I just received my copy of Hyrule Historia today as well!
Enjoying it so far, catch you guys on the flip side!
And those musics you guys picked out... nice choices!
Posted on: January 31, 2013, 10:15:40 PM
Got a chance to read my copy of the Hyrule Historia and it's good but there's on thing that bugs me... the lack of Majora's Mask information in it.
It has about 2 to 3 pages about it in the book regarding the timeline plot AND artwork while all the other series have at least 4 or more pages to them in the timeline and artwork section and it boggles my mind. I was expecting to learn more about this game the most as it's my favorite Zelda game of all times.
The only thing in the book that does shed a few light in the game story is that Navi is indeed the friend that Link is looking for as he venture inside the Forbidden Forest, also known as the Lost Woods, that connects the worlds of Hyrule and Termina and this officially states it though I'm not sure if the manga of Majora's Mask is really consider canon to the game itself with a few things done differently and it Hyrule Historia mentions that Link used the Fierce Deity Mask to destroy Majora's Mask which in a way means that canonically Link obtain the Fierce Deity mask and used it against the Majora's Mask.
And there were concept art for Adult Link that never made it into the game so the Fierce Deity was designed around that... which was very likely and not that hard to imagine.
Another thing it touched upon was the Deku Scrub tree you see in the beginning of the game and the book mentions that the
spirit of the Deku Scrub that died in the forest connecting Hyrule and Termina was used to cursed Link into his Deku Scrub form. Though whether Skull Kid with Majora's Mask killed the Deku Scrub in the forest or the Deku Scrub simply died by lost in the woods remains to be seen and is never touched upon nor is the Deku Scrub refer to the Butler's Son but the ending of the game otherwise confirms with the Butler grieving over the died Deku Scrub tree in the forest.
I wanted to know more about the Skull Kid and see if the developers confirm that this Skull Kid is the exact same Skull Kid from Ocarina of Time where Link meets in the Lost Woods and plays Saria's Song and gives him the Skull Mask. Well the Skull Kid in Majora's Mask did mention Link "smelled" like the fairy boy that taught him that song and in the beginning seems to recognize him.
And there's other characters I wanted to know as well... kinda of a darn shame that we didn't get the chance to learn more about than while the other series gets more notice.
Either way it's an excellent book, just wish there was more to the Majora's Mask section.