Mirby's Erratically Updated Thread of Stuff!!

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Reply #50 on: April 21, 2010, 11:21:19 PM
Not really need a new logo but the I's in general  look like C's. That's all.  ;)

To try something new, is to explore your true potential.


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Reply #51 on: April 21, 2010, 11:27:33 PM
Yeah, it's based on a font I made up years ago based on the PS2 logo font... I need a new logo...

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Offline Rin

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Reply #52 on: April 27, 2010, 07:37:42 PM
Hey, Green.
I have a problem with that game of yours.
I see no letters... litterally.
It's like I lack a font or something, because it doesn't display any text in the game for me.

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Reply #53 on: April 27, 2010, 08:57:22 PM
Damnit, forgot to replace the download link with Demo 2.1.

Stupid me forgot to attach the required fonts in the previous link. Try that.

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Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #54 on: April 27, 2010, 09:10:38 PM
I will try it as soon as I can.

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Reply #55 on: April 29, 2010, 10:27:52 AM
Okay, here's chapter 1 of my long-awaited, probably atrocious Star Force Fan Fic.

[spoiler=If you want to blow the story wide open, click this.]PROLOGUE: GENESIS

-Year: 19XX
A young Dr. Wily creates his first virus. It is similar to the LifeVirus he will create in the future, but simpler. It has a serpentine appearance, and can use any of the four elements with equal efficiency. For the next 10 years, Wily nurtures this virus with the utmost secrecy.

-Year: 200X
The virus has grown in its years of existence. However, Wily has discovered a much more powerful weapon and discards this snake-like virus. The reason is that Wily has planned for the LifeVirus. The original virus retreats to a distant corner of the internet, feasting on the other viruses that lurk there. Occasionally, a NetNavi finds his or her way there, and the virus devours them for knowledge, and it mutates ever so slightly. It finds that the feminine Navis taste much better, and the masculine ones put up too much of a fight, so it devours more of the feminine ones. Thus, the virus develops the appearance of a humanoid female.

-Year: 220X
With the appearance of the three Sages of Planet AM, EM waves quickly become the norm for worldwide connections. The feminine virus heads out from the Comp Space it lived in into the new EM world. Because of its adaptability, it quickly converts all its data into EM waves. It begins to hunt anew.

-Year: 220X
The world is threatened by a giant meteor, made of microwave radiation, more commonly known as Noise. A new hero has appeared within the past year, calling himself... Mega Man. This hero stops the threat of the meteor; however, the Noise has contaminated and mutated the virus from the effect known as Jamming. It becomes more than a simple virus, and gains sentience. It can also access the data banks of itself and all the data it has devoured in the past 200 years. The memories of several of the long-since eaten Navis brings about the mention of another Mega Man, one from the virus's infancy. It also has the ability to change its appearance at will, a skill that will become necessary if it hopes to survive.

A hole in time has been created by a being known as Clock Genius. The hole works as a portal into the past, to the year 200X. The infant virus escapes through this time hole into the present, and is quickly consumed by its present self. The energy from this struggle wears out the virus, causing it to hibernate in an isolated corner of the EM roads.

The Clock Genius situation has been resolved, and the virus ends its forced hibernation. By eating its past self, it mutates into a monstrous new form. The paradox that allowed it to eat its past self has created a transdimensional tear in the fabric of space-time. All of existence is threatened. The virus retains its shapeshifting abilities, but now has to use them for camouflage. It now takes the form of a four-headed hydra. Each head can control one of the four elements; Heat, Wood, Elec, and Aqua. On top of that, it can reach into the tear to access and copy data from any time or dimension. Parallel realities are easily within its grasp.

With this new-found knowledge, it creates eight artificial EM beings to create havoc and gather more data for it. It also creates an impenetrable barrier around itself and its hideout. It locks this barrier in place with an eight-part seal; each of the EM beings it has created is the key to unlocking part of the seal. In order to get the key, the EM being holding it must be destroyed. It also imparts false memories to the beings; memories of orders given by a king and a few sages. As a result of the tear, anomalies begin occurring. As it tries to repair itself, the dimensions begin merging. At the rate of decay, all of existence will cease and be gone within the span of two months. The only hope for all of reality is the one known as the Blue Bomber; he must destroy all eight false EM beings, storm the secret hideout, and defeat the one now known as the Eternal Hydra. If all goes as planned, the tear should fully and correctly repair itself due to the loss of the Eternal Hydra's influence. Otherwise... ///END OF FILE[/spoiler]

Posted on: April 28, 2010, 11:49:52 PM
[spoiler=Chapter 1]
  The sun shone brightly above a park. The park is in Echo Ridge, a small community in the country of Electopia. Four friends were hanging out in this park; one of them, a heavyset young man, looked up from his large bowl of ramen.

"Ahhh... is there anything better than ramen?"

"Bud, you ask that after every meal. The only difference is the food you ask about!" replied another boy, this one of average height and weight.

"The Zackpedia says that, well, you spoke the truth just now, Geo. Bud does say that after every meal," replied an unusually short boy with glasses. Suddenly, a beast-like being materialized right next to Geo.

"All ten of them a day!" it exclaimed.

"Mega!" yelled Geo.

"What? It's true. And what's up with Miss Silence over there? I don't think I've ever seen her this quiet for this long!"


"What? We haven't been in a battle for a whole month! I'm antsy! C'mon, let's Wave Cha-"



"Although you are right about something, Mega. Prez has been awfully quiet."

"Told ya, kid! Now if you want to see why, put your Visualizer on." Geo pulled down a pair of unusual glasses over his eyes.

"Wow! Is that... a virus?" he asked, incredulous.

"Yep, and that Wizard of hers is nowhere to be found! I think that... the virus has captured Vogue."

"Then let's do this! TRANS CODE! MEGA MAN!" Suddenly, a bright flash of light engulfed Geo and Omega-Xis, and when it faded away, they were gone from sight...

To those unable to see EM waves, of course. They merely transed into the wave world. Mega Man is on the scene!

"Okay, let's bust these viruses!" exclaimed Mega.

"Fine." Geo charged up the buster and fired. The shot hit the virus dead on. The smoke cleared... and there stood two viruses!

"Hmm.. let's see if we can get some help... Taurus!" yelled Mega. A bull-like being appeared.

"Yes, Mega?" it asked.

"Wave Change with Bud!"

"Whatever." With another bright flash, Taurus Fire appeared.

"What do you want, Geo?" he asked.

"I need your help to delete these viruses. On the count of three, fire. got it?"





"FIRE!" Taurus Fire charged the enemies and flipped them into the air. Mega Man unleashed a fully charged shot directly into the now-airborne Mettennas. As the shot collides, a massive column of flame rises up from Taurus and incinerates them.

"Okay, let's trans out!" FLASH!

"Bud! Geo! You're okay!" Prez exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, the Zackpedia gave a 100% success rate for Mega Man, but it rose to 250% with the inclusion of Taurus Fire. I think Pedia's trying to mess with me here." said Zack. His Wizard, Pedia, appeared and shook his head innocently.

"It was nothing. What's for lunch?" inquired Bud.

"Ginger beef, of course."

"My favorite! Where is it?" asked Bud, looking around excitedly. Taurus appeared and did the same thing.

"Hey kid. You seem preoccupied," remarked Mega.

"Yeah... There hasn't been any trouble for a month; no viruses, no threats, nothing. And now, a simple Mettenna appears, but it's unlike any we've fought before. I'm beginning to wonder if this peace is coming to an end... if a new threat is on the horizon," pondered Geo.

"Yeah, so what if it is! We'll just rip them to shreds. Just like we did with Andromeda, just like we did with Le Mu, just like we did with the Crimson Dragon! Whatever comes, we'll destroy it!" exclaimed Mega, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Yeah, I guess you're right... But-"


"What's that?" inquired Luna.

"KID! LOOK UP!" Mega yelled. Up in the sky, a new feature, a frightening and potentially dangerous one, had appeared. From horizon to horizon hung a massive crack.

"A crack? In space? That... that cannot be good..." muttered Geo.

"And with that, I think your worries are justified, kid."[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 10:20:30 AM by Talyn »

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Reply #56 on: April 29, 2010, 03:50:04 PM
I'm downloading the game again now, gonna report later with my thoughts.

As for this fanfic... I have two big important problems with it.

1. You explain TOO MUCH in the prologue. You explain to us, who the main bad guy/guys is/are, where they came from and what they want. ALL IN THE PROLOGUE. You should have kept most of those things, if not all of them for the story itself, and reveal them as you write next chapters. Unless you're still planning to do that(because our heroes know jack [parasitic bomb], so you have to, I guess), but it will hold no element of surprise for the reader. That's a bad move, girl.

2. I suggest practice in the aspect of DESCRIPTIONS. I'm not too fond of them either, because writing descriptions might be easy, but writing good "non-mechanical" descriptions is quite hard. I'm not exactly a master at this(especially when I write in english), but the thing is:
When most of the chapter/story/fanfic is just dialogue with almost no descriptions... it's just... bad.

3. Pacing, girl... pacing. I know something about bad pacing(since I myself often have a problem with it) but... I think you should think your chapters through more carefully. Bad pacing usually happens, when you improvise. Even if you have the entire plot laid out in your head, or even written down, it won't do you much good, unless you write an outline or something for each chapter.

Just so you know, I'm not bashing you or anything. Just offering, hopefully, helpful advice.

Cheers, and good luck. Don't be discouraged. : >

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Reply #57 on: May 03, 2010, 05:52:55 PM
Yeah, I wasn't going to post that prologue originally... but it's there and I don't feel like deleting it. As for the descriptions, they become better in the next couple chapters that I've actually written. And I've never been good with pacing. You'll see that when you play my game...

Posted on: April 29, 2010, 12:46:40 PM
A brief break for some pics!

Normal trainer...

Slightly edited but just palette swap trainer.

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Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #58 on: May 03, 2010, 11:38:03 PM
Palette swap works well, did you give her a  shorter shirt?

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Reply #59 on: May 03, 2010, 11:51:15 PM
Oh yeah, I did do that too... It's to slightly match the edit I did.

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Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #60 on: May 04, 2010, 12:54:48 AM

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Reply #61 on: May 08, 2010, 11:21:04 AM
Thanks! ^_^

Another edit I did once.

Posted on: May 03, 2010, 04:27:41 PM
RANDOM OEKAKI! Yes, I'm there. An edit of something Acid posted.

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Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #62 on: May 08, 2010, 04:05:05 PM

Offline Rin

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Reply #63 on: May 09, 2010, 03:22:58 PM

: D

He looks nice, really.
Those sprites look cool too.
Good job, girl.

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Reply #64 on: May 09, 2010, 08:40:38 PM
Thanks! ^_^

Most of my other D/P trainer sprite edits involve removing clothes...

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Offline Rin

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Reply #65 on: May 09, 2010, 08:50:01 PM
Most of my other D/P trainer sprite edits involve removing clothes...

Offline Mirby

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Reply #66 on: August 26, 2010, 09:25:27 AM
Meh, they're not finished yet.

Posted on: May 09, 2010, 11:51:13 AM
[spoiler=Chapter 2]
Chapter 2: Mystery
"Geo! Are you okay?" Kelvin exclaimed, running out of the house.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Dad. But I don't know how much longer we will be..."

"Because of that crack in the sky?" Kelvin asked.

"Yeah... I have no idea what it is. Do you?" questioned Geo.

"No... no I don't, son. I'll call Aaron so we can try and investigate the cause. You stay here, where it's safe. I don't think your mom would ever forgive me if anything happened to you."

"Well, that's Mom for you. Mega and I will investigate when more clues come in," Geo replied.

Kelvin put his Visualizer on. "Mega! Keep Geo safe, okay?"

"Don't worry, Kelvin! The kid's a lot stronger than he seems. With me along, the danger's negligible!" Mega exclaimed, with great confidence.

"Okay. If anything happens, I'm blaming you!"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, I need to help Hope with dinner! Good luck, son!" yelled Kelvin as he ran back indoors.

"Let's wait for clues, Mega," Geo suggested.

"Yeah, that's probably for the best," Mega agreed.

"Wait... why so cooperative? Normally you'd be adamant about wanting to fight!"

"Well I know we'll be in a lot of battles soon enough! Let's wait for clues!"

"Got it!"

    The next day, Geo got up and went outside to hang out with his friends.

"Geo! Look out!" Mega exclaimed as he materialized.

"What?" asked Geo. Mega dived and tackled Geo right as a flurry of crossbow bolts appeared right where Geo was. "What... what was that?" he asked, shocked and surprised.

"I think... it's a clue."

"Must be."

"And there's our generous cluegiver! On top of Big Wave!" Geo looked up and saw her. Standing atop the card shop was what appeared to be a young woman with a crossbow attached to her left arm. She was beautiful and had a one-shoulder dress on. She spoke with a melodious voice, with just a hint of malice hidden beneath the layers.

"Know this. The King and his four sages want you dead. I am but the first assassin sent to destroy you. I am Sniper Sagitta, and now is your time to die. Meet me tomorrow at the ruins. There you will be deleted." There was a cold edge to her words. With a quick, creepy giggle, she vanished.

"What a strange girl..." mumbled Geo.

"That was no ordinary girl. That was the result of an EM Wave Change!"

"Really? Huh..." Just then, Zack appeared.

"Hey, Geo. What's wrong?" he inquired.

"Nothing. Do you know who the king and his four sages are?"

"Hmmm... well, the only king we know is Cepheus, and we only know three sages. Dragon Sky, Leo Kingdom, and Pegasus Magic."

"The three Sages of Planet AM! Mega, why would Sniper Sagitta say four?"

"Let me think..."

"You can think? And here I thought you were some kind of monster, only capable of fighting and eating!" Luna said, laughing as she walked up.

"Why you! Meh, you're not worth it..." Luna seemed slightly offended by this remark, but she quickly hid her feelings. Mega turned to Zack and Geo. "As I remember, there was a being known as Orion Thunderbolt. He was almost the fourth sage, but then Planet AM was destroyed, and as far as I know, him with it."

"Is it possible that he didn't die?" asked Geo.

"I guess. But that still doesn't explain why him, the other sages, and your Brother Cepheus want you dead," Mega answered.

"Yeah, especially after we saved Planet FM from Sirius' Black Hole Server... there was no malice or hatred when we saw him then; just friendship. This really is a mystery... Wait, where's Bud?" Suddenly, a loud belch was heard in the distance, and it echoed off all the houses.

"There he is... Eating breakfast of course," Zack explained. Bud came rushing out of the house.

"Sorry I'm late, Prez. I was hungry."

Mega looked on the verge of saying something, but Luna promptly cut him off. "It's okay, Bud. I'd worry about you if you weren't eating."

"Zack, are there any old ruins nearby?" Geo asked, returning to the topic at hand.

"Pedia tells me that there are in fact some ruins nearby, if you could call them that. It appears that approximately 200 years ago, in a place not too far from here, an explosion rocked a place called Central City. What's left could conceivably be referred to as ruins."

"How far away?"

"Not far at all. The Wave Liner stops there now, for tourists. Why do you ask?"

"Because I've got a battle to fight." Omega-Xis got a dangerous glint in his eyes, and a grin that showed all his teeth. He vanished back into Hunter. "And, hopefully, some answers to gain as well."[/spoiler]

[Don't worry, Chap3 has more descriptions than dialogue...]

Posted on: May 23, 2010, 12:14:04 AM
[spoiler=Chapter 3]
Chapter 3: Confrontation
   The ruins were dark and dusty. A rat scurried amongst the scattered debris. Several two-story buildings lay dormant, some missing shingles while others had shattered windows or even massive holes in the walls. The remains of an old exposition center lay everywhere, thrown in every direction from the explosion two centuries previous. A faded sign on a cracked pillar was mostly illegible; all that was visible and intact on it was the message, "Cy... A.a..my." A vehicle rocks and sways in the gentle breeze, suspended by its crash into the side of its pillar-like station. The wind grew stronger and seemingly more sinister, and blew by a young man taking in the devastating sight.

"Creepy..." muttered Geo.

"But this must be the place the archer mentioned. Let's head in."


"It's not like there's any ghosts!"

"Mega, shut up! TRANS CODE, MEGAMAN!" A bright flash engulfed the pair.

"Kid, be careful. I sense a lot of viruses up ahead."

"Can you sense Sniper Sagitta?" Geo asked. Mega scanned the area.

". . . . . . Got her! She's atop the old tower with that cart crashed into it!" The two turned around and saw her.

"Teehee... So you've made it. I was beginning to think you had chickened out. Now that you're here, meet me at the principal's office at the academy ruins. And be at full strength. I want to drain all your power myself before making you beg for your miserable life. Not that it would do you any good; either way, I'm still going to delete you. Ta-ta!" With that, she vanished.

"She sure is confident for the first boss..." Mega commented.

"First boss? This isn't a video game, Mega," Geo chided.

"Well, she is our first big adversary in this crisis. Just like Taurus Fire, Dark Phantom, and Spade Magnes were for those threats," the alien explained.

"Ah, I see your point. Let's find this academy she spoke of." Mega Man walked over to the dusty plague and rubbed it. Nothing happened; it still read Cy... A.a..my. "Well, this is probably it. That explosion really did a number on this place." They walked up some steps and saw a second-floor balcony. Upon it was a pedestal that looked like it once held something. The floor was in surprisingly good condition, or so it looked. There was a door with two old gates to the northwest. There was rubble blocking the entryway to the halls beyond. He looked back up to the balcony. "That is probably our destination... but how do we get there?" Mega Man looked around and saw a doors to the southwest on both floors.

"What are you waiting for?" Mega demanded. They entered the doors into the teacher's lounge. Suddenly, a group of Mettennas appeared. They were deleted just as quickly. Mega pointed to the stairwell beyond two doors. "Let's go there!" Mega Man walked up the stairs only to find even more Mettennas; these ones swarmed the hero and blocked off all escape routes.

"Nowhere to run! We're trapped!" Geo exclaimed.

"Only one thing to do! Let's rip 'em to shreds!" Mega said excitedly, a sinister grin on his face and gleam in his eyes to match. The buster was charged up and fired; a path was made right through the viruses. "And now let's give them a deadly shower, shall we?" Geo nodded in agreement. Climbing atop the nearby railing, Mega Man tried to jump into the air. However, a Mettenna jumped up and grabbed onto his leg before he could get airborne. "Got it, kid! I was getting hungry anyways!" Mega chomped and devoured the virus. A thoughtful look entered his eyes.

"What is it?"

"Hmm... needs more salt... Ready, kid?"

"Yep!" This time, the jump succeeded, and Mega Man fired rapidly into the seething mass, easily deleting half of the swarm. "Still hungry, Mega?"

Mega looked sad all of the sudden. "Now I know how Bud feels..." He shrugged it off. "Meh. Let the buffet begin!" Holding his left arm forward, Geo charged into the Mettennas. Mega quickly devoured it the remaining members of the swarm. "Wakka wakka BURRRRPPP!!!! Sorry 'bout that; worth it though."

"Well it appears our busting level was 9 on that... not too bad... And, somehow, we're fully healed. And there's a skull in front of that door. Let's go." Mega Man entered slowly and looked around. Within seconds, they found...

"Nothing?" Mega growled.

"She said she'd be..." CLICK!

"Here? I did say that. Nice technique out there. Teehee... Now, prepare to dance for me." The voice seemed to come from nowhere. A volley of crossbow bolts suddenly flew seemingly out of the far wall. Geo narrowly dodged them. When he landed, he looked up, only to find the crossbow pointed directly at his forehead.

"Sorry, miss, but you'll be the one dancing... right to your demise!" Mega roared.

"Wave Battle! Ride on!" yelled Geo.

