Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 415684

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Reply #3475 on: January 03, 2014, 03:25:37 AM
“Okay I think the bleeding stopped.” Asch said as he put the cloth away and examined the wound.

“Well at least it was only a small wound.”  Sakura sighed “Though I’m impressed you knew what to do right away.”

“You can thank Zeta for that.” Asch smiled “She told me about this sort of thing while we were taking care of PB in the sick bay.  She even knew how to bandage injuries because she was checking to make sure the nurse droids didn’t mess something up.  Though she looked rather uncomfortable about the nurse droids bandaging PB in the first place, I wonder why though.”

It’s kind of a long story….” Sakura said sadly.

“Can I get an abridged version?” Asch asked curiously.

“Well….” Sakura started before she was cut off by Borock-bot teleporting in the room exhausted with Pyro in the crook of his left arm.

“Whoa dude what happened to you?” Asch asked though judging by the fact he had Pyro in such a position he probably already knew the answer.

“He decided to play tag with me when everyone else left and Kharaxel, Akai and that strange woman arrived.” Borock-bot sighed.

“Oh you mean the ghost lady/Ephy.  Yeah I have no idea why she’s suddenly solid.” Asch stated.

“I thought she looked familiar.” Borock-bot pondered. “Anyway they were still choosing their weapons last I checked.”

“I hope they choose them soon, Wily can’t be underestimated anymore.” Sakura said seriously.

“No kidding, I ruined a perfectly good pair of clothes thanks to Coffee Man.  Though he may left me with something judging by the name of the program being Caffeine Shot.  I don’t think it’s harmful but you can never be too cautious in my opinion.” Borock-bot explained.

“I understand, I’ll get you analyzed in the RnD lab to make sure it’s harmless.” Sakura nodded.

“Thank you.” Borock-bot smiled.

“Okay that takes care of you but what about him?” Asch asked pointing to Pyro.

“Let me play for you the song of my people!” Pyro randomly shouted as he played his flute dagger thing again.

“…That’s interesting.” Asch sighed as everyone headed for the RnD lab.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3476 on: January 03, 2014, 04:49:11 AM
The Zero Joe confronting Blue wastes no time going in for the kill, she is able to lean back just avoiding the tip of it's beam saber, a few strands of severed hair float to the ground.

-"H-hey!" She grabs the joe's arm as it goes in for a second swing flipping it over her shoulder then once again onto the ground where it once stood. Noticing another Joe coming in from her left she with all her might swings the joe into the air around and around and lobs it at the other causing both to go flying back as blue stumbles a bit from her own momentum. She's a little disappointed that didn't take them out though as they seem quite sturdy compared the mets or even the buccaneers, although perhaps not as much as Flare Star.

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Reply #3477 on: January 03, 2014, 05:00:19 AM
Keco non-nonchalantly walked through the horde of rabid mets, shooting them with the gun so lovingly engraved 'SILVER' as she walked past them.

(We're not fighting Mets, anymore. We're fighting Zero Joes.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3478 on: January 03, 2014, 05:15:34 AM
(And Akai needs to find her weapon soon and so does Kharaxel or else they'll miss the action.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3479 on: January 03, 2014, 07:47:16 AM
(We're not fighting Mets, anymore. We're fighting Zero Joes.)

(Well [parasitic bomb] I guess that's what happens when I'm not [tornado fang]ing paying attention. Oh well.)

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #3480 on: January 03, 2014, 07:55:25 AM
(So Zeta should be joining the Joe battle soon, right?)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3481 on: January 03, 2014, 07:57:11 AM
(Yeah she should do you want me to move that along or do you?)

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Reply #3482 on: January 03, 2014, 07:59:31 AM
(I can do that, actually.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3483 on: January 03, 2014, 08:01:28 AM
(Okay then.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #3484 on: January 03, 2014, 11:12:49 AM
With her newly acquired power to her right-hand glove, from one of the scrapped mets, Kathy forms a Met Shield to deflect a barrage of energy shots from the impending squad of Joes in front of her, while staying alert of the Joes approaching from the sides.

As a Joe tries to take a swing at her from the side, she quickly spin dodges it, and then attempts to reach out and grab the vulnerable Joe with her left hand, only for it to jump-jet out of the way, just in time for Kathy's attack to miss.

"Darnit! I nearly had him." She exclaims, "Ha!" as she sends an energy blast its way, only for it to bat it right back at her with its saber.

"Woah!" she quickly deflects her own energy blast with the Met Shield, only for it hit in a nearby window.

"Okay, note to self energy blasts don't work, and these guys can fly, too. Not that I'm capable of flight, too, but then I wouldn't have enough energy to keep my shield up, at the same time, however." Kathy ponders to herself while in mid-battle with the other Joes closing in from behind. "Okay time for Plan B."

As another wave of energy shots came her way, she jumps high, glowing brightly before shouting, "BEAST CANNON!" as she darted towards the pursuing Joes, like a shooting star, bashing about three of them in a chain of attacks. However, they seem to be more sturdy, but she can notice some damage was done.

