Speaking of moderation (which was two pages ago...
) here's a wall of text I posted on my Facebook that I decided to repost here. I just hope it doesn't get too controversial, and that you guys take example from what I wrote in it...
[spoiler=TVTropes and the "pedoshit"]
CJ'S PHILOSOPHY/MORALITY CORNER! Gather round whilst I tell you a tale...
So apparently there's a war going on over by the TVTropes forums over the censorship of porn with little plot (makes some sense because Google Ads being shitty) and pedophilia content (also makes sense because it's bad). However, the war gets over the disconnect between people who consider certain works to not be pedophiliac while the mods do. From what I see, there's a reason this war keeps on raging. First of all, I keep on finding myself rooting for the wrong side because A. I have fuzzy memories about Lotte no Omocha and don't specifically remember it being, ya know, blatant CHILD PORN, and B. The few discussions of this topic I've seen have devolved into the kinds of conversations that get nothing done: constant mudslinging. Really, I think I'd be all for arguing against "pedophile apologia" if it weren't for the rest of my team acting like they're discussing this over a game of Counter-Strike. Is it me or are pedophiles act way more civilized and willing to get things done than just about everyone else on the Internet? Do I really want to associate myself with ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF who solve problems and create policies by calling things "pedoshit"? The way that these mods respond to legitimate opinions is like a Microsoft fanboy talking about how much he loves the Xbone because he continues to use the same counter-arguments that were shot down a page or two ago. And guess what? These Xboners are being TRUSTED WITH THE ENTIRETY OF THE DECISIONS ON WHAT IS AND ISN'T INAPPROPRIATE.
So what's my stance on it? I don't want to trust a committee of slang-slinging sailors to find what is and isn't pedophilia. Think about it: who would you want to run America? Dwight D. Eisenhower or Snoop Dogg? "Oh, but what if Snoop Dogg is secretly smart and doesn't smoke weed?" I still wouldn't trust someone who hides who they truly are. I say if you're going to express yourself, express YOURSELF. Whether or not these 5P fellows are civilized and calm or not really doesn't make a difference to me because A. they come across as angry, uncivilized, and wild, and B. they can't properly discuss the topic they are supposed to discuss with other people, what indicates they can properly discuss it with each other?
And let's set a few things straight. Firstly, I acknowledge that I didn't write this wall of text 100% seriously, and if I were to make a formal statement, it would look nothing like this. Secondly, I am going to say that Lotte no Omoucha (after jogging my memory and reading the forum's reactions) is suggestive at best, while the rest I can't disagree with. At the moment, I'm leaning towards "just go ahead and keep it so everybody can shut the [tornado fang] up", but it comes down to censorship versus morality and finding the balance of each.
My final thoughts are that I think removing anything pedophiliac on TVTropes doesn't seem as extreme to me. However, I think it should be taken seriously, and all the anger, animosity, and ignorance should be put aside whilst dealing with the matter.