If I may...
A driving school is an absolutely fantastic idea. I went to a driving school to get my own license. Mine was kind of a "speed" school, though.
For about a thousand bucks, they gave me a day of class, with a question-heavy test and an oral exam, then a week later, a driving test. I passed both because I paid attention in class and I had prior driving experience. (Though my instructor did hit the breaks on his side, once... He didn't think I was going to stop in-time to avoid rear-ending someone. I still think he was being paranoid, but that's just me. XD)
After that, I got my temporary license in the mail, then went down to the local DMV, got my picture taken, and another week later, my Arizona state drivers license. Which expires in 2048. ^_^
Too bad I can't keep using it when I get my Michigan state license, which needs renewal every 2 years... >_>