My childhood favorite was Jaster, but I really enjoyed playing as Kisala back when I played it on emulator.
You know, whenever Kisala DIDN'T cause my characters to fall through the map. Damn glitchy emulator...
And don't you mean Zegram?
Posted on: May 29, 2013, 07:29:02 PM
I'm playing Half-Life 2, and I found out that the broken rollermine that DOG plays with just before the Ravenholm chapter can not only be taken to the next level, but actually stays active in between maps, following me around and distracting zombies. It was so cute that I named it Ron and vowed to protect it and keep it safe from harm.
However I now have limited my arsenal of thrown items... give me a room full of red barrels and I'm gonna get stuck throwing Ron at people. Plus Ron, despite being bulletproof and zombieproof, is not fireproof or electricproof (basically anything involving a trigger_hurt or fire damage), which will be a challenge when fire traps get abundant.