Neo Secret Files and Origins

VixyNyan · 271302

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Reply #25 on: November 09, 2008, 11:03:52 PM
Name: Enigma
Nicknames: Ennie, 'Nigma
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130 lbs
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, writing, watching anime, playing video games

Enigma has a messy mane of blue hair with a peculiar white bang, shades, blue suit with a zipper, large, Reploid-like forelimbs and a sky-blue scarf. His wrists and ankles have small blue diamonds on them, and he has a scabbard on his belt for his sword.

Cool and laid-back (almost to the point of laziness), usually keeps to himself around people he doesn't know well, but can become quite open and random-minded around friends. He is quite a nice guy and is often willing to help out when people need it.

Weapons and Abilities:
Enigma is a skilled swordsman, and uses a katana with a blade of solid ice as his main weapon - he could easily turn a group of clumsy minions into diced ham before they even realize he's unsheathed it! He's quick, agile, stealthy and able to sneak around without being detected; this, along with his ability to create shadow clones and use the element of ice and snow, has earned him the title of "The Ninja of Ice".

It's not really clear where Enigma comes from or how he came to find the world of RPM - he just wandered into town one day and soon settled in.

Anything Else:
Despite being a sort-of ninja himself, he still thinks pirates are awesome. He even claims his best friend is one, and that they would like to team up against a demon and a robot for an awesome battle of epic proportions.

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #26 on: November 09, 2008, 11:43:59 PM

Protoman Blues

Name: Greg
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 179 LBS
Hair: Red
Eyes: Red
Location: RPM City, New York City
Alignment: Imagination and humor, RPM Citizens, the Green Lantern Corps, and occasionally teams up with Ninja Lou
Hobbies: Writing, Rockman, Godzilla, Thundercats, Cartoons, 80's TV, Sci-Fi, Music, the torment of others.

Story: Originally a simple New York City man named Greg whose pure uninhibited arrogance and intellect as well as a sinful imagination and wit was a powerful force the likes of which the world had never seen. In time, this force combined with Greg's fanboy love of the Rockman Universe character known as Blues and created a new being known as Protoman Blues. This unholy combination gave Greg powers, abilities and arrogance far beyond those of mortal men.

Greg found out that his long time friend and rival as well as Chrono Trigger expert, Ninja Lou, had been seen in a place called RPM City, and decided to head to RPM City in order to further torment his friend, as Protoman Blues. Soon, Protoman Blues befriended the kind, awesome, and often silly citizens of RPM city, and decided to join them in their discussions. Protoman Blues decided to extend his optimistic and uplifting nature to the citizens of RPM City, often attempting to cheer said citizens up. Soon, his imagination and sharp wit led to the mistress of RPM, the beautiful and sexy Vixy, to knight Protoman Blues into becoming an RPM Defender. Now, Protoman Blues does his very best to uphold the traditions and rules, without abusing his power too much.

Personality: If there was one word used to describe Protoman Blues' personality, it would be egotastical.  Protoman Blues is a very confident individual, believing in himself and also believing in others around him, possibly even more than they believe in themselves.  Very laid back but very outspoken, never afraid to speak his mind and let others know how they feel, sometimes to his disadvantage as he can be careless regarding other's feelings.  A fantastic sense of humor, a sharp wit and intellect as well as a great source of willpower, Protoman Blues is the type of person you'd turn to when you need help, emotional support, or a good laugh.

Powers and Abilities: Protoman Blues has very similar power to the original Blues, which he unhealthily idolizes. His powers includes the same Blues Strike, which he fires from his hands without a Buster.  The Blues Strike can also be charged to release a more powerful shot.  Like Blues, Protoman Blues can teleport as well, not to mention whistle before appearing somewhere.  Protoman Blues has also mastered a technique of being able to influence the ego and confidence levels in others with his own mind and ego, a technique he calls Ego-Kinesis.

As his ego has grown even more massive and powerful over the years, Protoman Blues possesses the ability to channel his ego and become a Super Saiyan, even though he is not of the Saiyan Race. In this more powerful form he can fly with the power of his own ego aura, as well as unleash DBZ and Blues mixed attacks, such as the Bluesmahameha Strike. He can also unleash his ultimate attack and borrow ego from every living being to create an Ego Bomb.

Weapons and Technology: Protoman Blues can summon the very same Blues Shield that Blues uses, which he can throw like Captain America throws his shield.  Thanks to his imagination power being enhanced, Protoman Blues was able to craft himself the Sword Of Omens from his favorite cartoon show, Thundercats. The Sword of Omens has all the same powers as the original Sword, except for the ability to summon other Thundercats, being that non exist in this world. Also, as the threat of giant Monster/Mecha attacks increases, Protoman Blues decided to create the giant robot called Mighty Orbots from another favorite cartoon show with the same name. With a command from his watch, he can activate the Orbots and make them join together to fight for what's right everywhere, simply by yelling ORBOTS UNITE.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 06:13:18 AM by Protoman Blues »

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Reply #27 on: November 09, 2008, 11:44:37 PM
Name: RMZX.EXE (Anarchy)
Nicknames: RMZX, "Anarchy"
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145 lbs
Personality: Delusional

A troubled youth who believes he is a powerful hero capable of taking on just about anybody, storming into action and saving the day with his magical transformation abilities.

In reality he is weak, but fails to believe/see that. his "Magical Transformation" powers are a figment of his imagination, explaining their ineffectiveness on antagonistic forces.
During this period of his life he had fallen in love with a girl named Kallen, unfortunately for RMZX, this girl was nothing more than another imaginary construct crafted for him to curb his loneliness, and vanished upon the beginning of his departure from RPM.

Once he returned, he seemed to be fine, however it appeared he had gone insane, as he was seen constantly talking to himself.
During a small time inbetween the events of "Busier World" and "RPM City", RMZX trained in how to use a sword, and also took mental training to try and normalize himself with society.
He is currently alive, living by himself outside of the main city in a modest apartment.

RMZX from "Yet another unoriginal sandbox RP" and "Wilypocalypse NOW" is an alternate reality RMZX, he has training with a sword but its less socially adept because of a less populated RPM, he was dimensionally transported to the universe of "Wilypocalypse", where his dimensional counterpart has been missing and was married. This dimensional counterpart also had a capsule containing an android, which RMZX unwittingly activated that now follows him around using the appearance (and possibly personality) of a female that RMZX knows in some way or another, much to his irritation. This android has been named 'Akai', based off the mostly red getup she wears. The android's personality was changed drastically after a suicide attempt, leading to any semblance of caring for the android that RMZX had been developing regressing, and RMZX pulling a Suicide attempt as one last "[tornado fang] you" to the android.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 05:23:32 AM by Hawaii »

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Reply #28 on: November 09, 2008, 11:49:26 PM

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Reply #29 on: November 10, 2008, 12:15:05 AM
Name: Magnus Ragnar
Gender: Male
Height: 6ft, 8in
Weight: 193lbs
Alignment: Ragnar Mercinaries
Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Video Games


Magnus is an interesting nut to crack. He's very kind and polite, almost to a fault. While easy to anger, it's rare to actually see him get visibly angry. If you DO see him display anger, though, it's best to run for safety or pick a god and pray. Good thing he's dealt with his rage long enough to not let it override his better judgement. He's also very protective of his friends and other such people he cares about deeply, and often goes out of his way to cheer them up and or help them out.

Weapons & Abilities:
Vrydi - Magnus' emerald green sword that is made of something more indestructable then whatever the hell Met hats are made of. Capable of shape shifting into a laser pistol somehow.
Fire Affinity - Magnus has an affinity towards fire and is resistant to it while at the same time manipulating it to a great extent.
Lightning Affinity - Surprisingly, he also has an affinity for electricity. He's not as good at using it as he is fire, but he can still throw lightning bolts around and tank them with his face.
Grand Impact - Another of Magnus' fire-based abilities, Magnus throws a large fireball that explodes into firey death spikes on impact. The spikes will also explode THROUGH whatever was hit. An alternate version, called Storming Grand Impact, is the same as the normal version except with more lightning.
Dragon Skin - His skin is stupidly tough due to his whole 'being part dragon' thing.

Magnus came to RPM at the resquest of a friend who had also recently arrived. Where he comes from is unknown, but he does admit it's definitely not Earth.

Other Stuff:
Magnus will always consider himself a pirate, though his best friend is a ninja. Nobody questions how this works.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 11:59:12 AM by Magnus Ragnar »

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Reply #30 on: November 10, 2008, 12:17:23 AM
Holy molly! your artstyle is almost identical to Taiyo's!  :O

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Reply #31 on: November 10, 2008, 12:28:41 AM

Name: Akamaru
Gender: Male
Age: About 2.5 doggy years
Height: >_> I am a short doggy. You don't need the exact measure.
Alignment: Neutral. Can be good most of the time, but turns dark with pissed (not very often though).
Allies: Saber, DZ (if he is ever around), Dr. Wily, Wanderer, and King Reaper
Hobbies: Eating cookies, watching /e/ type anime, drawing, or playing video games

Likes: Horo, cookies, sweets, and the silent snowfall on a winter night
Dislikes: Shots, giving Aile to Dr. Wily, and bitter foods

Appearance: A small, white dog. Trade mark floppy ears.

Story: Akamaru is a dog born into the ninja arts, but prefers to wield a sword and attack methodically. The dog has a Copy ability where he can do most powers from other characters, but at a slightly weaker state. This is due to the fact that he is indeed a small, white dog. He spends his time running around flipping skirts and fighting Dr. Wily. Dr. Wily was once Akamaru's rival in many trivial debates, but Akamaru surrendered just for peace's sake. A dog often leads a simple life and that is true for Akamaru. While he is not saving somebody from harm, he is lazily reading books or relaxing in the upper slopes of RPM. He lives in a simple house that has access to the craziness of RPM and the snowing mountain ranges.

Abilities and Weapons: Akamaru's most prominent ability is a "copy" ability that is based on Shirou's projection magic. While the anime character can project weapons, Akamaru can create weapon's and the user's abilities. An example is Tohno Shiki, While projection allows the creator to have Shiki's weapon, Akamaru is able to gain Shiki's "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception". Akamaru's most common weapon "tracing" is the Durendal, a sword favored by Roland, a pladdin from the Middle Age Europe. However, Akamaru has some training in most weapons he uses including long range. Akamaru also has skills based on rank.
-Instinct: A (The ability to "feel" the correct course; However, it depends on Akamaru whether or not he follows it... >_>)
-Charisma: C (Abilty to command over a group; For Akamaru's level, he can command about 10 people, but perfers to follow)
-Magic: B (Abilty to use some magic; based on Akamaru's Copy Ability)
Finally, Akamaru can have a final attack called Break Point. This is when Akamaru has used up the last of his strenght and can break a seal to release himself. Not much is known even to himself because he can't remember what happenes afterwards.

Strength: B+
Defense: C
Special: A
Vitality: B
Dexterity: B-
Spirit: A
Intelligence: B
Luck: B
Wisdom: D
Appearance: B

Weakness: Akamaru's weakness is ecchi. Especially Cat/dog/wolf girls. Cliche to say, but the blood would rush to his head and he'd explode from the nose. The only way to avert this is if Akamaru becomes serious or if he "kills" his heart. This means to become machine-like.

Random Quirks: Akamaru has made odd talents due to actually training and not cheating through his Copy Ability. He can play the guitar and sings along during karaoke. Also, Akamaru loves to swim at the beach and ocean enjoying the peaceful waves.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2008, 06:40:24 AM by Akamaru »

When was the last time I poked you guys...

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #32 on: November 10, 2008, 12:40:49 AM
Alrighty.  This is the "special" idea that Vixy and I have had, regarding the Secret Files and Origins.  The one downside of posting these all in a topic, is that you constantly have to go back and remember your page, or something like that.  Now, you can still post your Profile here in this topic, but I thought regarding both Editing, Images, and other such fun stuff, we could use the power of the Wiki!

Protoman Blues Wiki

RPM, as I see it, is a really great community to belong to.  Seriously, you all have such vibrant and awesome imaginations, and I thought that this would be a more fun way to get your character profiles, as well as your other fan characters out there for the rest of RPM to see.  I thought that this would be a more organized, easier to edit, and overall more fun way to work on your character profile.  Images and Editing should be a lot easier to use, as well as linking to other profiles that you've created, or that other members have.  For example, I mention Vixy in my PB Profile, so I can link to her SFO (Secret File & Origin)  Anyway, you don't have to do this at all.  You can continue to use this thread for all your SFO fan character needs.

LoL, I won't lie to you either.  Another reason I'm pushing this is that it'll make researching your character for my GoRPM's much MUCH easier!   8D

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Reply #33 on: November 10, 2008, 12:43:12 AM
HOLY [parasitic bomb]! Best idea ever.

Funny how I've pretty much finished my character profiles outside of story before this.

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Reply #34 on: November 10, 2008, 01:09:06 AM
I'm glad you like the idea, Jelly!  I hope other's do as well.

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Reply #35 on: November 10, 2008, 01:18:08 AM
Mhm, it has a big potential. Maybe after we'll finish our characters, we'll cover also some places and events as well (GoRPM, Comic Jams, STD, and whatnot)? Or it's just for characters?

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Reply #36 on: November 10, 2008, 01:23:42 AM
Mhm, it has a big potential. Maybe after we'll finish our characters, we'll cover also some places and events as well (GoRPM, Comic Jams, STD, and whatnot)? Or it's just for characters?

Exactly!  You can add in events and such like that into your main text.  Perhaps make an "Events" section after the Weapons and Abilities section, or something like that.

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Reply #37 on: November 10, 2008, 02:20:34 AM
Robot Form
Human Form

Czar Sparky

    Sparky hailed from a distant planet which bore a technologically advanced nation known as The Modern Utopia. Sparky was the son of wealthy businesspeople, and was taught strict values and was educated of ancient civilizations. Among his teachings, he was told that more societies such as his own needed to thrive in the galaxies in order to achieve something known as the "Utopian Universe". Once he was old enough, he was sent away to live his own life, and was given many things for his departure(including an old heirloom, the "Satanees' Sceptre"). He arrived at the planet of RPM Ville. Disgusted by the lifestyle he encountered, he left south to begin his mission. After a while, a city-state nation was born, known as "Sparkvernia". Soon after, it grew to a mechanized metropolis similar to Sparky's homeland, home to many technological advances and military prowess. After prospering continued, this once small city-state expanded to the entire southern hemisphere of the planet, and boasted a volcanic subregion known as the Badlands for natural defense. The borderline of Sparkvernia spans the entire equator aswell. Sparky plans to take over the northern lands at any given chance, and fully take his part in achieving the "Utopian Universe".

Personality:  Sparky could be seen as an uptight person who believes in strict (although sometimes noble) values, and believes that his view of things are the best. When he first saw Vixy, he bore an unusual grudge against her for reasons unknown. He sees the openly sexual environment of the northern regions embarrassing and disturbing, which explains why he went south to start his goal. 

Powers: A natural human, and as a human, wields either a firearm of some sort or his family heirloom, the Satanees' Sceptre, the latter having supernatural powers such as raising the dead and causing the user to split into multiple clones of itself. As a robot, Sparky manipulates electricity in combat, and sometimes combining them with formerly said supernatural powers for disastrous results, such as becoming Black Hole Sparky, an incarnation of Sparky which is his robot form fused with pure hatred.

Legendary Purpose: Sparky's family are actually the descendants of an ancient civilization known as the Satanees, who were advanced for their time and worshiped a pantheon of wisdom and war gods. The Satanees were wiped out by an unknown group of people who were jealous of their innovation, yet a small group of Satanee oracles survived. They constructed the Satanees' Sceptre, and prophesied that a descendant of theirs of the vastly distant future will gain hold of this instrument, and with it, construct a powerful empire that will succeed the Satanee legacy and avenge the death of the people by defeating the descendant of their enemy in a single fight to the death. After establishing Sparkvernia AND having hold of the Sceptre, Sparky is most likely the descendant in the prophecy.

Notes:: Sparky has a completely aesthetic health condition known as being a "Pseudozombie", in which despite his true health, he will always look as though he's near death. The Sparkvernian social structure simply has Humans and Robots at an equal level, along with the "Unmentionable Minority", a population of androids, humans and other sentient creatures with animal like features, primarily catgirls, that are treated as subhuman mutants and are either deported or put under the "Physical Correction Procedure", where, through surgery, become pure humans or purely humanoid androids. Sparky occasionally holds parties in which members of the Imperial Court and the extremely wealthy attend in a refined manner reminiscent of parties of the early 20th century.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 08:57:28 AM by Sparky »

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Reply #38 on: November 10, 2008, 02:20:56 AM
Hey, Sparky's back.

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Reply #39 on: November 10, 2008, 03:30:31 AM
Robot Form
Human Form

Czar Sparky

    Sparky hailed from a distant planet which bore a technologically advanced nation known as The Modern Utopia. Sparky was the son of wealthy businesspeople, and was taught strict values and was educated of ancient civilizations. Among his teachings, he was told that more societies such as his own needed to thrive in the galaxies in order to achieve something known as the "Utopian Universe". Once he was old enough, he was sent away to live his own life, and was given many things for his departure(including an old heirloom, the "Satanees' Sceptre"). He arrived at the planet of RPM Ville. Disgusted by the lifestyle he encountered, he left south to begin his mission. After a while, a city-state nation was born, known as "Sparkvernia". Soon after, it grew to a mechanized metropolis similar to Sparky's homeland, home to many technological advances and military prowess. After prospering continued, this once small city-state expanded to the entire southern hemisphere of the planet, and boasted a volcanic subregion known as the Badlands for natural defense. The borderline of Sparkvernia spans the entire equator aswell. Sparky plans to take over the northern lands at any given chance, and fully take his part in achieving the "Utopian Universe".

Personality:  Sparky could be seen as an uptight person who believes in strict (although sometimes noble) values, and believes that his view of things are the best. When he first saw Vixy, he bore an unusual grudge against her for reasons unknown. He sees the openly sexual environment of the northern regions embarrassing and disturbing, which explains why he went south to start his goal.

Powers: A natural human, and as a human, wields either a firearm of some sort or his family heirloom, the Satanees' Sceptre, the latter having supernatural powers such as raising the dead and causing the user to split into multiple clones of itself. As a robot, Sparky manipulates electricity in combat, and sometimes combining them with formerly said supernatural powers for disastrous results, such as becoming Black Hole Sparky, an incarnation of Sparky which is his robot form fused with pure hatred.

Legendary Purpose: Sparky's family are actually the descendants of an ancient civilization known as the Satanees, who were advanced for their time and worshiped a pantheon of wisdom and war gods. The Satanees were wiped out by an unknown group of people who were jealous of their innovation, yet a small group of Satanee oracles survived. They constructed the Satanees' Sceptre, and prophesied that a descendant of theirs of the vastly distant future will gain hold of this instrument, and with it, construct a powerful empire that will succeed the Satanee legacy and avenge the death of the people by defeating the descendant of their enemy in a single fight to the death. After establishing Sparkvernia AND having hold of the Sceptre, Sparky is most likely the descendant in the prophecy.

Yours is probably one of my favorite secret files.

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Reply #40 on: November 10, 2008, 03:33:23 AM
Sparks is a great writer though. His bio is both convincing and digestable. I especially loved the little bit about his home world.

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Reply #41 on: November 10, 2008, 03:39:40 AM
Oh, absolutely.  Sparky has one of the best and most creative imaginations on RPM.

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Reply #42 on: November 10, 2008, 03:49:36 AM

^ By Acid (thanks!)

NAME: Real name unknown. Goes by Aliases "Flame" and "K.G. Morder"
AGE: Appearance is early to mid 20's, real age unknown, probably older.
RACE: Human/Cyborg
WEAPONS: A few concealed weapons within armorsuit, superhuman strength, whatever weapons he has with him.

Location: FAUST space station orbiting RPM

ABOUT:Flame is a full flesh replacement type Cyborg. His entire body is mechanical, a process achieved by replacing part by part of the body until all flesh, external and internal has been replaced His body is of course, completely and fully illegal, his anatomy filled to the brim with illegal modifications to the otherwise normal cyborg body, granting inhuman strength, agility, and endurance. he also has a few weapons built right into his body. He lives in a futuristic country, and is part of a secretive private military organization.

All it's members have no official records, and do not exist, and might occasionally have unsavory checkered pasts, with often military or law enforcement origins, making them prime candidates for the job. Flame himself is part of the strike force and special black ops division, and holds a somewhat high rank himself. When in his city, he lives on the base grounds special apartment complex.

Flame currently has launched a space station over the city called "RPM" to study the strange place, (and unintentionally gotten involved in it's security) and has gotten acquainted with the people there, who were able to tell very easily instantly, and do not seem to mind the fact he is a cyborg, unsurprising, given RPM's colorful list of inhabitants. In fact, Flame has fallen under the care of Dr. Wily ll, the town's resident genius Scientist, who runs Flame's maintenance, and acts as a sort of mentor or Grandfather figure.

He is involved with the RPM Military, and has set up a Flying base just at the limit of the Stratosphere,GIVEN TO PB AND CURRENTLY A SEX SHACK BRANCH- and a Space station orbiting just above RPM. its name is F.A.U.S.T. (First Assault Unconditional Surrenter Terminal) its purpose, for Research,  Military training, and planetary defense of RPM.


« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 07:50:58 AM by Flame »

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #43 on: November 10, 2008, 05:38:56 AM
seems like an interesting idea o.o

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Reply #44 on: November 10, 2008, 05:41:42 AM

When was the last time I poked you guys...

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Reply #45 on: November 10, 2008, 05:42:42 AM
Register on the WikiSpace, request access to RPM's Wiki Page, click on the Fan Character link, and get started.  I believe that's all it takes.


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Reply #46 on: November 10, 2008, 08:51:30 AM
Going through some revisions on my own character to go along with some requested work aswell as the passage of RPM history, so I'll have to wait a bit to do mine (again, funny how that works) but alas, I love this idea. You two, always coming up with innovative ideas.

Well, I'll be revisiting this topic soon, hopefully.

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Reply #47 on: November 10, 2008, 02:15:17 PM
*kicks a rock* I don't know what's going on ><

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Reply #48 on: November 10, 2008, 08:40:38 PM
Edward Nygma? 8D
Nuuuu. D=

Even though the Riddler is awesome.

Also, in response to the wiki: SPLEE! =D

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Reply #49 on: November 10, 2008, 09:37:34 PM
Name: Vulpes Pyrex, VP, or PyroDaFox
Sex: What’s that? Is it candy? (Er, male)
Species: Fox
Age: Unknown. Old enough to know better but too young to care.
Height: 3’ 0”
Weight: 31 lbs.
General Location: Teh Intarwebs, RPM, Sector 2814
Alignment: Chaotic Good, RPM, Blue Lantern Corps
Hobbies: Gaming, Reading Comic Books, Sonic the Hedgehog (old school of course), Megaman, POKeMON!, and Spreading Hope

Personality: Remember that old expression “crazy like a fox”? It fits Vulpes like a glove. Hyperactive and immature to a fault, he likes to bring chaos to order by showing up unannounced to wreak havoc while laughing maniacally at the recipients of his childish pranks (normally directed at “uptight stiffs”) and bouncing around. Oblivious to the sexual environment, he innocuously sees it all as a game and emulates it to the best of his abilities.

Secret Origin: Hailing from the windswept prairies of southern Alberta, a lonely websurfer named Ben was sucked into the Internet after spilling a bottle of Dr. Pepper (his favorite refreshment) on the keyboard at the same time a lightning bolt his computer during a freak winter thunderstorm. The millions of amps coursing through his brain shattered his already somewhat-fragmented psyche, sending the pieces flying across the vast multicosmos of the Internet. One piece became the violent and rage-fueled Heatman of Wily’s Warriors in an alternate Rockman universe, while another piece found its way to the RPM universe where it became the reckless and fun loving Vulpes Pyrex.

After a few years of stowing away on intergalactic freighters, exploring much of the local supercluster, and incidentally spreading hope with his youthful high jinks, the former Guardians Ganthet and Sayd found him worthy to wield the azure light of the Blue Lantern Corps. While patrolling his assigned sector of space, Sector 2814, Vulpes stopped at the Cantina in Greedocon and found RPM city to his liking. His duties as a Blue Lantern often take him off-world, Vulpes always shows up to add a little more chaos to an already-chaotic world, and to annoy people like Czar Sparky by asking “why so serious?” awhile dodging their wrath.

Weapons/Abilities: VP’s Blue Lantern power ring possesses the same abilities as it green counterpart but also has the ability to supercharge other power rings. This power also applies to metahuman abilities, such as Protoman Blues egokinesis, to unknown factor. Aside from that, Vulpes possesses unmatched agility as well as an uncanny ability to bend the laws of physics but it’s limited to comedic effect. If you throw him out a fifty-storey window, he’ll appear right behind you. You blast him to bits; his body will either reconstitute itself or his eyes appear from the blast marks and blink. Crush him with a 32-ton safe? His body will unfold like an accordion. Vulpes is as killable as the Warner Brothers (and the Warner Sister).

Come and read some Thoughts of a Platypus