Blues.  Who desperately need the additional moves.  I’m not really sure why they need Z-Sabers, though…  but it’s not my game.  Yes, Rock and Blues use Z-Sabers in this game.  They also gain the ability to dash (or rather, slide), which makes travel a bit faster.  (It serves no purpose otherwise.)

Now, with all this awesomeness, you’d think the game would be every Rockman fan’s ultimate fantasy come true.  Right?  Unfortunately, you’d be pretty far off on that one.  Even as of version 0.4, the game is riddled with bugs and quirks that make the game utterly unenjoyable, if not unplayable.
A minor one rears its ugly head right from the start.  Maybe it’s just a bug that appears in Windows Vista, but every time I’ve started the game up, this happens; the game nestles itself under the Taskbar and reduces the screen resolution to 320 x 240 pixels.  Why is it that the game can’t be run in a window?  Even running the game at 320 x 240 in a window would be a major step up from the current arrangement, which screws up any open windows you have open.  (Though personally, I’d like to run it at double or triple the size in a window.  That would be nice.)
Another problem I’m experiencing is with the game engine itself.  There are so many things wrong with the game engine right now…  which is extremely hard to believe, considering it was designed by Blyka, the man who created both SuperDanny games as well as numerous other (somewhat less) awesome fan games.  The SuperDanny 2 engine in particular was flawless!  Whereas this?  This is…  flawed.  (Please Note: Blyka has nothing to do with this game directly.  He just provided a bare-bones version of one of his game engines for the game and nothing more!)
The physics on most of the characters seems rather screwy.  Being the absolute total data nerd I am, I know that Rockman and related characters have jumped at exactly 48 pixels in height since the very first game.  Characters in this game, however, tend to jump much higher.  Maybe it’s just how the game was designed, but that tends to throw me off now and then.
The physics engine also doesn’t seem to work for certain objects.  Stacked rocks, for example, have a habit of sinking into the ground when hit.  I know this isn’t supposed to happen, but it is.  And it’s very annoying.  Apache Joes (Speedman’s stage) also do the same thing if you charge at them, though I think it may be intentional in this case, as they don’t really fly lower otherwise…
Screen transitions are also horrendously bad.  Even in the original version of SuperDanny, the screen transitions were somewhat close to the official Capcom Rockman games.  In SuperDanny 2, they got even better!  Here?  They just do random fades and wipes wherever the screen stops.  Often times, the player doesn’t even end up where they logically should, coming from the previous screen.  And on that note, trying to jump down into another screen, rather than take a ladder, will most likely end in the player’s death, rather than the logical transition.  I remember the Famicom version of Rygar doing this exact same thing.  I was not amused then, and I’m not amused now.
Lastly, the collision detection needs some serious work.  Quite often, I ended up getting snagged by the side of platforms or cliffs.  Another favorite of mine is the fact Sniper Joe’s shields extend about 8 pixels outward from where they’re standing.  Oh, and when you hit an enemy with the Z-Saber, you’re not supposed to take damage as well!  Yet, you do.  And on that topic, it’s also possible to cancel your damage invulnerability by simply moving around, thus causing you to take damage from the same attack over and over and over again!  It’s all very annoying and should not happen.

Changing gears a bit, I mentioned this game can be played cooperatively with up to four players.  Well, the game was definitely designed with four players in mind, but not in a clever way, like having the players work together to open a door or make a totem pole to reach a really high ladder.  No, this game just has a lot of enemies.  A lot of enemies.  And a vast majority of them fire so many bullets, or waves of bullets, that it’s literally impossible to dodge them!  Granted, the Z-Saber can erase bullets, but that really doesn’t help if you’re playing as a character who doesn’t have one, now does it?
There are also quite a number of areas which require characters who can dash, or who need to be able to double-jump.  Again, there’s a couple of characters who don’t come equipped with, or can’t gain access to, these abilities.  Very, very poor planning on Rud’s part, if I do say so.  Of course, all these problems go away if you find the not-so-hidden secret Zero clone character.  Who runs at double speed.  And has an air-dash.  And can double jump.  But has no long-range weaponry.

You may notice that I haven’t really said one good thing about this game so far.  Well, that’s because my standards for Rockman fangames have been set rather…  high.  Games like SuperDanny 2, Rokko-Chan, and Mega Man’s Christmas Carol 2 make games like this look like something an over-enthusiastic fan whipped up in Click & Create using the default engines.
I will admit, the variety of characters is kind of nice, but some of the unlockable characters, and especially the super secret characters, are either completely useless or utterly ruin the game.  And of course, there’s the whole question of “Who gets to be Blues” if you’re playing with two or more players…  It’d be nice if there were a way to change characters without losing all your lives, too.
I also want to commend the game designer for adding net-play.  It’s rather hit-or-miss at the moment, but it apparently gets the job done.

I’m not really sure what this game is trying to be.  I’m not sure the game knows what it’s trying to be, in fact!  But as of right now, it just seems like a decent, but severely flawed attempt to make a truly unique Rockman fangame.  Sure, it stands out from the crowd due to its four-player co-op mode, but that’s about all that sets it apart from any of the dozens of other fangames out there, and it doesn’t even do that particularly well.
Note: The review has been placed under a Spoiler tag due to the length.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 12:49:12 PM by Joseph Collins »

Offline The Legendary Rud

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Reply #77 on: December 04, 2012, 10:07:44 AM
And did you write this review? Because it sure seems incredibly biased to me. You fail to mention any of the great things, focusing solely on your complaints. But it's cool, to each his own, but its not a great review.

Also, it's a beta. ._.

And to be clear, I know exactly what I am doing! XD

Offline Rin

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Reply #78 on: December 04, 2012, 10:16:48 AM
And did you write this review? Because it sure seems incredibly biased to me. You fail to mention any of the great things, focusing solely on your complaints. But it's cool, to each his own, but its not a great review.
Please tell me all those great things he falied to mention, and then you might persuade me to play this. Because from Joseph's review, it just seems pretty bad, even if it is a beta. But yeah, do tell.

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Reply #79 on: December 04, 2012, 12:38:16 PM
Yes, I did write that review.  Every single word of it.  And the typos, too!  I also did bring up some good points in my review:
- It has Roll (albeit in a "Blues Suit") as a playable character.  And Megaman.  And Protoman and Bass.  That's all pretty cool -- particularly the first part.
- Some of the unlockable characters (whom I will probably never unlock) are also nifty.
- It also runs very well on my old Compaq Presario F700 laptop, which is surprising, given it's a Game Maker 7 (?) game.

Unfortunately, the smooth 30 FPS display and being able to play as some of my absolute favorite characters, completely with their usual abilities, is not enough to help me ignore the following facts:
- The physics are completely off, not only for all characters (possibly by-design a'la Rokko-Chan, possibly by-mistake like 90% of the fan games out there), but for any active object.
- Solo-play is almost impossible without cheating or using the over-powered "hidden" character, who in-turn would probably unbalance multiplayer.
- The extras simply aren't worth the effort and the power-ups are fairly worthless.
- Item distribution is completely out-of-whack (only certain spawned enemies drop power-ups, and not all the time, either)
- The difficulty settings only add artificial difficulty instead of a balanced challenge (most people go this route, though, so...).
- And finally, there is absolutely no way whatsoever to get the game to play in any kind of "windowed" mode.  Granted that fullscreen 320 x 240 is doable, it's certainly not ideal.

Now, if there's some amount of positives I missed, I'd also like to be enlightened.  But I, for one, simply did not find the game enjoyable.  Then again, the game wasn't meant to be played by a single player (despite the option being there), so what I do know?  8D

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Reply #80 on: December 04, 2012, 05:25:34 PM
Play the game and form your own opinion. Most of these complaints however are simply due to the fact that the game is still half finished. For instance, the over powered secret character was only made available from the start in this particular version because it was just now added in and I wanted everyone to try it out.

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Reply #81 on: December 04, 2012, 06:13:33 PM
How many people are working on this project, again?  If it's just you, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that real life is severely hindering production, as is the case with most fan games.  And, in fact, would commend you for making something this complex all by yourself (aside from the skeleton provided by Blyka).  But if you have an actual team of people, each dedicated to one or two tasks...
Still, I'd think getting the physics engine as perfect as possible would be something of a priority before releasing the game for public evaluation.  I can't fault you for working on stages, enemies, bosses, and so-forth, though.  ACE Spark is about as random in his own projects.
Though the physics engine was his #1 priority before everything else...

Also, I appreciate the fact that you're handling my sometimes-less-than-tactful criticism maturely.  It shows me that you're a pretty okay guy and not someone who thinks he's God's gift to the fandom.  :)

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Reply #82 on: December 08, 2012, 11:00:35 PM

It's just me!! :< I had a couple of friends do a few of the background music tracks, but other than that I handle the entire thing myself, and it's actually over double the size of traditional Mega Man games, so my work is cut out for me. For awhile, I was working a really difficult physical labor job, rushing home and working on the game as fast as I could, and still made time for my wife. It was extremely difficult, I sacrificed a lot of time and even my physical health in order to finish the beta.

As for the physics, that's really tricky. I keep changing them for each release, and yet people still say they are off. ._. Right now, it as close to the original as it has ever been, I'll even match the screens up side by side and press the buttons at the same time and compare the two to make sure they are exact. Other than the max falling speed, it should be nearly identical now, and if not, I will try to have it perfect by the time the final release rolls around.

I did release it way too early for public evaluation though, and I have learned harsh lessons from that on how critical everyone can be. But there are those that absolutely love the game, and those that absolutely hate it, and that's okay with me, because I know I'm going to hear more from the haters than I will the fans. I also learned that I need to set better deadlines, I only gave myself one year to finish the beta and really really busted my ass every single day just to meet that deadline, only to have everyone blast it for being incomplete and half assed.

However, I have payed close attention to all of the complaints, and have been ebbing away at the list of things everyone finds wrong with the game. Certain things I cannot change however, because the changes were made to compliment the four player aspect in the first place. It's understandable that the game doesn't shine as much in single player mode, because I haven't quite focused solely on that just yet. In Perfect Harmony 2, I will try to give the stages and such a more Mega Man feel, PH1 is kind of like showing the world what I am capable of. Hopefully, when the sequels roll out and the game is more polished and has a more familiar feel, I can win over the hearts of the people that hate the series (but I wouldn't bet on it XD)

A lot of things are still in development and are subject to change, and some of them are big things like entire stages need an overhaul, as they were kind of thrown in there as a temporary placeholder. Also, I plan on creating 4 Perfect Harmony games, and the story involves the final days of the classic series and it's characters, bridging the gap between it and the X series.

I'm also working on porting the PH engine over to multiple platforms, and using it to create indie games for Ouya, Steam, and Smart Phones in order to receive payment for all of my hard work and effort.

Gaming was my life, I only do all of these things because it's what I was born to do. I don't even care much for the industry or even for pleasing everyone anymore, I do it because it needs to be done. I'm tired of waiting for a resurgence of excellent games and waiting on features they will never implement, because I just don't see it happening any time soon. My games are all extremely intense multiplayer games that aren't for everyone, but for the few who do enjoy them they are extremely addicting. XD

As for myself, I'm not really narcissistic. "The Legendary Rud" is just a joke, because I am very well known in many different circles and my immense skills are that of legend! XD I used to run online gaming servers and create custom maps, so I'm used to handling things as maturely as possible, as most people are extremely negative. People attack one another and are nasty to each other simply because they view the world as a nasty place that treats them the same way, but that doesn't justify these actions, it only perpetuates them. I avoid public forums because of this, because even the people that aren't so rotten compared to the rest tend to favor their own inner circle or ideas, and reject and mistreat anything foreign to them, by criticizing their views or preaching what they feel is right. It's true I am an outsider, but I have no stake in anything or anyone! XD But I do appreciate the kind words, and thank you for being polite as well!

