IN MegaMen X, Zero, and ZX, many Big Bads wanted to end the previous world and create a new world. This also reared it's head in Haruhi Suzumiya.
Many people believe this world has more negativities than positivities. Flawed in every way. Apperantly, people don't like the idea of being evil for fun in real life(don't know, why). Wars were made, lives were lost, hidden evil within humans and animals. Technology is considered disturbing the enviroment, causing pollution. Nature is cruel, urban living is a bit broken down, a history of sins, rivalries, batles, and arguments of practically everything(even non-important things). Basically, a living Hell.
There are peopel that want the world to end. They believe that it will be better than way. Many fictional baddies find their previous world flaw as well. Emotion and souls does not go well for them. The old world needs to go and a new world(in Heaven, Hell, or otherwise) can take its place in order for life to start over. The world needs to... reset... to make room for a new world. A new... utopia?
Does anyone believe a new world could really happen and replace the old one? Would anyone want that?