My mom seems to have realized that it might be a better idea to focus on making the Cafe/Bistro we want to make first before concentrating on completely renovating the house. Honestly it makes more sense to do that, though I still think she needs to do more research, which she knows. I mean of course this isn't going to happen for another few years but it's something we both want to do.
It certainly doesn't help that her current work is getting more....chaotic so to speak. Her boss is becoming more.....unreasonable. Doesn't help that he's using the crazy [sonic slicer] at the workplace more......I still don't know why he keeps her around. She's not even an official employee, she's just kind of there doing her own thing while sticking her nose in everyone's business and barking out a laundry list of orders for little things instead of focusing on what needs to be done. In fact her own boss dumped her there to get her out of his hair. All the good she does doesn't make up for how much of a demanding [sonic slicer] she is, and just being a [sonic slicer] in general. Even the awesome new production manager isn't making a dent on the situation, as smart and efficient as he is. Again the dude is awesome like that and someone I wish was there years ago to help with that circus so to speak. He knows his [parasitic bomb], the boss....I'm not sure he does any more.