"Okay, just gotta keep hitting 'em hard until they crack." as she performs another series of Beast Cannon attacks, while using her Met Shield as protection.

(The Beast Cannon is practically Jon Talbain's move, which is one of her basic attacks, which is a lot like Sonic's basic attack in Sonic '06.)

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Reply #3485 on: January 03, 2014, 11:41:35 AM
(These Joes prefer swords over guns if I'm not mistaken)

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #3486 on: January 03, 2014, 11:46:45 AM
"There. All done! Heh, damn I might have outdone myself with this baby!" PB said, slightly getting some of his ego back. Don't get too carried away, PB. Can't risk losing contr...

Suddenly, he was interrupted by the alarms going off again.

"SexStation, do you read. This is the Fxenodrome." Vixy stated. "Wily II has unleashed an army of Joe units in addition to the Mets. We could use more reinforcements down here."

"...Vixy..." PB said to himself as a flashback of fighting her in St. Acidburg appeared in his head.

Meanwhile, in her quarters, Zeta emerged from her recuperation pod after hearing the alarm.

"Saki!" Zeta contacted Sakura. "I just heard Vixy's alert. I'm taking a few Arwings and heading down there now. She might need some air support."

"Roger that! I'm letting Vixy know that you're on your way now!" Sakura responded from the R&D lab.


Zeta rushed out of her quarters and ran toward the hangar. "ADA. Alert Aerodactyl Squadron to meet me in the hangar!"

"Affirmative!" ADA responded.

Back in the hangar, PB was at the computer, preparing plans for a new mobile suit for Fxeni when Zeta came rushing in.

"Z-Zeta!" he said as he saw her.

"No time to chat, PB. I'm heading down with Aerodactyl Squadron to support the Fxenodrome."

"Then it's a perfect time to chat. I've been busy and well...check this out!" PB smiled as he pulled the cover off of Zeta's new custom Arwing.

"...what...what did you do to my Arwing?!" Zeta said puzzled.

"I souped it up for you. It's no longer just an Arwing. It's your very own customized Orbital Frame."

Zeta was shocked. "Are you f'in serious?"

"I had to increase the size of it, as well as add the Metatron. It can transform from Arwing Mode into a fully functional humanoid suit. You'll have access to multiple sub-weapons as well. I call her Zehkmet!"

"Zehkmet?" Zeta asked.

"Yeah. Sehkmet was an Egyptian warrior goddess, as well as the goddess of healing. She's like you...a strong warrior who has helped to heal my very soul..." PB stated as he held Zeta's hand. "I just replaced the S with a Z because it sounds zexier! Like you!"

Zeta blushed as she admired the work PB put into this. The colors had not changed much from her Arwing, but it now had the Metatron glow running across it's body.

"Sorry I did this without telling you, but I wanted to surprise you. You've been so helpful and kind towards me, plus working on stuff like this helps take my mind off of...it's the least I can do to help out the resistance right n..." PB said before Zeta pulled him in closer and kissed him.

"You and I are definitely gonna have to talk when I get back!" Zeta gleefully said while getting into her new toy. "I'll be sure to give Zehkmet here a good shake down! I let you know how she handles! THANKS!" Zeta yelled back at him as the cockpit closed.

"All personal. Prepare for launch. All personal. Prepare for launch." ADA repeated.

"Aerodactyl Squadron. Prepare to sortie. We're headed straight for the Fxenodrome, maximum speed!" Zeta commanded. "LAUNCH!"

Zehkmet and the Arwings took off and flew straight towards the planet. PB stood there and watched them fly out here, rubbing his lips from Zeta's kiss.

Well...I think she liked it. That'll make it easier...or possibly more painful for me. he thought to himself as he began working on plans for Fxeni's new suit.

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Reply #3487 on: January 03, 2014, 01:13:03 PM
(These Joes prefer swords over guns if I'm not mistaken)
(Meh, go nuts with them. They can do whatever you want them to, except all die in one post. B()

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Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #3488 on: January 03, 2014, 01:31:24 PM
(Good thing I didn't let Kathy get away with using her Big Bang attack, although it's impossible for her to charge up such an attack in a situation like this. :P)

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Reply #3489 on: January 03, 2014, 01:41:07 PM
Omega Joe had been observing the battle raging down below. His Zero Joes seemed to be holding up well against the Resistance, however, he was still watching intently... Observing every move the Resistance made...

The Zero Joes continued to attack, some deciding to release saber waves, some just pelted their buster shots. Those that were struck down slowly got back up, and retaliated heavily with slashing combos.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3490 on: January 03, 2014, 02:29:40 PM
The two Joes Blue had tossed begin to rise almost unfazed by her attack.
-"Thats---not good." She says out loud as another Joe snipes her in back with it's buster.
-"Ugk!" She falls to her hands and knees, the buster shot hadn't done much more than singe the back of her suit but it still did some internal damage. Looking back and not exactly relishing the idea of a three on one fight she tackles the approaching buster equipped Joe attempting to just tear off it's cannon arm.

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #3491 on: January 03, 2014, 06:15:23 PM
"ERGO KNUCKLE!" Kathy shouts, as she grabs a hold of one of the Joes' saber arms, who attempted to slash at her, before charging energy to her left fist and breaking the Joe's arm by the elbow hinge. Then roundhousing the disarmed Joe to the side, before putting her Met Shield up as another Joe sends a slash wave her way, giving her little time to dodge it.

"Ow!" as the force of the slash wave against her Met Shield knocked her to the ground. With little time to react to the next pursuing Joe, who's about to finish her off, she quickly utters, "TECHNOMORPH" as the broken off Joe saber arm she was holding took the shape of her left arm, giving her just enough time to repel the deathblow with her newly acquired energy saber. Then thrusting her foot into the Joe's mid-section, knocking it back, so that she has room to impale it with her saber. However, she was unaware of the stray buster shot hitting her square in the backside.

"Ouch! Hey that is not cool." as she now takes a stab at a random Joe, with her saber arm. Noticing the Joe she just impaled, still getting up.

"Are you kidding me. What does it take to destroy these guys?!"

(A little note on Kathy's Technokinesis, she can assemble herself with any machinery like the Zero Joe's saber arm, for example. However, it is only limited to her gloves and boots, just like her Metallomorph.)

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Reply #3492 on: January 03, 2014, 09:38:39 PM
Taylor was quickly being overwhelmed by the Joes, as was InfernoGarurumon. The two looked at each other and grinned. "InfernoGarurumon, let's do this!" she shouted as a light engulfed the two of them. Biomerge Digivolution was a go.

When the light receded, two had become one, and MechaGarurumon had joined the battle. "TRIPLE SCORCHER!" he exclaimed, incinerating some Joes in front of them.

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Reply #3493 on: January 03, 2014, 10:24:43 PM
Sitting at the desk in his quarters, Fxeni sifts through the files of potential crew-members. He's already made note of a few potential selections, but he wants to go through everyone first before making any decisions.

Right, next we have... Fxeni thinks to himself while bringing up the next file. His eyes go wide for a moment, and he leans back in his chair for a moment. Ariani... can't be the same one, he thinks while leaning back forward, starting to sift through the file some more. Some similar aptitudes here and there, but clearly not the same one, he concludes as he notes which role she might be good for. He knew what this meant, which worried him a bit. He pushes this worry to the back of his mind, knowing he has more important matters to attend to than his hunches at the moment. He goes back to going through the files.

(This was going to be a longer one, but then I had a better idea than what I had initially which would take some more time to flesh out... so here we are.)

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Reply #3494 on: January 04, 2014, 05:50:40 AM
Unkawaii cursed as he dove behind a boulder. A buster shot round loudly struck his cover. Reaching around with his pistol, he blindly fired attempting to suppress them. Slowly, the fire on his position died. Hearing the slide click back signalizing his running out of ammo, the boy rolled his eyes. "I can't believe I'm doing this..." A saber wave flew by, as if reassuring him he was an idiot. With a groan, he stood back up and sprinted out of cover, his war machete drawn, he made a beeline for the nearest of the Zero Joes. Its saberplay was too much, and its saber combos kept the boy at a distance. With a sigh, he came to the conclusion that he'd have to try out... That. Dammit, he wasn't The Kid! He just had a cheap reproduction of the weapon! Ah hell, it's worth a try. "Let's see if Graver Slash works." With a yell, he closed the gap between him and his foe, and unleashed a rapid flurry of wild slashes.

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Reply #3495 on: January 04, 2014, 05:57:58 AM
The Joes managed to deflect most of the flame with their blades, rendering that attack rather ineffective. "Well y'all leave me no choice," MechaGarurumon said with a sigh. He raised his arm in front of him and summoned a giant flaming Keyblade with small guns in the crossguard and a large cannon on the tip by the teeth. "MechaGarurumon Key Mode activated." The teeth on the giant Keyblade suddenly became extra sharp and glistened in the sunlight. "Let's do this," he exclaimed as he dashed into the crowd of foes and became fighting them with the weapon.

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Reply #3496 on: January 04, 2014, 06:02:05 AM
(YES THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE ALMOST EQUAL IN POWER!! I'll let this roll for a bit longer, get other characters to jump in and stuff, since I know Zeta will be arriving soon.)

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Reply #3497 on: January 04, 2014, 06:17:20 AM
(Well I was honestly originally going to have Zeta bring her Pokemon to the battle to mess them up, like Narancia the tiny Raichu trolling them with Double Team, Yusuke freezing things with Ice Beam, Friender the blind Arcanine using Outrage as a last hit before he faints and etc, but I like this a lot better and I feel it would actually be easier to do.

Expect GEYSERS, WISPS, MUMMIES, LASERS, and RIPPLES....you heard me.)  

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Reply #3498 on: January 04, 2014, 06:56:17 AM
(Zehkmet shall be glorious! After all, I built it! XD)

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Reply #3499 on: January 04, 2014, 07:00:27 AM
(I'll... post when I'm needed or when I have any ideas. Right now if its just a battle there's no point to really... posting beyond my earlier post. Anyway, Akai's a bow user.)