I remember they deleted an example I edited because it was "Like a discussion".
Of course, there were plenty of other examples like that as well. Anecdotal crap (They had the Sailor Moon figuarts in the Horrible Toys section because some dumbasses hamhanded theirs.), stuff that's in the wrong place (An MLP related example in a Live Action TV section).
Its pretty bad over there.
They were bitching behind my back about how "You don't know how to indent entries" when I was working on their Video Game index when there are franchises like Final Fantasy that have separate sub-series (Crystal Chronicles, XIII-era stuff, er cetera) that's plainly difficult to list and organize, and despite my best of listing them, they throw [sonic slicer]-fit over it.
There also this [lightning web] over there who attacked me on an article I was editing, claiming I was writing opinions when I was clearly writing
fact. I gave the [sonic slicer] some advice on how not being a to be a know-it-all on a game she(?) hardly knew about, much less contribute, and started giving me [parasitic bomb] about it. The nerve of some people...