Wilypocalypse NOW

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Reply #925 on: January 19, 2013, 04:25:55 AM
Temperance stared at the disintegrating apple, then back to Medic Man and the five incoming Stingers before Chariot suddenly gets between them and tackles her out of the way, missing two of the stingers and catching the other three in his legs and back, narrowly missing the card sowed onto his cape.

Temperance continues to stare at Chariot as he grabs the blade on his helmet and slice them against the needles to cut them from the syringe before the same chemicals that melted the apple start to flow through his materialized body before huffing and turning her attention back to Medic Man.

"Honestly, Danny!  You have a strange way of making friends!" she fumes before turning the open ends of her jugs towards Medic Man and unleashing a geyser of scolding hot water in his direction.  If Chariot wasn't busy picking the needles out of his legs, each of which were covered in a strange, ruby-like liquid, he would have facepalmed at her obliviousness.

Erika eventually returns to the hanger, finding the door torched open and both Sun and Lovers no longer inside.  She pulls Leo up from under the card.

"Do you smell them anywhere?" she asked.

Leo pokes his head out of the card, sniffing around before roaring and flying off towards the Bridge of Evil leading them to what appeared to be an old ruined lab.

"Are you sure they're there!?" she asked nervously, "This doesn't look like a place Rini and Sun would be hiding in."

Leo stops and looks towards her as if trying to ask if she was a moron.  Sighing, she drops onto his head, "I suppose your right.  Even with our indestructible frames, we'd still have to suffer the heat from the ozone layer and figure out where that broken Star is...."

Leo mumbles what passes for a lion's purr before continuing down the bridge in the direction he sniffed the two cards heading in.

It felt like a few hours had passed before the Robot Masters were able to gather all of the pieces to the Wily Star II.  All they needed to do now was wait for Bin Man to come back with the smaller pieces that had drifted far from the stray.

Not wanting to wait that long, Hajime looks over to World, "We need to hurry this up.  Send Strength, Hermit, and Magician with Broom Man and Mop Man to help pick up the pieces."

"Bout time!" Strength grumbles as he flies out of the deck, "I was getting bored just sitting here, doing nothing!"

"Bored, or just plain upset because your daughter decided to play detective?" Magician huffs before flying out after him, "Admit it!  You're upset that you didn't keep an eye on her when you had the chance."

"Say that again, pretty boy!"

The two faced each other and popped out of their cards, growling as sparks flew out of their eyes and collided until World loudly clears her throat.

"If you two don't want to see how well I can wrap you in duct tape, I suggest you put your petty squabbles aside and do as your told."

Both card turned to face her before sighing in reluctance and hanging their heads in defeat while Hermit quickly pops out of the deck to join them.  World smiles cutely as any person with a cat for a head would smile.

"That's better!"

She then places her fingers at the side of her head and fires a beam from her third eye, causing the cards to flash a flurry of colors before exploding into a colorful cloud, clearing away quickly to reveal the trio in their original sizes with their cards plastered on their backs.

Broom Man and Mop Man float past them, looking just as lamenting as everyone else.

"C'mon," Broom Man sighs.

"Let's get this over with...." Mop Man moans.  The three cards look to each other before slugging off after them.


Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #926 on: January 19, 2013, 05:28:23 AM
Medic - My, my~ Such vigor~ TOO BAD THAT WON'T SAVE EITHER OF YOU

Medic Man continued to limp forward, and fired his Medical Stinger again.

Medic - Give up~ YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE

One of the Medical Stingers hit the console by the side of the door, and the door began to close.

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Offline White-Jet

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Reply #927 on: January 19, 2013, 05:53:57 AM
Seeing the door begin to close, Chariot scrambles back onto his feet, wincing in near crippling pain, grabs Temperance by her wings, and flings her out the door before diving rolling out himself, barely making it back into the hallway before it slammed shut.

Once he regained enough of energy to shake the nerves back into his aching body, he looked to where he tossed Temperance to find her sitting limp against the wall, out cold most likely from the surprise of being grabbed and thrown out.

As he was about to sigh in exasperation of having to carry her out of the WDS, he hears Medic Man from the other side of the room.

"Oh dear!~  I broke the console!~" he moans before hearing a shwing noise, "No worries!~  I'll fix you right now!~"

Chariot's face turned white as a sheet as the oddly grotesque sound of Medic Man's "special touch" rings through his ears.  Not wanting to stick around and wait for his energy to come back, he staggers to his feet, hauls Temperance onto his shoulders and makes a harrowing attempt to flee back towards the scrap yard in a vain attempt to hide there and recover, failing to remember he was still bleeding as each step kicked away a small drop of fast drying, ruby-like shards, leaving a near unmissable trail in his wake.


