Sorry I'm bitching about my father as usual but it's just he's bitching at me to get my mom to get stuff for him. Now what I don't get is that almost every single day he gets crap at the 99 cents store, that need I remind you we don't want him to do, but when he wants something done that's a so called 'priority' to him, which it almost never is, he bitches at me and my mom to do what he wants for him. I'm also usually the target of said bitching because he gets so frustrated when my mom can't hear him even though my mom is the one who has the damn car.
Me and my mom are obviously absolutely sick of it, because he'll never be satisfied and he'll always demand us to do things for him that he can absolutely do himself. He treats us like his errand boys, and bitches at us to do everything for him since women should obviously serve the man of the house while he lazes around and does nothing or brings useless junk to the house which makes mom upset because it's just needless clutter.
Again sorry about the rant, it just something that just utterly drains me, especially since nothing can be done since he's mentally ill.