This is what Ash from the Pokemon anime has been reduced to...
He's f***ing forgotten about THE 5TH POKEMON HE'S EVER OWNED!! In a world where pokemon are the wildlife, that's like forgettng about one of your pets! Hell, it IS forgetting about one of your pets!
[spoiler=Rant]If it was for exposition to new viewers, they could've just had Ash say that he had one that evolved all the way to charizard! Or, if they really needed the pokedex, he could've handed it off to one of his sidekicks, or had them gather around him! This is a level of stupidity that makes me pissed off! I know I don't watch the anime anymore, but COME ON! Don't you think that making him lose every game-based league turnament and taking away his ability to gawk at sexy ladies punishment enough?! Now they have to make him forget about his earlier pokemon that aren't in his party anymore!?! AUGH! *headsplodes*[/spoiler]