from what i see is that all the people from the gaming sites especially the gaming media always seem to bash sony and the ps3, but they favor the 360 and other consoles more.
why do they do this? why all this fanboyism? i love the playstation brand and i don't understand why people would hate it, it brought so many good games to the table. I personally don't like Xbox because it's mostly full of first person shooters and i know it has some good jrpgs and some shmups but they are not really in my interest, besides these kind of games would feel more suitable on ps3 anyway because sony is a japanese company while microsoft is a american company, but aside from that, both companies have their weaknesses and strengths, i just wish Sony would do better in the marketing department. Nintendo on the other hand.... i just don't really care for anymore, because it looks like they don't really care for the hardcore players, even with the Wii-U, because it's still lacking some features that ps3 and 360 already have.