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Protoman Blues · 426886

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3700 on: January 16, 2014, 03:37:06 AM
(Omni Gem powered AZNs!)

As Dr. Wily II watched his new guest leave, he can't help but wonder why the generosity. Although killing of Fxeni would be a huge morale blow to the Resistance. He then turned his attention to the blueprints. Looking over them, he can't help but feel amazed at the details, the concepts... They felt all too familiar...

DWII - Ancient Zodiac Numbers... AZNs... The concept is so diabolical... And with the Omni Gem to power them... This just might be the ticket to my ultimate victory!! *opens a comm line to Wily Fighter* WILY FIGHTER, COME IN!!

WF - Yes, master?

DWII - Put Project G and Project Z on hold. I have some blueprints that need to be worked on NOW! I'll also be sending you the new power source for the upcoming creations!

WF - Understood, master.

DWII - *cuts line* Soon... SOON!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

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Reply #3701 on: January 16, 2014, 03:40:58 AM
Remembering that Electolopolis was the booming capital of the northern hemisphere, she'd fit right in coming in on a jet board. As the clouds cleared, the country sized city looked to be busy with flying cars and tall buildings. (Yes, it looks like a cleaner version from the city from The Fifth Element lol ) It hit her that she was still revered as a hero here along with the fire and ice brothers. That of which The Ice was still head of the police force here, not necessarily liking her presence whenever she was around. It was nice to be back home for once, well, out of the many homes she had across the dimensions. Wanderer chuckled to herself as she realized she left the lights on in her cottage back in an old painting she used to live in. A little drab but it was a nice spot. Hovering over the roof of her apartment, she surveyed the land before jumping off, the board teleportling off right after.

"Ahhh, the sweet smell of industrialism." Wanderer said aloud as she stepped toward the edge.

She looked down and marveled in the lights and awesome sight of the city. It was so nice. Of course, something had to disrupt her moment. Something she was familiar with. Wanderer vaulted off the the roof and into the stream of traffic. The cars and trucks whizzed passed her body, honking at the falling object. The now hooded figure landed on top of a large carrier truck with a loud thud, nothing the driver would notice over the rather loud rock music he was listening to. She turned toward the light that was beginning to swirl in front of her. The glint from her red eyes were pointed right at the location, ready to drop the heaviest of engages on the foe. Then, her necklace to glow as if Gear Technology was getting closer to her. What exactly was coming?

Home sweet home

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3702 on: January 16, 2014, 06:00:38 AM
((Sorry for the wall of text XD))

White Beard's shuttle had just docked with the Dark Star III as the door opens he stepped out into the ship's hanger. Tempest Star was already waiting for him as was a spectacle wearing Buccaneer in a white lab coat both seemed ready to give a report.

"Ah..commander I hope your journey was pleasant." The scientist a smile on his face as he begins to walk with White Beard to the turbo lift.

"Yes, the Dr's facility was most impressive." White Beard responds without even glancing at his followers. "I assume you have a report?"

"Yes yes Captain, I have perfected my infusion device we no longer need to directly hook up the omni-gem to infuse energy into our troops and machines! I am very proud of this it may be my greatest invention yet!" The scientist giddily explains.

"Excellent! I'm certain that will make our ally happy too." White Beard presses the call button and waits for the Turbo Lift to descend.

Tempest Star breaks his silence "I do not mean to question your judgement captain but is this alliance truly wise? I do not trust this Dr WilyII, I fear he will cast us aside when we cease to be of use." White Beard glances at Tempest Star, no other member of his crew could get away with questioning his orders but Tempest Star was possibly the only minion he trusted. Back when Shadow Star had attempted to usurp his command Tempest Star stood by his side and saved his life and White Beard knew to take his concerns seriously. In truth he did not completely trust his new ally, and there was some risk in leaving the Omni-Gem in his station but the fact was he needed WilyII's vast resources as theirs was dangerously thin after Blue's last victory.

"Arrr true but remember WilyII needs us as much as we need him, and we have too much to gain in this alliance that being said I have contingencies in place encase WilyII decides to cast us adrift."

The turbo lift opens and the captain steps inside followed by his scientist minion, tempest remains outside he has his own duties to take care of. "Yes captain, I will return to my duties then." Tempest Star bows and walks off to prepare the drop ships for their next mission as the door closes.

"Bridge." White Beard crosses his arms, his scientist minion steps forward "Sir with my work complete I'd like to talk about my side project." "Go on." White Beard examines his pipe, he remembers how long it had been since he craved it, a century at least.

-"Well captain I've been studying that android and I've learned something interesting from the scans." The Scientist adjusts his glasses.

-"I am in little mood to talk about that Blue Wench." He scoffs.

-"Be that as it may sir, I have discovered she emits the same unique energy signature as the Omni-Gem. That might explain why we though it was located at that ruin in the azure sea." He rubs his hands together.

"Interesting, but how does it benefit me?" White Beard raises an eyebrow

"Well-if we could capture her I could unlock the secrets of precursor robotics. Truth is we were never able to learn much from the wrecks of guardian robots and I'm fairly sure she is one of their creations now." The scientist pulls a data pad from his lab coat pocket and shows some data on a few parts they had collected over the years comparing them to the few scans they have of Blue Valkyrie.

"I will consider your request, for now transfer the blueprints of your machine to the Domination Station the sooner we super charge our forces the sooner we can take this planet. Also let no one know about what you have found, I do not want my "ally" to gain access to precursor tech before we do and the good doctor may have eyes and ears everywhere even here."

"Hehehe of course! I will try to develop a capture device should she survive the battle with WilyII's joes." The Scientist steps out with White Beard onto the bridge and the captain takes the command chair.

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Reply #3703 on: January 16, 2014, 06:16:58 AM
MechaGarurumon kept on fighting the Joes, even the one that he kicked in the face. "These things are certainly resilient..." he muttered aloud.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3704 on: January 16, 2014, 06:19:30 AM
(For a moment there, I imagined a Buccaneer version of me. XD)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3705 on: January 16, 2014, 06:22:00 AM
(There is a similarity for sure. XD  Also the Infusion Device plans would have transferred right away so you can start enhancing your troops.))

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3706 on: January 16, 2014, 06:29:57 AM
(That was efficient. XD)

Just as Dr. Wily II had completed the transfer of the Omni Gem to his underground factory, he received a notification on his console. Checking up on it, he found out that White Beard managed to create a machine that can transfer the powers of the Omni Gem into units without constant contact with it. He immediately transferred the blueprints to Wily Fighter. Things have never looked so dandy!

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3707 on: January 16, 2014, 07:00:46 AM
Blue curses under her breath as a Joe's beam saber blocks her attempt to get into melee range, they seem to be adapting to her style of fighting. Blue decides to adapt herself and with a little effort tears a chunk of the pavement up using it as a makeshift projectile, the joe reacts as expected cleaving the debris aside with little effort however it's attention off Blue gives her the chance to attack and her fist causes visible damage to it's chest armor. Blue quickly grabs the joe's saber arm holding it away as the Joe attempts to break out of the grapple, her free hand continuing to punch at the damaged spot.

((Wily you want to handle it's counter attacks?))

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3708 on: January 16, 2014, 07:14:12 AM
(Just for this one. :P)

The Zero Joe continued to struggle against the sheer strength of Blue. The damage to his chest armour wasn't much per hit, and it was accumulating fast. He tried to aim at Blue with his buster, but the constant punching was hindering his aim. The Joe finally decided to shoot himself, severing off his saber arm. Finally free, he jumped back, and fired his buster.

(There, a free saber for you, Blue. :P)

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Offline Phi

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Reply #3709 on: January 16, 2014, 07:33:36 AM
The Joe charged at Arche, guns blazing.

He dodged some of the blasts and deflected others with his blades. Since the Joe's Saber arm was cut off, all he could do was jump back to avoid close-range encounters. However, Arche was much faster, and flipped over the Joe. Before he could turn around to react, Arche cleaved him in two.

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #3710 on: January 16, 2014, 09:38:07 AM
"Red Alert. Red Alert. Priority 1 emergency. Red Alert. Red Alert. Priority 1 emergency." ADA repeated.

"Fuh-what? ADA report. Are we under attack?" PBPB asked as she woke up from her nap.

"Negative." ADA replied. "Protoman Blues has left SexStation 2069."


"Unknown. SexStation security records show that his last known location was his quarters." ADA responded.

"...this doesn't make any sense. He couldn't have teleported off without us knowing. And if he had something in his room that he could've used to escape with, why'd he wait till now to use it?" PBPB pondered.

"I spoke to him not too long ago, while you were resting." ADA stated to PBPB. "Protoman Blues stated that he was working on a new Mobile Suit for Fxeni and he requested the battle data from the battle between you, Fxeni, and the DWII Yamato."

"Okay. Contact Fxeni & Sakura. They should both know the situation." PBPB stated.



PB suddenly appeared in a desert, one of which he was not sure where. Soon though, he began to notice the distinct patterns of the sand storms around him. Of course...the Sahana Desert. I remember the time Wanda first took me here. "Sand storms like no other" she told me. Hmmm, the G.G.C. brought me here, but it's still searching for her. Perhaps it's just following her tra...uh oh. The arrow is pointing somewhere else. Hopefully my next stop is Wanda.

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Reply #3711 on: January 16, 2014, 12:52:20 PM
A Joe charging in towards Karring swinging its saber in a desperate attempt to lay hit on him, only for him to dodge just about every slash made. Unaware of Kathy closing in with a fully charged Ergo Knuckle, just before Karring back flips away, dodging one more slash as Kathy's attack hits it clear in the back, sending it flying towards Karring.

"PHANTOM KICK!" Karring shouts, as he intercepts the Joe, with a flurry of swift kicks, creating a number of dents all over its body, before round-housing back it at Kathy.

"ERGO SHO KO KEN!" Kathy shouts, as she unleashes a huge energy blast, as the Joe collides with it from point-blank, shattering it to pieces.

"Nice one, mate." Karring compliments Kathy with a grinny smile, and a thumbs up.

"Not so bad yourself, huh." She replies back at him.

"Just don't make it must now, mate." He quips, just before dodging another slash from another Joe, countering it with a sweep kick.

"Sorry." she says, just before countering another Joe, charging from behind, with a hip toss, "I couldn't help myself using it."

(Sorry if this post sounds like a meme was used.)

Fear me.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3712 on: January 16, 2014, 02:33:53 PM
(Just for this one. :P)

The Zero Joe continued to struggle against the sheer strength of Blue. The damage to his chest armour wasn't much per hit, and it was accumulating fast. He tried to aim at Blue with his buster, but the constant punching was hindering his aim. The Joe finally decided to shoot himself, severing off his saber arm. Finally free, he jumped back, and fired his buster.

(There, a free saber for you, Blue. :P)

The buster shot impacts Blue's stomach, what ever her suit is made from is only singed but the force knocks her off her feet "Ahh!" Blue feels that did some damage internally. As the momentum causes her to slide across the ground she rolls back onto her feet and dashes toward the joe again dodging the follow up shots before bringing the severed saber arm down on it's buster literal disarming it.  The Joe staggers back for the attack glancing at it's damaged arms before blue spins slicing the joe in half.

"Ow--not sure I can take many more hits like that." Blue touches her stomach the suit still smoking at the spot of impact.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3713 on: January 16, 2014, 02:54:05 PM
(At least you have a beam saber to use now! 8D)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3714 on: January 17, 2014, 01:32:21 AM
(At least you have a beam saber to use now! 8D)

(With an arm still attached XD))

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #3715 on: February 04, 2014, 01:11:10 AM
Fxeni walked uneasily into the conference room. Everyone he called over was already there, chattering amongst themselves, wondering why they were all called together. One of them looked over and saw him walk in, and motioned to the rest to pay attention. He made his way over to the podium, still using Yamalok as a crutch. He noticed a few staring out of the corner of his eye; he chose to ignore it.

"So, I'm going to assume that most of you have questions concerning the message I sent out to you all. I'll keep this short and sweet; I need a crew for a battleship, and you are all the best candidates for it," Fxeni says to the group. He takes a glance at everyone in the room, taking note of everyone's attention span. Thusfar, everyone is at attention. Good. "I have gone through all your files, and all of you are supposedly the best of the best here. Not to discredit anyone else's rating system, but I have my own way of ranking people... and I intend to go over all your performances individually and as a group on my own. Does anyone have any objections?"

"No, sir!" Everyone in the room responds. Fxeni looks over the room again to see if there's anyone wasn't genuine in their answer. Everyone was at ease, except for one. This person was fidgety, shaking their legs and playing with their hands. It had to be her... He thinks to himself as he takes a deep breath.

"Is everything alright, miss Bellefleur?" Fxeni asks, looking at her fidget.

"Oh, umm... no sir," Ariani Bellefleur answers, perking up. "I just heard about your work in the past, and I was just wondering... umm... would we be able to see your base of operations? I'd love to see the stuff you've built!"

