So THAT is where Light's first name of "Xavier" comes from.
Who's Light? We're talking about Dr. Wright here...
I think Mandi Paugh is responsible for that on the net far more than this obscure book. I'm not sure she had the book herself because she doesn't seem to include many elements from it in her fanfics, but maybe one of the MMHP community did and shared some info with her. I imagine that's why she thought she was right to use it as Light's middle name. Dunno.
But if that's "history", at which time are they recollecting all of this? You could consider any mistakes made as historical inaccuracies.
The forward is from December 2055, that's the point where the information has been collected. The first war took place in 2035, the second in 2038, the third in 2043, and Wily's Revenge in 2052. The stories are supposed to be reproductions of top secret documents, so I guess one cold argue that the reproductions were inaccurate or that the initial authors at the time didn't have all the facts straight in the memos, although 90% of it would have to be inaccurate to fit with some other stuff.
The overall idea here reminds me of how the Dune universe has both the original books, and the newer books to form its canon.
G-money Lucas has a similar relationship with his Star Wars expanded universe. Even Baum's Oz books have similar problems, come to think of it. It may be an inevitable symptom of any franchise that lives too long.
I'd love to see them try to explain the games with multiple endings.
The book doesn't discuss game endings, just the aftermath, so maybe they'd just do like they did with Roll and ignore everything.
Maybe they'd occasionally throw in a hint or two as to what "really happened. That's what Capcom's been doing anyway.
Insert Quote
Alternate history fanfics!
But they would probably have disclaimers in the "real" MegaMan world.
Or that. After all, you're already choosing your own boss order, so you're not going to go through the simulation the exact way the historical Mega Man did.
I wonder what sorta takes it has on MM.
Mega Man was a speechless emotionless robot who runs on pure logic, sees in infrared scope, has a detachable plasma cannon on his right
arm "end effector" (but not his left). After the wars ended he was given a personality chip to give him "the emotional presence and maturity of an adult male." He still can't talk though. He absorbs energy through his breathable titanium alloy skin, but also drinks WD-40 coolers.
And who it's endorsed by ...
Mentioned this already, but Capcom did.
"The only guide that has been officially authorized by its manufacturer, Capcom U.S.A." - front cover.
"I would like to thank Kathleen Watson and Gracie Howell of CAPCOM U.S.A. for coordinating the project..." - Acknowledgements
It also includes a game ad and a $10 rebate off the purchase of Capcom games, like they used to put in some of their instruction manuals. It's a trip.