Sniper Sagitta... Max HP: 500... Element: Null, proclaimed the Hunter-VG.

"500 hit points? Easy!" Mega said.

"Hmm... at least I know the new scanner feature works." BRAANNNGGG!!! Geo sidestepped the bolt.

"Careful, kid. She might be harder than you think."

"What makes you say tha-WHOA!" A shockwave narrowly missed Geo.

"That does. Stay frosty, kid!"

"Frosty, eh? That gives me an idea..." Geo quickly used an IceStage battle card, and followed up with a ChainBubble1 attack. Sagitta was quickly frozen by the combo.

"I told you to be frosty, not her!" With a flurry of buster shots, her HP was reduced to 400. "Look out!" SLAM! Sagitta ran back after missing with her crossbow slam. She then shot a flurry of bolts aimed right at Mega Man. They were easily evaded. "Smooth moves, kid! Now stop messing around; if you get deleted, I go too!"

"Got it!" Geo used a SnoStorm card, halving her HP. He followed up with a Buki1 attack with the aid of Mega's lock-on ability, reducing it to 50. "Almost there..." Another flurry of arrows... these ones made contact. Before Geo could recover, Sagitta dashed up and slammed him with her crossbow. "Unnghh... that hurt."

"Told ya she was dangerous. Now finish her off!" Geo used a Sword chip with the lock-on again, and quickly slashed her... Her top half slid off of her waist and fell to the ground. Oddly enough, there were no nerves or blood or anything...

"Y-you de-defeated m-m-me..." she said.

Geo was stunned. He had just sliced someone in half... or did he?

"Tell me why Cepheus and the AM Sages want us dead!" Mega demanded.

"It w-was an or-order... a prime d-d-directive... if you will... I'm at the b-b-bottom of the t-t-totem p-pole... you'll h-have t-to d-de... defeat my comrades... if you want to... know... more..." she said.

Geo mustered up his courage, curious about the lack of gore. "Tell me. Did you wave change with a human to achieve this form?"

"N-no... I d-d-did not..."

"Then how did you become like this?"

"I... can't rememb..b..e..r..." Her data suddenly was blown away in the wind, except for a small sphere.

Sniper Sagitta deleted. Busting level: 5. 1000 zenny earned. proclaimed the Hunter-VG.

The sphere rose into the air. A small piece of it darkened, and disintegrated. "Seal removed. Barrier at 87.5%." The sphere flew high into the air until it was lost from sight.

"W-what was that all about?" Geo asked.

"Why are you asking me? Why would I know?"

"I don't know..."

"Let's head back and regroup. Maybe we'll be contacted by one of her comrades... Hopefully they can give us more answers." The pair transed out and left the ruins.

A feminine shadow stepped out from a darkened corner, holding some sort of device. Sagitta's data returned to the area and was sucked into the device. "Mega Man... hmmm... this could be harder than I thought..." the shadow said. It looked up through a hole in the ceiling, and looked at the crack in the sky. It started laughing maniacally. [/spoiler]

Posted on: May 23, 2010, 04:47:33 AM

Some more random oekaki. YAY!

Posted on: May 31, 2010, 01:20:53 AM


Posted on: June 09, 2010, 02:01:24 AM
It's been a while, hasn't it?

And now, musics I've made.


Shallower Breaths

Tribal Heat

And a sneak peek at my Subrosia remix...
Subrosia Kea

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Reply #67 on: August 26, 2010, 09:53:50 AM
Those three (or four, if we count the unfinished remix) songs... do not sound very good.
In fact... they kinda sound like you stashed few sounds at random.
I don't want to sound like a jerk, but this really needs a lot of work. A LOT OF WORK.

What did you use to make them?

I will take few more listens to them later, and I'll try to tell you what you can do to fix them.
Tough, I think it's kinda obvious what needs fixing.

Don't be discouraged tough, look at me. I barely can make anything good myself, yet I'm still trying.
Good luck.  : >

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Reply #68 on: September 28, 2010, 11:11:22 AM
FruityLoops, soundfont only. That's all I have.

As for the first three, I'm done with them. they were compo entries, and thus I'm not too worried about fixing them up more.

As for the unfinished remix, I can't show you any more. It's part of an upcoming Oracle of Seasons remix album. That's there as a teaser.

Posted on: August 26, 2010, 12:55:47 AM

Took me an hour... I'm proud of it.

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Reply #69 on: September 28, 2010, 01:44:06 PM
That actually do looks good.  8)

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

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Reply #70 on: September 30, 2010, 06:44:59 AM
Thanks! ^.^

Posted on: September 28, 2010, 03:09:57 PM


Yes, his ears are different sizes.

No, I don't care.

Posted on: September 29, 2010, 02:59:14 PM
Even moar randum oekaki!

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Blackhook

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Reply #71 on: September 30, 2010, 07:02:17 AM
*Makes a stares into my soul joke*
That's pretty good

Offline Mirby

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Reply #72 on: January 01, 2014, 11:34:34 PM
I'm more proud of my Data drawing.

Posted on: September 29, 2010, 09:05:15 PM

So I just made an Acekard skin! You should all check it out!

Posted on: January 30, 2011, 04:29:31 PM
Another bump. This time with story!

[spoiler=Chapter 1]
   Once there was a green alien named Bobert Billiamson the 3.16 X 10125,412. He was known galaxy-wide as the meanest, greenest, grilling machine-like fellow around.  It was due to this that he eventually was banned from his home galaxy, the Greeblegorkstol galaxy near the rim of the universe, and was forced to wander aimlessly. He relieved his time in exile by occasionally blowing up small, uninhabited asteroids, planetoids, moons, and the rare full-blown planet. However, as was previously stated, he never blew up anything inhabited. He may have had the murderous reputation, but he was nothing like what people thought he was. In reality, he was a kind-hearted, peace-loving humanoid, unlike his predecessors, who hated everything and consequently only reproduced by asexual division. No one knows how this worked.  Anyways, Bobert had found a strange, tetrahedron shaped planet upon which he decided to live. The shape intrigued him, as he wondered how the spikes stayed that way and how normal mechanics worked upon this strange planet. He decided to investigate, as he was unusually bright for his species, the Robblelobbles.

   While Bobert was wandering this strange planet, he stumbled and landed on top of a giant mushroom. It was soft and bouncy, and released a puff of pollen when pressure was applied to it. Landing on it exerted enough pressure to release said cloud, and Bobert started coughing and sputtering as the dust entered his respiratory system. His two pairs of lungs started to rasp, and he fell to the cap in a fit. A giant butterfly flew over and picked Bobert up, saving him from the horrible pollen. However, the butterfly flew into a giant spider web and Bobert fell earthward.  The strange jungle he found himself in seemed to be full of giant insects! “What a cliché…” he muttered, and suddenly the jungle vanished. “Also a cliché, but it gets those bugs away from me…” He kept walking, unsure of where his next destination would be.

   It was many hours before he finally made his way somewhere, and that somewhere happened to be some sort of civilization. Small magenta yurts sat around the sleepy village, and there was a massive statue of some sort of three-armed five-headed beast. It seemed that the residents worshipped it, judging from the impeccable care evident on the sparkling clean surface of the sculpture. He laughed at the absurdity of such a being existing when suddenly a door opened. This particular door was the entrance and exit of the largest yurt in the village, and a three-armed five-headed being walked out. Realization struck Bobert much like a freight train striking a bee; the statue wasn’t of their god, but of their leader! He felt like an idiot, and left in shame. He looked to his left and saw his ship. “Must’ve gone in a huge circle.” He entered it and took off, making a mental note never to return to this strange tetrahedron-shaped planet in the future.

[spoiler=Chapter 2]
   When we last left Bobert, he had just escaped that giant bug-infested tetrahedron-shaped planet. He was frightened from the experience, but not much. After a short trip, he came upon the next planet in this solar system. This one was a multicolored cube, and it looked like a bunch of different cubes smashed into each other. Right as he thought this, an entire side of the planet rotated independently of the rest, and then the top spun around. Suddenly, the side of the planet facing Bobert was no longer of a whole color. He thought this was curious, and decided to investigate further. He landed on a green cube that was currently in the northwestern corner of the planet. As he landed, the entire section suddenly shifted, and where red had been now lay blue. He decided to be careful on this planet. He walked across the green, and when he stepped in the blue he suddenly sank! The blue side was water just as the green was grass. He leapt out for a second.

   He thought for a second… red could be a wasteland, or lava.  He saw yellow, so that could be a desert. The white was obviously tundra, and the orange… he had no idea what type of terrain the orange was. Maybe it was a savannah, or maybe a strange jungle. He had no idea. Suddenly, as if the planet responded to his thoughts, the blue tile ahead switched to an orange one, and he decided to wander onto it. He slipped on a stray orange that was laying around. It seemed the the orange was a massive orange tree grove. Nine of them, to be exact…  It was a very interesting planet he found himself on, and he was grateful that the only life on the planet seemed to be these trees, and that there were no giant bugs. He looked up at the star this planet orbited. Suddenly, another sun popped out from behind the first, and Bobert realized this was a binary system! And then two more suns appeared from behind the other two, and the fact that it was a double-double system became evident. This had to be one of the strangest solar systems he’d ever seen, and he’d seen a lot in his many years of life. After all, he’d been alive for several millennia.

   Bobert continued wandering the planet, falling over and getting back up, over and over again. It wasn’t long at all before he found himself at the edge between cuboids. It was pretty large, and he decided to jump in to see what sort of mechanics drove this strange world. He fell for a while, and then landed in the central cuboid. It radiated with prismatic light, and every once in a while it pulsated with darkness, causing the surface above to shift and rotate. It was mesmerizing, and Bobert found himself drawn to it. He reached out to touch it, and was sucked inside!  If he hadn’t been so focused on the colors, he would’ve been shocked and startled, but as it was he felt pretty indifferent towards the whole situation.

   When he was all the way through, he looked around. He was inside of that central cube-like object, and the skies and floor around him pulsated with the same light and darkness that he saw outside the cuboid. It was pretty trippy. This solar system sure is bizarre, he thought to himself. Suddenly, a monster appeared directly in front of him, a pure black humanoid figure with red eyes and sharp teeth. Bobert leapt back in surprise, afraid the beast was getting ready to attack. The monster stood up straight, and conjured up a top hat and monocle out of nowhere, and put them on. “Hello, my good sir,” it said in a very distinguished-sounding voice. “How are you today?”

   “Um… good, I guess…” Bobert said, shocked by this latest development.

   “That is good to hear. What brings you to my humble abode?”

   “I… honestly, I have no clue.”

   “Well, why were you in the vicinity in the first place?”

   “Umm… the planet outside intrigued me, so I decided to investigate… and then I decided to check out the core of the planet and then I was here.”

   “I see… Nothing wrong with that, sir. Now, let us make this conversation a bit more friendly and civil. My name is Broderick Nightfeather IV. What, pray tell, is your name?” The beast tipped his hat and adjusted his monocle.

   “My name? It’s Bobert Billiamson the 3.16 X 10125,412.”

   “You must come from a very long line of Bobert Billiamsons then!” Broderick laughed a deep, hearty laugh.

   “Nah, my parents just had a sick sense of humor.”

   “I see… well, is there anything I can do for you, Sir Bobert?”

   “Umm… could you tell me what’s up with this strange solar system I’m in?”

   “Ah, an inquiring mind! Just what I like to see! I don’t see what’s strange about it though…”

   “Well, there’s the fact that these planets orbit at a dangerously close distance to the four suns in the center, yet remain as cool and inhabitable as if they were many millions of miles away. And the fact that they exist in the most improbable of shapes… That is something you could help me with.”

   “Ah, good points. Well, I may not know much, but I’ll answer to the best of my ability. This solar system exists in a strange tesserect that distorts all sorts of things; basically, it makes the impossible possible. I think you might want to check out the other planets in this solar system and seek out their guardians. Take this and show them it when you find them.” Broderick conjured up a badge that glowed with the same radiance as the skies above, and floated it over to Bobert’s pocket. “This is my badge; they’ll know who you are if you have it on you. There are seven other guardians to seek, and we all look different. Find them, and maybe you’ll find the answers that you seek.”

   “Ummm… thanks?”

   “Do not worry about it. Just know this; by finding the answers, maybe you’ll be able to free us from this unnatural existence…” With that, Bobert’s sight darkened and went black. The last thing he knew, he was falling. When he came to, he was next to his ship. The badge was still in his pocket. He shrugged, and then took off to the next planet.

[spoiler=Chapter 3]
   Bobert zoomed off into the sky. He hooked the badge onto his shirt, feeling the energy from it. It was quite a mesmerizing badge, with all the colors floating around in perfect harmony and idealistic beauty. He quickly came to the next planet. This one was shaped like a giant onion. It was the most peculiar thing for the planet to be shaped as. He decided to investigate; after all, he might get a shiny new badge out of it. As soon as he landed tears filled his eyes. Strange blade-shaped beings roamed this planet, and they constantly cut into the surface of the world whenever they moved. Naturally, in so doing they released a toxin from the inside of the planet that stung the eyes. It was a hard place to be, so Bobert ran inside his ship and got some glasses to protect his eyes.

   Now protected from the toxin, he set forth anew on his quest. First he had his ship scan the planet’s surface for notable features, and then downloaded the created map to his glasses. They were quite advanced; with them, he could view a map, surf the GalaxyNet (an interface into a system with millions of nodes that contained massive amounts of information in each, in an easy-to-read picture-and-text format), or even play a game if he wanted. He used the map feature now, and saw that there was a large cliff in the center of the planet. Unfortunately, Bobert landed near the southern pole of the planet atop a small plateau. It was a fair distance to walk; luckily it seemed as if the entire planet was devoid of water so it was solid ground all the way.

   Bobert started to walk towards the equator. It was an easy walk, thankfully, as there weren’t many hills. There were a few occasions on his journey that the blade beings gave chase, but aside from that things went smoothly. When he finally made it to the equatorial plains, he noticed something odd about the air. It kinda… waved and wobbled before his eyes. He switched his glasses to scan mode and checked the chemicals present in the air. It seemed that the toxin from the inside of the planet was quite strong here. But that wasn’t what bugged him… there seemed to be a message hidden in the chemicals. When he looked at the first letters of each of them, it seemed to spell out Rontplohe. Bobert had no idea what that mean, so he decided to see if it was an anagram. Sure enough, it was, and it spelled out North Pole. Bobert knew that was his next destination; however, there was still the matter of the sheer cliff in front of him to deal with.

   He thought for a minute… what would he do? He wasn’t sure at all, so he looked around. There were no trees in sight, so he couldn’t build a bridge. He sat down, hoping that a new perspective might give him a… well, a new perspective. And it did. As he put his hands on the ground, he noticed that the surface was rough. He tried to grab a hold of it, and a sheet of it ripped right off the ground! He kept ripping and ripping until he had enough to create a hang-glider. The far side was lower, so this would work. He constructed the glider and leapt; it wasn’t long at all before he made it to the other side. With that, his journey continued.

   He kept walking, and quickly found the northern top of the planet. It was dominated by a large tree-like object protruding from deep within the planet. Looking closely with his glasses he noticed faint writing… “Climb me…” it said. With nothing else to do, he climbed it. Upon reaching the top, he noticed a small opening. He stuck his hand in, and it opened up and sucked him in! It seemed like he was falling for quite a while. When he landed, everything was different. The walls were pure white, and seemed to be covered in a juicy liquid. His glasses also seemed to be offline; nothing was working on them at all. He looked around a bit more. As he wandered, he almost bumped into a strange white being seemingly made of pure light. Suddenly it spoke, and it’s voice had an ethereal echo to it. “What brings you to the Shrine of Un’yen?”

   “Umm… I have this badge?” Bobert said, showing the aforementioned badge.

   “Ah, so you’ve seen Nightfeather, have you? Well, I am another guardian, Nigel Purelight. I take it you’re trying to
solve the mystery of this system?”

   “Nah, just trying to figure out what the heck’s going on here.”

   “That is what I said, is it not?” Nigel replied.

   “Y-yeah, I guess.”

   “Well then, let me tell you more. Many millennia ago, before you or me was born, a strange gas flowed through our young galaxy. When it came to where this solar system currently resides, it hovered a bit. Our sun was but one large hypergiant then, but the gas split it into four smaller ones of more average size. It also created the strange mechanics present in this system, such as the cuboid planet that Broderick resides in or this onion-like one.”

   “And the giant bugs?”

   “Well… no one likes giant bugs, so that one is just as it is. A strange jungle full of giant bugs. Anyways, the key to solving this mystery lies within the center of the tetrasolar configuration. If you can find a way through the suns and into that sanctum, then you may be able to find what you are looking for. However, you will need these badges to get there.”

   “Wait, if this happened before anyone existed here, even you guardians, then how do these badges help?”

   “We found them upon residing in our shrines. The badges are named after the Shrines of the Guardians. You already have the Badge of Roo’bix, and with this one you’ll have the Badge of Un’yen. Go now, to the next planet! Find the Shrine there, and save this place!” The room went dark, and Bobert blacked out. When he came to, he was in his ship. He had the Badge of Un’yen on his shirt, next to the Badge of Roo’bix. He shrugged and left for the next planet.

Posted on: February 19, 2011, 04:27:13

With these!



[spoiler=Siggy-sized Pics]


And these!
[spoiler=Colors! Artwork]

Springtime Blossoms
Nothing special about this one... just a cherry tree blossoming in spring, the wind blowing... also aminals.

Harvest Aurora
It's a harvest moon! With the aurora borealis! Also a werewolf.
Just in time for October! ^.^

Le Tropique
And now watch as Mirby destroys a language with her pathetic attempt at something that sounds French! ^.^

Just a calm tropical scene. Nothing more.

Solaris Systemis
This time, Mirby destroys Latin!

A random solar system I drew. I like it, myself.


One of my favorite works done on my DS. It's a HEART. ^.^

A high-altitude view of a planet. Is it Earth? Who knows... but it sure looks awful purdyful...

Apocalyptic Vision
And now for the end of days.

A massive planet is about to collide with an Earth-like one. Half of it is shrouded in darkness as the monstrosity approaches while the other is seeing the sun rise for what could be the last time...

Big update. Oh yeah.

Posted on: October 04, 2011, 05:55:15 AM
Here's something I'm working on... Quoted from another forum.

Quote from: Mirby
Odd... didn't even read your post and had a similar idea. XD

Shaft is a pencil, teeth are an N64 controller, keychain is an NES controller, and the guard has some Playstation buttons on it.

Posted on: October 31, 2011, 01:10:08 AM
Minor update; something I made for a project on another forum. Thought I'd share it here.


Posted on: November 08, 2011, 08:03:40 PM

Posted on: March 29, 2012, 04:17:17 AM
*peeks in*

made this in memory of my fallen friend a couple weeks back... made it in Colors! 3D

*leaves again*

Posted on: May 17, 2012, 10:44:20 PM
At this rate I'll beat Gaia's record of consecutive posts.

Made this some time back:

Took that "Dawn All Grown Up" design above and tweaked it to make ME!

Posted on: August 11, 2012, 07:10:44 PM
*blows dust off of thread*

*chokes on massive amount of dust*

Ahem. I still make stuff. Here's some updates.

Some more custom Trainer sprites.

Look I'm just proud of that logo on the bag. He's a mailman so I did that and it LOOKS DAMN GOOD.

An old friend of mine.

A friend of mine who has a Professor alias and enjoys Touhou.

A musician I know who released an album of music meant as the soundtrack to a hypothetical Pokemon game.

Oh and Here's an arrangement of the EXE2 WWW Area theme I made. Mentioned it in the What Are You Thinking thread.

(please don't merge this post with the previous. I'd like it to be separate from that chain of doubleposts)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything