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Topics - Waifu

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Off The Wall / Alien sounding names
« on: March 01, 2009, 04:08:45 AM »
Does anyone on RPM know the  secret to creating aliens that have exotic like Jar Jar Bink, Tlic, Yob or Worf? I was wondering for years how they come up with those names for the aliens and their planets but I could never found how even Quickman was once Greedo the Quick. I wonder if it is from Babylonian, Sanskirt, Hebrew or any other ancient language that they derive these names from? I just want to know where they come with their names, it seems so exotic and unique at thr same time.

Original / The Hardest Wily Fortress stages
« on: February 21, 2009, 06:56:40 AM »
I had replayed the games recently and although I had some trouble in the the stages themselves, I always seem to have a lot of trouble in the Wily stages. I know you all probably noticed that the Fortress stages in MM Universe are basically a combination of the 8 robot master stages you already beaten and there are usually more difficult than those stages. My question which do you believe is the hardest Wily stages? I had a hard time with the Wily stages of MM2, the Protoman stages and MM7 stages. I are a hard time with time with those stages but what stages did you have a hard with?

Rockman Series / The Great Cateclysm: Silenced Forever?
« on: February 04, 2009, 06:13:03 AM »
Although the InfaKing has pretty said that Zero would never kill all the other MM characters, does that mean that the cateclysm has been silenced? He never did say what happen to the Classic characters in the X series or he may have implied it but I just didn't know about it or observe it. But was does this mean for all the so called cateclysm theories that had been thrown around for many years? I am hoping for someone like Zan or Hypershell to enlighten me on this.

Off The Wall / Dryspells
« on: January 25, 2009, 08:15:24 AM »
I don't know why but it seems that I have still these creative dryspells to the point where I can no longer muster the patience to read a good fiction story or I have come with ideas but they seem to pale in comparison to other people's ideas. I don't why but it feels as though that I cannot seem to get into "creativity" mode when I stare at a blank piece of paper, I want to write something down but I cannot put it on paper. I usually get ideas from books or after watching shows to get a better understanding of the story of the show but I cannot seem to concentrate on that as well.

I like to thank you all for the tips on writer's block but now I need some help with these "dryspells" that I have. I do not know whether it is seasonal depression or any other psychological matter but I just go to sit down and just read the books I am reading. I have to return to the library and they are overdue as it is but what methods do you suggest that I can utilize to overcome there "dryspells"?

Rockman Series / It always the little things.....
« on: January 12, 2009, 09:50:54 PM »
I played MM games for along while now and while they may be fun to play, there just some parts in the games that are a little [tornado fang]ing that makes you want to smash your controller. Some parts in the games (ex. spikes, getting pushedback when hit and Quick Man's insta death laser things) just irritate but after replaying the stages over and over again, they annoy me less. What are the little things in any MM game that annoy that use to or still annoy you?

Off The Wall / The New Year Thread
« on: December 31, 2008, 09:08:44 PM »
We all had a fun 2008 but 2008 is almost over and we must now embrace the new year! Well, I just like to say Happy New Year to everyone at RPM and I hope to have some more exciting adventures in 2009. I wish I had a picture to post here but anyway Happy New Year, everyone!  owo  0v0  ;)  :)  8)  ;O;  8D

I like being a New Years Baby!!!

X / Favorite X series boss
« on: December 30, 2008, 08:50:34 AM »
Since there has already been a favorite Robot Master boss thread, I thought we could use another thread this time with the X series. It doesn't have to be one of the eights Maverick bosses you have to face in the games (ex. Eregion or Vile) but if you have a boss please post it down.

I'll start with my favorites:

Slash Beast
Magma Dragoon
Armored Armadillo
Spark Mandrill

Anime & Manga / Soul Eater
« on: December 26, 2008, 07:46:33 AM »
Well, I am surprised that no one started a thread on Soul Eater but I was wondering if anyone I had read the manga or watrched the anime already? I wonder who this Eibon guy is and what is he planning? 

Off The Wall / The Christmas Thread
« on: December 24, 2008, 05:53:40 PM »
Well, I don't know if anyone started a thread like this already but before Christmas day tomorrow I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas even most of us know the true history behind the holiday *cough*the pagan holiday not being Jesus actual birth*and I just want to thank RPM for a great 2008.

Rockman Series / Why don't see more Original robots in the series?
« on: November 16, 2008, 05:24:18 AM »
I know that robots in the Classic series are intentionally comical and lighthearted but still how come we don't see more original robots like the StarDroids, Dark Men, Rockman Killers and Duo in thi series. I cannot say I don't see robots like that but most of them are Mechaniloids or Reploids, still why aren't there more robot designers with Original designs in this series or more alien robots? Or another villain other Sigma?

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