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Reply #928 on: January 19, 2013, 06:55:03 AM
RMZX Stretched out, leaned back and decided to take a nap.

RMZX - "Its been... actually I don't know how long its been since I'm not carrying a watch on me, and I'm tired."

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #929 on: January 19, 2013, 08:14:56 PM
Medic Man stabbed his Medical Stinger into the door console, and the nanites within began to do their handy-work, repairing the circuitry. It wasn't long with the repairs are complete, and the door opened again.

Medic - I'm back~ YOU WILL PAY DEARLY

Medic Man limped on, and halted as although he didn't take long to finish the repairs, his test subjects have disappeared. Looking around the hallway, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. When he looked at the ground, he noticed a trail of what looked like shining rubies. Looks like he will still get a chance for dissection.

Medic - Oh~ Another trail~ TO YOUR DOOM

Medic Man limped out, following the trail.

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Offline Mirby

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Reply #930 on: January 19, 2013, 08:18:28 PM
Taylor nodded, and the group slowly proceeded down the hallways.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #931 on: January 20, 2013, 12:23:47 AM
Hearing Medic Man's sadistic call, Chariot quickly noticed he was still bleeding and leaving trails of ruby blood in the process.  Worried that his trip to the scrap yard while Medic Man was still out of control would have tempted him to start going after the Berbils to satiate his lust for dissection, he dives around the corner to another hallway, unavoidably dragging Temperance with him as he tries to find another place to hide and wear Medic Man out (if that was even possible).

Thankfully, despite being in just as worse shape as Medic Man, Chariot was still able to out-limp him, putting enough distance between them to figure out some way of hiding Temperance without him noticing and going after her first while her jostled mentality continues to right itself.  He soon comes across a broom closet, first stopping to ponder why an evil robotisist with the I.Q. of Dr. Eggman would even need a broom closet, before quickly putting it out of his mind, throwing the door open and shoving Temperance in.  He then grabs a short-handed broom and sweeps away any ruby blood that scattered around the door before slamming it shut and continuing down the hallway just as Medic Man was showing up, blissfully too focused on the trail in front of him to notice anything happening before his arrival.

With Temperance no longer holding him down, Chariot was able to limp faster than one usually would after getting pumped and stabbed in the legs.  It didn't take long before he eventually sees an open door at the far end of the hallway with a two-way split down separate sets of hallways.  Desperate to stall Medic Man and give himself some time to recollect his stamina and energy, he rushes into the room, slams the door shut while grabbing another spear from the unexplained space under his cape and jamming it into a slanted angle with the back end pressed against the door.

Unfortunately, he was too focused on the door he just shut to take a proper look at the room, and as he was backing away to make sure Medic Man didn't pick up the pace, his foot suddenly falls through what he thought was the floor until he turned around and saw that he had just fallen into a lake-size tank of water.  By the time the realization registered, he had sunk deep enough to realize this tank, not only had very large windows exposing him to a bunch of Dark Man-like security bots, but an obstacle course full of aquamarine robots most likely dumped there to test their mobilities underwater.

He scrambles back to the surface, though not as high as he normally had the strength for, and quickly notices the stenciled writing over the door: "Aquamarine Lab".

"Whoever invented chivalry really needs to rethink their concept," he half-gargles.

He suddenly feels a flurry of bubbles riding up his back and slowly turns around to find a half dozen marine robots floating just a few inches from the surface, looking ready to attack with whatever weapons were crammed into their systems.  But just as he was about to figure out how to get past this situation, the needle end of a stinger breaks through the door as nanites began eating away at it, allowing a very maniacally happy Medic Man to poke his head into the room.


At this, the entire fleet's eyes widen in horror.


In a split second, the fleet had vanished, leaving nothing but a smokescreen of bubbles in their wake.  Just as quickly, the alarms went off as the doors shutting off access to the tank begin to slide shut.

Not want to be decapitated by the fast moving shutters, Chariot yanks his head under the surface, barely missing by the tip of his helmet blade.  Thinking it was designed to withstand Medic Man's intrusion, he lets out a cloud of bubbles and lets the near heavy weight of his armor pull him to the bottom of the tank, laying him flat on his stomach as he hopes this time to get some much needed rest and regain his stamina.  Being a digital entity, he has no worries about running out of air, or needing air for that matter, nor did he need to worry about his armor rusting from being in the water too long.


Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #932 on: January 20, 2013, 04:22:24 PM
Medic Man limped into the Aquamarine Lab, amid the blaring sirens and flashing alarms. He looked around, and sees no one around, much to his dismay. He continued to limped forward, scanning the area for anything that moves. Soon, he was over the shutters, and still no one. Medic Man has never been to this part of the WDS, and didn't know that the shutters he's standing on top of actually has something hidden below.

Medic - I know you're here somewhere~ WHY HIDE

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Offline White-Jet

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Reply #933 on: January 20, 2013, 11:46:06 PM
Despite the density of the water around him, and the deafening blare of the alarms, Chariot can clearly hear Medic Man limping about, "cheerfully" calling out for him.  He didn't want to move at all, but knows it would only be a matter of time before he eventually notices the shutters and figure out a way to open them.

Scanning the immediate area around him, he tones there are several doors of various sizes littering the walls surrounding the large windows most likely meant to observe the marine robots that are now hiding from the manic Medic Man.  Any one of these doors could contain a robot waiting for Medic Man to leave before coming back out to continue swimming about.

Chariot huff's another cloud of bubbles before pulling the lion visors down and scanning around for any openings that weren't blocked by any robots.  There appeared to be only one opening near the windows, most likely to sick out any robots that were destroyed during experimentation.

Deciding not to take any chances he looks towards the windows, seeing that the security bots had disappeared, most likely to try and calm Medic Man down (hopefully), before crawling through the doorway and collapsing back onto hos stomach to continue resting from his ordeals.


Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #934 on: January 21, 2013, 05:00:52 PM
Medic Man continued limping in search of his target, to no avail. Some unknown security bots appeared, seemingly trying to halt his search, to which Medic Man easily dispatched them all with his Medical Stingers. He continued forward until he reached something that resembled a computer console. He stabbed his Medical Stinger into the console, and soon, the whole lab was lit up brightly.

With the whole lab in full lighting, Medic Man is able to fully make out what is in the lab. And he noticed that the entire floor of the lab is covered with shutters. And shutters means shutting things beneath them from view. But there are a lot of shutters to cover.

Medic - My my~ You have found a nice hiding spot~ HOWEVER I WILL FIND YOU AND YOU WILL ENJOY MY SPECIAL TREATMENT

Medic Man limped to one of the shutters nearest to the console, and standing by the side of it, jammed his Medical Stinger in. The shutters opened, revealing a sort of water tank, however it looked empty. Medic Man limped away, and repeated the same procedure with the other shutters.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #935 on: January 21, 2013, 09:24:36 PM
With so many shutters Medic Man was going to open, Chariot figured it would take him a while to even find out that he was hiding in one of the rooms at the bottom of the tank and decides to use this moment to keep resting until he eventually decides to jump into the tanks and start searching each of the entrances for his whereabouts.


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Reply #936 on: January 22, 2013, 12:29:13 AM
After quite a bit of time of slow walking through the halls, which were rather stressful due to the low oxygen and lack of lighting, giving a very creepy atmosphere, they arrived at the control room. "Alright.... Here we are..." He said, opening the door and entering. "Let's see..." He plugged his digivice into the computers to access and reactivate the systems, starting with life support to pump more oxygen into the League building.

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Mirby

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Reply #937 on: January 22, 2013, 12:37:09 AM
"You know, I'm surprised that the systems are compatible with a Digivice, this being the Pokémon League building and all..." Taylor commented.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #938 on: January 22, 2013, 01:19:49 AM
"Custom model. Compatible with anything that has a USB port." Sapph said, the rest of the systems coming back online. "Besides, this may be a pokemon building, but it uses the same basic tech that's available at any computer superstore." He said, the big screen in front of them coming on to show the building from the main entrance in front. "Besides, in a moment... The building... Will be..." He fiddled with his digivice for a moment before the pokeball logo on the front flickered out and a different logo, featuring a big N, appeared. "Ours."

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #939 on: January 22, 2013, 04:57:08 AM
"Whew. Getting a new base of operations... is like a breath of fresh air!" Taylor said with a chuckle.

"Taylor, perhaps we should find somewhere to rest. I'm exhausted." HeatGabumon said.

"Oh man, so am I. Catch ya later, Sapph!" she said. With that she started wandering the halls.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #940 on: January 22, 2013, 11:02:26 PM
(Hey, guys. So I'm like catching up again...
In any case, when/if Tron gets the crystal back and gets a much stonger body (which entirely depends on how everything will play out), I'm probably gonna GARY STU a bit, because the way I set up his character as a villain and backstory, I did not originally thought it would go this way. Hence, if he gets a stronger body, I'm gonna GARY STU because DARKNESS.
So try to bear with me, okay guys? Also, gonna update later today finally. So um yeah.)