"We'll see how things go... but I'll take it into consideration," Fxeni says with a smile. She smiles back, visibly excited at the prospect. "Now, if there are no more questions, please return to work. I'll be passing by your stations one by one, so don't be surprised if I show up out of nowhere."

"Yes sir!" the group replies, and files out one by one. As Ariani passes by she smiles, to which Fxeni smiles back. Once everyone exited the room Fxeni lets out a big sigh and leans against the podium. This might be harder than I was hoping... he thinks to himself, staring off into the distance.

"Fxeni, Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues has requested that I inform you of the disappearance of Protoman Blues," ADA chimes in over the intercom.

"The what?" Fxeni asks, immediately standing upright.

"Protoman Blues has fenced to disappear." states again.

"I got that part ADA... wait what did you say?" Fxeni replies.

"Sorry. Unknown illogical file in my database!" ADA answers.

"... Do you know where he has gone?" Fxeni says after facepalming.

"That is unknown," ADA responds.

"Alright... well, clearly I really need to fix that security system, especially with that fence comment. I guess I should have done it as soon as I got back," Fxeni says as he rubs his forehead. "Could you inform Peebs that he'll probably be back? He was having the crew start work on a new Mobile Suit for himself, and knowing him he wouldn't pass up on using whatever it is he's making."

"Affirmative," ADA responds, going silent.

What is he thinking? He's going to worry everyone now, especially Peebs and Sakura... Fxeni thinks to himself as he walks over to the central security room. If he doesn't get himself killed wherever he is, those two will certainly do it for him once he gets back.

(Moving the plot a bit, I guess.)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 02:50:37 AM by Fxeni »

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Reply #3716 on: February 04, 2014, 01:27:10 AM
Meanwhile at an unknown facility...

An elderly woman sifted through piles of papers on a desk. This woman was Akane; the one who took Phi in after Luna's passing. Documents and files were strewn all over the floor, covered with a moderate amount of dust.

She continued to scavenge the area for several minutes until she stopped in her tracks and picked up a pale yellow folder. On the front of the folder was a label that read: "The Nonary Project - Subjects 06 & 04"

Akane's hands trembled as she took a deep breath and opened the folder. Inside lay several written documents and photos. Some photos looked as if it were taken with a surveillance camera, others were of much clearer quality. The photos taken showed a very young white-haired girl and an older, much taller brown-haired girl: Phi and Luna.

There were at least 20 pictures of the two, seemingly taken from a very far off distance.

Akane slipped the folder underneath her arm and continued shuffling through more files and photos around the room.

(Oh hey, 6k posts)

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Reply #3717 on: February 04, 2014, 01:33:15 AM
(Fan girl Ariani is so cute. >w<  

And still working on the battle again the SD Joe and the appearance of the Dragon Zord, though I still have a lot on my plate so it may take awhile.  Also Sakura is still asleep after that fight with PB and won't wake up until the fight with the Joes is over.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3718 on: February 04, 2014, 05:18:03 AM
"Fxeni, Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues has requested that I inform you of the disappearance of Protoman Blues," ADA chimes in over the intercom.

"The what?" Fxeni asks, immediately standing upright.

"Protoman Blues has fenced to disappear." states again.

"I got that part ADA... wait what did you say?" Fxeni replies.

"Sorry. Unknown illogical file in my database!" ADA answers.


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Reply #3719 on: February 04, 2014, 05:19:30 AM
(God dammit! XD  Also I'm surprised that Peebs hasn't tried her Psychic link with PB, unless he's out of range.)

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Reply #3720 on: February 04, 2014, 05:20:30 AM
(God dammit! XD  Also I'm surprised that Peebs hasn't tried her Psychic link with PB, unless he's out of range.)

(It's not so much a psychic link as it is an emotional link. And yeah, he's out of range)

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Reply #3721 on: February 04, 2014, 05:21:57 AM
(It's not so much a psychic link as it is an emotional link. And yeah, he's out of range)
(What is the range exactly?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3722 on: February 04, 2014, 05:25:31 AM
(So tempted to make that the actual exchange!)

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Reply #3723 on: February 04, 2014, 05:26:04 AM
(So tempted to make that the actual exchange!)
(I know right, but I don't think ADA knows the meme exactly.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3724 on: February 04, 2014, 05:26:52 AM

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