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Rockman & Community => Rockman Series => DASH => Topic started by: Zan on November 09, 2008, 01:09:46 AM

Title: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Zan on November 09, 2008, 01:09:46 AM
Legends, prequel series:
200X/20XX AD
-MegaMan Classic
21XX AD / 22XX AD
-MegaMan X
-MegaMan ZERO
-MegaMan ZX

Legends, Ancient:
- Reign of the Elder's System and their machines.
The Elder's System is shut down by the Master's people and replaced with Master System. Elysium, the perfect world of eternal youth without hunger disease and war is created. (Thousands of years before Legends2, 3000 at the least.)
- The humans living on Elysium create Carbons that populate Terra. The Master provides them with a history and culture of their own. -> Sattelites like Eden are put into service to keep Carbon population in check and the Carbon Reinitialization Program is installed in the Library of Elysium. The library contains the genetic samples/records/code of the humans that built the Master System. This program clones new humans from those genetic samples, but is is meant to only be run after the Master and all other humans have died, by running this program all Carbons will be killed. -> The majority of Humans die out by unknown cause. The Master is the last human remaining and he lives an immortal and sterile life on Elysium.
-The Mother Units Yuna and Sera are created by the Master. They're androids with positronic brains built to
watch over and manage Elysium. They're assigned to Terra (Mother One, Yuna) and Elysium (Mother Zero or Mother Two, Sera), they hold authority over all units of the master system assigned to Terra and Elysium respectively. Intelligent latest design super-high gradeGattz and Geetz are eventually assigned to Yuna and Sera respectively to be their Servitor Units (manservants).
-Buraeucratic Model Third Class MegaMan Juno is assigned to the main gate of the island that is later known as Kattelox, his purpose is to monitor and to keep the carbon population in check using Eden.
-MegaMan Trigger is created by the Master, built for combat as a Purifier Unit First Class to seek out and destroy Aberrant Units. Units that malfunctioned and threatened the System. (Unlike all other units of the system, MegaMan Trigger does not appear to have a behavioral limiter installed or operational that makes him unable to think outside of system parameters.  Geetz wonders why the Master would want to have a unit such as that by his side. Sera makes note that this is because of the Master being lonely.)
- Master modifies some of the Carbons slightly. He makes mention of calling them "Betas" whilst Trigger calls them "Carbons." (This difference in terminology between the Master and others of the System does not exist in the original Japanese version. There they are always referred to with the singular term "Decoys.")
-After having lived on Elysium for 3000 years, Master comes to Terra with Trigger and dies. He tells Trigger how he felt about the Carbons and asks Trigger to destroy the System for the Carbon's sake and gives him a 'goodluck charm.' (A long long time before Legends2)
- Trigger fights against the system to fulfill the Master's dying wish. With the rest, Yuna fights against Trigger, but she slowly begins to understand what Trigger is trying to do. In the end she tries to take a neutral position. Frustrated with Yuna's decision, Sera travels to Terra herself to
fight Trigger.
-Trigger builts Data to protect his memories and the Master's Genetic Sample from Mother II (Sera.)
- Sera and Trigger battle on Terra, but Sera wasn't able to bring her full power to bear outside
of Elysium. Each expending all their energy, the two have fought to a standstill. Trigger's body was almost totally destroyed in the battle. There was no choice but to reset all of Trigger's parameters so that he could heal. His body is reset to his original configuration but this also flushes out all of Trigger's memories. All essential datafiles are thus transferred to Data. Yuna takes advantage of the opportunity and seals both Sera and Trigger away in stasis fields. Trigger with Data are then hidden on Nino Island and Sera with Geetz on Forbidden Island. Forbidden Island is sealed off and guarded by Yuna from then on.

- Sera's sealing "Legend of the Goddesses" falls into mythology.
- Forbidden Island has its name attached to the legend of the Motherlode
-Barrel Caskett is born (65 years before Legends1)
-Von Bluecher is born
-Barrel and Bluecher enter Forbidden Island, lose consciousness, brought to Yosyonke by Yuna. (30 years/over 30 years before Legends2)
-Teisel Bonne born (29 years before Legends1)
-Tron Bonne born.
-Roll born -> Barrel finds Data and Trigger's reset form inside Nino Island Ruins. He names the baby Rock as a pun on his granddaughters name. Trigger adopted by Barrel. Alternate English Version Event: Barrel finds Data and Trigger's reset form inside Nino Island Ruins. Roll demands baby be named "MegaMan," after her favorite videogame character, despite Barrel's wishes. Trigger adopted by Barrel.
-Roll's parents enter forbidden island. -> Roll's father, Banner is saved (by Yuna?) and ends up at Yosyonke, Banner lost his memory and takes on the name Joe, his arm is replaced with a mechanical one. Roll's mother Matilda near death, is saved by Yuna, she repairs Matilda's body but is forced to use it as her own. (10 years before Legends2)
-Bon Bonne is born (3 years before Legends1)
Teisel, Tron and Bon's dear mother dies.

Legends, current:
- Misadventures of Tron Bonne (very close to Legends1)
- Legends1 (Rock, Roll and Tron 14)
-Rockman DASH: The Great Five Islands Adventure
- Rockman DASH2: "Episode 1"
- Legends2, "Episode 2: Great Legacy" (The next calender year since Legends1)
- The Elder's System is becoming active again after Elysium is no longer functioning. Remnants of that system are buried deep all over Terra in the ruins, so many Yuna does not even know how many. The Elders and their machines activate gradually; though eventually they will, they are not expected to be fully active soon.
- Rockman DASH 3: "Episode 1"
- Rockman DASH 3: "Episode 2: Revival! The Dark Lord of the Ruined Country."

Notable Events:
-The Legend of the Motherlode is first told, (Numerous generations before Legends2.)

-Tokarev guns were famous amongst the carbons. (Hundreds of years prior to Misadventures)

-MegaMan Juno once attempted to use Eden to reinitialize Kattelox Island and met resistance by a blue hero of the Carbons. Despite this hero's efforts Kattelox was still reinitialized. From that time onward, Juno slept inside of the main gate until awakened in Legends1 where he noticed that the Carbon population had become too large and subsequently attempted to reinitialize the island once again.

-Kattelox was discovered as an unpopulated island some 100 years before the writing of the book The history of Kattelox. At the time of its discovery, the surface of the island was almost completely covered with ruined buildings. Kattelox became well known after the discovery of high-quality refractors some 60 years before the writing of the aforementioned book.  After the discovery of the presence of refractors, it was also found that the island was riddled with underground ruins.  Due to the various unfortunate accidents which plagued early exploration attempts and the persistence of the rumors of a legendary curse or disaster, the majority of these ruins were sealed off from the general public.  Thus, digging is permitted in only a limited number of ruins.  As for the legendary disaster, it is believed by some that every century, an undefined presence that resides beneath the island awakens and destroys all life present on it.  Research conducted by the current mayor of the island, Professor Amelia, shows that there are remnants of several different civilizations on Kattelox.  In other words, it appears the previous inhabitants of this island have built a civilization many times, only to have it destroyed each time... This is believed to be the origin of the myth of the legendary disaster that haunts this island.  While there is obviously no scientific proof that Kattelox is destined for disaster, many people who believe in the legend choose to leave the island, and in fact the decreasing population has become one of the island's major concerns in recent years.

- The Famous Uncle Digg dies in a cave obsessed with his quest to uncover the thruth about "The Elixer of Youth." He becomes a Ghost unknown to everybody but his assistant Roxette. (An unknown but limited time before Misadventures.)

-The historically inaccurate accounts of the Legend of the Goddesses, the Legend of the Motherlode and Forbidden Island, combined with the fact that Kattelox's history is known up to at least 100 years before Legends1, makes it most likely that Sera was sealed away more than a century before Legends2. The same for Trigger's reset. Therefor all events that reference more than a century before the first Legends game are to be considered as possibly overlapping the events of Legends, Ancient.

-The Rockman DASH story from Namco X Capcom occurs after Legends1, before Legends2 involving the revival of Rockman Juno referring to Trigger an Irregular. Its canon status is questioniable.
-In the case of Legends2/RockmanDASH2, Episode1 is the demo version of the full game which is Episode 2. Episode1 has it's own story which is not included in the full game. Presumably it is the same for DASH3.
-The title for DASH 3 has questionable canon status. It was given by Hideki in the same year as DASH2's release as a joke. Neither Episode 1 or Episode 2 of Rockman DASH 3 exist at current time.
-In the new cellphone game MegaMan and Roll are searching for treasure on five islands and the Bonnes get involved. Familiar faces like Denise are met along the way. Nearing the conclusion, the secret as to how Refractors are made is partially revealed. Under a volcanic island called Urakoi, Rock and Roll find ancient equipment that can transmogrify magma energy into refractors. However, either the machines are too complex to be properly understood, or the facility may have run dry, because they are only able to create low-grade refractors with it. They surmise that the ancients must have known powerful techniques of handling extreme amounts of energy and refining it to usable form, far surpassing what current technology is capable of.
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Rockmon on November 09, 2008, 03:24:31 AM
Something that would be far beyond epic would be if capcom made like a one season anime that recapped the whole story including RMD 1, TNK, and RMD 2.
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Zan on November 09, 2008, 04:06:28 PM
There's too much material for simply one season. And I'd rather have a manga by Ariga.

Also, updated the timeline with the following info:
-Added the history of Kattelox and its former reinitialization by Juno using Eden and the blue hero that opposed Juno but failed to stop Eden. Library entry for the history of Kattelox was quoted.
-Added creation notes for Mother and Trigger, using exact script info and some Japanese materials.
-Used the script to write down more in depth info of Trigger vs the system.
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Hypershell on November 09, 2008, 06:39:00 PM
Well, I tore into this on MMN, so for the benefit of RPMers I'll copy/paste my comments and criticisms.

QuoteX^X AD
Barrel Caskett is born.
-Teisel Bonne born
-Bluecher is born
I'm not sure by what grounds Barrel Caskett is separated from Bleucher (Bluecher's obviously in better health, but you never know), a source on that would be nice.  And I SINCERELY doubt Teisel was born anywhere near the same time, much less before, Bleucher.  I know the gray hair makes him look old, but despite his appearance Teisel is of the same generation as Tron, being her older brother (Tron being 14-15).  Bleucher was journeying to Forbidden Island with Barrel 30 years ago, what do you suppose Teisel's status was 30 years ago?  Maybe he was alive, maybe he wasn't, no way was he old enough to go adventuring.

QuoteX^X AD
-Tron Bonne born.
-Roll born -> Barrel finds Data and Trigger's reset form inside Nino Island Ruins. He names the baby Rock as a pun on his granddaughters name. Trigger adopted by Barrel. -> Roll's parents enter forbidden island. (10 years before Legends2)) -> Roll's father, Banner is saved (by Yuna?) and ends up at Yosyonke, Banner lost his memory and takes on the name Joe, his arm is replaced with a mechanical one. (10 years before Legends2) Roll's mother Matilda near death, is saved by Yuna, she repairs Matilda's body but is forced to use it as her own. (10 years before Legends2)
For organization's sake, wouldn't it make more sense to separate all the 10-years-before-L2 events into their own category?  It's odd listing all of that under the same entry as the births of characters who, at that time, should be in the 4-5 range.

QuoteX^X AD - Legends2, "Episode 2: Great Legacy" (The year changed since Legends1)
Unless the Japanese version is different, you may want to specify "next calendar year."  "year changed" could mean multiple years, but Roll refers to the events of L1 as last year.

QuoteThere is a high probability that the blue hero was MegaMan Trigger attempting to destroy the System. Juno's actions are not in violation of orders and thus not Aberrant behavior. Juno has met Trigger before, he knows of Trigger's status and knows how he should look, still he acts hastily in favor of terminating his superior who has lost his memory in the reset. Eden is unaware of Trigger becoming an Aberrant, Juno may or may not be unaware. Battle between Trigger and Juno might be the reason why Juno is sleeping in the main gate and not actively monitoring the carbon population, though one must conclude in that scenario that even Trigger failed to stop Eden from killing the carbon population on the island.
Juno is unaware of Trigger's aberrant status.  He notes that further action from Trigger will go on file by Eden and tarnish his operating record.  If Trigger was aberrant, his actions against Juno shouldn't have any bearing on that.  Furthermore, Juno notes that Trigger is under the direct command of Mother.  Again, if Trigger is aberrant, this is no longer true.  Repairing/restoring an aberrant unit is also unheard of within Legends, making it very odd for Juno to be seeking a backup of Trigger's memory with Eden.  Yuna states within L2 that as a Purifier, Trigger's duty was to "hunt down and destroy all aberrant units."  Trigger's memory loss may be news to Juno, but if he knew that Trigger was aberrant beforehand, he should not be attempting to restore it.  He has every right to terminate Trigger right there.

Or rather, he would have if not for one little thing.  Trigger, since becoming aberrant, is in possession of the Master's genetic sample.  If Juno knew this, terminating Trigger and risking its destruction would not be acceptable without authorization from all active Mother units (Sera was not to destroy it without consulting Yuna in L2, if not for the fact that Yuna was no longer recognized by the System).  But he attempts it all the same after Eden is activated.  Talk about tarnishing one's operating record.  Juno's first duty should have been to retrieve the genetic sample while Trigger was disabled, and he walked away.

Also, Juno's sleeping was planned.  He himself expected to wake at a particular time, Trigger merely woke him earlier than expected.

Finally, Trigger's word carries a lot of weight within the System, Data being able to interrupt Eden's command and DELETE (as opposed to quarantine?) Juno's backup data in Trigger's name.  The topic of whether or not Juno is actually aberrant is never brought up, Trigger's word is accepted on that point.  Juno's justification for attacking Trigger is that Trigger is suffering memory loss, not that Trigger took any inappropriate action.

For all these reasons, the painting in Kattelox museum most likely does not depict Trigger.  Rather it's an easter-egg pointing at the recurring theme of a blue armored hero.  Such a battle against Juno took place, that in no way means Trigger was the one to fight it.

Quote-Alternate English Version Event: Barrel finds Data and Trigger's reset form inside Nino Island Ruins. Roll demands baby be named "MegaMan," after her favorite videogame character, despite Barrel's wishes. Trigger adopted by Barrel.
You may want to have japanese and english equivalents near each other.
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Rockmon on November 09, 2008, 07:25:04 PM
Quote from: Zan on November 09, 2008, 04:06:28 PM
There's too much material for simply one season. And I'd rather have a manga by Ariga.
I meant a 24 ish episode season, not 12.
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Police Girl on November 09, 2008, 07:57:46 PM
QuoteX^X AD - Rockman DASH 3: "Episode 1"
X^X AD - Rockman DASH 3: "Episode 2: Revival! The Dark Lord of the Ruined Country."

You wish, we all wish. Sadly, its not gonna happen. For the time being....
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Zan on November 09, 2008, 08:02:57 PM
Fixed based on Hypershell's notes.
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: marshmallow man on November 20, 2008, 07:24:29 PM
In D1 Barrel is 65, Teisel is 29, and Bon is 3. So as far as Teisel's birth in relation to Barrel and Verner's exploits 30 years prior to D2, it would conceivably be right around the time of Teisel's birth. Personally I'd think he was born a little bit after.
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Zan on November 20, 2008, 10:16:35 PM
Noted, thanks for the info.

So, Teisel is 15/16 in his family picture? Baby Tron is depicted in concept art as being off-screen. That's a lot older than I would have put him based on his looks.

Still not sure about Bluecher versus Barrel, Bluecher might just age well >.> But atleast Bon's age solidifies Misadventures a bit. Btw, does that game state any ages? And what about DASH2 and any and all other character in the entire series?

Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: marshmallow man on November 22, 2008, 02:31:16 AM
Can't think of any other ones that I've ever seen. Might be some somewhere, I'll dig around a bit later, but I don't recall hearing about any other given character ages.

I think I might have come across D2 sources that still give some of the same ages for Rock and Roll and Tron though, despite the year change. But I'd have to double check that as well.
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Hypershell on December 02, 2008, 05:31:25 PM
Quote from: marshmallow man on November 20, 2008, 07:24:29 PM
In D1 Barrel is 65, Teisel is 29, and Bon is 3. So as far as Teisel's birth in relation to Barrel and Verner's exploits 30 years prior to D2, it would conceivably be right around the time of Teisel's birth. Personally I'd think he was born a little bit after.
Out of curiosity, what's the source on that?
(I'm not questioning you, I just like to stay on top of DASH/Legends stuff)

Quote from: Zan on November 09, 2008, 01:09:46 AM
-The Rockman DASH story from Namco X Capcom occurs after Legends1, before Legends2 involving the revival of Rockman Juno referring to Trigger an Irregular. Its canon status is questioniable.
Just to nail the coffin shut on this one:  Despite the numerous games represented, the NxC multi-verse consists of only five worlds.  It's about as canonically valid as Smash Bros.

DASH characters in NxC originate from the same world and timeframe as other sci-fi characters.  So KOS-MOS, Shion, and M.O.M.O. know what Refractors and Reaverbots are, Tron is a space pirate (impossible prior to L2), and her name is infamous among the "Border Patrol" team of Masuyo and Hiromi (characters from two different Namco games).
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: marshmallow man on December 12, 2008, 09:23:19 PM
Teisel's age is written in the D1 instruction booklet. Barrel's comes from the Rockman Dash Daibouken Guide book, Bon's age comes from the Rockman Perfect Memories book.

I tend to agree, NxC like MvC2 and the upcoming TvC, should likely not be considered canonical at all, although some concepts and information from those sources may certainly hold interest.
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Acrosurge on February 19, 2009, 06:04:07 PM
Quote from: Zan on November 09, 2008, 01:09:46 AM
The Mother Units Yuna and Sera are created by the Master. They're androids with positronic brains built to
watch over and manage Elysium...
I don't remember hearing that Yuna and Sera employed similar technology as a certain lieutenant commander from Star Trek.  Its been a while since I played Legends 2; does anybody have a source for that?
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Hypershell on February 22, 2009, 07:09:22 PM
You know somebody is bored when they start trying to justify techno-babel.

Talk to Yuna in the Elysium shuttle bay and ask her, "What is Elysium?".
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: Acrosurge on February 23, 2009, 03:49:52 PM
Quote from: Hypershell on February 22, 2009, 07:09:22 PM
You know somebody is bored when they start trying to justify techno-babel.

Talk to Yuna in the Elysium shuttle bay and ask her, "What is Elysium?".
8).  Well, I take my fantasy details very seriously.  Can't go around calling a Z-Saber an X-Buster, now can we?
Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: xemiroth on May 17, 2024, 04:44:13 PM
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Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: xemiroth on August 03, 2024, 11:54:56 AM
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Title: Re: Timeline of Legends
Post by: xemiroth on November 04, 2024, 03:37:05 PM
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