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Reply #941 on: January 22, 2013, 11:10:49 PM
(Looking forward to it! XD)

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Reply #942 on: January 22, 2013, 11:12:38 PM
(Hey man its cool, we put up with Ruri when he Gary Stu'd Roa for a whole arc or two in Busy World. Do what you need to do.)

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Reply #943 on: January 22, 2013, 11:13:31 PM
(I'll try to see if I can update today as well, I should be almost done with part 1 of what I was planing.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #944 on: January 22, 2013, 11:14:58 PM
(Almost done...
With Part 1?

Are you writing a short novel?)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #945 on: January 22, 2013, 11:19:15 PM
(No no, it's just one of characters talks a lot and I know if I was going to go with what I was planning I realized had to split it up.  Next part shouldn't be nearly as hard to plan because the central part has been done for weeks.) 

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #946 on: January 22, 2013, 11:24:40 PM
(Oh, okay.)

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Reply #947 on: January 22, 2013, 11:25:42 PM
(Though it feels like a short novel. :|)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #948 on: January 23, 2013, 02:07:08 AM
(Well, you do pack a lot of stuff into your posts, so it would be a problem if it *wasn't* a short novel.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #949 on: January 23, 2013, 11:03:37 AM
“Dang it doesn’t seem like PB is getting tired anytime soon and Vixy is in big trouble without her sword.” Sakura thought as she looked up to see that PB was still going after Vixy like some kind of caged animal.

“I don’t get it, Ego Sayian PB and Super Heart Vixy should be at equal strength but PB seems to be more powerful than ever before.  Plus the entire city has been weakened and PBPB and Fexni are unconscious with fevers.”

It was true, the survivors she saved were shaking in pain while some of them couldn’t even move.  Those who still had the strength to move were tending to PBPB and Fexni who were sweating and breathing heavily.  Sakura was barely able to stand but she had to protect the people incase PB tried to attack them again.  

“This isn’t good he’s not holding anything back and he’s not snapping out of it even a little.  Boss please, you have to keep fighting it!” Sakura thought desperately.

“Oi Saki!” Zeta cried as she caught up to her.

“Zeta what are you doing here?” Sakura asked.

“Well I wanted to make sure you were going to be okay.” Zeta replied.

“Thanks for that but I wish I could say the same about Vixy.  She lost her sword and I can’t get it back to her, my energy is too low I’m too weak right now.” Sakura panted.

“Yeah I’ve been noticing that something was sapping my energy too.  Luckily I wasn’t that damaged during the previous battle so I still have a lot of my energy, you think Baldy II was responsible for this somehow?” Zeta questioned.

“I wouldn’t be surprised, it would make sense since PB doesn’t seem to be affected by this.  In fact it seems to have made him even stronger and more out of control.” Sakura theorized.

“Great so PB got more insane and everyone else got drained, how does that work?” Zeta pondered.

“I don’t know, but I hate it.  He’s made PB do things he probably would never forgive himself for, and Vixy can’t last forever.”  Sakura said with a little hopelessness

“And despite all this I can’t do anything to help them at all because I don’t have the strength to do it and I can’t bear to fight PB.  I’m just useless!”

Zeta then suddenly hugged Sakura.

“That not true!” Zeta cried.

“Zeta?” Sakura said astonished.

“You can help PB, even if you can’t fight anymore!” Zeta cried “No matter how bat [parasitic bomb] crazy he is right now, the real PB is still inside there and he can be brought back one way or another.  All you have to do is to never give up on him!”

“Believe me I know that, I’ll never give up on PB.  But I just feel so powerless right now, I just wish I could do more.” Sakura sighed as she looked down.

“Sakura, you’re PB’s Egoprentice for crying out loud!  Doesn’t the power of Ego become stronger as you believe in yourself and the people around you?   I mean I’m sure PB has taught you that the strongest power comes from believing!  So believe in the me that believes in you, believe in the you that believes in PB, believe in the PB that has always believed in you, and most importantly believe in the you that believes in you!” Zeta shouted

“Zeta?” Sakura said suddenly.

“What now?” Zeta said raising an eyebrow.

“You need to stop watching so much Gurren Lagann.” Sakura said suddenly smiling.

“But Gurren Lagann is so awesome!” Zeta smiled too.
Both of them suddenly started laughing, the people around them almost thought that the both of them had gone completely mad.

“Thanks Zeta I needed that.  I thought that I wouldn’t be of any help, that I should follow what the prophecy said and that Vixy was the only one who could save him.  I may not be able to fight PB, hell I may only barely be able to stand right now, but that doesn’t mean that I should just let Fate decide what I should do. Destiny can go screw itself, we’ll bring back PB our own way!” Sakura declared.

Suddenly her hand glowed and once more the King of Hearts revealed itself.  Sakura felt a strange new power flowing from within her and transferring itself to Vixy’s sword.  The sword then began to change shape becoming sleeker while the blade itself was tinted a light pink with a red streak and the golden hilt was reduced in size and became pink as well.  Close to the hilt was a small curve shaped like half a heart and the entire thing was glowing red with pink lighting.

“What in the world?” Sakura stared in awe.

“Holy crap that sword is glowing red!” Zeta exclaimed.

“You can see that?” Sakura said astonished.

“Yeah I’ve been meaning to tell you, ever since the Wildgun dude gave me this crest I’ve been seeing some weird ass [parasitic bomb], like auras and stuff.” Zeta explained.

“Can you give me more detail about that?” Sakura inquired.

“Well you, Aschy’s, Bunny PB’s, and PB’s auras are Red, Vix-Vix’s is Pink, BB’s is White, Fexnini’s is Green, and all these people’s aura’s are Yellow for some reason.” Zeta said as she looked around.

“I can’t believe it, Zeta you can see FRESCAs now!” Sakura exclaimed.

“Whoa really, so this is what you, PB, and Neko see all the time huh.  But I thought only people can have those aura thingies, why does Vix-Vix’s sword have one.” Zeta wondered.

“I think I have an idea, but it doesn’t make sense at all.” Sakura said as she stared at the sword.

“Well what’s your theory?” Zeta said curious about what Sakura had to say.

“PB has this ability called Egokinesis, he can use it to manipulate the Ego of others even extend his own Ego to others not only making them believe in themselves more but even gaining his belief in them.  This somehow seems similar to that.” Sakura reasoned.

“Egokinesis huh, sounds like a really powerful ability.” Zeta said with amazement.

“Yeah but I’ve only seen him use it once.  He doesn’t like using the ability and he didn’t want to teach it to me, though I honestly didn’t want to learn it anyway.” Sakura said looking down.

“I guess now’s not the time to ask about that huh.” Zeta replied noting how Sakura reacted to that “Anyway you think this power has a similar effect to that power?”

“Possibly, but we can figure that out later.  Now’s our chance to help Vixy get PB back to his senses.” Sakura said with determination.

“Yeah but how are we going to do that I doubt you can give that sword to Vix-Vix with her busy being pelted by PB’s attacks.” Zeta said as she looked up at the battle.  PB was relentless and it didn’t seem he was giving Vixy any openings.

“I do have an idea but it’s very risky.” Sakura said as she got out her Pokeball.

“I like risky, lay it on me!” Zeta exclaimed with a dangerous glint in her eye and a strange enthusiasm.
“Well obviously we can’t throw the sword to Vixy since there’s a chance that Vixy won’t catch it or PB will knock it down again.   So the only way I see we can give it to Vixy is if we take it to her.” Sakura explained.  

“How do we do that?” Zeta asked.

“In this Pokeball is the strongest Pokemon that I have ever tamed.  She is very ferocious and the site of her makes even the strongest and stoic of men quake in fear of her power.”  Sakura began explaining “She is one of the main reasons that me and PB were able to single handily wipe out Wily’s eastern robotics factory.  She is also the only one that I brought that can actually fly, we can use her to give Vixy back her sword and retaliate if we need it.”

“Huh so that’s your ace in the hole huh, well let’s see this bad girl!” Zeta cried.

“Alright, come out Fafnir!” Sakura cried’ as she threw the Pokeball on the ground like a smoke bomb.

A flash of white light bursted out and revealed a fearsome beast.  It was a blue dragon with crimson wings and red eyes that showed fierce expression on her face.  Around her neck was a single large fang.  This was the mighty dragon who longed to fly ever since she was born, Fafnir the Salamence!

“Holy moly that is one scary looking dragon, I had no idea you actually had a freaking Salamence!  How did you get her?” Zeta said as she looked at the frightening Pokemon.

“About 2 years ago Hitomi gave me an egg that Fafnir eventually hatched from.  I remember the times she would somehow get on the roof of the shack and try to fly as a Bagon, luckily she was never hurt since she had a rock hard head.  In fact when PB first met her, she head-butted him in the gut from the top of the roof and he was out for a good 15 minutes.” Sakura recalled nostalgically despite the situation.

“Figures something given to you by Neko would hurt PB in one way or another.” Zeta laughed “Alright why don’t I ride Faf-Faf and give the sword to Vixy.”

“What?  Why do you want to ride with Fanir, that’s dangerous!” Sakura exclaimed.

