Ultra Turbo Super Extreme "What are you thinking?" Electric Boogaloo Alpha EX ed

Dr. Wily II · 504614

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Just hearing it made me cringe... *finds an icepack*

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Offline Quickman

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On the plus side, I'll have a new injury for my follow-up appointment with orthopedics! 8D

Offline Dr. Wily II

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... Dat no gud 8U

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Offline Phi

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[spoiler]You're missing the point, narrative and theme wise.  The game has been telling you not to take the easy way out and always search for the Truth, even as early as the Rise arch you start understanding that finding the Truth isn't going to be easy, we knew that Stalker wasn't the murderer, but the people in Persona land didn't at the time even if it was obvious because they only see what's in front of them, they don't know they're in a story and the game isn't even half over. 

People are satisfied in finding what they 'think' is the Truth, we're blinded by preconceptions, perspectives, and bias so we will take a False Truth to satisfy ourselves.  In the Naoto arch Naoto herself is frustrated because she knows something is up and Mitsuo wasn't the real murderer, the facts and evidence just didn't add up at all.  But the police were eager to put the idea of that behind them simply because they want it to end and to make the public feel safe again. 

It's why the You and the Team thought Nametame was the murderer, even if something wasn't right you wanted him to be the murderer because you were mad that he caused Nanako's death, they were blinded by their rage, and they wanted to 'avenge' her even though killing him isn't going to do anything.  Killing someone who killed someone else wouldn't bring the person killed by the person you killed back, you'll just have 2 people killed.  What's more Revenge and Justice isn't the same thing, Nametame wouldn't pay for his crimes, he would die because You and the Team didn't care if he was the murderer or not, you wanted to justify in your mind that he was the murderer so you could justify killing him and have your revenge.  Only by figuring out something wasn't right and thinking clearly would you realize that Nametame was just another victim himself, a patsy tricked by someone else into believing he was doing good, the person who really murdered Saki and Mayumi Yamano.  And that person was Adachi.

All this lead to you having to figure out that Adachi wasn't the real source of everything, he just committed the first 2 murders, all your questions about the Midnight Channel and all that wasn't really clearly answered.  You weren't supposed to think there's another criminal out there, but something else was pulling the strings that led up to these events, the means to even make them possible, like a higher power just gave someone the potential to do what they want and they did what they wanted with it while they sat back and observed.

Let me put it to you this way, you know that for the Team in order to get a Persona they had to accept their flaws, Shadows, as part of them and not deny them.  When they did the Shadow becomes a Persona and subsequently they get the ability to enter the TV on their own free will.  Cool right.......except You didn't do all that, you pretty much somehow magically got it and you've always been able to enter the TV, unlike the rest of the team.  Further more why does Adachi have a Persona, he sure as hell didn't accept his flaws, he denied them and blamed everyone else for his short comings and misfortunes.  You know who else did that?  Mitsuo.  And you know what happened when Mitsuo denied that he was an empty loser?  The Shadow disappeared and he didn't get a Persona, so he became a lost cause.  What's more how the hell was Nametame able to enter the TV, he only entered it when he kidnapped Nanako and was desperate to get away when the jig was up.  He only saw what a crap sack world the TV world was when during that time.  But you need a Persona to enter the TV and he sure as hell didn't have a Persona, he was possessed by random Shadows even.

Then you have Ameno-Sagiri who came out of nowhere and raised even more flags, first he said he didn't count on the potential of people facing themselves and gaining Personas even though Adachi had a Persona and he claimed that he was following his desires, so how was he not aware of that.  Then when it dies, it says it will be back when Mankind wishes it to be back and then be enveloped by fog.

Keep in mind that Marie was not in the Original version of the game, so that's where the Team thinks it ends and they celebrate that they don't have to deal with all that crap ever again and You start getting ready to go home.

But then you have all those questions in your mind about You and Adachi's Persona, You, Adachi's, and Nametame's ability to enter the TV, what the Midnight Channel really is and where it came from, and what the hell did that funky demonic disco ball fog machine of doom mean when he said 'I'll be back'[/Terminator]

'Wait a minute none of this makes-OH CRAP!'


You may have found out how the murders came about but you never figured out how You, Adachi, and Nametame were able to do all this crap without going through what everyone else on the Team did  Which means.....it could happen again.....when you're not around......it will happen again, and you need to stop it because the next generation might not be able to.  You need to find who gave You, Adachi, and Nametame that potential in the first place or else the Fog will come back.

If you accepted that Adachi was behind everything without questioning how he was able to do that, you stopped trying to find the Truth and accepted yet another False Truth, thus dooming Inaba to eventually repeat these events again.  But since you did ask all those questions you were able to find the Truth and prevent a future catastrophe.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Sakura, why did you waste your time writing all that?

You summarized the entire plot... why? I already know all of this, because, you know, I obtained the True Ending.

I never stated that the ending was confusing; all I said was I totally forgot about the Gas Station attendant, because she was only there for like a split-second and you never speak to her again. Perhaps if I played the vanilla version, complete with controller vibrations from shaking her hand, I would've suspected that she did something to me.

However, for Golden, there was simply a brief flash, and I took that for car sickness or whatever option they gave me. Dizziness/car sickness is a completely valid reason, and I accepted that as such. Also, if by chance I DID briefly suspect something from her in the beginning, again, I completely forgot about the woman because I rarely saw her in the game. She blended in so well that I barely realized she existed. Soon, I forgot she existed, all together.

Adachi being the serial killer was much more obvious than some NPC Gas Station attendant being the true Big Bad, to me.

I never complained about there being a person behind everything, just a little underwhelmed that it was someone I forgot about, entirely.

Offline Sakura Leic

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[spoiler]Because the point is that a Goddess who wanted to what Mankind was like for shits and giggles would take the least obvious form possible because otherwise her experiment would be ruined.[/spoiler]

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Phi

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[spoiler]There are various ways to hide in plain sight.

One of the most common ways to do that would be to socialize with others, as if you're just another "normal person." Hell, Adachi pretty much did that. He's a serial killer with a law enforcement career, and he freaking eats dinner with your family.

So many forms of media have done that (Death Note, Breaking Bad, Dexter, etc.) where the mastermind is right out in the open, chilling on your sofa, laughing with you and being your buddy; all the while, they turn out to be deplorable villains, all along.

Izanami the Gas Attendant, on the other hand, came out of left field, for me. Though, I do understand that others may have seen it coming; particularly those who played vanilla.

I didn't, and Golden's subtle flash of light, followed by "oh lol it's just dizziness" didn't help matters.[/spoiler]

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[spoiler]I played vanilla, by the by; might be one of the reasons why I caught on a bit more. I also assume the left-fieldedness of it was on purpose, although the reasoning that was given was good enough I found.

I don't care that much though; I still prefer P3 8D[/spoiler]

I shouldn't be up. But I am. Stupid insomnia.

Offline Sakura Leic

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[spoiler]Eh I understand why people like 3 more though there was just too many things I didn't like about 3 compared to 4 gameplay and story wise. Not to mention the Answer was just ugggghhhh.[/spoiler]

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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[spoiler]Ah right, suppose I should mention that I played only vanilla of that one too.[/spoiler]

Offline Phi

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[spoiler]I played vanilla, by the by; might be one of the reasons why I caught on a bit more. I also assume the left-fieldedness of it was on purpose, although the reasoning that was given was good enough I found.

I don't care that much though; I still prefer P3 8D[/spoiler]

I shouldn't be up. But I am. Stupid insomnia.

[spoiler]Well yeah, when it was explained how she passed the power onto you, it made perfect sense. I just wish it was someone who'd you see fairly often, yet you'd never expect in a million years to be a villain.

Like Ayane! She would've been the perfect, totally unexpected Goddess! 8D

Okay, maybe someone less silly...[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Ah right, suppose I should mention that I played only vanilla of that one too.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Seriously, Fxeni, stop with the vanilla; try some new flavors! 8D[/spoiler]

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[spoiler]I'm still eating the Belgian chocolate I got for my birthday.[/spoiler]

Offline Sakura Leic

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[spoiler]You mean the first version that's not FES right?  I didn't play 3 but I watched a Playthrough of it, it's a huge grind fess with a few cutscenes and a lot of people really act in ways that are just jaw droppingly horrible.  Especially Yukari, and keep in mind I like Yukari more than Mitsuru.  It's just ugggggggggghhhh![/spoiler]

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Vanilla's so tasty though... it's so clean, and unspoilt by weird changes that are made for no reason.

Offline Sakura Leic

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[spoiler]Honestly I understand why they put it in to explain why the MC died and why he has to die with a chance to be revived if Humanity stops being suicidal but the cons of the Answer just make me wish it didn't exist.[/spoiler]

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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[spoiler]Ugh the whole idea of bringing back the main character of P3 just makes the whole sacrifice cheap. That being said Persona 3 is no more grindy than Persona 4 or any other megaten game. Digital Devil Saga now that was a grind.  8D[/spoiler]

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[spoiler]Gah, I need to clean...[/spoiler]

Offline Sakura Leic

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[spoiler]Ugh the whole idea of bringing back the main character of P3 just makes the whole sacrifice cheap. That being said Persona 3 is no more grindy than Persona 4 or any other megaten game. Digital Devil Saga now that was a grind.  8D[/spoiler]
[spoiler]It was more like lots of grinding for way less plot for something extra that I don't think was necessarily needed.  Besides it would have to be a miracle for the 3 MC to come back.[/spoiler]

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Quickman

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[spoiler]Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father.[/spoiler]

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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[spoiler]Or what ever bullshit reason the writers pull out of their asses. Either way him coming back would spoil the point of living life to it's fullest rather than try to avoid one's death. I think P4 did space out story and dungeon crawling a little better though, but it certainly lost that atmosphere that P3 had going when they explored Tartarus compared to the wacky midnight channel.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Nooo, it's not possible![/spoiler]

Offline Sakura Leic

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Vanilla's so tasty though... it's so clean, and unspoilt by weird changes that are made for no reason.
Okay to break the spoiler tag discussion is it wrong now that I'm thinking that Fxeni in all RP universe's favorite Ice Cream is Vanilla just because of this?

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Well, I do like it actually. Not my favourite, but sometimes it feels good to have something that's a bit more "plain" (for the lack of a better word).

Offline Sakura Leic

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Yeah same here, though I usually prefer some kind of sherbert.  Chocolate is just too bitter.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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[spoiler]Am I cool yet?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]WELL AM I!?[/spoiler]

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Offline Quickman

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[spoiler]Yes.  Yes you are.[/spoiler]

Offline Sakura Leic

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I think I need to make a Bravely Default thread, some news came out for Bravely Second and it's......interesting.  I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection