Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 426698

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3425 on: December 30, 2013, 04:29:20 PM
DWII - Looks like my Rabid Mets aren't familiar with her... Unorthodox methods. If you would be so kind to assist, it will be greatly appreciated!

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3426 on: December 30, 2013, 04:42:41 PM
White Beard looks back to Tempest Star "Tell Flare Stare to head down, she'll want her rematch anyway."

Tempest Star nods "Yes sir, although she wasn't able to defeat her last time and we don't know the abilities of Blue's new ally should I send Buccaneers?"

White Beard puffs from his pipe "Yes but have them stay back for now, if she fails again." White Beard glances to Dr WilyII "I hope your not too attached to those mets good doctor, Flare Star has a nasty habit of burning allies and enemies alike, still at the very least she'll weaken them for my troops to finish the job."

Tempest star nods and drops a smoke bomb vanishing.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3427 on: December 30, 2013, 04:47:43 PM
DWII - Rabid Mets are expendable... If that is what it takes to defeat whoever stands in my, ahem, I mean OUR way, SO BE IT!

Dr. Wily II flopped back into his evil spinning chair, and began to laugh manically, while spinning in his evil spinning chair.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3428 on: December 30, 2013, 04:55:45 PM

((*Ahem*  XD ))

Taking another puff of his pipe White Beard takes part in the maniacal laughing.

Not long after a drop ship launches from the Dark Star III heading toward the battle on RPM, Flare Star sits in one of the command chairs tapping the armrest "Finally...finally I will show her that I'm more than a simple copy, hehehe!"  The Buccaneers looking on as if their commander is a little crazy.

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #3429 on: December 30, 2013, 07:43:50 PM
(Hey I'm alive sorry.)

Unkawaii growled in response to Blue's warning. At this point he was well aware of their 'nasty nip'. Holding the machete up, the mets were clamped down hard on the blade. Rolling his eyes, the boy began to bash the machete mets against the ankle mets. Shaking at least one of them off would be entertaining.

"Name's Unkawaii. Nice landing there."

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3430 on: December 31, 2013, 01:59:44 AM
-"Would you believe I'm not a pilot?"

Blue picks up two mets grasping them by the helmets to avoid their teeth and smashing them together while kicking one sneaking up on Unkawaii.

-"I'm all for a good fight but maybe we should think of backing off, there doesn't seem to be an end to these...huh?"

A loud sonic boom blankets the area as another identical drop ship appears hovering right over their position, the bottom drop bay opens and a flaming fireball explodes out crashing into the swarm like a meteor sending mets flying in every direction. When the smoke clears an android can bee seen kneeling, her face covered by a visor and face mask. She rises to her feet and clenches her fists her gaze on Blue more than Unkawaii

-"It's been a while Blue." Flare Star her voice almost giddy.

-"Flare Star?!" Blue's eyes widen as she takes a more serious battle pose

-"I've been waiting for this rematch for ALONG time, this time I won't lose!" She raises her clenched fist fire engulfing it

Posted on: December 30, 2013, 01:13:14 PM
"Flare Star why are you here?" Blue relaxes her pose "What is Captain White beard doing on this planet?"

Flare star casually motions with her right hand as if not interested. "Why am I here? Pfft, the good captain is working with some wacky old man. Me I couldn't care less about world domination, I care about proving that I'm not some copy bot that I'm superior to you in every way!" She steps forward "Enough talk, Blue tell your buddy to get out the way if he doesn't want to get burned."

Blue looks to Unkawaii "Sorry to get you involved in all this madness, but I'm not sure I can beat her in my condition." She re-assumes her combat stance.

Flare Star suddenly dashes forward launching a fire ball at the two's location impacting just short of their feet. Blue just manages to get out of the way but the explosion lifts her off her feat sending her flying onto her back. "Ugh!" she grips her hand into the ground to stop being sled back too far.

((Sorry that follow up post took so long.))

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #3431 on: December 31, 2013, 09:45:56 AM
Unkawaii's eyes narrowed at the arrival of the second ship. "Friend of yours?" He asked, sarcastically. As it crashed into the dirt, he coughed as the dust settled. Once he regained vision, he grimaced at the new arrival. "What. An. Entry." He clapped mockingly.

The two exchanged a short greeting. Then the new one's hand caught on fire.
With a flick of the wrist, Unkawaii instinctively released his hidden blade in response.

"Sorry to get you involved in all this madness, but I'm not sure I can beat her in my condition."

"What a pain."

Flare Star's fireball was obviously meant to be only a warning shot, but the boy still backstepped to avoid it nonetheless. Grimacing, he looked to his new companion.
"Blue, right? Whaddya suggest, then? That I handle this, or what? I'd much rather not, y'know, die, or anything."

Offline Mirby

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Reply #3432 on: December 31, 2013, 09:47:35 AM
"So how much longer til we get there?" Taylor asked, somewhat impatiently.

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3433 on: December 31, 2013, 10:53:41 AM
The Rabid Mets recovered from being blasted by their new ally, and began to pounce on Blue and Unkawaii again.

Back at the WDS, Dr. Wily II marveled at Flare's entrance.

DWII - She sure is a hottie, quite literally too!

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3434 on: December 31, 2013, 02:45:41 PM
"Gah!" Blue smacks away a met or two before standing "She'll focus on me mostly, I'll hold her off and you attack when you think you have an opening!"

With that said blue cracks her knuckles and charges at Flare Stare hopping on the met helmets again to give her an advantage of height to Flare's Surprise as she attempts to counter and knock blue out of the air with a fireball but failing to get a lock on her in time before Flare feels Blue's fist sock her across the faceplate her super strength nearly sending Flare off her feet. "D-Damn you!" she angrily yells.

Blue doesn't give Flare a chance to get her barrings and grips her hands together swinging upwards with all her strength sending the disoriented flare off her feet completely. Blue seeing no reason not to press the attack charges in to stomp her, the impact of her stomp pushes Flare into the ground and Blue quickly rears her foot up for another stomp only to be sent flying by a fiery explosion as Flare assumes her fire ball form again. Landing painfully on a clear spot of ground not currently swarming with mets.

"Ugh..." Blue attempts to get up but her exhaustion and her injuries from the crash prevent her from climbing to her feet.

Flare Star reforms near blue and pins her down with a foot. "Not...bad." she admits. "Not quite how I pictured our final battle but he, I'll get over you not being at full strength." *she begins to charge a large fireball going for the killing blow.

"Uh oh..." Blue says as she grips Flare's foot.

Meanwhile the drop ship lands a distance from the swarm and the Buccaneers begins gathering near the edge of the battlefield not engaging as ordered.

Meanwhile back on the WilyII station......

White Beard watches the battle closely "Aye,the greatest of my Copy Bots...."
*he takes a puff of his pipe*
"YES! destroy Blue Valkyrie once and for all!"  White Beard grins from cheek to cheek as his nemesis appears to be on the ropes.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3435 on: January 01, 2014, 06:29:10 AM
(Okay I'm zombieing the people in the van.  Also Tron and Clef I would like you guys to choose your weapons soon.)

After about 20 mins of driving an empty Freeway and breaking the speed limit the van arrived in St. Acidburg several feet in front of the Mettaur horde, Robot Master, 2 unfamiliar people and other unfamiliar mechaniloids.

"It seems there were more reinforcements on the enemies side." Fugo said as he took out his peppermint swords "I must defend this van as the other resistance members can use this as a teleportation point, you guys try to hold them off while I try to take care of any stragglers."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Mirby

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Reply #3436 on: January 01, 2014, 08:33:45 AM
"Gotcha. Time to take out the grunts!" Taylor said excitedly, obviously ready for battle as she leapt out of the van with Keyblade in hand, ready to slay whatever foes get in her way. HeatGabumon tried to follow suit, but fell out instead and rolled down a small hill by where the van was parked. He quickly recovered and ran over to assist Taylor in the Met extermination.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3437 on: January 01, 2014, 10:56:07 PM
The Drop Ship lands at the opposite side of the battle and a group of Buccaneers begin piling out, mostly Cutlass and Buster types.

-"So uh...are we fighting Blue because it looks like Flare Star has things nicely wrapped up here." One Buccaneer says looking to another.

-"Yeah do we  just watch or what?" Another responds.

-"The captain will be angry if we do nothing though...uhh what about them, those people in the van over there?" A sword wielding buccaneer comments.

The Buccaneers glance at each other as if debating what is less likely to get them killed at this point.

-"Van it is! Chaaaaaarge!"  The Buccaneers begins charging toward the group although their high pitched voices make it hard to take them seriously as a threat.

Flare notices her back up breaking from the battle "W-what are you fools doing?! Take care of the other one---" her lapse of attention gives Blue the precious seconds she needs to grab Flare's foot and twist knocking Flare over and sending her charged fireball off into a group of mets. Free Blue jumps to her feet and grabs Flare lifting her over her head and tossing her into the swarm, it'll keep her busy for a while anyway. Blue's attention turns to what caused the Buccaneers to flee.

Meanwhile on the WilyII Station White Beard simply face palms as their advantage seems be slipping away.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #3438 on: January 01, 2014, 11:18:51 PM
Taylor and HeatGabumon dashed through the foes, taking out several on their way to the blue stranger's side. Obviously she was an ally, so it seemed natural to go help her.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3439 on: January 01, 2014, 11:27:16 PM
Blue tilts her head as mets and buccaneers go flying, she relaxes as it becomes clear the newcomers are friends "Nice, you two with him?" Blue points to Unkawaii who is still engaging the mets elsewhere.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #3440 on: January 01, 2014, 11:38:12 PM
"No clue who either of you are, actually," Taylor replied. "But since you're both fighting these enemies, it's obvious we're all on the same side here." She quickly cut down a Rabid Met that leapt up to attack her as HeatGabumon incinerated another.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3441 on: January 01, 2014, 11:48:16 PM
Blue nods "You'll have to tell me whats going on here when this is all over, in the mean time I'll help how I can. Call me Blu--"

A massive fireball erupts from the swarm, Flare Star is back on her feet. "BLUE VALKYRIE!!!!" she screams in rage.

"Uh--yeah what she said." Blue shrugs "Minus the Valkyrie part, not sure why people call me that." Blue turns to face her rival again.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #3442 on: January 01, 2014, 11:53:06 PM
"Let me explain..." Taylor began.

"No! There's too much!" HeatGabumon interjected.

"Right. Let me sum up. Dr. Wily II is attacking the ruins of this city with his Rabid Mets and we're here (by we I mean us from the van over there) to protect it," Taylor quickly explained.

"We'll explain more after the battle!" the Digimon added.

"Yeah, but one last thing. I'm Taylor and that's HeatGabumon. Need help with this harpy?" Taylor asked.

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Offline Phi

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Reply #3443 on: January 02, 2014, 12:02:59 AM
Phi gazed at the Met horde ahead.

She looked at her crossbow and then to Arche, "I've never used a crossbow before, not to mention I've never been in a fight, period."

"Yeah, you'd need practice with one first... for now, stay back at the van. I'll handle this." Arche was about to run toward the horde when Phi grabbed his arm.

"But," She began to say as she readied her crossbow, "now would be a perfect time, don't you think?"


An arrow shot out from the crossbow... and zipped right past a mettaur.

"... Riiiight, well, I'll leave you to it, then." Arche lightly quipped.

"Hey! It's my first time, give me a break!" She loaded another arrow and shot it, only for it to miss again. "Jesus Christ! Seriously?!"

"Look, don't sweat it. I'll handle it from here," Arche readied his newly bought katana blades and unsheathed them.

"Let's see what these beauties can really do..." He charged towards some stray mets.

One by one, he sliced and diced his way through. "Huh, it'll take some time to get used to these," He said as he adjusted his grip, "but I have all the time in the world."

He continued to take out more mets.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3444 on: January 02, 2014, 12:07:16 AM
"More the merrier!" Blue grins charging forward at Flare Star.

Flare whips her arm to the side sending three fireballs at Blue, she's nothing if not predictable. Blue slides under the fireballs just in front of Flare countering with an uppercut as she jumps to her feet. The punch knocks Flare off balance cracking her visor slightly, in her rage she fails to land her counter attack, a small short range explosion as Blue dodges to the right side.

Flare shakes her head her vision still blurred from the punch, unaware that she is now quite open to Taylor and HeatGabumon's own offensive.

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Reply #3445 on: January 02, 2014, 12:34:18 AM
"Ready, buddy?" Taylor asked.

"I was born ready!" HeatGabumon replied. A light shone from Taylor's digivice and covered the Digimon as he Digivolved two stages up into InfernoGarurumon. As the light receded, the wolf-like Digimon let loose a savage barrage. "TRIPLE BLAZE CLAW!" he screamed as he slashed furiously at the enemies.

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Reply #3446 on: January 02, 2014, 12:44:14 AM
Flare Star barely has time to raise her arms in defense as the barrage of claws slashes at her and any met in the area.

-"Argh!" Flare yells as the claws takes out a sizable chunk out of her gauntlets. "Stupid animal stay out of my way!" She raises her hand into the air as she dodges back, a swirling ball of fire forms around it and with a simple forward sweep of her arm the fire ball launches at InfernoGarurumon.

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Reply #3447 on: January 02, 2014, 12:50:20 AM
InfernoGarurumon quickly responded. "BURNING KICK!" he exclaimed, hitting the ball of fire back towards its sender.

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Reply #3448 on: January 02, 2014, 12:53:13 AM
"I think these blades feel a bit lighter than the last pair..." He thought to himself as he continued to mow down Rabid Mets.

"And they certainly cut a lot better. I should've gotten new katanas months ago."

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Reply #3449 on: January 02, 2014, 01:02:34 AM
The resulting explosion of the rebounded fire ball sends flare into a wall that collapses on her.

Blue stands beside InfernoGarurumon looking impressed "Remind me not to get on your bad side."

The bricks begin to shift as Flare Star emerges, shaky on her feet she falls to one knee "T-this isn't over Blue, next time you won't have your little friends to save you!" She takes her fireball form and flys into the sky escaping the battle.

Meanwhile the surviving Buccaneers all glance at each other realizing they have been abandoned.

"Time to go?" One says

"Time to go." The other responds as the group of minions makes a break for the drop ship that wastes no time lifting off into the sky back to the Dark Star III leaving only the rabid mets to fight.