Wow... Slimstation is slim...
That's really slim!
God DAMNIT Sony.
...Wait, what do I care? My PS3 has backwards compatability. I don't need a slim version.
Unless this one is backwards compatable again.
Now if only the price got slimmed too. 8D
...It looks even uglier than the current PS3 model.
Why I didn't predicted this, i'll never know.
I'm expecting Microsoft to come out with a slimmer version of the 360 because of this.
Not Nintendo. The Wii can't get any thinner than it already is.
Quote from: LazyMan on May 14, 2009, 09:10:28 AM
I'm expecting Microsoft to come out with a slimmer version of the 360 because of this.
Not Nintendo. The Wii can't get any thinner than it already is.
they'll find a way
or they'll make one with ENTIRELY TRANSPARENT PANELING
Why go thin, when you can go small? XD
I honestly think it looks like wii balance board. XD
Quote from: borockman on May 14, 2009, 09:12:55 AM
I honestly think it looks like wii balance board. XD
I would actually find it hilarious if we were fooled and it was actually Sony's version of the balance board.
The holes and such are just there for looks.
Supplemental link since it looks like the old one isn't working.
Looks cheap and fake. I'll leave this on the pile of salt stash until proven otherwise.
QuoteToday, pictures of what appears to be a redesigned PS3 have appeared on Chinese message boards.
It must be a mod. 8D
But yeah, I agree with PB.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 14, 2009, 09:06:28 AM
...It looks even uglier than the current PS3 model.
Both look quite ugly IMO.
Quote3509 : Alex_Hsieh [url] : 2009/05/14(木) 19:06:22 ID: - | EDIT
We would like to ask you kindly remove the following pages of your pages on your website because the page contains MainTeK Computer Incorporation confidential document and photos, which were illegally released and posted on your website.
The plot is getting interesting... 8D
It looks like the plot...*puts on sunglasses* slimming...*walks off*
Dammit, my internet is borked to hell today... I can't see anything. XD
EDIT - never mind, saw the pictures, and good God is that thing ugly and cheap looking. XD
Just want to add some more information.
Maintek Computer (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. - SUZHOU China; is the company who makes PS3. (Factory work)
Maintek Computer is a subsidiary of Asustek Computer.
Hmmmmmm, 8D
Look at this pages,
What is a Slimstation 3? I only know the SNES and NES
...That looks like a piece of cardboard to me...IT MUST BE 00DL3S OF FUN!! *sits on top of the supposedly new PS3 Slim* I'm on an aeroplane 8D
It looks interesting. Taking with a grain of salt, but if it adds good backwards compatibility, awesome.
Anyway, as most of you are no doubt already aware, Sony has announced a slimmer PS3 coming out the first week of September. Not only that, but it, and regular PS3's will only cost $299 now. Oh, and there was something about new firmware and such, etc. Either way, I definitely don't see this as a bad thing at all for those who don't have one. So hurray!
Kotaku Link (
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 18, 2009, 07:49:56 PM
I definitely don't see this as a bad thing at all for those who don't have one. So hurray!
...I should get one.
Now they just have to make it backwards compatible.
( (
( (
Heh, it's also much uglier as well, but minor complaints.
It looks like a cardboard box.
Quote from: ShinjukuN0ir on August 18, 2009, 08:04:43 PM
It looks like a cardboard box.
And will fall victim to Kojima's cradboardbox jokes.
I miss the Spider-Man movie font on the top. One thing I will say though, is that it's probably better that they got rid of the glossy casing, which is a huge dust magnet. Hopefully this one isn't.
Huh, looks like a file folder. :/
But cheaper? It's nice for those that can't seem to afford Mr. Bulk.
It's a Plastic Bomb... or a Plastic Grill. ^^
Let's face it, sometimes, sony fails hard when it comes to design and concept.
i know i'm not the only one who was hoping for Medievil 3. <.<
You know.. It looks less PS3 Slim and more PS3 Squashed.
I thought it looked cool D:
Let it be known that I am not a good judge when it comes to such things.
Quote from: Nekomata on August 18, 2009, 08:21:50 PM
i know i'm not the only one who was hoping for Medievil 3. <.<
I knew I shouldn't have kept my hopes too high. It was too good to be true.
It looks more like a grill than before.
Good for all the people waiting to jump aboard the PS3 train. It's now $50 away from Wii... slim also has the same functionality that the current retail model does (no PS2 support... yet.)
Quote from: Nekomata on August 18, 2009, 08:21:50 PM
i know i'm not the only one who was hoping for Medievil 3. <.<
Wait I thought that was one of those "whoops, we slipped out info on job positions for it" kinda deals. Was it supposed to happen and be announced today?
$299? SO-wait, 360 still has my SNK games =/
You know, lack of BC doesn't bother me all that much, mainly because my PS2 still works fine, plus I still have room for it. However, if I were Sony, I'd at least release a fully backwards compatible PS3 Slim and maybe charge $50 more, so at least it gives people the option. It'd be nice if it was free, but it's Sony, so that won't happen most likely.
This just in: Sony finally invents a PS3 that'll fit on my [tornado fang]ing TV stand
Also, maybe I'll actually get one now that it's being sold at a more reasonable price.
Some more information...
QuoteHere are some more details. The 80GB PS3 (current model) will be discounted to $300, whereas the 160GB PS3 will be $400. There will be a new PS3 logo as well as modifications to the official name from PLAYSTATION 3 to PlayStation 3 as to not be shouting all the time.
It'll also have a BRAVIA Sync feature that'll allow you to control the PS3's XMB with your Sony TV remote as long as they're connected via HDMI. And the TV will automatically turn off the PS3 when the TV goes off.
There's also a vertical stand retailing for $24 on September 3. Whether or not you can stand it up vertically for long periods of time without the stand is unknown. Sony also says that they're eliminating the feature of installing other operating systems on the Slim, so no more Linux.
Oh, and there will only be two USB ports.
took them long enough. so which was the worse kept secret, the PSPGo or this?
Quote from: Da Dood on August 18, 2009, 08:01:56 PM
Now they just have to make it backwards compatible.
this would be nice. and smart, considering people are still making PS2 games.
Quote from: Da Dood on August 18, 2009, 08:01:56 PM
Now they just have to make it backwards compatible.
Quote from: Kyouya Garyuu on August 19, 2009, 05:38:04 AM
I think we all saw that answer coming.
Quote from: Sato on August 18, 2009, 08:45:05 PM
took them long enough. so which was the worse kept secret, the PSPGo or this?
this would be nice. and smart, considering people are still making PS2 games.
Considering people still OWN PS2 games. and still play them. My PS1 is in the PS2 bos because the PS2 is backwards compatible. Seriously, they really dont realize that gamers are getting their rooms FILLED with consoles because of no backwards compatibility.
but, I gues they just dont care. As long as it prints money.
Also, Its ugly. and like PB said, I liked the spidey font better. and it does look like a cardboard box.
:\ seriously Sony. Massive fail. Its just the SE version. like they did with the PS1, AND the PS2.
Ill stick to my 360 thnx.
fun thing is, the ps3 would sell more if more models would have BC.
but ah well, my ps2 still works great and I plan to import some games (mostly the PAL Ico and SotC and some JPN games like ToD2 and ToDD'sC and stuff...maybe even Front Mission 2)soon, so...i'll await for The Last Guardian's release :)
Quote from: Kyouya Garyuu on August 19, 2009, 05:38:04 AM
Wow, what a crappy reason, especially considering their previous goal of turning the PS3 into a massive entertainment center. I guess EVERYONE complaining wasn't enough for them. Let's rule out BC for the PS4 already, then?
The minority always complains loudest.
Not like a PS2 is that expensive anyway. The thing's so small, you could almost snap it in two, like a wafer.
And then eat it?
This redesign thing, is it really necessary? Sony has a bad habit with unnessacary redesigns...
PS1 to PSone, I don't see the point. They made the console smaller, but it wasn't necessary.
PS2 to PS2 Slim, This was the only one I actually liked. It makes playing modified games easier. :P
PS3 To PS3 "Cardboard", all they did this time was make the console uglier and somewhat smaller. Its not like its making gameplay any better.
PSP to PSP Slim, Another pointless change. Making something smaller to help it fit in your pocket will also make it easier to break.
PSP Slim to PSP Go, PSP Cell Phone without the phone. Thats all I'm going to say.
I still need to find me one of the fliptop systems that aren't the newest models. I don't know if those are as susceptible to modding as the older fliptops, so I'd rather not risk it.
Quote from: Kallen on August 19, 2009, 08:56:47 PMIts not like its making gameplay any better.
No, but it makes them cheaper.
Hey, it also means new redesigns of funstation and polystation 8D
It doesn't add BC, it didn't make it a flat-top for console stacking, it didn't even improve the guts of the system. Either Sony knows exactly how to sell redesigned consoles, or they don't know ****.
And that'll all depend on consumer response.
*crosses fingers for light sales*
[spoiler]And before I hear any [sonic slicer]ing about the DS to DSLite, the DSLite had a much better screen and a different grip.[/spoiler]
Aldo, I will semi-bite that one. Sure the DS lite was alright since it had a better screen, but it had terrible hinges that easily break. The DSi though was almost completely pointless. They cut off GBA compatibility and will lead to forcing people to upgrade since there will only be DSi games soon that don't work on the DS.
