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Protoman Blues · 426608

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Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #6725 on: March 24, 2016, 08:52:50 PM
(I'll try to get back to this if I can. I have and idea for Aya's encounters here.

So many dishes, are holding me back here.)

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Reply #6726 on: March 24, 2016, 10:03:43 PM
(Maybe Blue can handle what's happening outside, while I let the inside play around with Aya, for a while. I may want Hakuneko to interrupt to join them, she'll be carrying Minva, the Blade of Vengeance with her, who'll probably try to guide them.

But for now...)

Inside the mansion-like biome, several maids gave her cold stares at her.

"RuN!" a voice echoed to her, as the maids started throwing knives at her.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6727 on: March 24, 2016, 10:16:55 PM
((Getting in the tower isn't an issue-they will have to deal with odd areas once they get inside though-depends what you want to encounter))

Aya Rolls out of the way in time as the demon maids begin their attack-she doesn't question the creatures she encounters here as the tower has thrown even odder things at her before-she begins sprinting around the corner looking for a room to hide in and evader her pursuers.

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #6728 on: March 24, 2016, 10:35:58 PM
(Actually I'll leave Hakuneko out of this and let her meet up with Aya, when she escapes.)

Managing to find a room to hide in, Aya's persuers miraculously passes by, utterly losing her trail, as they were gone.

"GeT OuT! DoN't StAy ThErE." the echoed voice trying to warn her about something, as a lone bat seems to be flailing at her. It seems upset with her presence, though.

(That bat will turn into a vampire, once Mar tries to shoo it away.)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6729 on: March 24, 2016, 10:45:31 PM
Ky and Ruby find them selves in the typical form of the tower-a long stone hall followed by a large open room, light remains at the center while shadows on the outside prevent either from getting any idea whats beyond.

Meanwhile Mar shoes at the vampire bat "Away foul flying rat!" Mar grumbles Aya likewise trying to shoe it away. "D-did you hear that voice?" Aya whispered to Mar as to not attract the evil maids.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6730 on: March 24, 2016, 11:05:09 PM
((Can have something attack or do you want to handle your end?))

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #6731 on: March 24, 2016, 11:06:42 PM
(Mm, If you wanna throw some enemies at me, feel free, otherwise I was just gonna have 'em pick a direction and start walking. I assume their little jaunt's gonna end with them meeting Aya?)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6732 on: March 24, 2016, 11:19:43 PM
(likely yes)

As the two conversed on the benefits of creepy waiting rooms versus rooms filled with snacks the shadows along the edge began to fill with red beady eyes and grasping little arms moving toward the center of the room as what little light they had suddenly began to burn out.

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #6733 on: March 24, 2016, 11:21:47 PM
Ky and Ruby find them selves in the typical form of the tower-a long stone hall followed by a large open room, light remains at the center while shadows on the outside prevent either from getting any idea whats beyond.

Meanwhile Mar shoes at the vampire bat "Away foul flying rat!" Mar grumbles Aya likewise trying to shoe it away. "D-did you hear that voice?" Aya whispered to Mar as to not attract the evil maids.

Taking his attention away for a moment, Mar accidentally swats the bat aside. Enraged, the little bat didn't take Mar's insult lightly as it suddenly transforms into a rather adorable little vampire girl in pink. That is, if not for the huge red energy spear, about to be thrown at Aya.

(Try to imagine the part where Undyne is throwing spears at the "Main Character", for this part. Right  now I'll have to sleep; it's 12AM already. And yes, it's Remilia if you're guessing. >w<)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6734 on: March 24, 2016, 11:43:13 PM
((The little shadow people are basically mooks who overwhelm through numbers rather than individual strength))

"Oh hey she's kinda cu--OH GOD!" Mar barely has time to grab Aya (by the butt as per his usual) and shove her out of the way of the incoming spear. "I don't suppose you accept an apology and let us leave will you?" Aya says in her usual cold voice.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6735 on: March 25, 2016, 12:29:27 AM
(Nah thats fine they can be anything really, adventuring will continue tomorrow then  8D)

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Reply #6736 on: March 25, 2016, 09:38:07 AM
(wait what's happening in space though? i rescued blue and????)


Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #6737 on: March 25, 2016, 10:01:13 AM
(Best I can tell, the space battle's still ongoing, s'just waiting for those involved to post again. This whole thing with the tower is one of those "meanwhile, thousands of miles away" things. I think.)

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Reply #6738 on: March 25, 2016, 12:27:48 PM
(wait what's happening in space though? i rescued blue and????)
(The space battle with the W2M9 is over, but when you pick up Blue, she has fallen into a coma. In between the ISS and Sexstation, Phi is engaged with Reaper. Over at the Sexstation, boforte in the W2Zeong is engaged with Fxeni, Sakura... Who else is there?)

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Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #6739 on: March 25, 2016, 01:35:58 PM
((The little shadow people are basically mooks who overwhelm through numbers rather than individual strength))

"Oh hey she's kinda cu--OH GOD!" Mar barely has time to grab Aya (by the butt as per his usual) and shove her out of the way of the incoming spear. "I don't suppose you accept an apology and let us leave will you?" Aya says in her usual cold voice.

The vampire doesn't seem much for conversation; no one is happy with this. As the spear smashes the door apart; if not alerting the other maids to their location. Distancing herself from Mar's reach, it seems she's not going to let Aya have her way with her, as she forms more energy spears.

The path seems clear for her to run, as security hasn't arrived to the scene, yet.

Fear me.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6740 on: March 25, 2016, 11:17:50 PM
The vampire doesn't seem much for conversation; no one is happy with this. As the spear smashes the door apart; if not alerting the other maids to their location. Distancing herself from Mar's reach, it seems she's not going to let Aya have her way with her, as she forms more energy spears.

The path seems clear for her to run, as security hasn't arrived to the scene, yet.

Aya frowned as the Vampiress resumed her attack-she nimbly dodged to the right landing on her feet with as much as a sound, annoyed that Mar's penchant for acting on emotion rather than logic had landed them in further trouble, the demon maids would arrive soon and box them in-perhaps they served this vampire? Aya mused to herself. "Mar bind her." Aya said although there was little point-the two shared a bond that allowed a curious understanding beyond simple words.

With as much as a comment Mar eagerly extended wrapping around the vampire and locking her arms to her sides ceasing her attacks before moving her down to the ground in between Aya and the Maids who had now crowded the door. "Don't mind me!" Mar's eye said to their hostage as Aya stepped forward "Stand down or I'll crush your master." She said coldly-although she had little intention of hurting the young(?) vampiress.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6741 on: March 26, 2016, 12:56:14 AM
The halls continue-the two get the feeling their is little sense in the make up of these halls and rooms-certainly nothing to make any consistent layout, the claustrophobic atmosphere does little to help their nerves and noises occasionally make the two jump at their own shadows.

Eventually they reach another door-as they pass they feel a sense of vertigo as they pass into a radically different area-what seems to be a mansion unlit and with the unnerving sounds of chains in the background.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6742 on: March 26, 2016, 02:29:21 AM
(No worries)

As the two head up stairs the doorway and it's surrounding area being to vanish into a deep colorless fog--and turning around they notice the door they had just entered through had out right vanished, the sounds of chains only growing louder and somehow angrier.

(will leave it there for when you respond.  8D )

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Reply #6743 on: March 26, 2016, 07:55:03 AM
Aya frowned as the Vampiress resumed her attack-she nimbly dodged to the right landing on her feet with as much as a sound, annoyed that Mar's penchant for acting on emotion rather than logic had landed them in further trouble, the demon maids would arrive soon and box them in-perhaps they served this vampire? Aya mused to herself. "Mar bind her." Aya said although there was little point-the two shared a bond that allowed a curious understanding beyond simple words.

With as much as a comment Mar eagerly extended wrapping around the vampire and locking her arms to her sides ceasing her attacks before moving her down to the ground in between Aya and the Maids who had now crowded the door. "Don't mind me!" Mar's eye said to their hostage as Aya stepped forward "Stand down or I'll crush your master." She said coldly-although she had little intention of hurting the young(?) vampiress.

"Or you'll what." was heard, but before Aya, or Mar had time to react to who it was, Aya was already caught in a double-hammerlock, with a knife held at her throat, by the chief maid, who seems to be the only human among the other lesser maids. "Release, the mistress now, or you'll be sorry." the chief maid threatened.

"Do As ShE SaYs." That same voice echoed to Aya again, "DoN't TrY tO fIgHt BaCk." it warned her, although Aya and Mar could already tell that anything brash could put Aya at dire risk.

(I couldn't think of anyone other than Sakuya, who can stop time, intervening so suddenly. That empty threat Aya made, may be the worst action for her to take at a time like that, if only she ran instead, since there was plenty of time to escape. Right now, listening to the echoed voice is pretty much the only thing that's going to get her out of that situation. Hope this doesn't complicate things though.)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6744 on: March 26, 2016, 03:33:36 PM
"Or you'll what." was heard, but before Aya, or Mar had time to react to who it was, Aya was already caught in a double-hammerlock, with a knife held at her throat, by the chief maid, who seems to be the only human among the other lesser maids. "Release, the mistress now, or you'll be sorry." the chief maid threatened.

"Do As ShE SaYs." That same voice echoed to Aya again, "DoN't TrY tO fIgHt BaCk." it warned her, although Aya and Mar could already tell that anything brash could put Aya at dire risk.

(I couldn't think of anyone other than Sakuya, who can stop time, intervening so suddenly. That empty threat Aya made, may be the worst action for her to take at a time like that, if only she ran instead, since there was plenty of time to escape. Right now, listening to the echoed voice is pretty much the only thing that's going to get her out of that situation. Hope this doesn't complicate things though.)

Mar slowly released the vampire-recoiled back into a normal scarf shape while aya slowly raised her hands in surrender.

(Nah Ky and Ruby are gonna boss fight-then they will have save Aya.  8D )

The attempt at diplomacy was cut rather short as a giant hulk of a monster jumped out of the shadows chains coiled around it-one hanging off it's right arm like a whip-the two barely have enough time to react before it comes crashing down upon them.

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #6745 on: March 26, 2016, 04:36:00 PM
Captured; Aya was taken somewhere, at knife point by the chief maid, keeping close watch at Mar, who was recently confined in a magic crystal ball, formed by the mansion's mage, and librarian.

Apparently, the mansion didn't have a proper dungeon, so the only place to go was the library. The chief maid, left the guard duty to the librarian, so that she could attend to other matters, concerning a thief lurking about.

Awkward silence fills the air.

"Do NoT wOrRy; HeLp Is On ThE wAy." said the echoed voice to Aya.

(For some reason, I'm intrigued to have Marisa cause a commotion, just to make Aya's rescue a little easier. IDK; I can't remember if separating Mar from Aya leaves her naked, though. :\)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6746 on: March 26, 2016, 04:47:32 PM
(That might be akward later.  8D Either way gotta head into work, will respond when I get back.)

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6747 on: March 26, 2016, 11:42:25 PM
The Stout legged pale creature with gross rubbery skin was indeed dangerous at close rage but clearly he acted more on instinct than anything else, his wild swings were quick and dangerous but also rather easy to read and predict-he certainly wasn't trying to change up it's attack patterns at all...

Mean while Aya sat in the corner feeling rather vulnerable without Mar, and huddled to preserve some sort of modesty for herself. She glanced up at the knife wielding jail keeper and at the crystal ball on the other side of the room containing her friend.

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Reply #6748 on: March 27, 2016, 12:54:57 AM
It takes some considerable effort on Ky's part to pull this finishing move off but after a minute of pulling the chain and struggling to prevent it from escaping you hear a sudden and rather disgusting snap-the creature freezes before falling to the ground it's glazed over eyes rolling back.

As the life left it's body the fog began to fade and the darkness receded once again.

(I think TENK wanted to throw the next stuff at you given Aya is kinda stuck.)

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #6749 on: March 27, 2016, 07:34:56 AM
(I think TENK wanted to throw the next stuff at you given Aya is kinda stuck.)

(Not sure what to throw in right now, since I'm still kinda sleepy; but I'll think about it, when I can.)

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