Quickie's thread on Tragic Backstories got me thinking on something that pops up often in said backstories and is also a prevalent force in pretty much all RPs, Love Interests.
What are your thoughts on love interests? Do you see them as simply romantic foils or as characters with more than just "I love so-and-so" to them? What kind of process do you use when developing a love interest? Do you base them off of an existing character or are they original?
I'm sure there was more I meant to put here, but for now this will work. Anyway, I hope I can create some discussion.
I think I just go with it really I don't know how to describe my romantic stuff.
As with most things, it all depends on the character and the situation. Sometimes it's good for the situation and sometimes it's not. Love always can make for an interesting plot point, but it depends on how it's done.
I prefer to have a mutual relationship form between two players over the course of a campaign as the players fight together, work together, and journey together. They become friends, and if the chemistry is right, much more. This way, it's more genuine and brought about by mutual interests.
That's pretty much what I go for really.
Back when I was in my so-called "Cringe Era" I didn't really use love interests for anything but that, somebody for RMZX to lust over/protect or something. Needless to say, it bugged pretty much everybody else that I RP'ed with, well, that and using established characters as love interests.
Anyway, when it came time to start doing Wilypocalypse, I decided against using a love interest at first, since I didn't want to fall into my old habits. But I decided on adding Akai relatively early, though since I didn't want to make her into another waifu thing, I avoided giving her a name or design. That's what led to her being the character she was, I let somebody else create her design and her name. And, after her "helpless girl" personality was essentially overwritten, she became sort of her own character, I did eventually take her out of the story because I didn't want her just hanging around with nothing to do. After her original death I tossed the idea of introducing another love interest, but I quickly scrapped those plans and instead focused on re-introducing Akai into the story, with her trying to do something besides be a cheerleader. This culminated in her breaking up with Josei. I'm not sure whether or not I'll bring them back together or if I'll have them just stay friends. Or hell, I'm not sure if I'll do something stupid like introduce another love interest.
As for RPM-Vengers, Josei/Batguy has no actual love interest. He just pines over pretty women. I'd like to imagine his character as in the slump that I was in a few years ago where he has waifu on the brain and is reluctant to do anything about that.
Love is icky, unless it's forbidden, then it's spicy.
Quote from: Sub Tank on August 30, 2013, 04:32:15 PM
Love is icky, unless it's forbidden, then it's spicy.
I'm going to have to agree with Sub here. Love, to me, only bring up dirty thoughts. Can't seem to get those thoughts of Hazard and Morte out of my head.
Quote from: NeKohaku on August 30, 2013, 04:40:32 PM
I'm going to have to agree with Sub here. Love, to me, only bring up dirty thoughts. Can't seem to get those thoughts of Hazard and Morte out of my head.
Quote from: Tron on August 30, 2013, 06:17:06 PM
After a while you... well I wouldn't say get used to it, but you kind of learn to ignore the nonsensicality.
Gaia 2.0 everybody.
Eh... I try to evolve it as organically as possible, if it's there at all. Occasionally I'll make one in the backstory, depending on what I'm trying to achieve and the circumstances. Otherwise, what happens happens.
Quote from: Ruri on August 31, 2013, 05:32:50 AM
Say it! You'll feel better.
This is your advice on everything, isn't it?
Quote from: Fxeni on August 31, 2013, 05:29:02 AM
Eh... I try to evolve it as organically as possible, if it's there at all. Occasionally I'll make one in the backstory, depending on what I'm trying to achieve and the circumstances. Otherwise, what happens happens.
That's why I'm kinda enjoying PBPB & Fxeni right now! [eyebrow]
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 31, 2013, 07:05:56 AM
That's why I'm kinda enjoying PBPB & Fxeni right now! [eyebrow]
So am I, though I'm curious if ADA will make things awkward. XD
Quote from: Sakura Leic on August 31, 2013, 07:07:42 AM
So am I, though I'm curious if ADA will make things awkward. XD
Oh, I might not do anything. What I have planned for her might have nothing to do with PBPB and Fxeni! 8)
You know you want it.
