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Reply #1925 on: February 06, 2014, 07:01:37 AM
"Thanks and I have some calls to make after you do Twoey's session, one to Looker and one to your former client." Sakura stated

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Reply #1926 on: February 07, 2014, 01:58:33 PM
(Flashback time!)

10 years ago... Berry Forest, Kin Island.
A Hypno was prowling, awaiting for any children to wander in and get lost. However it was night, and no parents would ever let their children near the forest. A different approach was required.

Joe, aged 6, was sitting in his bed in the sleepy town of Three Island. Having been born on Kin Island, his parents have always told tales of the Hypnos in Berry Forest, that bad children that do not go to bed early, will be met by a Hypno, and taken away. Feeling up for a dare, Joe decided to stay up this particular night, to see a Hypno for himself, and even left the window by his bed open.

9pm... 10pm... Joe had been awake for 1 hour, and still no Hypno. Feeling lied to, Joe pulled up his blanket, covered himself up, and went to sleep, night light still on. He started to dream... Of his first Pokemon he will pick when he turns 10... To go on a Pokemon journey... To feel the burden on one's shoulders... Wait. Burden? Even when half-asleep, Joe could feel something on top of him. His blanket was still pulled over his head, but Joe could feel something pulling on it. Awake now, Joe was trembling... Someone... Or something was in his room... And it didn't take long for the reveal. When the blanket was finally pulled away, Joe could see a large figure on top of him. It was pale-ish yellow in colour... And he could also see a puff of fur... Coarse fur... In a dirty-white colour. And then, a face appeared before him, with eyes that seemed stare forever.

Joe screamed at the top of his lungs, and Flailed his arms madly. One such Flail Scratched the creature right under its large nose, causing it to Screech in pain, and escape out of the opened window. Joe's mum soon rushed into the room, and desparately tried to calm Joe down.

... Back in the Berry Forest, a Hypno was running towards a lake. It washed its face in the water, only to Screech in pain. Upon seeing his reflection on the water surface, there was a wound shaped like a wide smile right under its nose...

Time fast-forwards to right after Mewtwo's trial 3 years ago.
Dr. Wily II had all his Pokemon confiscated at the courtroom, and was about to be apprehended when Giovanni stepped in and whisked him away before the Vermilion Police could do anything. With the mainland lost, Giovanni, along with devoted followers, and Dr. Wily II, retreated to the Rocket Warehouse on Chrono Island. Although abandoned, and having a small population of Gastlys, Haunters and Gengars, it was the perfect place to regroup and restrategize. The Grunts caught the Gastlys and Haunters, while Dr. Wily II caught a Gengar. With manpower sort of back, funds was required, and nothing like the black market sale of rare Berries to do its thing. Dispatching Grunts to Kin Island, they raided the Berry Forest for all its rare Berries. On one particular trip, Dr. Wily II chanced upon a Hypno, that was feeding on a young Grunt in plain sight. The Hypno had a distinctive scar under his nose... And the way it fed on the Grunt... Pure malice and disregard... Dr. Wily II must have it...

Fast forward to before the Mind Powder-ing of Fallarbor Town.
Hypno had been under Dr. Wily II for almost 3 years... But the years were filled with erratic behaviour... Behaviour that not even Malamar's or Beheeyem's mental suggestions can corrected. From what the good doctor can deduce from Beheeyem's mind scan of Hypno, the Hypno seemed to have been traumatized by an event about 10 years ago, with regards to a boy... A familiar boy. Thinking the Mind Powder might finally allow him to control Hypno, Dr. Wily II had instructed a Flora spy to sneak Hypno into the populace. Which proved to be overly successful when the spy became food for Hypno.

The Mind Powder is released on schedule, blanketing the whole town. As the townspeople slowly sneezed into zombie-ism, the Hypno choked, and seemingly fainted from the Powder. Once the dust settled, the Hypno slowly woke up... But something was different. Its eyes remained clear... Although they look even more deranged... The scar under his nose became even more pronounced, as if pulsing... And smirking. It was no longer a Hypno... It evolved... Into Hypnoker...

Present time.
Hypnoker had since left Fallarbor Town, and into the ash-covered Route 113. It found a Secret Base in one of the big-trunked trees, and fed on the Bug Catcher inside. Once done, he laid inside and waited... Only one thing on his mind... To feast... On Joe...

"Little kids... Want to play? Follow me... You'll want to stay..."

(WOW. This is REALLY long.)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #1927 on: February 07, 2014, 11:30:23 PM
(Hypno vs Hypnoker fight in the Pokemon Center, this Sunday Sunday SUNDAY!  And thanks for the long backstory, as I needed a transition and small time-skip.)

It was nearing the early evening when it was Twoey's turn to be analyzed.  He was placed in a trance, and this time, Dr. Ladis requested that Sakura lead the interview.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1928 on: February 07, 2014, 11:32:22 PM
"Okay Twoey is there any chance that you have seen Wily before?" Sakura questioned.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1929 on: February 07, 2014, 11:40:37 PM
Twoey took a long moment to answer. "I think so... but, it's blurry... like looking through water..."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1930 on: February 07, 2014, 11:51:28 PM
"Are you really 6 years old?" Sakura continued "It seems that your age and events 3 years ago don't match up."

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Reply #1931 on: February 08, 2014, 12:05:53 AM
"I... don't know..." Twoey furrowed his brow.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1932 on: February 08, 2014, 12:08:34 AM
(What other questions should I ask?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1933 on: February 08, 2014, 12:14:44 AM
(Surroundings, people, anything he can see, any events he remembers that can help pin down a time frame, was he out of the tank all the time or kept in stasis, which could mess with his perception of time, things like that.  I'm heading out to the store.)

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Reply #1934 on: February 08, 2014, 02:28:46 AM
Merrick had remained in the Pokemon Center for a while.  He would join the others for ice cream, but doesn't want to leave Jeff, knowing he would attempt to skulk off to sign up for the Contest despite the effects this town's pollination making him sicker than an old man with pneumonia, and his habit of acting dramatic to draw in women and hide the fact that he was allergic to the very trademark he's often seen carrying.  Plus, he wasn't the kind of person to leave an ailing friend, even if he was hamming up his ailment for attention.

Sitting on the adjacent bunk, he stares at the pages of a ratty old book that looked like it had been in the garbage for some time with the only sight of cleanliness being a Voltorb-size sphere floating a few inches from the pages and showing a city-size junkyard.  With the Hierophant card still in WilyII's possession, it would only be a matter of time before the once good doctor spots him and takes advantage of his need to protect Tarot Skitty's deck to abuse his Regen abilities.  While he can still use some White Magic abilities and various wands from the card's personal collection to help out, he feels he should get some extra help from another card.

But as he was contemplating whether to bring back an old friend, another card flies out of the sphere and clamps onto his back, sending a discomforting chill down his spine.  Cringing at what caused this sensation, he tries to get the card off only to see it shuffle around his body with each grab.

"What's the matter?  I'd think you'd be happy to see me," the card snickered as it stops partway up his right shoulder, revealing the Death Card smiling amusingly at his anguish.

"Shouldn't you be bothering Team Flora or something...?" Merrick mutters, half-defeated as he tries to hunch away from the card, "Considering what I've seen and heard, I'd think you'd be basking in the mere sight of the entire team's drug obsession...." Death snickers before slipping her vessel back onto the center of his back.

What fun is it to camp around an entire platoon of lemmings eager to throw themselves off the ledge just for a grain of that hippy powder, when I can enjoy the anguish of other less-addictive beings pitying their weak-willed idiocy.

Merrick tightly compresses his lips as he scrunches his head between his shoulders and hunches forward, still trying to stay away from Death's unrelenting presence.

Besides, I thought you enjoyed being able to use the ability of others, especially Pokemon.  Isn't that why you didn't object to me imbuing my powers onto you when you tried to prevent Ghetsis from finding both Tarot Skitty and the secret of your home world?

"You didn't give me much of a choice," Merrick retorts, struggling to keep his voice down as only he could hear any of the cards while they're clinging, face-down onto his back, "You jumped onto my back while I was returning to Unova and refused to let go despite me constantly telling you I didn't want to hurt Pokemon for their abilities."

Oh ye of little memory....  Did you already forget that you don't have to knock out anyone just to take their abilities?  It's one of the few things that makes me slightly despise people who hide behind their wands and scepters...slightly....

In any case, it looks like you're going to need my help more than that self-serving Magician card who only followed you around so he can study and add new abilities to his own programming.

"I really don't want to explain your twisted behavior to the others after what they went through earlier...." Merrick mutters, "It took Reshiram almost a year to stop judging and attacking you every time you feel the need to show up when I encounter N without the Magician or Hierophant card following me around."

Just try to keep me nonexistent to your new friends.... Death snickers, Whether you get your old friend back or not, they're going to find out you have a more...devious card guiding you along.  Hopefully, this time, you'll be prepared to put yourself in front of me if they decide to attack on sight....

Merrick's irritated expression tightens as he struggles not to talk back, not wanting to wake Jeff or alert other trainers to the possibility of him being a creepy schizophrenic, and quickly shuts the dusty, dirty book that drew out the Death card, deciding it best to not encourage anymore...questionable cards into flying out and attaching to him or Jeff for their own sadistic enjoyment.


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Reply #1935 on: February 08, 2014, 02:39:50 AM
(Can I get some specific questions Quickie, I seriously need help with this here.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1936 on: February 08, 2014, 02:45:40 AM
Dr. Ladis looked to Sakura. "Try corroborating with Zoroark's memories.  Ask him when he was removed from the tank, and whether or not it was once, or even multiple times.  Ask about what usually happens when he's removed, and even why."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1937 on: February 08, 2014, 02:47:14 AM
"Okay I'll try that." Sakura nodded "Do you know when you were removed from the tank, and how many times?"

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1938 on: February 08, 2014, 03:25:54 AM
Twoey was silent for a moment. "The first time?  Uhh... the first time, I broke out of it on my own...  They caught me pretty quick...  After that... I was kept in a different tank... kept me tired... slept a lot... don't really know how long..." He paused again. "Any time they needed to test me, they'd take me out... was tested a lot... lost count..."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1939 on: February 08, 2014, 03:28:00 AM
"The tank made you sleepy?" Sakura questioned for a bit "Er never mind that, you never saw any Zoroarks or Zouras anytime you were taken out have you?"

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1940 on: February 08, 2014, 03:31:03 AM
Twoey took another long moment to respond. "Might have... not sure when.  I only ever saw other Pokemon during battle trials... fought so many, I forget what they were... lost track...  Didn't see much inside the tank... blurry... slept a lot..."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1941 on: February 08, 2014, 03:34:14 AM
"Hmm I'm not getting any good leads here." Sakura shook her head "Since most of his early life before he met Trak was full of sleeping and testing I can understand why he couldn't keep track of time."

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Reply #1942 on: February 08, 2014, 03:36:59 AM
Dr. Ladis nodded. "Well, the best you may be able to do is pin down whatever procedures he had, and an examination can give you a relative time frame when they occurred, just by how old any scars are, or any bone injuries.  And if he has any implanted hardware, most of it would carry a serial number.  If it can be accessed, you'll get a relative date on when it may have been purchased, along with who made it."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1943 on: February 08, 2014, 03:39:22 AM
"I guess I can try that." Sakura nodded "Twoey what kind of experiments were done and what hardware was implanted in you?  If you can do you remember if you saw some serial numbers for them?"

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1944 on: February 08, 2014, 04:08:33 AM
"I... don't want to talk about it..." Twoey winced and sniffed. "It hurts too much..."

Dr. Ladis spoke up. "You are in control of any pain.  You can replay any memory like it's a movie.  It won't hurt you; you are in complete control."

Twoey was silent again, and then he cringed. "No... No, no, no, no, NO!" He brought his hands up to his face, ready to fight off whatever was coming for him. "Leave me alone!  Stop it!  Stop it!" He covered his face and began to pant. "I'll kill you.  I swear to god, Xerosic, I'll kill you...  You sick, sadistic son of a [sonic slicer], I swear to god...  Oh god... oh god..."

Hypno started to move forward to bring Twoey out of the trance, but Dr. Ladis staid him with a raised hand. "Twoey...  Twoey, listen to me.  Listen to my voice.  No one will hurt you.  No one will hurt you.  You're safe, this is only a memory.  You are in control and you can pause and play it like a movie.  Relax, no one will hurt you."

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Reply #1945 on: February 08, 2014, 04:13:34 AM
"I don't think this is working." Sakura shook her head "Twoey is still really young and he's probably not at the point that he can talk about this sort of thing without an episode like this happening."

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Reply #1946 on: February 08, 2014, 04:18:42 AM
Dr. Ladis nodded. "If you already know about any of his hardware, it can be examined with little effort.  Most implantable devices can be scanned and any information scanned with them, if they contain microchips." She nodded to Hypno. "Bring him out, but sedate him just a bit.  Help calm him down."

Hypno nodded and brought Twoey out of the trance.

Twoey sat up in a bit of a daze, blinking a few times. "...I think I'm going to hurl..." He got up unsteadily, made his way to the trash can, and did just that.

Dr. Ladis looked to Hypno, who shrugged.

Trak, who was sitting quietly outside of the room, as she needed to tend to Runaway, who would not sit still, poked her head inside. "Find out anything?"

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Reply #1947 on: February 08, 2014, 04:23:22 AM
"Poor Twoey had an episode and he's puking now." Sakura sighed "I can't blame the little guy, Xerosic is a pretty sick [tornado fang].  I think at this point of time Twoey's memories wouldn't be able to help us, other than experiments he doesn't remember anything and since they had him sleeping most of the time when they weren't experimenting or testing him, since he was too violent, he didn't have a sense of time. 

Poor guy's mind is lot more messed up than I thought."

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Reply #1948 on: February 08, 2014, 04:26:26 AM
"Well I definitely take back what I said about Xerosic earlier... He didn't come across as sadistic in my dealings with him, but I didn't think about what he did that I wasn't aware of..." Taylor said. "Yeesh, I don't think anyone's misjudged another person this badly since Lysandre explained his whole omnicidal plan to Sycamore and the Professor just thought it was beautiful..."

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #1949 on: February 08, 2014, 04:28:04 AM
".....Sycamore thought genocide was beautiful?" Sakura asked incredulously.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection