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Protoman Blues · 400567

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Reply #1800 on: May 29, 2013, 01:27:55 AM
(It works. :P Now all I need is Wily to do something along the lines of set the armor to all-out attack mode and the fight can truly begin!)

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1801 on: May 29, 2013, 02:10:27 PM
(LOL, unexpected, but makes you more Iron Man now. 8D)


Dr. Wily II continued typing into his console, and it wasn't long until the whole schematic of Sapph's suit has turned red.

DWII - Maybe you can make me regret... IF YOU SURVIVE!! TIME FOR SOME ACTION!!

Dr. Wily II typed a bit more, and soon, the weapons systems on the suit are online.


(OK, the reins are now in your hands Sapph. Go wild. Cause all kinds of destruction and mayhem in the name of Dr. Wily II!! [eyebrow])

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1802 on: May 29, 2013, 08:11:35 PM
Asch and Sakura arrived in room 649 with nothing unusual happening save for a small crowd.  Yin, Pyre Heart, Narancia, and Zet walked over to the crowed to see what's up.

"You know no matter how many times I come here I keep seeing new species of Pokemon I've never seen before." Asch stated "How many known species are there?"

"At least 649 species have been documented, however new species have been discovered in different places and there is an an estimate of at least over 700 species.  However new species seem to be popping up and we don't know the exact amount." Sakura explained.

"Damn that's just crazy!" Asch said in surprise "I can't believe there's so many of these guys, heck that's way more than the ones in this room!"

"Yeah it's amazing isn't it?" Sakura nodded "There's always something new to learn about Pokemon, it's almost impossible to know everything.   It's almost like how there's so many different people in the world but you can't meet everyone"

"Well I'm glad I met you." Asch smiled.

"Me too." Sakura smiled back as went over to get a bowl "Anyway why don't I call Celty over, she's up in that tree."

Asch looked in the direction Sakura was pointing and saw a Skarmory preening herself.

"That sure is a scary looking Pokemon." Asch whistled "She's not mean is she?"

"Don't worry." Sakura shook her head "A lot of the Pokemon here are very friendly."

"Okay if you say so." Asch nodded.

"Celty!" Sakura called "Over here!"

"Ska!" Sephiria cried as she flew over to Sakura.  She greeted her happily and nuzzled her with her beak.

"I'm so glad to see you too!" Sakura hugged the Skarmory "I have something for you here."

Sakura got out the plastic baggie with the Belue Berry scraps and put it in the bowl.

Celty cried happily as she began eating the Belue Berry.

"She sure looks happy." Asch smiled "Zeta seems to take good care of her."

"She does." Sakura nodded "She really has a natural knack with Pokemon."

"MAMO!" They suddenly heard as they looked in the direction of the crowd.

Suddenly a huge Mamoswine ran towards them at full speed before jumping the air and landing directly on Asch.

"Get off of me you giant fuzzball!" Asch yelled struggling to get out.

"Asch are you okay?" Sakura asked.

"I'm fine but I can't move!" Asch shouted "What's with this fuzzball!?"

"That's just Armstrong's way of saying hello." Sakura laughed nervously.

"Can you get him to get off of me?" Asch asked as he gave up trying to get away.

"Armstrong can you please get off of him?" Sakura asked nicely.

"Mamo." Armstrong nodded as he moved away from Asch.

Asch got up a little shaky but eventually regained composure.

"Are you hurt?" Sakura asked worried.

"Nah just a little stiff." Asch said as he began to stretch to loosen himself up.

"Sorry about that." Sakura apologized "Armstrong is a very affectionate Pokemon, but he often forgets his own strength and size compared to others."

"Mamo Mamo." Armstrong cried looking apologetic.  Asch could of sworn he was crying manly tears.

"No worries." Asch shrugged "Not the worst thing that's happened to me, and he does look sorry.  I forgive you fuzzball."

"Mamoswine!" Armstrong cried affectionately as he nuzzled Asch being careful not to knock him over.

"He sure is a nice guy." Asch laughed as he pet the giant mammoth Pokemon "I don't think I could stay mad at him even if he keeps squishing me."

"Yeah he's been like that ever since Zeta got him." Sakura smiled.

"Oh so this guy belongs to Zeta too?" Asch asked "How many does she have?"

"Only 6." Sakura answered "That's usually the maximum you can have without a place to store the rest."

"Is that why you only brought 6 to St. Acidburg?" Asch wondered.

"Yes." Sakura nodded. "That is the limit of Pokemon you can use normally.  However those don't apply if your fighting an army and need to use as many as you need."

"Isn't that a bit unethical though?" Asch questioned "I mean it seems all they do is fight."

"It's also like that in the wild too, even without Trainers." Sakura explained "In fact Pokemon don't really mind if they are owned by Trainers because they either want to become even stronger or be protected.  As long as you don't abuse them and treat them with respect then they'll be loyal to you."

"I guess that makes sense, it must be a sort of survival instinct." Asch pondered.

"You can see it that way." Said Sakura "Though most of the time you have to battle the Pokemon in order to catch them."

"Really?" Asch asked.

"Yes." Sakura replied "It's so that they see you're worthy to train and improve them."

"Huh I guess that makes some sense." Asch understood "If they want to get stronger it's important to see if the trainer can make them stronger."

"Yeah but some of them just want friends." Sakura added "Some Pokemon like Yin will decide to go with a trainer without a battle.  Me and PB encountered quite a few Pokemon who were like that, and the only Pokemon Zeta had to battle was Celty there."

"Huh I guess Pokemon are kinda like people when you get right down to it." Asch remarked.

"Yup." Sakura nodded.

"Anyway what are those Pokemon huddling over anyway?" Asch asked.

Armstrong reacted excitedly when Asch asked the question and began to jump up and down.

"Mamo Mamomo swine Mamoswine!" Armstrong said with great excitement and more manly tears.

"Oh my god is that true?" Sakura asked astonished.

"Mamo!" Armstrong nodded excitedly with his manly tears still running.

"Ah that's amazing!" Sakura squeed.

"Okay I'm lost." Asch said confused "What's all the hub bub?"

"I'll show you!" Sakura said as she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the crowd with Armstrong following close behind.

The Pokemon moved away so Sakura and Asch could get a better view of what they were looking at.

What they saw was an Eevee which was surrounded by a Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, and a Glaceon.  Next to the Eevee was a small brown and beige zig zag striped Egg.

"Okay I still don't get it." Asch scratch his head.

"Purity laid an Egg!" Sakura said with excitement.

"Wait...Pokemon lay Eggs?" Asch said confused.

"Uh huh." Sakura nodded excitedly.

"Somehow that just seems weird to me, but then again everything is weird to me." Asch sighed.  "So if Purity is a girl who's the dad?"

"MAMO!" Armstrong cried as he went up to Purity.

"Vee!" Purity cried happily as they nuzzled each other affectionately and the other Eeveelutions looked at Armstrong enviously.  The Jolteon in particular was really angry and electricity was sparking from it's spiky hide.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Asch's jaw dropped.

"There are somethings that are better not to be questioned." Sakura said solemnly.

"Right..." Asch said dryly "So now what?"

"I got to tell Vixy the news!" Sakura cried as she went away to make a call.

"Okay you have fun with that." Asch said still confused.  He looked over at the Eeveelutions and saw the Jolteon was still mad.

"Hey there little guy." Asch said as he sat down and tried to reach over to the Jolteon  "Sorry that happened but it'll be okay."

"JOLT!" The Jolteon cried out as it shot a bolt of electricity at Asch's hand.  Asch winched a bit but wasn't phased though his hand had a few burns.

"Going to take a lot more than that to scare me." Asch smiled as his hand touched Jolteon's head and pet him.   The Jolteon was stunned but eventually calmed down  and rubbed Asch's hand.

"There you go, feeling a little better now?" Asch asked.  

"Jolt!" The Jolteon cried happily.

The other Eeveelutions came over to Asch and also began to rub at him affectionately.

"You guys too?" Asch smiled "Guess you all just wanted some attention huh."

"I'm back!" Sakura said as she walked over to him.  She noticed all the Eeveelutions around him and smiled.  "I see you've met the members of Strike Force EON."

"Strike Force EON?" Asch titled his head.

"PB's prized Eeveelutions, Shock, Mental, Thorn, Frostbite, Blaze, Flood and Blackout." Sakura pointed them out.

"Oh so these guys belong to PB." Asch nodded "But what's a Eeveelution?"

"Well Eevees in particular are known for having many options to evolve into and those are all the options." Sakura explained.

"So in theory Purity can evolve into any of these guys?" Asch wondered.

"Yeah, though she doesn't seem to want to just yet." Sakura nodded.

"I see, so what did Vixy say?" Asch asked.

"She said she wanted to give the Egg to Zeta since it was her Mamoswine that Purity fell for."  Said Sakura "She knows she'll take good care of it."

"So what's going to hatch from it then?" Asch questioned.

"Another Eevee." Sakura answered.

"Ah that's kinda nice." Asch smiled "I'm sure she'll love to here that."

"Yeah, let's get the egg and come back to PB and Zeta." Sakura said offering her hand to him.

"Yeah, let's go." Asch stood up and took her hand.

Purity gave Sakura the Egg to give to Zeta and the 2 of them headed back to the sickbay with Zet in tow.

(I really like characterizing Pokemon, but Zet remains forever in the background. :\  And Armstrong, just Armstrong. XD)
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 04:49:10 AM by Sakura Leic »

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1803 on: May 30, 2013, 02:11:49 PM
(Zet. Forever alone. Also, that was almost HSOWA. XD)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1804 on: May 30, 2013, 03:04:36 PM
(Zet. Forever alone. Also, that was almost HSOWA. XD)
(What does that mean?)

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Reply #1805 on: May 30, 2013, 03:05:16 PM
(Hot Skitty on Wailord Action. 8D A term to show the... Strange pairings of Pokemon you can pair up with in the same Egg Group.)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1806 on: May 30, 2013, 03:06:47 PM
(Hot Skitty on Wailord Action. 8D)
(Oh I was going for that, I was so going for that.  Did you know Digletts can breed with Wailords too? 8D)

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Reply #1807 on: May 30, 2013, 03:09:06 PM
(Oh I know. Skitty is somehow more favoured. Maybe because Diglett... You know... Looks like... You know... 8D)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1808 on: May 30, 2013, 03:10:36 PM
(I think it's because Digletts and Wailords aren't found in the same region without the National Dex in post game.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1809 on: May 30, 2013, 03:18:22 PM
(I still think it's the imagery. 8D)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1810 on: May 30, 2013, 03:19:44 PM
(I still think it's the imagery. 8D)
(That is also a possibility.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1811 on: May 30, 2013, 03:30:21 PM
(Given this is a RPM thread, and the derailment that defines RPM, I say a nice side-arc in the Pokemon RP would be to solve the mystery of Diglett's "Legs". [eyebrow])

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1812 on: May 30, 2013, 03:35:28 PM
(I'd post a picture of what I think but I can't until my computer is fixed, but yeah we should do it.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1813 on: May 31, 2013, 12:16:09 AM
(Here goes nothing.)

In a distant area known only as that place where Wreck-It Man is, a large metal box falls from the sky and lands with a slam. The box opens up and a small drone flies out of it, its view scanning over the immediate environment. It spots Wreck-It Man and looks almost excited. It then beeps twice, sends out three communication signals of varying formats containing various translations of "WE COME IN PEACE. PLEASE REMAIN CALM.", and...falls flat on the floor.

After a minute's pause, a twinkle in the sky directly above the drone can be seen, and a shaft of blue energy violently erupts from the point, smashing into the drone and its carrying unit. Inside the resulting clustered ball of blue energy, a figure slowly grew in opacity as the energy retracted within it. An android, whose designs were reminiscent of a Reploid's, with a peaceful silver body and light blue armor releases his crouched pose, dispelling the excess energy around him.

The video feed that the drone received finally synced up with his memory data, and he worriedly turns to Wreck-It Man.

"U-uhm... sir? Sir?" The android made a futile attempt to get the violent person's attention. "Sir, is there a reason you're, well...wrecking this property?"

Wreck-It Man paid no attention at all to the android's questioning.

"Sir? If you don't tell me what's going on here, I'm going to have to use lethal force!"

Wreck-It Man was totally unfazed by the android's threats. Maybe he didn't hear me? Maybe he doesn't understand my language? The android hoped for a peaceful conclusion. He decided to direct his energy to his radio module and blasted a communication signal of his own...


Not only did Sinos's message go straight over Wreck-It's head (metaphorically speaking), it also reached way farther than he meant it to.

"Oh [parasitic bomb]." Sinos swore under his breath. Having no idea how far his message reached (hint: really [tornado fang]ing far), he decided to avoid Wreck-It Man's rampage and go find shelter. He ducked into a nearby abandoned dive bar that miraculously wasn't being smashed to bits by Wreck-It.


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Reply #1814 on: May 31, 2013, 12:32:54 AM
No sooner had the android left, Wreck-It Man suddenly stops spinning around in circles and starts charging towards St. Acidburg, waving his fist around like a savage madman while constantly keeping his head pointed towards the sky.


As Chariot was poking his head into the Fxenidome to see what's inside, he feels the ground below it rumbling uncontrollably as a familiar, almost unneeded roar echoes throughout the city.


Poking his head around the corner of the dome, he sees the massive Wreck-It Man plowing his way towards the city, knocking over everything and everyone in his fixated path.

"You can't be serious...." he groans before looking towards the sky to find a very faint, but barely completed mess of a Wily Star drifting aimlessly over the city.

Wreck-It Man immediately stops upon nearing the center of the city, his visual radars fixated around him as he detects multiple, but scattered signs of restoration all throughout the city.  They all weren't at the hands of his brothers, but they still caused a spark to go off in his systems that produce the uncontrollable urge to smash it to the very nature that was used to create them.


Wreck-It Man bangs his fists around his immediate are before his tractors spun to life, sending him careening towards the first undamaged foundation he detected.  Chariot watched before letting out another annoyed groan.

"The least they could've done was fix the thrusters so they don't aimlessly drag that mess of a monster all over the planet...."

He then abandons the Fxenidome and rushes off after Wreck-It Man in the hopes of stopping him before he draws the Resistance's attention and give Hajime more grief than he was willing to handle.


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Reply #1815 on: May 31, 2013, 02:06:01 AM
Sinos, feeling the monstrous Wreck-It leave his area, pokes his head out of the door of the bar. He sighs as he watches him drive off towards St. Acidburg.

"Well, so much for civilization." he says as he slipped back into the bar, shutting the door on his way back in. He set up his internal radio wave receiver, hoping he didn't have any equally threatening replies flying through the air back at him.

"Looks like no intelligence so far. Even that freak wave SIN-05 shot hasn't gotten any response."
"Sinos shot a freak wave what?"
"...Why did you give that SIIDRA model a ridiculous name such as that?"
"Because I like it. Anyways, don't forget that that's not the only reason he's there. If he finds Tangent...he'll have a new mission."


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Reply #1816 on: May 31, 2013, 03:53:19 AM
(I'm going to try my hand at a backstory.)

-6 years ago, Lightcorp offices-

A group of employees shuffle into a cramped meeting room.

Employee #1 - "Wonder what this meeting is about?"

Employee #2 - "I bet its because of all the rumors and complaints circling about regarding the WFU Line."

Employee #1 - "Isn't that the Sexbot line?"

Employee #3 - "They're considered 'Companionship Androids', but you're not far off."

As the Employees talked between eachother, a larger, portly man walked into the room. This was Larry Light, the owner of Lightcorp.

Larry - "Quiet down, everybody. I have some... troubling news. It appears that our profits are in the negatives due to our recent troubles regarding the WFU Line. As a result, as of this Friday, you will all be let go. Lightcorp is selling their assets to a... interested buyer."

Employees - "Let go?!"

Larry - "Did you not hear me the first time? Yes, you're fired, all of you. Meeting adjourned."

As the disgruntled former employees shuffled out of the Meeting room, another employee followed Larry.

Other Employee - "Mr. Light, can I have a word?"

Larry - "Mmm, Ona... what is it?"

This Employee was this universes Josei Ona, a clean cut employee who seemed to have a charm about him.

Josei - "Sir, what exactly did you mean by... problems with the WFU line?"

Larry - "Defects, units breaking down, what else do you want to hear?"

Josei - "But... that's absolutely impossible. The three prototypes I made have been working perfectly for almost a year now, the line has only been out for three months."

Larry - "Ona, maybe you should take a look in here."

The two entered a room that was labelled "WFU Hospital", inside were hundreds of broken or damaged WFUs.

Larry - "This one here had its power fail while the owner of it was out on a walk. In addition when it powered down it was walking down stairs, so it tumbled and completely banged up the unit."

They continued forward, Josei looked uneasy, he knew something wasn't right.

Larry - "This one's memory wiped."

Larry - "This one's still active, but its internals are flooded with some gunk."

Josei - "Sir... the WFU's are meant for companionship, not for Carnal Pleasure, the unit is not equipped to handle this sort of stuff. It'll hurt them."

Larry - "Hurt? They're not Human, Josei."

Josei - "I know that, but they have emotions, they can feel just as much as a human being."

Larry - "Look here, the thing is, these things aren't working, you can say they emote and [parasitic bomb] but that doesn't mean dick when they can't take dick."

Josei - "Other than the... gunked unit, these other two should've been fine, hell they should all still be working. Keco and the others aren't breaking down at all."

Larry - "Well, see here, your units cost you quite a pretty penny to produce, especially since you did it yourself, but we're mass producing these things, With the materials we're using there's bound to be a few mistakes."

Josei - "Excuse me... what did you say? 'With the materials we're using'... You're using cheaper quality parts! You're ripping people off by producing WFUs with cheap parts, then gouging the price!"

Larry - "That's business Josei."

Josei - "That's shitty business! No wonder you're going under. You're bringing these things into the world and they're all slowly dying out. I won't allow it any more. I'm shutting down production and taking the rest of the WFUs with me. I'll keep them sealed up until I can create a module to undo the wrongs you wrought onto them."

Larry - "You do that and you'll incur the wrath of our beneficiary."

Josei - "I don't give a [parasitic bomb]. I'm saving those WFUs"

Josei halted production and took the remaining WFUs to his Desert installation.

Josei - "KECO!"

Keco came out of the building, she was similar to how she is in the present day, though with a much kinder demeanor.

Keco - "What's up, what do you need?"

Josei - "Call your sisters, we need to go, but first we need to store these WFUs someplace safe."

Keco - "Alright.... Aiko, Kyami! Come out here!"

No response.

Keco - "Damn. Well, grab that one and I'll grab this one."

The two each took a capsule and wheeled them inside the installation.

Josei - "Hide that one, I'll put this one in the other room."

Keco - "Alright, i'm all done here, AIKO, KYAMI! WHERE ARE YOU?"

Still no response.

Keco - "Josei, I'm worried, they usually respond."

Josei - "I'm sure they're alright. Lets go get the rest."

Josei and Keco left the building to find an army of Robots waiting for them, with Larry Light standing in front of them.

Larry - "I told you that you would regret this decision. Now... hand over the WFUs. We've got two lovely women here that would hate to see their creator killed in front of them."

Josei - "No... They've got Aiko and Kyami... Fine, you can have the WFUs."

Keco - "Josei, what are you doing?"

Josei - "Protecting your sisters."

Larry - "Very good, Josei. Well, a deal is a deal. They're right there."

Larry pointed to a small shed. Josei and Keco ran to the shed to grab the two.

Josei's face froze in agony as he turned the light on in the shed. Keco just stood there, staring at her sisters.

Aiko, a blonde girl with a shy demeanor but overall a very kind individual, was in two places, her legs were in one corner, and her torso in another.

Kyami, the beautiful middle sister of the three, had a massive hole in her chest, part of her face was torn off and her eyes were shattered.

Larry - "Of course... I didn't say they were alive, now did I?"

Josei & Keco - "You.... YOU BASTARD!!"

Josei - "They were.... they were like, no, they were family to me, like daughters. How could you do this?"

Keco - "My sisters... Both gone, and so brutally killed."

Larry - "Now now, I'm just following... Doctor's orders. Boys, destroy the rest of those WFUs."

The truck containing the rest of the WFUs was driven away.

Josei and Keco felt a darkness inside of them that they had never felt before, never before have they had such contempt for something or somebody.

Josei - "Keco, being the oldest... and the most equipped, use your combat equipment, meet me at the spot later."

Keco - "You don't need to tell me twice, I'll see you then."

Keco lunged forward at the attacking army as Josei followed the truck.

(Comments and Criticisms appreciated.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1817 on: May 31, 2013, 03:58:39 AM
(Damn this sounds awesome.)

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Reply #1818 on: May 31, 2013, 04:03:18 AM
(I literally thought that up while taking a shower. I'll conclude it later but I just wanted to get a new post out now so that's why it ends where it does.)

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Reply #1819 on: May 31, 2013, 04:19:40 AM
Taylor and her companions were slowly making their way closer to Sapph, now completely possessed by whatever interference had taken ahold of his suit.

"Sapph!" Taylor yelled. "Sapph! We're here to help!"

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #1820 on: May 31, 2013, 12:24:28 PM
(Backstory is gud idea.)

Suppercut Industries
15 Days Ago

"I'm feeling great!" SIN-04 cheerfully replied to the Supperture Labs employee's question of status. SIN-04 sure looked great; he had shinier, softer color than his three failed companions before him, and his armor wasn't faded or discolored.

"So..." the employee started, "what is your directive?"

"To study the life and environments of my assigned universe, and to represent the home universe...Oh, I can't wait to meet the people in the other dimension we're trying to access!" SIN-04 chirped, "Do you think they'll have some really cool technology? Maybe giant space stations or robots like me, even?!"

"Our drones have picked up energy signatures akin to androids, actually, so there's a good chance of that," the employee happily replied. It was good to see SIN-04's AI in good shape. He added, "You've also been equipped with our best in inter-dimensional traveling gear. We have high hopes for you!"

"Now, now, don't get him too confident, mate," a chuckling voice from the doorway said.

"Ah, Dr. Danow, glad you could make it. SIN-04 is doing very well. He's made cognizant contact with most of the employees here, and he hasn't shown any hostility. We have our best minds on the case to make sure his AI and casing is in best shape," The employee stated matter-of-factly, keeping a serious posture.

"Great," Dr. Corey Danow smiled, and added, "Is he transport-ready?"

The scientist before him nodded, and he began, "Perfect. SIN-04, are you ready to jump to another dimension?"

SIN-04 hopped off of his bench and eagerly agreed. "Good! Follow me."

"T plus twenty seconds from energize. Any longer and we're going to have to assume he's dead in the water," an engineer stated.

"SIN-04? SIN-04?! Respond! Damnit...I think we lost him..." Dr. Danow angrily threw his headset to the floor, and added, "Another failure. Guess the new armor didn't work. Everybody, let's get to work again. Maybe we can--"


Dr. Danow turned towards the console again in fear. He picked up the headset from the floor and said, "SIN-04?"


"What? Hey, whoah, no, what are you doing, mate?!"


"The others-- wh-who told him about the first three?"


Dr. Danow was silent for a long while. Then, in a serious tone, he spoke up, "Bring me the new model."

Middle of Nowhere Bar
Present Day

"I think that's...is it possible? No...that's not...Hey, I think that IS an SOS!" Sinos jumped for joy at Sapph's signal, not knowing its true nature. He can meet some intelligence! He could save some lives! He can study their technology!

Sinos stepped outside of the bar, crouched down, switched on his SI-927, and...

"Damn. Not enough juice." Sinos sighed and looked inside the bar for a power outlet. He found a robot charging station and did a bit of hacking to make it work for him and his power supply. "Guess I'm stopping in for a drink after all," Sinos said with a chuckle.


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Reply #1821 on: May 31, 2013, 03:59:02 PM
(Hmmm... 2 against 1 ehh... Might need to introduce a DW2 Number when/if the time comes. :P)

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Reply #1822 on: May 31, 2013, 06:42:44 PM
(I was planning on sleeping through half of the fight, then showing up late and missing most of it, since I didn't want to intrude on anybody's plans, buuuut if you're cool with it and all, I guess the voltage could stay stable enough to keep him awake, and teleport in to help... :D

Unless I totally misunderstood what you said.)


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Reply #1823 on: May 31, 2013, 06:47:05 PM
(So Sinos is going to go to Sapph?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1824 on: May 31, 2013, 06:56:13 PM
(Well, it was set up that this duel is between Sapph and Taylor. If Sinos does come in and assist, then I'll introduce someone for him to fight, and leave the other 2 alone to duel it out. Unless the 2 of them are OK with Sinos tagteaming.)

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