The Mana-Verse

Blue Valkyrie · 232826

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Reply #4400 on: August 27, 2015, 04:58:53 AM
((Want me to help out with this, or do you have your own ideas? Also typo fixed-used the auto correct without really looking.  8D ))

(Thanks for the offer, but I can handle it fine.)

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Reply #4401 on: August 27, 2015, 05:02:43 AM
In the meantime, the Professor was still seated at Aya's bedside, keeping a constant vigil.  She was moving and making noises and he surmised that she might awaken, but he dutifully dabbed sweat from her brow until then.

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Reply #4402 on: August 28, 2015, 07:16:13 AM
Pema made her way back to the airship. "Who do you think that boy was? You don't think he's, like, a ghost or something, right?"

"If he was, you probably wouldn't be able to see him." Salem replied.

"You have a point there..." She bit her thumb nail. "Thinking about it now, I'm pretty sure I've seen him when I was walking with Ms. Sakura a few days ago, too."

"Really? Hm, this is certainly getting weirder by the minute. I mean, he seemed normal enough, up close. Perhaps a little nervous, but still..."

Pema strolled around for a few minutes, and spotted a metal can on the ground, near the bakery. "Anyway, I hope Ms. Aya is feeling better. Maybe I should buy her a get-well-soon pastry." She lightly kicked the metal can into the bakery, which landed inside a garbage pail.

"As long as you don't eat it on the way to her room." Salem joked.

She giggled and was about to step inside, when she noticed the same boy across the street. He was walking towards her.

Pema waved to him and smiled. "Hello again! Umm, what happened last time? You just kinda ran off without saying anything."

The boy stepped in front of Pema and glanced at the floor, holding something behind his back. He looked at her briefly, then focused his gaze elsewhere.

She tilted her head. "Hey, what's that you got behind your back there?"

He closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and took a deep breath. Slowly, he presented what he was hiding, and held out blue flowers. "Th-These are.... for you..." He spoke in a quiet tone, his voice slightly trembling. His eyes were still averted away from her.

Salem chuckled. "Ah, now I see what's going on here."

Pema gasped and retrieved the flowers from him. "Oh my gosh, these are so beautiful! You got these for me? You're such a sweetie, thank you!" She leaned in and pecked him on the cheek.

His face immediately became flushed and he rubbed his arm nervously.

It was then that Pema noticed the bruise on his left arm. She took a closer look. "Hey, you're bleeding. What happened to you?"

He stared at the ground. "I-It's nothing... I just... some of the other kids came up to me and... It's stupid, really, just forget about it..."

Pema furrowed her brows. "They hit you? Why? No, they have no right... Come on, let's go! Show me where they are."

"Huh? Go where?" He asked.

She turned to him and stared with an incredibly stern expression. Something that was quite unlike her. "We're going to teach those jerks a lesson."

(Does anyone have something to add, like involving Aya and the Professor? I just have one last, rather important, post to make, then we can move on.)

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4403 on: August 28, 2015, 04:06:49 PM
(Was planning to wake up Aya after everyone else finished their business.)

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #4404 on: August 28, 2015, 04:31:14 PM
(Nothing of importance, involving Toshi. I'm pretty much waiting for everyone else to finish up.)

Fear me.

Offline Phi

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Reply #4405 on: August 30, 2015, 06:05:58 AM
"You really don't have to do this. It's nothing..." The boy insisted.

Pema proceeded into an alley way. "Those kids... They pick on you often, don't they? There's always that tiny bit of hope that they'll stop, and maybe they'll see you for who you really are... But there's also the scary part of yourself that thinks it's your fault."

"Yeah, it happens a lot. But, how would you know the feeling? I mean, y-you're... like, really pretty and everything, so..." He scratched his head, "Forget it, I didn't mean to, um..."

Pema giggled and folded her hands behind her back. She was about to speak when a couple of kids who were up to no good, started making trouble in... the alley way.

The two kids knocked over a trash can as Pema and the boy arrived by their hangout; an act of provocation to intimidate them from going further.

"Kliem, Kliem, Kliem. Didn't we already kick your ass?" A huge 14-year-old boy got up from the steps, and his friend approached them.

"Haha, what's this all about? You brought your girlfriend to protect you? You shouldn't have come back here, loser." He smirked and cracked his knuckles.

Pema stepped in front of Kliem. "Please, I want you to leave him alone. You don't want to continue this any further. You're better than that."

The large kid chuckled. "Awww, that is just precious, the nerd got himself a groupie. You know, you should've brought this chick over here a long time ago, Kliem. She's got more balls than you!"

"This was a bad idea... I think we should leave now..." Kliem whispered to Pema.

Pema steeled her gaze forward. "So, that's it? You're just going to give up? If everything else fails, you need to fight back."

He stared at her, his hands trembling.

"Yo, what're you two talking about over there? I don't like people who ignore me. Because when you ignore me..." The teenager picked up his baseball bat and stormed towards them. "I tend to take out my frustration on their face!"

Kliem backed away. "We need to leave NOW!"

"You don't want to do that." Pema exclaimed suddenly to the bully, a smile on her face.

"Heh, oh yeah? Why not?"

"Because there's something you two don't know about Kliem. He has a special gift. And through all the pain you've caused him, he has no choice but to use it." She explained.

"Oh, he's special, alright. Let's see his little gift save him now." He reared back his arm for a swing.

Pema turned to Kliem and smiled reassuringly. "Give me your hand." She whispered softly.

He reached out his arm and she grabbed it. Pema moved his hand towards the baseball bat, and she lifted her finger. A fireball materialized and launched forward, knocking the bat out of his hand.

"Wh-what the hell?! The nerd can use magic!" He stumbled backwards and fell on his back.

His friend ran towards Kliem. "You're freakin' dead!"

She whispered to him again. "Extend out your hands."

He did as he was told, and Pema quickly slipped behind his back, extending her arms forward underneath his. She resonated with Salem to amplify her mana and raised her index fingers. "Pew~ Pew~"

She unleashed two Ice Blasts at the bully's feet, which appeared as if it was coming from Kliem. He was immediately frozen in place. "[parasitic bomb]! Dude, we gotta get out of here!"
Pema walked forward, then stomped her foot down. "And don't ever think about bothering him again!" She yelled.

"Y-Yeah, yeah, no problem! You got it!" The teen slammed his baseball bat on the ice, freeing his friend. The two bullies dashed through the alley, tripping a few times on the way.

Kliem gazed at Pema, his eyes wide open. "Th-that was... That was amazing! I don't know what to say... I... Thank you."

Pema giggled and pulled out Salem from her sleeve. "Don't mention it! The more delicious food I eat, the stronger I become!"

Salem chuckled. "That totally isn't an excuse for you to pig out whenever you want, or anything."

"Whoa, did that staff just talk?" Kliem looked closer.

"Oh yeah, I didn't introduce you to him. This is my trusty staff, Salem; he's my best friend in the whoooole world!" She cheered happily, moving her arms in a circular motion as she proclaimed this. "And my name is Pema!"

He rubbed his neck. "Pema... I see. Thanks again." He thought for a moment, then looked at her again. "Hey, uh, if you don't mind me asking... did you ever have anyone that... hurt you? I mean, before when you were talking about people picking on others, when you just want them to like you. You know the feeling?"

Pema stared at the ground, then her eyes shifted to Salem. She slowly walked to a flight of stairs and sat on the steps. Kliem sat next to her.

She sighed, then began. "Yeah, it happened to me, too. Actually, it happened all the time."

"There were people that hit you?"

She shook her head. "Well, no, they didn't hit me. It was more like what they said to me."

"So, it was verbal abuse..."

Pema dipped her head down, softly tugging on her hat's ear flaps and quietly gazed at her lap. "I didn't have any friends growing up. Everyone... everyone hated me. Even some of the adults threw things at me, so mommy always had to walk with me when we headed outside... I remember her face whenever that happened. She would quietly bend down, kiss me on the forehead and softly squeeze my hand. She didn't speak or call out to me. But I could see all of what she wanted to say in her eyes and her smile... "It's time to go outside, Pema. Things will get better, I know they will." Daddy tried his best to stop them, but according to him, "People are stubborn and refuse to listen to reason," He said. I wondered if that was true..."

Pema dug around inside her pocket for two of her peaches. She handed one to Kliem and took a bite of the other.

Kliem nodded. "Why did they act that way towards you?"

Her chewing slowed down and her eyes fell silent on her hands. Her voice was very quiet and quivered slightly. "I... I was born with a defect. My parents called it a 'special ability', though. I have the potential to absorb mana, and store it as my own." Her eyes steadily began to tear up. "There was a tragedy... that I caused. Something that I can never take back, and many have suffered because of it..."

Pema wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm really sorry, but I'm not ready to talk about it yet..."

"Ah, n-no, I'm sorry for bringing it up."

She stared at the sky, sniffling softly as the breeze combed through her hair. "You know, words can cut deeper than any blade or bruise. That feeling... Being unwanted. Unloved. I wouldn't dream it on anyone, no matter how bad they may be. It's the worst feeling in the world. I think everyone deserves to be loved. And the worse part about the whole thing is that... I didn't love myself. I saw how everyone looked at me, the things they said to me... Even with how much my parents said they loved me... A small side of myself felt like maybe they... regretted having me..."

"Stop right now. You know that's not true, Pema. They cared more than you could ever know." Salem exclaimed.

"I-I know..." She wrapped her arms around her legs and shut her eyes briefly. She then looked at Salem. "But now, I know what I have to do. There's people that care about me, and I care about them."

The sun began to set and Pema leapt from the stairs. She turned her head to Kliem and grinned. "Always remember to defend yourself to your very best, okay? From fists and from word of mouth."

Kliem smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I will! Thanks for everything."

She waved bye to him and made her way back. "Oh right, I need to buy Ms. Aya some get-well-soon pastries! Umm, where was it again?"

"Heh, you forgot already?" Salem remarked.

"I made the mistake of trying to remember with my head, when I should've went with my gut feeling. Tummy, don't fail me now! Take me to: THE BAKERY!!" Pema pointed ahead and ran into the light.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4406 on: September 02, 2015, 05:28:32 AM
Aya's vision blurs as she awakens--however not where she had assumed she'd be. Glancing around Aya is befuddled by the distinct lack of---anything? A dark void-the Abyss?

"Where--am I?" Aya asked-not really expecting any answer. Aya reluctantly took a step forward the void providing something solid to stand on-as her foot touched the void a flash of light momentarily blinded her-

"Ngh.." Aya covered her eyes winicing as the light faded and revealed--a planet, Arcadia but not the Arcadia she recognized, the position of the land masses were all wrong--was it the past or future she couldn't say for sure-but as quickly as the images of Arcadia appeared before her so did a nostalgic  presence,  followed by a ball of light floating slightly ahead of her.

"Titan--" Aya identified the Elemental-remembering the shard they had discovered had been of titan's element. Aya touched her head as the Elemental spoke to her-without words directly into her mind.

"This is-Arcadia in the past?" Suddenly the image of Arcadia shifted-once again landmasses of different sizes and shapes, then again and again.

"What are you trying to tell me? I don't understand!" Aya said--as a dark mass appeared behind the image of the planet, it's maw opens drawing in the mana-the life force of Arcadia into it, again and again for each cycle of the world Titan showed her. Something about the beast unnerved her to no end-it felt alien but at the same time familiar.

"Please tell me--what are you trying to show me Tita--!" The Beast roared as if noticing Aya and with a great inhaling motion began to suck the Guardian into it's maw-Aya desperately tried to fight back her wings flapping wildly but it was all for naught as Aya was pulled up off her feet -the dream ending as the abyss within it's maw greeted her.

"Ahh!" Aya woke up nearly screaming-drenched in sweat-and liking making the Professor jump.

Offline Quickman

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Reply #4407 on: September 02, 2015, 05:32:12 AM
The Professor almost fell out of his chair, but he quickly recovered and grabbed Aya by the shoulders to hold her and soothe her. "You were dreaming... Calm down, calm down, it was just a dream... Take, take a deep b-breath..."

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #4408 on: September 02, 2015, 09:52:58 AM
[Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I can just have Shuu's subplot of meeting the local daemon lorde on off-screen event. Maybe with mention of Prof and maybe Sakura tagging along?]

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4409 on: September 02, 2015, 02:31:37 PM
((Remember the local one would by Byblos-the Lordes would all be the big ones like Atmos, do you want to hold up till we go after the next shard so it's a new location?))

"It was more like a nightmare--" Aya panted leaning back down-she grimaced as she found it was oddly hard for her to move.

((Not moving for a whole week means her body would be a little weaker))

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #4410 on: September 05, 2015, 12:22:06 AM
Shuu had been sitting at a window, watching the city progressively return to normal while thinking over what had transpired over the past several days...

When he, Grani, and those that accompanied them arrived at the local Lorde's lair, expecting to meat the daemon who was in control of the territory, only to learn that the lorde in question was currently out attending to their own personal matters and wasn't expected to be back for another month. While that wasn't very long for a daemon, it would be too long for the party to wait, so they had to return to the rest of the party.

"That was a waste of time." The knight sighed, rubbing his temples and getting up. He had heard Aya's scream and figured it meant she was finally awake. "I guess a bad dream is to be expected after absorbing that much power and sleeping for so long..." Shuu said to himself, lightly knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"

My thread of Random Crap

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4411 on: September 05, 2015, 12:30:16 AM
"A-ah yes come in." Aya responds her voice muffled through the door.

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Reply #4412 on: September 05, 2015, 12:47:34 AM
Shuu quietly opened the door and entered, closing it behind him. "It's good to see you up and awake again, Aya." He said, smiling at her. He was particularly calm. "I hope that scream was just a bad dream. It would be pretty distressing if something else was wrong."

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4413 on: September 05, 2015, 01:00:45 AM
Aya was still lying in the bed, the Professor was off in the side room doing something or other now that Aya had woke up, she glanced over to Shuu and smiled although with a tired expression on her face. "Yes-just a bad dream, sorry to have worried everyone." Aya apologized, struggling to sit up-the sheet slips back nearly revealing more than Aya had intended forgetting that she wasn't wearing her armor at the moment.

"Ah!" Aya grabbed the sheet thankfully before anything truly embarrassing happened, although the blush on her face is rather amusing. "S-sorry I wasn't thinking." Aya apologizes again.


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Reply #4414 on: September 05, 2015, 01:12:18 AM
When Aya's blanket slipped, Shuu's face turned bright red and he quickly looked away, having caught quite the eyeful. "I-it's alright. Probably should've asked if you were decent first." He said, clearing his throat. "Anyway, that was a lot of power your body had to adjust to... Do you remember what happened before you passed out?"


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Reply #4415 on: September 05, 2015, 01:15:34 AM
"Aya, Prof is everything okay in there?" Calien asked as he was knocking on the door though his voice was noticeably horase and everyone heard some coughing as well.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4416 on: September 05, 2015, 01:17:28 AM
"Before the shard absorbed it's self into my body? No-not that much-it kinda felt when Reva possessed by body last time I fought Mar. But-without a elemental to assert control over my body." Aya leans back on the backboard with the pillows while she tucked the blanket around her body.

She glances at Calien "Yes-everything is fine--umm are you sick?"

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Reply #4417 on: September 05, 2015, 01:20:48 AM
"Unfortunately." Calien said as he came in.  He was completely pale and he had dark rings around his eyes. "I've been helping the town's people however I could and it took quite a toll on my body, especially the healing."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4418 on: September 05, 2015, 01:22:21 AM
"Maybe you should rest too--umm you should both take a seat at the very least." Aya offered to them both.

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Reply #4419 on: September 05, 2015, 01:24:34 AM
"Thank you." Calien coughed as he sat down. "By the way, Sakura's in town looking to get some non magical weapons for the both of you in case we run into more places with heavy amounts of Magicite."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Phi

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Reply #4420 on: September 05, 2015, 01:27:01 AM
After buying pastries and pies, Pema made her way to the Inn.

She stepped inside and knocked on the door. "It's me. Can I come in?"

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4421 on: September 05, 2015, 01:28:45 AM
"Yes-everyone else is pretty much in her now." Aya tightens the blanket not wanting a repeat of the previous slip.

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Reply #4422 on: September 05, 2015, 01:29:07 AM
(Thought we were in the inn.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4423 on: September 05, 2015, 01:31:14 AM
((We are but I'm assuming Phi meant to come into Aya's room. XD))

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Reply #4424 on: September 05, 2015, 01:32:25 AM
(Ah, I said she was going inside the airship, by mistake.
