As the other scatter to seek medical aid or catch up on events Blue turns to Aqua Star who during the whole meetings was off humming some random tune to him self.
"Alright It's time you explain yourself." Blue stood before him her hands placed on her hips and a stern look on her face.
"Explain the what now?" Aqua Star tilts his head quizzically.
"Don't give me that I want to know why you really went rogue, we all worked together before because Shadow Star was a bigger threat but Flare Star had no qualms about attacking me this time!" Blue's tone is still quite serious and frustrated.
"Oh common I thought we were passed this, okay let me just sum this up. I really have no interest in fighting you, I find your company rather pleasant; and that colour choice? A okay with me babe!" before blue can interrupt and remind him not to use that term he raises a hand and continues "But the truth is White Beard is kinda killing my mood, I don't want riches or power I just want to do what I want to do; and being on the bad guy's side is not what I want to do." Blue can't deny aqua's star's expression seems sincere and admittedly she never had a reason to doubt him before.
"Alright alright I believe you, just answer me one more thing." Blue sighs relaxing her body language.
"Anything!" Aqua Star responds pepping up right away
"Where is the Omni-Gem right now, the resistance doesn't know how much power WilyII and White Beard will have if they find a way to draw more mana out of it." Blue looks back to the others still around recalling the final battle with Shadow Star.
"It's hidden at WilyII's main base, I think he and White beard were already using it to power up their stuff; I hate to say it but the resistance may become quite familiar with it's power soon. Oh and WilyII has been helping the captain mass produce the old Dark Star Mk.I ships, I think theres about five of them or so." Aqua Star strokes the chin of his faceplate as he recalls the details.
"Great plus his new Dark Star, okay okay I'll talk to the others warn them about what to expect in their coming battles, Thanks Aqua and sorry for mistrusting you." Blue pats him on the shoulder and turns to join the main group.
"Hey I don't know what your worried about babe, just go all super like last time and you'll tear through the cap and Wily's stuff no problem." Aqua Star gives the thumb up to her.
"It's not that simple, the power I got from the Omni-Gem has been all but used up; and I'm not sure I can turn into my Omni-Form again without it. Plus I'm sure the captain will have my new power in mind in his future plans; either way I can't rely on that form like the others.
But we have lots of new friends now; if I'm not strong enough on my own I'll rely on their power instead." Blue gives the thumbs up back and continues to head off not before feeling the infuriating "tap" of one of Aqua Star's whip arms.
"Go get'em babe!" Aqua Star chuckles.
Blue merely grumbles as she leaves to join the others.
(I'll wait for everyone else to finish their own discussions and plot points before she reaches the group, I'm sure they want an explanation of her presence and what brought her there anyway.))