Quote from: Dr. Meowly II on August 31, 2013, 07:31:06 AM
You know you want it.
The ISS wants ADA inside it or is it the other way around.
Maybe ADA wants the WDS' computer system? 8D
No she wants Terra's.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 31, 2013, 07:39:24 AM
Maybe ADA wants the WDS' computer system? 8D
After all the hacking it has been through!?
... LOL. 8D
Quote from: Dr. Meowly II on August 31, 2013, 07:54:25 AM
After all the hacking it has been through!?
... LOL. 8D
I don't remember Wily hacking ADA.
No. The WDS has been hacked quite a bit.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on August 31, 2013, 08:00:52 AM
I don't remember Wily hacking ADA.
I meant the WDS network.
It's been hacked twice now.
Quote from: Dr. Meowly II on August 31, 2013, 08:03:32 AM
I meant the WDS network.
It's been hacked twice now.
Oh my bad.
Anywho, love.
Back in the day, I've seen character profiles that include NPC love interests, usually created by the player for the purpose of their character having a significant other. In terms of generic dark histories, that love interest may be abusive and may vanish from time to time, only to reappear and abuse the character, who would be strangely nonchalant about it. That character could be kidnapped, raped, and tortured, but they'll only focus on how mind-blowingly awesome the sex was.
Those types of love interests sometimes coincided with players who had god-mode characters. The love interest wouldn't necessarily be connected to their god-moder (who was usually either a villain or a main hero), but to a secondary character, the dark-and-broody mysterious trope of the group.
I've also see characters created for the sole purpose of being a love interest of another player's character. They generally come off as clingy.
I pretty much subtext the hell out of it, bringing up key points of past throughout the rp. If it's a new kinda thingy, then I usually just bring in how the character would react in situations based on their...well....character.
I'm pretty much the same way. With Peebs, she is not really the romantic type, so to speak. Her attraction to Fxeni is, as of right now, more sexual than emotional. With PB & Zeta, it's a more interesting relationship because anything can happen with it. Emotions change during the course of a story line and they're definitely going to change for PB cause of what is coming up for him next.
I love
[spoiler]for you all to lose to me already. 8D[/spoiler]
Oh you. 8D
Quote from: Dr. Meowly II on August 31, 2013, 08:50:30 AM
I love
[spoiler]for you all to lose to me already. 8D[/spoiler]
That won't be happening anytime soon, with what I'm cooking up >BD
I probably won't be giving Archetype a love interest, but I suppose anything could happen. At this point in time, Luna was/is the only one he loves.
I briefly thought of building a romantic relationship between him and Phi, but that would be a trainwreck. That's not to say Phi won't have someone; it just won't be Arche. I want their relationship to be more of a "brother and sister" type of thing.
The only artificial relationship I have built has been something that was established in-universe (CoreyxAlice), and that's subtly built off of a present relationship. Other than that I don't see giving Sinos a love interest (or finding one for that matter) as very important. If it happens, whatever.
My other plan, though, is to maybe admire someone childishly, to create comedic misunderstandings for other characters.
Quote from: Suppercut on September 12, 2013, 04:58:29 PM
My other plan, though, is to maybe admire someone childishly, to create comedic misunderstandings for other characters
Male or Female?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 12, 2013, 05:41:34 PM
Male or Female?
Female. The comedy is supposed to stem from Sinos's obliviousness to the social expectancy that boys and girls can either be friendzoning each other, hating each other, or dating.
For example, let's make a theoretical situation with Peebs. Somehow (though realistically unlikely for that character) Sinos grows a childlike fascination and admiration for Peebs. While it's not really love-based or even lust-based, to others, it appears like he
likes her. Then Sinos has no idea why he pisses off Fxeni and embarrasses Peebs. Hilarity ensues (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HilarityEnsues).
I wish we had more female characters.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 13, 2013, 03:15:24 AM
I wish we had more female characters.
We have a good amount.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 13, 2013, 03:48:26 AM
We have a good amount.
Lets see:
Evil Quickie
I think one of Ninja Lou's characters is a girl
There's a few more probably but that's all I've got. Still, not that many.
The thing is the only ones viable would be Peebs, Vixy, Sakura, Akai, Phi and Ephy. And going even further only Sakura and Ephy would be viable unless you want to set up Akai X Josei again.
Oh yeah, I forgot about Ephy.
But yeah, I don't think I'll do Akai X Josei again.
There also Kathy but she's not viable either since no one is going after her. And even then I don't think Asch would mind Sinos admiring Sakura since he understands he was born yesterday and I kinda wanted to set up a sibling dynamic with the two of them.
Pyro is the only one who annoys the [parasitic bomb] out of him since he's the embodiment of chaos.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 13, 2013, 04:02:37 AM
There also Kathy but she's not viable either since no one is going after her. And even then I don't think Asch would mind Sinos admiring Sakura since he understands he was born yesterday and I kinda wanted to set up a sibling dynamic with the two of them.
You want them to have a sibling dynamic... yet you ship them together?
At least they're not actually siblings. XD
I meant Sinos and Asch having a sibling dynamic.
Oh... Ohhhh. Okay.
Its easy for me to misinterpret things.
And it was easy to misinterpret since I suck at getting points across. :P
Also I didn't want Asch and Sakura to be together at this point of the story, I only did it because of that Unity thing kind of pushed it. The thing about Asch is while he cares about Sakura he ultimately wants Sakura to be happy above all else and Sakura has never been in love before. Sakura has to fall in love with him which she hasn't yet, she sees him as a really caring friend right now.
Right now they're just trying it to see how it works and if it would work.
Well, I've yet to RP here (and the way I procrastinate, I probably never will), but typically my policy on romantic relationships in RPs is to keep it professional. Don't get too invested in it. If I'm in a RP relationship with another player character, I don't go too far with it. Most of the time though, I keep relationships restricted to NPCs or my own secondary characters.
Well the way we've done it, we've never had any love interests between two characters that are played by different people.
And really the only ones that are going to be like that are Zeta and PB and maybe Peebs and Fexni. I wasn't going to ship Zeta and PB when I first introduced her but then I just went 'why the [tornado fang] not' and with PB's okay I went with it. Zeta also went through a [parasitic bomb] load of changes and as a result she's now my favorite character.
Plus I want that to drag a bit and have Zeta sorta angst about it when it comes.
In the past (and still) I have a tendency to RP male characters, with female characters being few and far between, unless they're an author insert. Thus, relationships were usually rare for my characters. Though, there were more than a few homosexual relationships in their time... 8D
In terms of viable female characters for shipping purposes, NPCs? Populate the world with NPCs. I've done that, and in MMOs, you can have relationships with NPCs. Look at all the flirting you can do in KotOR! Mass Effect has lots of NPC flirting. The Old Republic has an entire planet of NPCs for your yaoi/yuri shipping needs! Why not take a page from games and drop in some NPCs?
For more fun... they don't need to be human. Throw in a cross-breed relationship!
Well Zeta, Asch, and Sinos and a few other characters are robots.
Quote from: Quickman on September 13, 2013, 01:13:53 PM
For more fun... they don't need to be human. Throw in a cross-breed relationship!
Haha, I've thrown in cross-digital love! 8D
My characters are pretty evenly spread out between both genders, really. Where I might RP a boy in one RP, I'll RP a girl in the next, and so on. I haven't yet done a relationship with a female character though, mostly because as a boy, even if I'm RPing a female, I can't see myself writing "I love you, John!"
I think I might just throw together some of my favorite characters into general all-purpose CSs and PM them to you guys so you can judge whichever is best for me to start up with. I think that's what my biggest problem is. I can't write a character without a CS.
You mean a character sheet, you can use the Neo Origins thread in Fan Creations to post them there.
I've dabbled a bit in the furry love in the past, and really... if you put too much thought into it, Quickie and Mewtwo's living arrangements could've fallen into that category. Oh, they claim it's platonic, but how do we know for sure? 8D
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 13, 2013, 07:01:21 PM
PBPB & ADA having fun! 8D
Quote from: Quickman on September 13, 2013, 07:03:42 PM
I've dabbled a bit in the furry love in the past, and really... if you put too much thought into it, Quickie and Mewtwo's living arrangements could've fallen into that category. Oh, they claim it's platonic, but how do we know for sure? 8D
Psychic mental love! :V
Oh right the mastrubation part.