Also Kallen the PSP Slim wasn't completely pointless it added twice the memory to improve load times and web browsing. How many people do you see using the DS browser because of it's memory restrictions. =P
I don't know why people are still acting like cutting out the GBA functionality of the DSi is that big of a deal. Or at least, like it was that big of a surprise.
I mean, have people forgotten when the latter GBA generations took away GB/GBC functionality? Or hell, taking it back even further, remember when GBC came out, and eventually, "GBC-only" games were released for that system, "forcing people to upgrade"? How is that any different from what's going on now, really?
In both cases it was something to be expected. Companies do these types of things to either a) do more to streamline the portable, as a whole and/or b) to make money by forcing people to upgrade if they want to "stay in the game". Truly, the old saying of how "there's nothing new under the sun" stills holds true, because it's the same [parasitic bomb], just different day and age.
What happened with the DSi, is basically, more of the same. And likewise with the various Sony upgrades over the years. They only did more to copy the example that Nintendo and Sega did years ago, after all! 8D
( (
So many reactions... >w< (
You know, I actually like the new model better than the original. It looks more like a natural progression of the PS2's design, which I was a fan of.
Quote from: Kieran on August 22, 2009, 07:48:42 PM
You know, I actually like the new model better than the original. It looks more like a natural progression of the PS2's design, which I was a fan of.
That makes around 29 positive opinions on the new design, against 295,145,487 negative opinions.
I'm one of the 29 btw.
Me too. ^^
Even if there's no hardware BC, it's still lets you play any PS3 game, since it's region-free.
I want to play a lot of exclusive RPGs and fighting games.
The look has slightly grown on me, but I still think both systems are pretty ugly. I do prefer the PS3 Slim's nicer cover as opposed to the dust magnet Gloss on my two PS3's.
I don't think I've posted it here, but I actually do like the redesigned PS3's look. The only thing I'm miffed at is BC, but I can deal with new PS2s being so cheap lately.
Unless anyone wants to make me a deal on a BC PS3. 8D
People should be looking at the game the console is playing, not the console itself.
The new design is starting to grow on me, I don't really need to care about BC anyway... I have a PS2 with no limits. XD
Yeah, my PS2 is slightly modified so I can play burned games and imports on it anyway, so I don't really need PS3 backwards compatibility. Admittedly, it would've been -nice-...
I'll tell you all this right now, PS2 playback at least on a software emulated PS3 isn't too great. Things look a little weird and some games lag a little or refuse to work at all. Now mind you there's a pretty decent amount of support on the game, but I've ran into odd glitches with newer titles. Re:CoM for one cannot be played unless you download a savefile that's after the first tutorial. I had a fun encounter with enemies where Sora was outside the active battle arena and had to rely on spamming thundaga. Also cards stopped dropping after battles.
Screw this thing.
I want a Fatstation. The biggest console ever.
Sorry, but they can re-design it, decrease the price, but so long as none of the games interest me, I won't be buying.
Quote from: Nodoka on August 24, 2009, 07:21:42 PM
Sorry, but they can re-design it, decrease the price, but so long as none of the games interest me, I won't be buying.
I'm sure there would be a game coming out that would make you reconsider~ owob
But in reality, lets see how far this goes. PS2 Slim did well not because of it's game library, but of it's portability too. Yep, slim enough for use with a hotel TV.
i'm in the same boat as Nodoka. every game i give a damn about on PS3 is also on 360.
I want 360, but... I'm afraid of rings of death~ :'(
The rings of death are common. So common, in fact, that one out of two 360's bought will get them within a month. 8D
except i've had my 360 for years and still haven't red ringed.
Ventilation motherfuckers, make sure it gets enough of it! XD
the Jasper units don't RRoD. and if they aren't the default model by now, M$ is [tornado fang]ing retarded.
Quote from: Nekomata on August 24, 2009, 07:33:29 PM
except i've had my 360 for years and still haven't red ringed.
It's statistics, dear. It doesn't mean it will happen, it just means there's a high probability that it could.
Quote from: Sato on August 24, 2009, 07:34:48 PM
the Jasper units don't RRoD. and if they aren't the default model by now, M$ is [tornado fang]ing retarded.
What's a Jasper?
Quote from: Jericho on August 24, 2009, 07:34:40 PM
Ventilation motherfuckers, make sure it gets enough of it! XD
I think that's a veiled "if doesn't work for you, you're doing it wrong" statement. That's what Microsoft said about Vista and they were wrong. That's also what they say about the 360--and guess what?--they're wrong. The 360 is the one console that needs a re-design. The current one is flawed. The failure rates for the PS3 and the Wii aren't even in the double digits.
