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Reply #175 on: November 17, 2014, 05:41:23 AM
(Ah okay then.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #176 on: November 17, 2014, 11:43:24 AM
Mr. P jumped and screamed at the sudden appearance of... Whatever the hell that was.


Malamar appeared behind Mr. P and used Psychic on the... Thing. In much better lighting, and after a lot of heavy breathing to calm down, Mr. P slowly approached the thing to have a better look. What he saw was buffling... A mangled mess of metal parts... Limbs... Head... HEADS!?

"... What is this!?"

Mr. P did recall that Prof. Hypno mentioned he was working on a project after his helper robot was used for Pokemon research. And that the project used an animatronic... But this... WHAT IS THIS THING!?

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Reply #177 on: November 17, 2014, 11:56:49 AM
*Upon hearing the scream, one of the care home staff came downstairs and made his way through the passage and into the lab.  He flipped on another light, which lit the space much better.*  "The switch outside the door works better.  The one inside doesn't."

*Glancing down, he saw Mr. P, the Malamar, and the tangled mess of parts.*  "Yeah, that thing...  I don't know how he got it, where he got it, or what he's doing with it... but the Little Professor's been slaving away on that thing for a while.  When we heard the news that he was sick, we were going to throw it out.  At least he stopped bringing it upstairs and testing it in the rec room."

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #178 on: November 17, 2014, 12:36:54 PM
Mr. P turned to see the care home stuff.

"A-Ah... Rec-room?"

Mr. P tried to imagine this thing on the rec-room... Must have been a screaming hoot... Hoot.

"Well... The Little Professor has sadly... Passed on. I'm under official undertakings here to collect his personal belongings, as well as his research..."

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Reply #179 on: November 17, 2014, 12:49:53 PM
"Oh... ah geez... That's terrible!"  *The staff member bowed his head and was silent for a long moment.*    "Well... we do have procedures for this type of thing... we'll need some documentation.  The junk here, you can take it.  This part of the building really isn't part of our program.  We just let him use it.  Like a shed or something.  But, if you want to take his personal affects, we'll need to see some documents.  Until then, we'll be locking his room."

*The staff member looked over the junk in the small room.*  "I can't really speak for his 'research,' as I've only ever seen him working on a computer, and we make him keep that in his room so it's not stolen.  Maintenance sometimes comes down here, so we told him not to keep anything valuable in here.  The junk he brings home is one thing; we don't want him dragging that all up to his room."

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Reply #180 on: November 17, 2014, 12:55:36 PM
"Right, the documentation is still being prepared, but I'll have them send it to you as soon as it is possible."

Mr. P looks around the now better-lit lab, and notices the number of items littering all over.

"... It might seem I need a bit more help than I initially anticipated..."

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Reply #181 on: November 17, 2014, 11:00:56 PM
*The staff member nodded and folded his arms, stepping over the mangled mess at Mr. P's feet and walking around the dank room.* "Yeah, the Prof. had some obsessive-compulsive behaviors.  We were constantly throwing things out, particularly when he'd take stuff up to his room.  Letting him have this space kept that to a minimum so we could clean."

*He nudged a box of parts with his foot.* "Like I said, I've no idea where he got half of this junk.  At least he did stuff with it, which is more than I can say for other hoarders..."

*The man gave another sigh, noticing Mr. P's apprehension.* "I know what you're after, so I can tell you what half of this is.  There are only a few projects here; the thing there—" *he pointed to the mangled mess of robotics* "—and some glove thing he was working on over there." *He pointed to the desk that was littered with parts.*

"He's got some drawings and notes down here, but the rest of this stuff is just junk.  We can throw that stuff away, no problem."

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Reply #182 on: November 18, 2014, 12:59:28 AM
"Ah... Right..."

Mr. P walked around the mangled mess, and made his way to the desk, where the glove was. It was a nifty object, with a lot of dials and buttons. He also noticed some drawings and notes, as mentioned by the care home person. Mr. P looked around the desk area for an empty cardboard box, found one, and proceeded to place the glove, and the paper stuff into the box.

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Reply #183 on: November 18, 2014, 06:15:04 AM
*The staff member, aided by the Malamar, gathered up the tangled mess of robot parts and additional equipment into a larger box brought from another storage space.*  "Man, it'll be good to be rid of this thing.  Hypno had a tendency to leave it activated.  Scared the crap out of maintenance when they came down here to replace the furnace filter.  I honestly have no idea what he was doing with it.  His last robot had a purpose and was really handy to have around.  This one?  This one, I swear he's just screwing around with it."

*After finally packing the important stuff and opening another door to the alley outside, he hauled the box up the stairs and then returned.*  "Whatever happened to his old robot?  That one was really good.  We were going to see if he could submit it to a competition and perhaps get a grant for it."

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Reply #184 on: November 18, 2014, 06:49:09 AM
"That robot was sadly taken by the research team he was attached to. From a helper robot to a research robot."

Mr. P finished tidying up the table of research and stuff. He then turned to face the staff member.

"Thank you for the assistance, my Malamar and I should be able to carry on ourselves from here."

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Reply #185 on: November 18, 2014, 07:26:20 AM
"Certainly.  That outside door will lock by itself."  *The man turned and left the room.*

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Reply #186 on: November 18, 2014, 07:38:54 AM
Seeing the staff member leave, Mr. P sighed in relief. The lie was becoming a bit tiresome to keep up. Not only did he need to prepare some ashes for Mulberry, he mow needed to get documentation on Prof. Hypno's death to get his personal effects... Irritating yes, but not impossible. At least he had the more important research...

"Come on Malamar, time to head up to the faculty. Prof. Hypno is waiting."

"Yesssssssssssss... And how about that... Other guest..."

"We'll deal with him back in the faculty as well."

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Reply #187 on: November 18, 2014, 09:08:55 AM
Back at Mr. P's lab...

*It took him some time, but Hypno had finally regained enough strength to move about unaided.  His left leg was terribly stiff, and he lifted it by cranking his lower back.  Mr. P had intended for him to use the exercise equipment in order to regain his mobility, but Hypno didn't touch any of it.  His therapy usually consisted of stretching exercises to prevent contracture deformities.  If he used any regular exercise equipment, it was to improve his gait and stamina.*

*Dragging himself around the room, he looked at the workstations.  Spread out on one of them were his plans for the brace-harness assembly.  Beside them were modified plans that utilized his measurements.  Mr. P must have measured him while he was unconscious.*

*Unable to keep his focus on one subject for very long, he resumed his wandering.  Using the counters and the wall as a support, Hypno pulled himself around the darkened lab, dragging his stiff left leg.  His left arm was equally useless, but he could at least support himself with it.  He felt along the wall for a switch, but was unable to find one.  Reaching a dark corner of the room, he moved unsteadily toward it, thinking that it was a door.*

*The darkness gave way to more darkness as he maneuvered through it in search of a light switch.  The smells in that alcove were strong and stung the inside of his large nose and made his eyes water.  He sniffed, rubbed at his nose with one hand, and then sneezed hard enough to send him stumbling.  Throwing his arms out in front of him to catch his balance, Hypno hit a misplaced stool and tripped over it.  He grabbed at anything in front of him and brought the contents of a desk down on top of him as he sprawled to the floor in a heap.*

*The fall stunned him momentarily, and the burning and itching in his nose caused him to sneeze loudly.  His sneeze echoed in the darkened room, and he could have sworn that he heard a response.*

"He... Hel-lo...?"

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Reply #188 on: November 18, 2014, 09:31:05 AM


A blur appeared near Prof. Hypno's position, and through the voice, it was clearly an Oddish. Although, when Prof. Hypno could focus his sights on the Pokemon, he would notice that the Oddish was missing its signature 3 leaves. Instead, this Oddish seemed to have 3 very small shoots sprouting from where the leaves should be...

After loading all the stuff into the car boot, Mr. P began to drive his way back to the faculty... Back to his lab. It was a pity that there were no other Hypnos around, even after all this while...

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Reply #189 on: November 18, 2014, 09:38:57 AM
Taylor quickly got bored and preoccupied herself with Wonder Trading a bunch of Abras she found outside the Daycare on Route 7 back home in Kalos. There were literally hundreds of them, and she hoped to get some good Pokemon in return.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #190 on: November 18, 2014, 09:43:49 AM
(I don't know what to do with your character! D: )

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Reply #191 on: November 18, 2014, 09:47:55 AM
(... I'm drawing a blank too. D:)

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Reply #192 on: November 18, 2014, 09:57:30 AM
(I have no idea how to get into it either. I think it's because it feels like the whole Hypno plot is rather tied to just you two and I can't get the monochrome Pokemon plot to work. There's just not enough of us participating :\)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #193 on: November 18, 2014, 09:59:40 AM
(Well... we could always kidnap you... 8D  But yeah, we need more people.)

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Reply #194 on: November 18, 2014, 12:56:13 PM
(Did someone say kidnap? 8D)

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Reply #195 on: November 18, 2014, 01:03:49 PM
*Back in the lab, Hypno had raised himself on his elbows and laid there on his belly, staring at the bald Oddish in the darkness.  The air was thick with some type of stinging allergen that caused his eyes and nose to water.  Around him were papers and other objects that he had brought down from the desk, but in the darkness, he couldn't see what they were.  He felt a wetness at his elbow and heard a fizzing sound, and through his snotty nose, he could detect the scent of soda.*

*Quickly, he attempted to move the papers away from the spilled drink by flinging them into the darkness.  Rolling onto his back, he attempted to stand and discovered that the strap of his leg brace had become tangled around the stool, which made an awful racket as he moved about.*

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Reply #196 on: November 18, 2014, 01:19:21 PM
The Oddish stared at the stranger visitor, jumping at each noise he made with the stool. It tried to calm the visitor down with a tiny sprizz of Sleep Powder. A very, VERY tiny sprizz.

Mr. P soon arrived back at the faculty, and parked the car in his private parking lot, away from any prying eyes. He got out, and went to open the back door. Hemlock was still slumped into the seat, knocked out from the earlier Spores. He unbuckled the seat belt, and thought to himself.

"To think those Spores can still come in handy, despite degeneration... Malamar!"

Malamar appeared behind Mr. P, staring intently at Hemlock.

"Use Psychic to bring our guest to the lab... And strap him down firmly to the medical table... Prof. Hypno should still be there... Try not to startle him... Too much."


With eyes aglow, Malamar used Psychic, and lifted Hemlock's body out of the car, and headed towards the hidden entrance just beside the parking lot. Mr. P went to the car boot to remove the... Equipment. It was heavy, but still manageable. Although, it would have been better if those... Eyes... Weren't staring at him so intently...

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Reply #197 on: November 18, 2014, 01:26:47 PM
(Hey you can't kidnap me! You don't know where my Secret Base is!)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #198 on: November 18, 2014, 01:29:32 PM

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Reply #199 on: November 18, 2014, 01:35:44 PM
(Who said my base is in a tree and/or shrub? It could be, but there's other places it could be hiding ya know)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything