As shots fired all around her, Domino quickly made her way to Giovanni and Joe's position, shouting through her comlink. "Cease fire! Cease fire!"
Giovanni spun about on his heel. "Are you mad, woman?! It's getting away!"
"Let it," Domino stepped closer. "We have it tagged."
"Tagged. Microchipped. Like a Herdier," Domino clarified. "When we brought it in, I implanted an RFID chip and battery into the base of Mewtwo's tail. Relatively simple, just a small incision to implant it under the skin. The chip is programmed to send a signal to our satellites every four hours, for tracking purposes, and the battery will last a year."
Giovanni pondered that for a moment, and then spoke onto his comlink. "Cease fire. Let it go." He turned to Domino, his brow furrowed. "You had better hope it doesn't know about it! Dr. Wily is with it, he could remove the tag or override it!"
Domino shook her head. "No one knows about it except for you and I. Mewtwo was asleep when I implanted it, and Wily wasn't told," she sneered, "for security reasons." She took a receiver out of her pack. "We can track it with this, and the chip will update the location every four hours."
Giovanni nodded and thought about it for a moment. "What if they find out and have a hacker? Those chips can be disabled, I should know. I've had our hacker disable the things all the time!"
"Not this one," Domino shook her head. "We use proprietary software. Unless those twits have a hacker from Fujisoft or anyone who knows m2code, no one will be able to hack that chip."
Giovanni nodded again. The chips his techs had disabled were commercially-available, whereas he had secured an exclusive contract with Fujisoft to develop military-grade proprietary software, using a programming language that no one could understand. He had taken a few programming courses in his youth and was relatively well-versed in the most-commonly-used languages, but he could not make heads or tails out of m2code. Anything even remotely related to looking like a declarative statement was complete and utter gibberish to him. He even had one of his colleagues look at it, a man who specialized in linguistics studies, and even he couldn't pin down a language of origin. It was as if whoever designed the code was woefully illiterate. Though, in its incomprehensibility, that's where the programming language was a godsend to covert and classified activities--no one knew how to decipher it.
Satisfied, Giovanni put the safety on his rifle and pointed it to the floor. He noted the other grunts following suit. "We'll track it, then."
Domino nodded. "I suggest not heading out right away. Let it think we've given up on it, then we go after it. Besides," she indicated the surrounding destruction, "we need to clean up and regroup, and come up with a better plan of action."
"Withdraw our forces," Giovanni commanded, "then meet me in the conference room. We have other matters to attend to, matters that may help us in recapturing Mewtwo, all the while giving us a new and more-powerful ally."