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Protoman Blues · 415619

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Reply #4525 on: May 16, 2014, 05:10:28 PM
"Um, okay..." Arche wasn't sure where Asch was going with this and unsheathed his katana. He pointed the blade at Asch's ponytail, and in a quick swipe, he severed it.

Offline Rin

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Reply #4526 on: May 16, 2014, 05:16:00 PM
"Yes because that would be so much better." Fugo rolled his eyes in sarcasm "But yeah I think Asch will probably have this under control, Zeta told me about something with robots and their hair once when she stopped a guy from trying to rob a bank in St. Acidburg."

OH PLEASE." Ephy almost roared. "Believe me, I do hope Asch will manage to solve this on his own and I really rather not use force... but should he fail, what then? Or another thought to chew on, even if he proves he's not PB, that barely solves the true problem. They are obviously scared and angry at our merry group, and they probably aren't the only ones. What will you do once they start trying to stab us with pitchforks or burn us with their torches, so to speak?"

"Ephy calm down..." Kharaxel tried to do a damage control.

"I am calm. I merely am letting out what I was thinking." She sighed. "Tne problem is, they are scared and someone, namely Wily, is feeding them lies. There might come a time, when proving you're not PB might not simply cut it and we are gonna have to use force against civillians. What then... Fugo? I am not saying force is the true answer... but... frankly, unless we have some way of proving, and mind you it must be on a global scale, that we aren't evil incarnate... then we might have no choice but to fight these scared people. To be truly honest, it is a thought which simply scares me."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4527 on: May 16, 2014, 05:21:03 PM
"Okay that's perfect now watch and be amazed!" Asch said as he started to concentrate his nano machines to the base of his skull again.   

Once again his hair was slowly growing millimeter by millimeter every few seconds as the women stared in awe and shock.  When Asch felt that he got the desired length he stopped, exhaled calmly, and then took out an extra hair tie to bind his hair again. 

"Now do you guys believe I'm not human?" Asch asked the stunned women.

".....Yeah I don't think even PB could do that." Amethyts said trying to get her composure.

"See I told you guys he wasn't PB, there's no way anyone can grow their hair that fast!" Lami said with a sense of accomplishment.

"......Okay I believe your a robot now and not that jerk." Devia sighed in embarassment.

"Halelujah!" Asch said was raised his hands in the air.

"So if you are a robot does that mean you don't have anything downstairs?" Lami asked bluntly.

".....Yes that's.....true." Asch said as he blushed.

"Man I can't even tell if you're supposed to be sweet and innocent or the most dirty of all of us." Amethyts questioned.

"I'm just a fun gal!" Lami smiled.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #4528 on: May 16, 2014, 05:22:25 PM
(Aww... No more harem. XD)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4529 on: May 16, 2014, 05:25:15 PM
"Well obviously it won't come to that since Asch's idea worked." Fugo answered back "At least as far as the ladies are concerned now we have to worry about the men looking for more [parasitic bomb] to throw at the Fexnodrome to try to get that guy with insecurities about his relationship to feel better."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4530 on: May 16, 2014, 05:27:42 PM
(+1 for awkward question time though!)

Blue sighs in relief as the harem situation finally calms down.

Suddenly Aqua Star emerges from the Van yawning

"Sorry I was taking a nap what I miss?"

Blue simply face palms

Offline Rin

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Reply #4531 on: May 16, 2014, 05:38:09 PM
Ephy merely mumbled something and closed her eyes to think things through.
To her, it seemed like nobody actually realized how serious all of this is. Well, maybe they did realize, but nobody actually was too bothered by it. Either way...

*  *  *

Back at WDS.

"So this is the scanner... well, let's get to worrrrrrk!"

Galaide's eyes flashed with a bright light, and the scanner began to glow with a bright aura.

"First, I'll need to get a good feel of what it can do, just so I can use its full potential. Then I can start 'super-charging' it. Better grab a drink, my Lord. It might take some time."

Offline Phi

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Reply #4532 on: May 16, 2014, 05:38:50 PM
"A very fun gal," Lami continued to say as she seductively glared at Arche.

Arche did his best to avoid eye contact with her and looked towards Asch, "S-So we should probably track down those guys that went to throw stuff at the Fxenodrome, right?"


At the van...

"You talk a lot," Phi said flatly in response to Ephy, "Fighting them would be the least ideal way to deal with this. If worse comes to worse, the best choice may be to run."

(Lami is the town whore. 8D)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4533 on: May 16, 2014, 05:47:33 PM
"Devia can you try to help us, I don't know if we'll be able to stop them on our own." Asch asked her.

"......I'm not sure I can trust you guys......" Devia said slowly and carefully "But.....I haven't even seen hide nor tail of PB in days after he attacked.....and if what you said is true about the Fexnodrome having only citizens and Vixy than they'll be in trouble....plus I guess I do owe you for putting you into that mess because of....what happened a few years ago."

"Thank you." Asch sighed in relief.

"But I don't know if I can stop AfroJackX or those men, I don't think he can trust me anymore." Devia sighed.

"It doesn't hurt to try." Asch stated.

"Yeah...you're right." Devia nodded "Okay ladies let's go."

"Okay, don't think it'll work with how stubborn and rowdy men are." Amethyst sighed "You know men love to smash things."

"Well if that's what we're doing let's go!" Lami said as she went over to Arche and wrapped her arm around his "And I would totally love to learn more about you handsome."

"...That woman is very weird." Asch muttered to himself as he started to regroup with the others with a sort of fanclub of women following him.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #4534 on: May 16, 2014, 05:51:52 PM
Back at WDS.

"So this is the scanner... well, let's get to worrrrrrk!"

Galaide's eyes flashed with a bright light, and the scanner began to glow with a bright aura.

"First, I'll need to get a good feel of what it can do, just so I can use its full potential. Then I can start 'super-charging' it. Better grab a drink, my Lord. It might take some time."
DWII - No need to worry about me. Just work your magic, and then catch that rat Hierophant!

Dr. Wily II sat down into his evil spinning chair, and began to spin and laugh manically.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #4535 on: May 16, 2014, 06:29:30 PM
LET'S GO ALREADY!! Sam yelled.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Phi

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Reply #4536 on: May 16, 2014, 06:38:39 PM
Phi chuckled to herself when she saw the woman cuddling up next to Arche.

"Oh, well, heheh..." Arche tried to say something but couldn't think of much to say. He has been through hell and back, survived numerous battles, trained to peak physical condition... but none of that has prepared him for this.

"I, uh, I'm pretty new to this group, actually. I'm a swordsman who happened to be passing through, and uh..." He explained.

"Oh yes, you certainly do look new. Mint condition and everything," Lami tenderly rubbed Arche's chestplate.

He started to stutter, "S-So yeah, these guys picked me up w-when I was looking for a place to stay," He cleared his throat, "For the greater good... I decided to join them and help fight in the war."

Though that wasn't entirely accurate, as Phi was actually the one who told him to join the Resistance to find his purpose.

"Such a noble thing to do. And have these swords of yours served you well?" She asked as she placed a hand on his katana and caressed it.

"Y-yes, they have. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?" He turned slightly red and tried to avoid eye contact.

"Oh, yes, I'm sure it works juuuust fine!" She replied and grabbed his hand.

I hope to God she's talking about my katana... He thought to himself.

(This was way too fun to write. XD)

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #4537 on: May 16, 2014, 11:03:10 PM
(So White-Jet... Yes? 8D)

(Clearly I don't have much of a choice at this point :P)

Sensing the two leaving with a seemingly unwitting Berbil dragged along with them, Hierophant reluctantly decides to continue his attempts to evade the soon to be intensified security and hope that modification doesn't also expose the still invisible Emperor card lurking within WilyII's control room.

Now that the two were out of the room, he decides to give Vanish another try, knowing that one of the two magic using Robot Masters weren't going to be around to seek and expose him before the souped up scanners do.  Still clutching Death's card, he holds his scepter towards his miter and concentrates on the spell, causing the orb to glow and send crystal-like entities surrounding them, turning them invisible once again.

After the effects end, they continue through the chamber of the opening he climbed into, winding up in the murky, oily junkyard Chariot previously fell into trying to escape Medic Man.

There was no telling how deep the junkyard had become with the oil practically opaquing the watery surface.  And with his Vanish spell active, the water would only pass through his intangible body, making it virtually impractical to stay afloat or hop along the piles of junk left behind by the chomping cranes dropping down and lifting what they can carry to the main scrapyard below.

He pokes his head out the opening and looks around for any cameras that might be monitoring the area, gearing up to jump back if that young newcomer decides to start working her own magic into their mechanics.


Offline Mirby

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Reply #4538 on: May 17, 2014, 02:00:31 AM
(I think Sam is slowly turning partially into Bender... Which is fine, I just think it's funny)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Phi

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Reply #4539 on: May 21, 2014, 05:58:08 AM
Meanwhile in the van, Phi's skin began to crawl once more.

"Argh, not again... What is this?" She muttered under her breath, not wanting to draw too much attention.

A voice, which seemed to be Akane's, spoke to her again. This time she simply heard one word: "survive".

Phi shut her eyes and tried to find her signal, Akane? Akane! Is that you? What the heck is going on?!

Still no response.

"Dammit, I don't like this..." Phi started fidgeting in her seat, contemplation washing over her face. She placed one hand on the window, "Just hold on, Akane. I promise I'll reach you."

(Just adding some filler stuff until the plot moves on.)

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Reply #4540 on: May 25, 2014, 07:49:29 PM
Sinos watched the helpless Arche nonchalantly. A small sliver of his creator's personality seeped through again as he muttered, "Lucky bastard. Wait, what am I even saying?"

Then, an idea crossed his mind. "I've got it!" he exclaimed.

The van's inhabitants turned to Sinos.

"Clearly we should distract the rest of them the same way! We send the hottest girl here to portray our views onto them! How does that sound?!" Sinos really wasn't aware of how strange his idea sounded worded out, but he still awaited a response.


Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4541 on: May 25, 2014, 08:20:12 PM
"........I don't think that's going to work considering Vixy, the leader of RPM who quite a few consider 'the hottest woman in RPM' according to quite a few resistance members couldn't do it the first time." Asch said as he face palmed. "Not to mention we certainly don't want to alienate any of these other ladies since all of them are pretty beautiful.  It'll just make things more complicated in here, and it's already pretty complicated."

"As awkward as he made it sound he's got a point." Devia sighed "You would just have a ego driven fight between us and honestly that's the last thing we want after what just happened."

"It's not like I could have made that sound less awkward. " Asch sighed.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Phi

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Reply #4542 on: May 25, 2014, 08:53:27 PM
"Speaking of awkward..." Arche muttered as Lami continued to hold his hand.

"Honestly, I'm not really sure what we could do, other than simply pleading our case to them. With these ladies by our side, it could perhaps put them at ease," He stated.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4543 on: May 25, 2014, 09:01:04 PM
"You do realize that they thought you were the the Resistance simply by you yelling at them." Devia pointed out "You have any idea how stubborn most men are in the first place, or how much they hate to be proven wrong?  I at least know AfroJackX is, believe me it will not be easy, especially with how low his self esteem is too, he probably doesn't have faith in me anymore after I revealed what me and PB did.  He sounded devastated."

Asch kept silent as the van started to approach the men who had more debris and already started chucking it at the Fexnodrome with cheers that wouldn't sound out of place at a car smashing event held by a fraternity.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Phi

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Reply #4544 on: May 25, 2014, 09:38:24 PM
Arche thought for a moment before responding, "You need to have faith."

"What?" Devia tilted her head.

"It may seem like a long shot, but we have to get through to them. The only way is to speak with them and to sympathize with them. You'll never know until you try," Arche stated.

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Reply #4545 on: June 07, 2014, 11:04:00 PM
Arche felt a sting in the back of his neck.

He rotated his head a bit and rubbed his neck to cease the odd stinging feeling.

Phi spoke to Arche through his consciousness, You felt that sting, too, right?

"Huh? Wait, you're saying you felt it, too? What... was that?" He replied.

There's a disturbance in the interdimensional planes. I've felt this same sensation a few times, way before, Phi explained.

"A disturbance? You mean, like, someone is messing with the fabric of time and space or something like that?" He asked puzzled.

It would appear so. It doesn't seem like something we need to worry about though... At least I hope not, She stated.

"That's reassuring," He rolled his eyes, "But, why can we feel it?"

Haven't you been paying attention? If we can access the Morphogenetic Field to achieve interdimensional voyage by sending out our consciousness, wouldn't it be obvious that our minds are connected to the planes of space and time, itself? With proper concentration and a clear access to the field, we can feel the fluctuations of time itself, Phi elaborated.

"Oh, alrighty then, that explains everything," Arche replied sarcastically.

Phi simply sighed, You're pathetic.

"Um... Who are you talking to?" Lami asked Arche, bewildered.

"Oh, uh, just someone that's speaking to me, um... telepathically..." He chuckled nervously.

(If you couldn't tell, the disturbance is from Pyro juggling Stan Lee across the RPs. I decided to connect his dimension-hopping to WilyRP, so by extension, all the RPs.)
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 12:04:23 AM by Phi »

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Reply #4546 on: June 19, 2014, 09:59:55 AM
Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues looks out the window and see a green light, almost like a shooting star, headed out into the cosmos. Her thoughts are racing at a fast pace, faster than she every thought possible. While these were just random jumbled thoughts, she remembered all of them and was fully aware of the time that had passed. She could feel it. Her connection to ADA was growing stronger, and her own mind was adapting to process information faster.

Heh, it'd be hard to remember what my body & mind were like before connecting to ADA...if said connection didn't expand my memory. PBPB thought to herself and smiled.

"Attention Peebs. Attention Peebs." ADA repeated a few times.

"ADA, apparently my expanded memory cannot remember to inform you of alllllllllll the problems with that nickname." PBPB replied. "Anyway, what's up?"

"Fxeni has informe.." ADA started to say before being interrupted.

"Got it. His new crew is about to board a transport over here." PBPB said. "Actually, since they're on their way..."

PBPB effortlessly accessed the databank on Fxeni's new crew members, then activated the comm system to each of them.





THAT IS ALL!" PBPB said as she closed communications.

"I can also report that the repairs on The Eye have been completed. It is now operating at full capacity!" ADA stated.

"Excellent news, ADA. Status on my new Gundam?" PBPB asked with a bit of relief in her voice.

"The GNT-0000 00 Mag{I} is 15% completed."

"Have the remaining drones join the construction of the 00 Mag{I} and Fxeni's battleship. Dr. Chumphumper has been focusing on the Fxenodrome currently, but no way he's being lax with his space forces. We may have a battle on our hands soon, and we need everything to be up and running. I'll assign the new crew quarters aboard the station and send Emma their medical history, in case of emergency."

"Roger!" ADA replied.

(I forgot, what else was I suppose to write that didn't involved PB or PBPB? XD)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4547 on: June 19, 2014, 10:06:35 AM
(Well we need to write something about the mob but so far I'm not sure how to confront it before you can write that part of it.  I was thinking something along the lines of AfroJack not trusting Devia and being betrayed so he's going to take it out on the Fexnodrome or something because soap opera drama. 

I'm also almost done with the last Zeta and Borock-bot part before they regroup with everyone and Zeta gets into shenanigans with pervs, but I need to have it checked since the ending is kind of anti-climatic, which I'm fine with.

Also since Tron has given us permission to commandeer his characters we need someone to claim Galaide for that plan I told you about.  And I want to skip the colony drop that Tron was planning because I honestly don't think I can pull it off.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #4548 on: June 19, 2014, 10:12:33 AM
(Okay. Well that part you can write before I write the climax of the mob situation.

Feel free to send it to me to be checked.

You'll have to refresh my memory via PM of what the plan was with Galaide.)

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Reply #4549 on: June 19, 2014, 10:13:45 AM
(I'm just waiting for this whole thing to end cause my cheek is still BLEEDING PROFUSELY)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything