Right now, I'm in a similar predicament with the Pokemon RP. I like to play with NPCs and I will populate the story with them. The problem is, I end up usually being the only one who actively controls those NPCs.
Psst. Guys. Feel free to grab any of the Team Rocket characters and go nuts. I'm not staking any claim. That's why I left my last post open-ended.
But, anyway, that actually sometimes happens, even with experienced RPers. A campaign will sometimes end up with one person taking the lead and then advancing the story and trying to still play fair with the NPCs against their own character. I encounter this a lot, and I'm used to it, but it makes play difficult, and I end up being extra hard on my own characters because I don't want to show any bias.
MCH, if Kathy falls into the NPC category, encourage others to take control of her. Throw in other NPCs and encourage others to use them. It may not work right away, as from experience, I have had to practically give other players the NPCs and tell them point-blank that that particular character is under their control. This happened a lot with a friend of mine. He controlled one character, when I was juggling not only mine, but any NPCs.
I'm not sure if this is the case with the Wily RP, but it is with the Pokemon RP on the Team Rocket end, and the situation is similar in that we're controlling our own characters' weaknesses. Encourage others to join in, supply them with an endless amount of NPCs. Supply them with props and items within the setting that they can use. I gave Team Rocket an armory, for example.
This way, if you're the one advancing the story, you can still make it a group effort by encouraging participation with the NPCs.
That said, Team Rocket has an army. They've got Mewtwo, Wily, and Ahrzayl cornered in an elevator. Got plenty of NPCS, several with names. Pick one, or two, or more, or add your own. If you're in Domino's group, you start play armed to the teeth. Join in!