Quote from: Quickman on September 13, 2013, 07:03:42 PM
I've dabbled a bit in the furry love in the past, and really... if you put too much thought into it, Quickie and Mewtwo's living arrangements could've fallen into that category. Oh, they claim it's platonic, but how do we know for sure? 8D
... Now I'm thinking of baby Mewtwos. D:
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 13, 2013, 07:06:52 PM
That's the one! XD
I really wonder what other things you have planed.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 13, 2013, 07:02:58 PM
You mean a character sheet, you can use the Neo Origins thread in Fan Creations to post them there.
Well, I think I'm going to still use the PMs to judge which one I'm gonna use. I'm kind of leaning towards one, but I'll hold off on it until later.
Yes that exist that whole time, granted I haven't made mind yet.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 13, 2013, 07:07:57 PM
I really wonder what other things you have planed.
Well write faster and you'll find out! 8)
I'll write more next week, with the whole family in hospital thing I needed a break.
Quote from: Dr. Meowly II on September 13, 2013, 07:06:21 PM
... Now I'm thinking of baby Mewtwos. D:
Mewtwo can't make babies. :(
Neither can Nidoqueen, seriously Nidoqueen can't breed.
Didn't stop the clone~
Mewtwo must know something we don't.
Nidoqueen can't breed?
Quote from: Quickman on September 13, 2013, 07:13:28 PM
Didn't stop the clone~
Mewtwo must know something we don't.
And hence, there WILL be Mewtwo babies. D:
Quote from: Omoikannoli on September 13, 2013, 07:14:07 PM
Nidoqueen can't breed?
Yeah for some reason she can't breed. You have to breed a Nidoking with a ditto and you have a 50/50 chance of getting a particular gender.
Or just breed Nidoran (F).
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 13, 2013, 07:10:07 PM
I'll write more next week, with the whole family in hospital thing I needed a break.
I know. I'm just teasing!
Quote from: Omoikannoli on September 13, 2013, 07:14:07 PM
Nidoqueen can't breed?
Nidoqueen can't breed.
Yet, we see that its clone had mated with a Rhyhorn clone.
They produced babies. Baby Rhyhorns and baby Nidoqueens.
Quote from: Dr. Meowly II on September 13, 2013, 07:16:10 PM
Or just breed Nidoran (F).
Oh yeah there's that too.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 13, 2013, 07:16:19 PM
I know. I'm just teasing!
Yeah and the week after school starts and I'm going to be online less.
Quote from: Quickman on September 13, 2013, 07:16:32 PM
Nidoqueen can't breed.
Yet, we see that its clone had mated with a Rhyhorn clone.
They produced babies. Baby Rhyhorns and baby Nidoqueens.
Well the anime isn't exactly accurate.
Screw the anime, we have Mewtwo! 8D
That could, however, be easily hand-waved as something to do with the clone. The Nidoqueen was cloned and thus the clone possessed only the genetic material of the Nidoqueen. It's unknown if the clones can even evolve, so it's possible that they only possess the genetic blueprints of the evolution they were cloned from. Thus, if the clone were to breed, its offspring would carry the genetic material of its clone parent and thus resemble it.
Which brings us to another problem... Clone fertility. Clones tend to be sterile, due to problems with gene expression. It would make perfect sense for Mewtwo to be sterile. However, to breed him would require reproductive cloning, which his DNA would be placed within the nucleus of an egg, and then that egg fertilized and grown to term. If additional donors are present, and the embryo grown to term within another animal, then the usual problems inherent with cloning would be less prominent. Otherwise, cloning a clone would produce a very flawed specimen that would likely die shortly after birth, if it even survives to term.
The cloned Nidoqueen's offspring would likely have better genetic stock, as it bred with the Rhyhorn. If that offspring breeds with wild specimens, then its gene pool would be diversified and you could end up with a viable race of fertile Nidoqueens.
This is all assuming that the clones Mewtwo made don't have the usual problems that tend to plague clones. Fertility is a very good sign.
You know, that's actually a proper depiction of real-life biological evolution. Sometimes two species breed and form an infertile offspring due to gene incompatibility. This would be true for Nidoqueen and Rhyhorns breeding. Their taxonomical ancestry is close enough for them to breed instinctively, but due to the difference in genes, the offspring cannot.
Although it doesn't explain Nidorans thriving as a species.
EDIT: It seems Quickie knows her biology too.
If Nidorans breed while young, then they can thrive. Obviously, they're mature enough to do so right out of the Poke Ball.
So then they lose their breeding ability in adulthood, kind of like Pokemenopause.
Just the female side of the family.
Pokemenopause... XD
Posted on: September 13, 2013, 06:01:07 PM
So, anyway... love interests...
Should I go ahead and play up that psychic mental love as I hinted about earlier? 8D
And as for love interests... How do you feel that they're best described? Are the participants involved just extra friendly? Are they making kissy faces at each other and saying stuff that tastes like diabetes? Are they outright making out right there in front of the rest of the party?
Have you started out with no intention to give your characters any love interests, only, over the course of a campaign, to suddenly find your characters fawning over another character?
I don't know how I would characterize PB and Zeta or Asch and Sakura right now. Maybe PB can explain it better than I can.
Like I stated before, I considered shipping Arche and Phi, but decided not to.
Hypothetically, if I were going to put them together, it'd be mostly "professional"; meaning, no public displays of affection or flirtations. That also has to do with the fact that the war is heating up in that RP, so it'd be weird if they were "kissy-kissy" with each other. Besides, Phi isn't the kind of person to show her feelings openly in public; she's very isolated and secretive. Arche is isolated, as well, but to a much lesser extent.
They'd probably briefly touch/hold hands when passing by or maybe even a peck on the cheek, on occasion. That's the most "public" they would go.
However, if Arche and Phi were alone together, all the emotions and sexual tension would come out. 8D
Again, all hypothetical. Could work or could be a trainwreck.
I've sort of characterized Josei as a lovelorn fool, he crushes on pretty much every girl in his vicinity, with Akai there was no "Sexual Tension" since she has no sex drive. That and Josei isn't very comfortable with his feelings. He finds it difficult to talk to really anybody, hell if he gets a free chance he will lock himself in the holosuite and let himself drown in hologram women. His recent breakup with Akai probably encouraging that behavior of his more as he's just sad, but can't bring himself to accept it.
Quote from: Quickman on September 14, 2013, 05:57:16 PM
Pokemenopause... XD
Posted on: September 13, 2013, 06:01:07 PM
So, anyway... love interests...
Should I go ahead and play up that psychic mental love as I hinted about earlier? 8D
And as for love interests... How do you feel that they're best described? Are the participants involved just extra friendly? Are they making kissy faces at each other and saying stuff that tastes like diabetes? Are they outright making out right there in front of the rest of the party?
Have you started out with no intention to give your characters any love interests, only, over the course of a campaign, to suddenly find your characters fawning over another character?
The bolded part is what's happening in Wilypocalypse... sort of. Nothing's going on really at the moment, and who knows if anything will happen. Whether there would be any PDA or not is a big unknown at the moment, which is the way I like it. Let it evolve naturally, I say!
As for the psychic mental love in the Pokemon RP. I may not be a part of it, but here's my input: Do it. You know you want to.
Can't wait for this trial to be over! 8D
Quote from: Quickman on September 14, 2013, 05:57:16 PM
Should I go ahead and play up that psychic mental love as I hinted about earlier? 8D
And as for love interests... How do you feel that they're best described? Are the participants involved just extra friendly? Are they making kissy faces at each other and saying stuff that tastes like diabetes? Are they outright making out right there in front of the rest of the party?
Have you started out with no intention to give your characters any love interests, only, over the course of a campaign, to suddenly find your characters fawning over another character?
To answer the first question with the psychic mental love.... absoLUTEly! XD
As to the other question, it really depends on how it comes off. To use PBPB & Fxeni, for example, right now it's unknown. They're partnering a lot when it comes to battle and when you consider the factors that battle & war have on people (stress relief, working together well, physical attraction and basic human need), something could always evolve from that. Right now I think they're just being extra friendly towards one another, with hints of attraction. But it might just be purely physical, and not romantic.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 14, 2013, 06:21:36 PM
I don't know how I would characterize PB and Zeta or Asch and Sakura right now. Maybe PB can explain it better than I can.
To further upon this and answer Sakura's question as well, PB is recovering from a lot of trauma and Zeta is as well (at least from my understanding of her). So, while they're comfortable around each other for now, it's unclear how far this will go. It could just be something they both need at the moment. Sometimes that's all a relationship is for one person, or everyone involved. How long it lasts depends on them.
With Asch & Sakura, I cannot be sure but I would best describe it as a "first crush" kinda thing. Neither of them have been in relationships before, so all of this is very new to them.
Can't wait to start writing in some LOOOOOOOOOVE~ :V
Particularly after this whole plotline is over and done with, there will need to be some stress-relieving! 8D
Which brings me to another question... Your thoughts on characters having off-screen sex? Do they act differently afterward? Do the other characters pick up on it? Have you been in campaigns in which you could sense a change in other characters? Could you tell if other characters were acting differently, could you sense the chemistry between them?
Have you ever wanted to get two other characters together? I've encountered this before, in which other players wanted two characters to get together. If the group needs to split up, those characters are paired. Other players will often force those characters to room together, or influence scenarios in which those two characters are alone together.
For the first part in terms of Wilypocalyse since the characters I'm working with are robots and can't have sex it's N/A.
As for the second part I have been guilty of that.
Quote from: Quickman on September 15, 2013, 12:57:00 AM
Which brings me to another question... Your thoughts on characters having off-screen sex? Do they act differently afterward? Do the other characters pick up on it? Have you been in campaigns in which you could sense a change in other characters? Could you tell if other characters were acting differently, could you sense the chemistry between them?
Have you ever wanted to get two other characters together? I've encountered this before, in which other players wanted two characters to get together. If the group needs to split up, those characters are paired. Other players will often force those characters to room together, or influence scenarios in which those two characters are alone together.
If it's natural, definitely. Whether it's just "making love" or casual horny sex, it's good if it helps the characters grow or the story move along. Sex for the sake of sex though, that depends. Whether they act differently afterwards depends on the characters and the type of sex. Love making, most definitely. Casual horny sex, depends on if it winds up being much deeper than that. Campaigning, not so much but again, depends on the sex. Haha, it also depends how open they are about it.
As for wanting two other characters to get together, I don't think I've ever come across a situation where I've wanted them to get together. I'm not for forcing relationships. I wouldn't even pair one of my characters with someone else without that person's permission.
I hope I'm not forcing it. :\
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 15, 2013, 01:29:55 AM
I hope I'm not forcing it. :\
Not at all. You asked me first! XD
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 15, 2013, 01:31:49 AM
Not at all. You asked me first! XD
That's true, and I really had to since PB is a man whore and Zeta is a robot who can't have sex. -u-'
Which is why I liked the idea of it. It brings an interesting aspect to both of them!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 15, 2013, 01:34:36 AM
Which is why I liked the idea of it. It brings an interesting aspect to both of them!
That it does.
Quote from: Quickman on September 15, 2013, 12:57:00 AM
Which brings me to another question... Your thoughts on characters having off-screen sex? Do they act differently afterward? Do the other characters pick up on it? Have you been in campaigns in which you could sense a change in other characters? Could you tell if other characters were acting differently, could you sense the chemistry between them?
Have you ever wanted to get two other characters together? I've encountered this before, in which other players wanted two characters to get together. If the group needs to split up, those characters are paired. Other players will often force those characters to room together, or influence scenarios in which those two characters are alone together.
Again, robots with no sex.
Holosuite girls can't sex either (to my knowledge) so Josei's gonna be sex free, FOREVER.
As for pairing with other characters, I wouldn't do anything like that without the express consent of the other person. And even then I probably wouldn't even do that as I'm far too uncomfortable asking people to do something with their character.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 15, 2013, 01:27:43 AM
PB has the most noble perceptions of [tornado fang]ing in an RP.
Anyways, @Quickie's getting two players together question: I'm not so sure on this. I believe that if it's well-known that those two characters want to get together, then we might pull some strings. But if we're doing this of our own accord, I don't think I'd be all for it. If there's some reason those characters aren't trying to get together, then there's no point, even if I want it myself.
One or two of my characters have been victim to the whims of other players. Granted, my characters were already on decent terms with their soon-to-be significant others, but it wasn't very obvious that they had anything going on between them. After a while, situations continually arose in which my characters and the other characters were paired off and lone and had to work together to get out of whatever situation they were in. Eventually, they grew closer and closer, but at least one character-pairing by proxy didn't work out because I simply didn't have any connection with the other player.
It all just came down to other people saying, "you two are so cute together!"
I try not to participate in such forced ships, and have on occasion inserted one of my characters into a situation because I could tell that the other players were trying to pair off two other players against their wishes. So, I'd drop on to foil them. At least once, I was PMed and requested to step in.
It's fine to have a relationship blossom on its own. But, to force a ship can get irritating.
Yeah, that sucks. Forced shipping is just awful. It'd make me not want to participate.
Yeah even with my shipping brain I wouldn't force shipping unless I have permission.
i know two people on another forum that are shipped by a third member there.
they're not fond of that pairing. it would be like if someone here were to ship, say, quickie and sakura. hypothetically speaking, of course.
and if real people don't enjoy being forcibly shipped (why would they) there's no reason to do so to fictional ones.
Let's ship Quickie x Sakura x Mirby x PB x A Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza.
Quote from: Mirby on September 16, 2013, 02:48:15 AM
and if real people don't enjoy being forcibly shipped (why would they) there's no reason to do so to fictional ones.
Which unfortunately happened in grade school because my friends are guys.
Quote from: Omoikannoli on September 16, 2013, 05:23:51 AM
Let's ship Quickie x Sakura x Mirby x PB x A Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza.
Why a Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza, I hate Sausage on Pizza.
the only true RPM pairing is
PB x Mango Lemonade
Quote from: Mirby on September 16, 2013, 06:14:46 AM
the only true RPM pairing is
PB x Mango Lemonade
Nah it's more like PB x His reflection.
You both forgot Sub Tank X His right hand.
Quote from: Clefant on September 16, 2013, 06:31:41 AM
You both forgot Sub Tank X His right hand.
But Sub Tank doesn't have hands.
Sub Tank x Boobs
just... boobs. in general.
Quote from: Mirby on September 16, 2013, 06:59:07 AM
Sub Tank x Boobs
just... boobs. in general.
Now that's more like it.
Well hasn't this thread turned naughty! :V
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 16, 2013, 07:07:23 AM
Well hasn't this thread turned naughty! :V
You expected anything less?
Of course not. I still expect haircut pics though! XD
I have the before pic but I have to take the after pic tomorrow, lighting isn't good right now.
So, naughty love interests...
Random question: Who would you ship?
I don't ship anybody.
And if I did I wouldn't be able to justify my reasoning.
In terms of RPs for some odd reason Keco and Borock-bot in Wilypocalyse and if there isn't a Mary Jane character Bat Sakura and Spider-Blues.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 16, 2013, 07:37:13 AM
In terms of RPs for some odd reason Keco and Borock-bot in Wilypocalyse and if there isn't a Mary Jane character Bat Sakura and Spider-Blues.
Okay... that is odd. Do you have any reasoning behind that?
Just that they sort of argue like a married couple, like I said it's odd and I probably wouldn't build it at the moment.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 16, 2013, 07:40:25 AM
Just that they sort of argue like a married couple, like I said it's odd and I probably wouldn't build it at the moment.
Huh, I never really noticed the married couple-esque bickering, I always saw it as mild distrust that lead to the constant arguing.
Quote from: Clefant on September 16, 2013, 07:41:28 AM
Huh, I never really noticed the married couple-esque bickering, I always saw it as mild distrust that lead to the constant arguing.
Yeah like I said until we see more interaction I probably wouldn't build it, especially since borock-bot is kind of the butler like character and not a charmer.
Hah, the only "Charmer" type character from what I can tell is PB and he's not really up to charming currently it seems.
Everybody else is pretty normal.
Quote from: Clefant on September 16, 2013, 07:48:51 AM
Hah, the only "Charmer" type character from what I can tell is PB and he's not really up to charming currently it seems.
Everybody else is pretty normal.
Yeah the only time he flirted with someone in RP was Zeta when he pretended to have amnesia after the St. Acidburg incident but he backed off when he saw how embarrassed Zeta got when he kissed her hand.
Quote from: Quickman on September 16, 2013, 07:35:11 AM
So, naughty love interests...
Random question: Who would you ship?
In our current RP's, there isn't anyone I'd ship who hasn't already been shipped.
Yeah admittedly I probably wouldn't seriously ship anyone right now at the moment.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 16, 2013, 08:12:25 AM
Yeah admittedly I probably wouldn't seriously ship anyone right now at the moment.
Non-serious ships then for the hell of it?
I already had the only really non serious ship. Though I can ship Pokemon in Wilypocalyse if you want since Purity and Armstrong were already a couple. For the record Armstrong's parents were a female Mamoswine and a male Beartic that Sakura caught.
Non-serious ships?
Evil Quickie & Wily II 8)
I was toying with the idea of shipping Yin and Pyre Heart and a love triangle between Kenshin (Zeta's Gallade) Athena (Sakura's Gardevoir) and Samuriffic (PB's Gallade).
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 16, 2013, 08:33:39 AM
I was toying with the idea of shipping Yin and Pyre Heart and a love triangle between Kenshin (Zeta's Gallade) Athena (Sakura's Gardevoir) and Samuriffic (PB's Gallade).
Quote from: Mirby on September 16, 2013, 08:36:15 AM
Digital Love at its sexiest!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 16, 2013, 08:37:03 AM
Or Samuriffic being that sort of jokingly threatening dad, I don't know if Athena is a wild Pokemon or hatched.
I, personally, like to sometimes ship characters with certain traits. For example, I am rather fond of shipping a slightly-unhinged character with a more-or-less sane character (even though both characters could display various traits of mental illness to varying degrees). I feel that it makes for an interesting dynamic, in which the insane character learns from the character better ways on how to cope, while the sane character is drawn into the insane character's world. They learn new things about themselves from each other.
It's almost a Joker/Batman dynamic, somewhat. A tamer variation, and can sometimes lead to the sane character wondering about their own sanity when faced with the insane character's symptoms, particularly if they see themselves in those symptoms.
You know there's something that I've been confused about right now in Wilypocalyse and PB's concern over Zeta particularly with this line.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 03, 2013, 09:41:44 AM
I should go. I can't do anything trapped on my own damn station, and I need to find Wanda. But...what about Zeta...
My question is why does Zeta have this priority of concern and not Sakura or Peebs, can you explain it to me better?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 17, 2013, 12:15:42 AM
You know there's something that I've been confused about right now in Wilypocalyse and PB's concern over Zeta particularly with this line.
My question is why does Zeta have this priority of concern and not Sakura or Peebs, can you explain it to me better?
Because he doesn't want to hurt Zeta's feelings.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 17, 2013, 02:43:53 AM
Because he doesn't want to hurt Zeta's feelings.
I think he should be more worried about Zeta's wrath for doing something reckless.
Haha, he never thinks about that! XD
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 17, 2013, 02:47:12 AM
Haha, he never thinks about that! XD
Like a lot of other things. :P
The thing about Zeta is, at this point, the reason she stays close to PB is because she's worried about him because she sees herself 4 years ago in him. She wants to help him like Sakura, Quickie, Lou, Wildgun, and Hitomi have helped her in the past.
So I'm not sure why PB is afraid of hurting her feelings unless he's misinterpreting something.
Because he knows that she wants to look after him, therefore if he goes off on his own it's going to upset her.
Okay that makes more sense, that's the part I wasn't really understanding.