Quote from: Nekomata on August 24, 2009, 07:33:29 PM
except i've had my 360 for years and still haven't red ringed.
For every person that doesn't get the RRoD, another one gets seven.
Quote from: Nodoka on August 24, 2009, 07:35:42 PM
What's a Jasper?
it's a specific model of 360 with different chipsets and other internal whatnot.
You know, I do believe that MS was very foolish to make this move, but what I'm more shocked at is how many people continued buying 360s with the unreliable hardware. I actually know someone IRL who has had at least 8 different instances of RRoD and 1 E74 error, the Jasper equivalent of a RRoD. Funniest part is this guy lost quite a bit of money on each instance after the 3rd time.
Well, if I ever do decide to get a 360, I would definitely remember to look for these things (
Back on topic: I would only think about getting a PS3 if the price decreases a bit more. It's still too rich for my blood. All the consoles are.
Quote from: Jericho on August 24, 2009, 07:43:49 PM
You know, I do believe that MS was very foolish to make this move, but what I'm more shocked at is how many people continued buying 360s with the unreliable hardware. I actually know someone IRL who has had at least 8 different instances of RRoD and 1 E74 error, the Jasper equivalent of a RRoD. Funniest part is this guy lost quite a bit of money on each instance after the 3rd time.
The only reason I can think of would be save data.
I think this is the lowest low the PS3 price will ever reach. So if you really want one you got to save yourself some money. No way around that.
As for the Xbox: If Microsoft's next console will have the same problems again, even if just for a small amount of time, I'd leave the ship. It would prove that they learned nothing or just don't care. Console wars (I hate them) aside, 33% failure rate is absolutely and indisputably too high for this day and age. For any product out there, I'm not just talking about consoles. You can't possibly defend that, or try to talk it down. So let's hope the neXtbox will be more reliable.
33%? Last I heard, it was at 54% Failure Rate.
Quote from: Acid on August 24, 2009, 07:51:09 PM
I think this is the lowest low the PS3 price will ever reach. So if you really want one you got to save yourself some money. No way around that.
As for the Xbox: If Microsoft's next console will have the same problems again, even if just for a small amount of time, I'd leave the ship. It would prove that they learned nothing or just don't care. Console wars (I hate them) aside, 33% failure rate is absolutely and indisputably too high for this day and age. For any product out there, I'm not just talking about consoles. You can't possibly defend that, or try to talk it down. So let's hope the neXtbox will be more reliable.
It's Microsoft, so no, it won't be more reliable. If anything, it'll be worse than the current XBox.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 24, 2009, 07:52:58 PM
33%? Last I heard, it was at 54% Failure Rate.
That's what I heard too.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 24, 2009, 07:52:58 PM
33%? Last I heard, it was at 54% Failure Rate.
I'm a nice guy and cut them some slack.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 24, 2009, 07:52:58 PM
33%? Last I heard, it was at 54% Failure Rate.
This is correct. It's really bad business when something like this gets away without more public spectacle. The generally accepted failure rate for most electronic products is something like 3 - 8% or so after all IIRC.
Quote from: Jericho on August 24, 2009, 07:55:53 PM
This is correct. It's really bad business when something like this gets away without more public spectacle. The generally accepted failure rate for most electronic products is something like 3 - 8% or so after all IIRC.
360: 54%
PS3: 11%
Wii: 7%
My friend has literally told both Lou and myself that he's so disgusted withe the 360's failure rate, before it was 54%, that he wouldn't even take a free one, and that if someone got it for him, he'd literally sell it and use that money for more games. Honestly, I don't blame him. That amount of failures is really unacceptable, for any piece of hardware. Which is a shame too, because I do like my 360.
As for the PS3, I agree with Acid. I doubt the price of it will ever be lower.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 24, 2009, 08:02:36 PM
My friend has literally told both Lou and myself that he's so disgusted withe the 360's failure rate, before it was 54%, that he wouldn't even take a free one, and that if someone got it for him, he'd literally sell it and use that money for more games. Honestly, I don't blame him. That amount of failures is really unacceptable, for any piece of hardware. Which is a shame too, because I do like my 360.
As for the PS3, I agree with Acid. I doubt the price of it will ever be lower.
I'll probably end up buying a used one. I bought my PS2 off my brother for $50.
I got a refurbished 360 for like $180 when the 20-gig Pro dropped down to, what was it, $250 temporarily? Well over a year ago, in any case. It hasn't given me any trouble thus far.
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