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Reply #83 on: December 08, 2012, 11:45:38 PM
...  T_T  Well, now I genuinely feel like an ass.  I had you pegged all wrong, for some reason.  I really don't know why, but I honestly thought you were one of those guys who were like "My game is the greatest!"  But you're really not at all like that!  You're a very down-to-earth and open-minded guy who wants to make everybody happy without making himself too unhappy in the process.

Rud, I genuinely apologize for misjudging you.  You are a good guy and your reply shows that.  Thank you.

On the topic of the game, I'm a bit of a hardcore Rockman snob.  If even the slightest thing is off, I notice immediately.  Even in something like SuperDanny 2, that felt absolutely as smooth as playing any of the NES titles, I noticed things that were off.  But I also noticed things that were absolutely spot-on!  Unfortunately for the rest of the gaming community, SuperDanny 2 is pretty much the standard to which I hold all other fan games now.

Several things are wrong with Perfect Harmony right now, as far as authenticity goes. (It's still in beta, as you said.)  However, you were right.  As you said in the other post, all I did was harp on the stuff that was wrong, bad, or even just plain different from the usual formula.  I barely even said a paragraph on what you did right, and even then, I still had negative things to say.  To be perfectly fair, I think this game project has a lot of good ideas.  Four-player co-op seems like it could easily be a lot of fun!  And heck, it probably is, even in its current status.  Plus, being able to play as some of the fan-favorite characters is always a good thing.  You definitely tried to keep things pretty authentic, as far as how the characters controlled, and even added several unique features and functions to each character, most of which can be unlocked by simply playing the game. (Better charge shots, Forte's triple-jump, etc.)  The boss characters are also really unique, even for a Rockman game, and require considerably a fair bit more strategy than "run in and shoot them until they die".  And of course, a lot of the stages are pretty cool, though several of them could definitely use a bit of polish.

I think that you are very much on the right track so far.  The game seems to be about finished, but needs a lot of tinkering and re-balancing before it's ready for its big "v1.0" release.  Granted that you're not going to be able to please everyone, but if you can make a game that most everybody is happy to play, and something that you yourself are happy with, then I think you will do great things to bring a sense of... well... "perfect harmony" to the fan community.  :)

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Reply #84 on: December 09, 2012, 12:50:34 AM
Hey thanks a lot, man! Don't worry about it at all, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, I just try hard to not take it personally and learn from my mistakes! I wish I could be a part of this community, but I can understand if I'm not entirely welcome, seeing as how I have already stepped on peoples toes. XD

I mean, you kind of have me pegged right the first time, I can be a huge jerk. But the whole narcissism thing is kind of an act you know?  I try to play it off like Bender does haha and I'll teeter back and forth on this, because when you are creating maps and running a server or creating worlds within games, you technically are a 'God', right?  But there's irony to all of this, I would joke about being "The Overmind" on the Rocks servers, only for certain members of my own community to mutiny and either chase off or convert all of the Rocks Clan badasses to the dark side. XD  The best part about that story is that they failed miserably, and within a month or two they killed my entire fan base of thousands of players off and now the games have died out completely. Serves them right!

But, if you would have me, then I could be a part of this community. I didn't mean to abandon my previous one or anything like that, it just kind of imploded after one of our best guys died and the next couple of assholes in line took over and ruined it. I already greatly appreciate the feedback, and even feel that I need to mention quite a few members names in the credits due to the responses, criticism, ideas and feedback I receive here.

But it's really good to hear positive things for a change! I appreciate it, it gives me energy and motivation! In fact, I'm going to work on it as much as I can right now! The negative ones seem to pull me down and make me feel not up to it anymore, as I'm not really getting much out of it when you weigh out the pros and cons. I just feel like sometimes nobody notices the good things about the game, you know? XD Are the faults really that glaring, still? I guess Mega Man fans are on another tier of fandom! I know I am at least...

You know what it must be, I underestimated the intelligence of the overall fan base and how quick they are to notice even the tiniest flaws. If that's the case, I encourage everyone to take another look at the game in a year or two! Hopefully it will be to your liking then! XD Or in the meantime, keep giving me feedback so that I can do whatever I can to fix it!

Thanks again!

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Reply #85 on: December 09, 2012, 06:21:08 AM
Heys! I'm new here! May I ask if Roll will be playable? If so I recommend you use Roll's mobile phone sprites; please don't use what I see at your first post where Roll is in Megaman's body template. Anyways, I'll test play this game coz I love Megaman!  <3

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Reply #86 on: December 13, 2012, 04:18:32 AM
New beta 0.5 is available today on 12-12-12!!

A new boss has been added, Flare Man! This is a minor update but it includes lots of fixes and game play tweaks such as stage, enemy, and playable character changes! But most importantly, it also includes a major screen resolution bug fix that prevented some people from booting the game and being able to play! Hopefully, now everyone can give it a shot now, sorry it took me over a year to iron out some of these major issues.

But if you had any difficulties playing in the past or qualms with some of the bugs, give the new beta a shot!
Thanks again for playing and for your feedback and support!

Take care everyone! Happy Holidays!


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Reply #87 on: December 29, 2012, 02:46:03 PM
I just want to say that this is the best MM game I have ever played. And its not even finished yet. Please for the love of whatever, finish this game.

My only complaint would be that E-tanks should fill all characters health. And that the other characters seem a little boring compared to Rock, Blues, and Forte. Tornado man even has nice ability compared to the rest. Maybe just ad dashes or extra jumps for them to spice it up.

But yeah I love everything else, level design is really good for a fan game and I'm sure the final will be even better.

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Reply #88 on: December 30, 2012, 01:01:34 AM
Thank you very much! I really appreciate the positive feedback, it motivates me and makes me work harder and faster! : D

I will work on spicing up the other characters, originally I had planned on having a massive list of 24 playables, but now I'm just focusing on getting the game done and whoever makes it makes it, and whoever doesn't I'll save for Perfect Harmony 2. This will also give me time to give some of the other minor playables more features to make them stand out.

But as of right now, if you press the Secondary Fire + Up, most of them have alternate moves now! I'm not sure if you noticed that, but it helps give them all their own variety! (I might change it later to where the Secondary Fire + Up moves are unlockable, but for now they are available from the start).

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Reply #89 on: January 18, 2013, 12:21:04 PM
I Love your MMPH game!!!!!!  My friend and i play it multiplayer he lives 3 cities away so you can see we love it  :D but when will this game get an online mp mode?  Is there a way to pick an other guy then Rock as player one? When will this game get an online mp mode?
Bug: in dr.wily's world there is a ladder after the first part You can't climb it well you have to slide and jump through the wall then you can get to the next part.... on normal difficulty the big stone in quake man is to fast for some players!?
sry for my bad english.
Hope you will finish this game you will make my dreams come true^^

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Reply #90 on: April 25, 2013, 07:04:35 PM
I'm launching my Kickstarter fundraiser campaign today for my newest game The Dream King!

You can find all of the information here, but it basically uses the engine from Mega Man Perfect Harmony to create a 4-Player "Metroid-vania" Independent Game!

I really need your help to get this project off of the ground, and would appreciate anything! I'm sorry if this post is inappropriate or breaks the rules!

Thank you so much!

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Reply #91 on: August 22, 2013, 11:06:10 PM
Nick's been busy with TDK, so I'm going to go ahead and update you on the recently released 6.0 Beta for Megaman Perfect Harmony!

This version features:
-Controller support is now available for Players 1 and 2
-A brand new fully functioning 4-Player Versus Mode with many features
-A newly completed campaign stage and newly added boss, Lightning Man
-Many, many more major bug fixes


Lightningman Stage:


Fireman Run:


Nick has expressed that many changes are about to come, but remember that at it's core this is the game that sets itself apart from the other 8-bit games that people are complaining about being "too traditional" and the like. The game offers 4 player Co-Op, playable Robot Masters, the use of sabers, and it features fusion elements. It's definitely one of my personal favorite titles, so check it out.