“Well you sure as hell ain’t riding in the condition you’re in, and if Faf-Faf rides alone there’s a chance that PB can just knock her out of the sky and then we’ll pretty much be grounded.   I’m pretty much the only one who’s still decent condition so I can take a few hits no problem if he decides to attack me.” Zeta logically explained.

“I guess you have a good point.” Sakura sighed as she pulled out an E-Tank from a hidden pocket “If you’re going to go on a suicide mission the least I can do is make sure you’re at your maximum.”

“Ooh sweet an E-Tank!” Zeta exclaimed excitedly as she took it and chugged it down. “Alright I’m at a hundred percent, now tell me what kind of attacks Faf-Faf has.”

“Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Aqua Tail, and Draco Meteor.” Sakura explained.

“Gotcha, oh and take this.” Zeta said as handed Sakura her iPod and Sakura handed her the sword in return. “This may get rough.”

“Okay be careful Zeta.” Sakura said as she clutched the iPod and looked at Zeta with determined eyes.  

Zeta got on Fafnir’s back with her spear the ready and Fafnir took flight.  The fight between Vixy and PB was raging nonstop, PB was continuing his rapid fire attack and Vixy was doing everything she could just to dodge.  Vixy was beginning to get tired and PB was still at full strength.

“Well I guess the first thing we have to do is get his attention away from Vixy.  Well let’s let him know we’re here, Intimidate him!” Zeta yelled
Fafnir let out a blood curdling roar towards PB hoping to intimidate him and interrupt his focus.  PB noticed the sound and looked down to see the 2 flying towards him.

“RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH” PB screamed as he recalled his shield to himself, began charging his Ego Frisbee once again, and flung it towards the two of them.

“Jeez he’s not holding back anything huh?” Zeta mused “What do you say we heat things up.  Faf-Faf, use Flamethrower now!”

Fafnir took a deep breath as a stream of fire escaped her maw and headed directly for the Ego Frisbee.  Since Intimidate was able to break his focus the Ego-Frisbee was knocked away with little effort.  PB then began his rapid fire attack on them.

“Well you sure make one hell of a first impression.” Zeta laughed “Keep up the Flamethrower Faf-Faf!”

Fafnir continued the flamethrower as they kept climbing upward while PB fired blast after blast at them.  Fafnir was able to dodge most of them due to the continued Flamethrower making it hard to aim. Though some of them were able to hit her but she knew that she had something important to do and would not be stopped.  Vixy took shelter on the top of a nearby building while PB was distracted to catch her breath when Zeta reached the proper altitude.  Zeta stood up and jumped to where Vixy was.

“Faf-Faf, Dragon Claw!” Zeta yelled as she began to fall towards Vixy.  Fafnir’s claws glowed blue as she charged at him and slashed at PB.  There were 3 claw marks on his grey suit and the claw managed to knock off all 3 of the buttons on it.  His coat was now open freely with a few tears on the edges and his red tie was now sliced in half.   PB then summoned his Sword of Omens and began a duel with Fafnir, sword to claw. Zeta eventually landed next to Vixy and looked to see how Fafnir was doing to make sure PB was distracted enough.

“Damn PB has one hell of a variety of moves doesn’t he?” Zeta whistled to Vixy.

“Zeta what are you doing here?” Vixy said panting from fatigue.

“Well you sure are looking worse for wear now, huh?” Zeta answered “Looks like I came just in time, I’m here to give your sword back and help you kick PB’s ass until he comes back to his senses.” Zeta gave back Vixy’s sword.

“I commend you for your bravery but I couldn’t ask for you to help me, I can’t let you get hurt for my sake.” Vixy stated as she took her sword.

“Man you’ve always had a knack of thinking you have to do everything on your own so you won’t get others hurt or worry about you.”  Zeta sighed “I really have to call bull on that Vix-Vix, people are going to be hurt even if they don’t fight.  

Saki is pretty much hurt with worry for the both of you, and let’s not forget whatever the heck was going on to make everyone miserable.  I’m pretty sure those people down there are hurt more not because they’re suffering from that crud, but the fact that you’re getting hurt and they can’t do anything about it!  You can’t protect everyone, people will always be hurt by something or someone, and if you do try to protect everyone you’ll just wear yourself out!  

Hell that’s what got PB in this mess in the first place isn’t it? Sure Baldy II was after him specifically so there was a chance he still would be brainwashed and crazy but if he let people help him that would have reduced the chance of this happening by a lot.  Now people are being hurt because of that and the only way to fix some of it is if PB comes to his senses, and the best way for that to happen, from what I’ve seen on TV, is to kick the crap out of him!”

“That is what you truly believe is it not?” Vixy said as she smiled a little “I guess with my actions I was no better than PB was I not?”

“Yeah but that’s because you’re nice people.” Zeta nodded “Hell I’ve never even formally met PB yet but every time I visited Sakura, she always talks about how nice he is.  I’ve always wanted to meet someone as cool as him, and I’ve always respected him.  I can imagine if PB was able to see what he was doing he would feel horrible.  That’s why we got to get him back the best way we can so he can have less of a burden on himself.”

“You’re right for his sake we must work together.” Vixy nodded “With both of our strength combined we may be able to awaken him!”

“You got it and we’re not going in it alone either!” Zeta said as she looked at Vixy’s sword “Saki did something to your sword and it’s all glowy and stuff.”

“Yes I can feel Sakura’s determination flowing into me from this sword.”  Vixy said looking at the sword as well “Her belief in her master is very evident.”

“You bet it is.  She’s doing everything she can just so PB has a chance to come back.”  Zeta replied

“Sakura’s heart is pure, surely PB would be proud of her for discovering her potential.” said Vixy  “However I am not accustomed to the power of Ego myself and therefore in my current state I would not be able to use it to its fullest potential.”

“Are you serious, is there anything you can do to fix that?” Zeta said astonished.

“Yes and I need your help.” Vixy nodded “I must go into a form of stasis and absorb the Ego in this sword to gain it’s power.  However if I go into this stasis he may go after the people below so I need you to distract PB and keep him away from them.”

“Aye, Aye Vix-Vix I’ll make sure PB doesn’t even touch you!” Zeta saluted.

“I’m counting on you Zeta, I’m sure that you can do it.” Vixy said as her wings wrapped around herself and began to glow pink.

“Sleep tight Vix-Vix I’ll take care of it.” Zeta said to the now unconscious Vixy.  She turned to where PB and Fafnir were fighting each other to assess the situation.

“Uh-oh Faf-Faf doesn’t look too good.” Zeta thought to herself.

Fafnir was damaged very significantly while PB had more cuts and burns on his coat and shirt but still had plenty of strength in him.  

“Even with his attack cut in half she can’t take much more, well she might as well go out with a bang.” Zeta muttered to herself as she got ready to attack “Faf-Faf, Aqua Tail!”
Water began swirling around Fafnir’s tail and then she hit PB strait in the chest and onto the top of another building that was in front of the building Zeta was on.  Zeta then got a running start to get some distance.

“Faf-Faf use Draco Meteor!” Zeta yelled as she leaped to the other side.  Fafnir rose to the air and called out to the heavens to summon some meteors.  It would take a while for the meteors to reach earth’s orbit but it was necessary since the technique was so powerful.   PB saw that Fafnir was a sitting duck and began charging a Bluesmehameha Strike when Zeta tried to crash into him with her spear and dodged out of the way.

“Wow I didn’t think you would notice me coming Mr. Grumpy, then again I love a challenge.”  Zeta laughed as she began running at him again “Thousand Spear Slash!”

Zeta reached PB as she began slashing at him at a rapid pace.  The attack was almost a blur to anyone with an untrained eye, but they would be able to see that PB’s shirt, suit coat, and pants were getting ripped up more and more.  PB having enough pulled out his shield to block rapid fire attack.

“You really think that’s going to help you, then you don’t know what I’m made of.  Weapon Change!” Zeta yelled changing her spear into a hammer and swinging it “Bell Crusher!”

The attack connected to PB’s shield and he suddenly felt himself vibrating like a bell when it is struck and dropped his shield.  Zeta then followed up with another Bell Crusher to his face making him fly several feet and breaking his glasses in the process.  His face was now exposed and showed his eyes glowing with power and rage.

“Aw I was hoping to see what your eyes looked like without your glasses but I can’t see them that well with the glowing and the raginess~” Zeta pouted.  

“RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH” PB roared as he recovered, got out his Sword of Omens once again, and began to hack at her.  

In response Zeta turned her hammer into a spear to defend herself.  She was able to deflect most of the slashes but some of them were able to nick her in various places, including her face which now had a cut on it.

“It’s a good thing the shaft of the spear is made out of Titanium-X otherwise we would have that one scene with between Robin Hood and Little John from Robin Hood Men in Tights. I can't imagine what I would do if I had to fight with smaller and smaller sticks.”  Zeta mused while still blocking most of PB’s slashes.

“HHHHHHHAAAAAAA!” PB yelled again continuing to slash at her.

“It’s no fun talking to someone who can’t talk back.” Zeta sighed “I wish you were able to speak in coherent sentences, I’m sure you would have a lot of fun things to say.”

Zeta was interrupted from her banter when Fafnir roared again.  Zeta and PB looked up briefly in the sky to see that the glowing Meteors were finally within orbit heading towards PB.

“Well it’s about time those space rocks showed up.”  Zeta muttered “I gotta go for a minute but I’ll be right back~”

Zeta then kissed PB on the cheek before he could react and High Jumped to the closest Meteor that was big enough to support her.  The Meteors on the front were small some hitting PB while some missed due to him dodging or them missing completely.  The meteors were locked onto PB’s location on the building and if some of them missed the building they would fade out before they could reach the people below.

Zeta made her way to the farthest meteor which was the biggest and stood there at the ready.  The rest of the Meteors fell and the one she was on was the only one left.  PB took this opportunity to get to the edge of the building and charge his Bluesmehameha Strike once again.

Zeta was ready to brace herself for when PB fired his attack when suddenly a Flamethrower fired from below PB scorching his feet.  Fafnir came out fast to try to slash at PB again but PB instead fired his attack at the Dragon Pokemon at close range.  Fafnir couldn’t take anymore and fell to the ground below.

“FAF-FAF!” Zeta yelled as the dragon continued falling until it disappeared in a red flash returning to the Pokeball that Sakura had.

“You did great Fafnir.  Zeta don’t hold anything back!” Sakura yelled into her comm.

“You got it!”  Zeta yelled as wind began to gather to her spear and swirled around it.  The Meteor was reaching top speed and enveloped in burning wind.

"ROARING WIND STRIKE!” She yelled as the meteor and her attack made contact with PB.  The impact left PB lying on the ground.  His jacket was blown away to a corner of the building and his shirt was obliterated leaving him shirtless.  His pants had numerous rips on them one of his pant legs were ripped in half.
Zeta careful approached the motionless PB and looked over him.

“Hmm maybe I over did it a bit.” Zeta said softly.

PB suddenly sprang up violently making Zeta lose her balance and fall on her butt. PB then lifted her up by the neck with one hand and began charging a blast with the other.

“Dammit shouldn’t have left my guard down!” Zeta breathed as PB’s attack hit her at close range.  Zeta flew off the building with scuff marks all over.

“[tornado fang] this this is going to hurt.”  Zeta thought as she got closer to the ground.

“FLOAT!” Zeta heard a hoarse voice cry as her descent slowed until she was suspended above the ground.  
Zeta turned her head to see PBPB up, her arm was shaking and Sakura was supporting her so she can stand.

“Bunny PB what are you doing, you need to rest!” Zeta yelled.

“I can’t let our chance be wasted like this, keep going!  This spell will last until your unconscious!” PBPB breath heavily.

“Gotcha I won't let what all of you done be in vain!” Zeta said as she took off for the sky once again.

PB was getting close to Vixy’s resting place when he suddenly sensed a source of Ego heading right towards him.  He looked down to see that Zeta was approaching fast.

“WIND SLASH!”  Zeta yelled as she slashed at the air in front of her with her spear creating a giant crescent heading towards him.  PB blasted it resulting in the crescent to be split into multiple crescents still heading towards him.   PB braced himself as the crescents sliced him at his arms legs and chest leaving scratch marks and some bleeding.  When PB recovered he saw Zeta floating in front of him.

“You can’t rid of me that easily tough guy, I only got started.” Zeta flirted despite the stressful atmosphere “Now why don’t we finish this dance~”

“HHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”  PB yelled as he got out his Sword of Omens and the two rushed at each other again.

(Hooray it's half way over!  Hopefully I can get the next part out sooner since I think it would require a bit less work than this one and I should be more sure about it.  What made this take forever was not the fight scene but Zeta's dialogue.  I had to nail Zeta's character perfectly, on the one hand she's flirty, fun and spontaneous, but on the other hand she's logical, serious, and at times be the voice of reason much like other robots.  I have to say Zeta's banter was very fun to write despite the fact it's essentially a one sided conversation.

Also Zeta has met Sakura, Hitomi, Vixy, Mister Wildgun and 2 others before in the past but has never once met PB before despite the fact that everyone, except Wildgun, is very close to PB.  She's the closest to Sakura so naturally she hears a lot about PB.  Hitomi also lied about a few things when she talked to Sakura, but I'll get to that at a later time.

That part where PB gets up super fast is based off that move that Riku does in the first Kingdom Hearts game in the very first battle he has with Sora.  You have to admit even though the move is not that bad it is a dick move.

And yes Zeta is crazy enough to kiss PB on the cheek in that situation but she herself has never kissed anyone or has been kissed on the lips.  XD See you next part.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection