Since there was no topic about this yet, Digimon World Re:Digitize is a new entry to the Digimon World series for the PSP. The story follows a 14-year old boy who travels through both the Real World and Digital World, and after an incident while riding his moped in the city he finds himself in the Digital World.
Lead Designer/Artist is Suzuhito Yasuda creating the characters of the world, who also has worked on Durarara!! and the Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor series.
Re:Digitize will be "returning to the starting point", and Namco Bandai has mention since Digimon World 1 is still praised as the best of the series, and will "inherit certain systems" from the original Digimon World game. The game is being developed by Tri-Crescendo, who has developed Eternal Sonata and Fragile Dreams: Farewell of the Moon.
Here are the news articles: by the screenshots, the Protagonist will have only have one Digimon partner just like DW1 and explore a city "just like File City from DW1" and areas like forests and swamps. Since GeoGreymon is in the game it is possible Digimon from up to Digimon Season 5 and latest release Digimon games will be in the game.
Digimon World Re:Digitize is will out for the PSP next year. No word on a US release as of yet.
How was that? I'm normally do write these kind of news bit and I'm not sure if I did a good job. It did get the point across, right?