He's a general, his blood/brain being on file somewhere is no far stretch. As Other M showed us you can barely sneeze in that outfit without somebody authorizing it.
Samus: That perfect military mind... The wisdom of Adam Malkovich continued to serve even after death. Until today, I had no idea that the minds of leaders and scientists were frequently uploaded to computers. My incredible reunion with Adam may have saved the universe..."
So I was thinking of how Other M could be improved upon, short of just gutting the entire plot. I've got a few thoughts, so please feel free to set them ablaze.
[spoiler=Yeah, spoiler tags in case people still give a damn]
-Sector Zero as a playable area. They took a bit of time to build up the area to players and get them excited only to ultimately cockblock them. Samus should have been allowed to go into the area and encounter these so-called Invincible Metroids. Upon finding out that the computer MB that "Madeline" told her about was a hoax, Samus needs to escape the area or else she's caught in the explosion of the colony. At this point, the Invincible Metroids are swarming like mad, maybe throw in an Alpha or Beta stage version as a midboss at any time in this area before or during the escape.
-I'm not sure how Adam's death would occur, but it'd have to be in a way that keeps the GF clear, otherwise, Samus' involvement with them in Fusion would make less sense. Probably killed by "The Deleter" taking a bullet for Samus?
-Introduce the real Madeline Bergman earlier. It's clear with the whole explanation that she treated MB like a daughter that they wanted to build some emotional sympathy with the player. However, as it stands, this is a worthless thing to do three minutes before she's ultimately killed. There's no emotional attachment and it means absolutely nothing other than "that [sonic slicer] got [tornado fang]'d up." This would also work well if MB was actually fought, as now you have the added factor of Samus hesitating to finish her off (she already feels sympathetic to her after hearing Madeline's account.)
One other little thing I and probably others would have appreciated is missiles and super missiles in third person mode while keeping the side remote style. After examining the controller, I found missiles could have easily been set to B, which can be fired with the left middle finger. To use a super missile, you follow a mechanic similar to Metroid Prime where you charge up your beam. You tap B to fire a missile and, bam, super missile.
[spoiler=ZEE SPOILERZ!!]Adam's death I don't mind, but yeah, some encounter with an unfreezable Metroid would have been nice. Drive home the point that MB was setting Samus up, and also make the fact that they are a setup for Adam's death less obvious. Yeah, we know he has to buy it before Fusion, and they picked a good way for him to go, my full and sole gripe is being told why, rather than shown why.
Madeline, yeah. As I said before, her being revealed after Queen Metroid makes it clear that they were just looking at the story and not at game pacing. I don't expect to grow attached to Melissa, though. Cheezy dialogue pretty much never comes unexpected to me, and besides, no matter what Madeline thinks of her, she's still based off of Mother Brain. Samus may or may not believably hesitate to kill her, but trying to build player sympathy with her, I think, is a majorly uphill battle.[/spoiler]
Missiles I didn't mind in the least. They're sniping weapons in this game, hence the lock-on. Your added 3rd-person attack power role is filled by the close-range charge attacks.
Would I appreciate Missiles on the B button?
Absolutely not. If 3rd person use were necessary, use Minus button (currently unoccupied) to switch attack modes. The B button when held sideways is a last resort, poorly positioned and easily pressed by mistake when your attention is off of it (MM10 suffers SEVERELY for this). It should never be used for anything potentially detrimental, and if it must be used, is best suited to "hold" mechanics so that accidental use can be instantly canceled (ie, Brawl's shields; in Other M you could potentially hold B to charge your Speed Booster, or possibly a 3rd-person Grapple Beam). Using it for Missiles would risk wasting ammunition (granted less of a concern with concentration) and charge time, and regardless of that would feel extremely intrusive.