Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 426216

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Reply #4625 on: July 02, 2014, 08:01:40 AM
"I once heard rumors of a naked Succubus who came to RPM and caused a uproar in half the city due to her nakedness and the other half welcomed her and her 'swirling green nips'" Fugo explained. "Of course afterwards she did put on some clothes, though they left little to the imagination."

"Well considering the likes of Peebs and Vixy I really shouldn't be surprised, but still I don't want to see anymore than I have to." Asch said still blushing in embarrasement "And it seems like Archy is going to be what Zeta is going to call you when she finishes taking care of that situation on the other side of town."

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Reply #4626 on: July 02, 2014, 08:05:05 AM
"Excuse me for a moment..." Kit said as she looked towards the angry mob.

"You people are blinded by your own rage to see the truth. Dr. Wily II literally sent forces to KILL EVERY ONE OF YOU and yet you still believe these people had anything to do with it! These people just risked life and limb to protect you all. They're tired, they're hurt, they're injured, JUST LIKE ALL OF YOU! They need medical attention and rest, so you will LET. THEM. PASS. NOW!"

"NOT THEIR FAULT? NOT THEIR FAULT?! THE MAN WHO DESTROYED THIS CITY IS STANDING RIGHT THERE!!!!" one person angrily yelled out, which enraged the mob even more.

"That is NOT Protoman Blues. I know that man's aura anywhere. He may look similar, but it is NOT PB." Kitsu stated. "NOW LET THEM PASS!"

"YOU LIE! IT'S HIM. I KNOW IT IS! HE MURDERED EVERYONE! THEY ALL DID!" another woman yelled out while charging the van again!

"BY THE EIGHT LEVELS OF TENTH-HELL....THAT'S IT!" Kit angrily yelled out as her hands began to glow.

"My power pledged to the Goddess Serathe, I summon winds from the Meadow of Nymphs. Soothe and charm their mortal minds." Kit chanted aloud as a gust of light green wind swirled out from her hands.

As the mob running towards the van breathed in the wind from Kit's spell, they suddenly stopped and dropped their torches and debris. Their eyes were now glowing green as they stood pat awaiting orders.

"NOW....as I was saying, let them pass!" Kit commanded.

Without saying a word, the people moved out of the way and a path opened up.

"Well I'm spent! Vixy's waiting for us in the giant Fxenoboob thingy with the eye-nipple. Quickly, let's get to the infirmary. By the way, everyone in this van that I don't know, my name's Kit!"

As Kit and the resistance members were making their introductions, the van drove towards the Fxenodrome.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4627 on: July 02, 2014, 08:08:12 AM
(Uh just to clarify AfroJackX did figure out that Asch wasn't PB because he was avoiding starting at his girlfriend's boobs while she was accusing him of being PB.)

"What-what did you do to them?!" Asch asked startled.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #4628 on: July 02, 2014, 08:12:23 AM
(Ah nevermind then. Updated.)

"Standard charming spell." Kit stated. "It's a MUST for succubi!"

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Reply #4629 on: July 02, 2014, 08:15:45 AM
"Ch-charming spell?!" Asch said with wide eyes.

"As she said it's a must for succubi like her, they are temptresses after all." Fugo explained.

"Never mind that, what's going to happen when it wears off?" Asch asked as he looked at the zombies outside.

"Oh god AfroJackX was also affected by that spell too...." Devia gasped.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #4630 on: July 02, 2014, 08:37:37 AM
"You know....I don't really know! I don't even know how long it lasts, really." Kit said as she pondered Asch's question.

"You...don't know?" Asch said puzzled.

"Normally when I use such spells, I'd already have the person's clothes off and in bed and their souls would be on their way to Tenth-Hell, and so on and so forth! WELL, I guess we'll all find out together, won't we?!" Kit stated with a gleeful smile on her face.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4631 on: July 02, 2014, 08:42:12 AM
"Wh-what?!" Asch yelled.

"Please tell me they won't be sent to hell, AfroJackX may have done some bad things at the moment but he doesn't deserve that!" Devia cried.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #4632 on: July 02, 2014, 08:50:21 AM
"Don't be silly! I have to have sex with them in order for THAT to happen. And even then, sometimes I just kinda need a snack!" Kit remarked! "They'll be fiiiiiiiiine. Speaking of fine, we're here!"

The van pulled up and into to the Fxenodrome, parking in the lower area. Vixy was waiting for them with a med unit and some hover-stretchers.

"I'm so happy you're all alright." Vixy kindly stated. "Thank you all for everything you did to protect us. And thank you Kit, for getting them here safely without harming anyone!"

(Okay, this part of the story needs to move on so that everything else can move forward as well.)

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Reply #4633 on: July 02, 2014, 08:57:12 AM
"She's a succubus, huh? So, did you two... you know," Phi nonchalantly made a finger-in-hole gesture with her hands.

"W-What?! No, it's not like that! We're good friends!" Arche responded. Making such an obscene gesture was the last thing he'd expect to come from Phi. In fact, it came off a little creepy.

Kit giggled, "You don't have to turn so red, Arche!"

Lami leaned against him, "More for me~"

"Why must you people torment me so?" He said as he buried his face with his hands.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4634 on: July 02, 2014, 09:05:58 AM
"I'm wondering if Lami is a Succubus in disguise." Asch muttered to himself as Devia sighed in uneasy relief about AfroJackX being relatively safe.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4635 on: July 02, 2014, 09:33:21 AM
"Okay, that's the last of them right?" Zeta asked Borock-Bot as Zekhmet removed its Spear from the final Guts Dozer.

"That is correct. All Guts Dozers have successfully been eliminated!" Borock-Boy responded. Both Zekhmet and Vic Viper turned and looked at the Dragonzord.

“So you think Firefox summoned that thing?” Zeta asked.

“Yes judging by what you described and his capacity to break the laws of physics and logic I would say that’s the most likely scenario.” Borock-bot nodded.

“Well I don’t understand how he pulled this off but I do owe him some cookies at least.” Zeta smiled.

“You aren’t…going to bake them yourself are you?” Borock-bot said hesitantly.

“Huh, of course I’m going to bake them BB.”  Zeta said with her head tilted

“You don’t have to Ms. Zeta, I can make them for you.” Borock-bot said in a desperate tone.

“Okay look, I know I’m not the best cook in the world but I’m improving.  I only screw up my cookies 30% of the time now!”  Zeta argued.

“Well at least you’re improving in your baking, unlike your pasta…..” Borock-bot sighed.

“Oh come on pasta is tough and you know it!” Zeta countered.

“or a spicy dish….” Borock-bot continued.

“Please like you have an easy time making spicy-“ Zeta started before she was interrupted by a huge flash of light in the distance. “What the hell?”

“It appears to be a large explosion outside of the city.” ZED stated.

“Yeah it looks like it, man that’s a huge fire ball.” Zeta said in shock. “But what the heck is being blown up, why, and by whom is the million zenny question here.”

“The only thing that is outside of St. Acidburg that would be worth blowing up and close enough for us to see the explosion would be Mr. Fexni’s mansion.” Borock-bot stated.

“…..Fexnini has a mansion?” Zeta questioned.

“Yes, yes he does.” Borock-bot nodded.

“Holy crap that’s horrible!  I hope his servants, maids, and butlers were somehow able to get out!” Zeta said with worry.

“Actually to my knowledge Mr. Fexni lives alone.” Borock-bot stated.

“Oh, I guess that’s a good thing in this case.” Zeta sighed in relief “Still…how can someone live in a mansion of all things by themselves?  Doesn’t he get lonely?”

“Some people prefer to live alone really.” Borock-bot shrugged “If I recall he uses it as a base of sorts to store his vehicles and other mechanical creations.”

“I guess, though I don’t understand.” Zeta sighed “But we should tell Fexnini this ASAP when we get the chance, it was bad enough that the Fexnodrome was stolen now his house might be destroyed.”

“He would probably know before we get that chance.” Borock-bot pointed out “He’s very paranoid about what he owns and keeps a close eye on his things so they don’t get used for malicious purposes.”

“Wait a minute if that’s true then how the heck did the Fexnodrome get stolen in the first place?” Zeta questioned.

“It’s because he disappeared 2 years ago.” Borock-bot sighed as he felt he was going to regret telling this to Zeta “That was the only reason Wily was able to take it.”

“Fexnini…..disappeared……?” Zeta said as her eyes widened.

“That’s what I heard from some rumors from some of the resistance members and some whisperings in RPM city at the time it happened.” Borock-bot stated “It supposedly happened after a falling out with his former lover Ciel.  Because of the circumstances some people theorized that he committed suicide and were surprised that he showed up when he did.”

“Jeez I didn’t even think he had a girlfriend in the first place.” Zeta pondered “Then again I barely talked to the guy in the first place, all I know is that he can sleep anywhere be it standing up or on the floor in one of the labs, sleep through freaking Gangam Style, and Aschy apparently thinks he’s crazy.  Though I think he’s seen some [parasitic bomb], I can tell by his eyes.  They’re like Quickie’s and Lou Lou’s….or how they were last I saw them.”

“I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned this.” Borock-bot sighed.

“Don’t be, this just gives me more hope that Lou Lou will be back someday.”  Zeta shook her head. “I have to thank you for that.”

“It does?” Borock-bot questioned.

“Really it does, if Fexnini suddenly showed up from who knows where then maybe Lou Lou will show up when we least expect it.” Zeta nodded.

“If you say so.”  Brock-bot shook his head “I don’t know how that gives you hope, but honestly from the experiences I’ve had here in RPM you actually might be right.”

“Of course I could be right!” Zeta declared “As long as some people don’t somehow find his corpse he can’t be dead, after all no news is good news….I think.”

“I seriously don’t know how you can change your mood so quickly.” Borock-bot sighed “First you were happy, then you were mad, then you got depressed and suddenly you’re happy again.”

“That’s because I don’t like to dwell on things too long BB.” Zeta explained “I mean I’m worried about him not being here, but I can’t think about it too much.  Not when I have people around me are having their own problems.  I mean I can’t ignore my problems, but I have to help them first.”

“Just don’t overdo it Zeta, I know you mean well, but I don’t want to see you get hurt like last time you had to help someone.” Borock-bot warned her “I was seriously worried about you last time.”

“I’ll try not to, but I can’t make promises either.” Zeta laughed.

“It looks like the Dragon Zord is heading towards the Fexnodrome now.” Borock-bot stated.

As Zeta looked at the screen the Dragon Zord was indeed heading back to the Fexnodrome for some reason.

“We better follow it so that it doesn’t scare the [parasitic bomb] out people…more than they already have been.” Zeta said as Zekhmet flew after it.

“Right.” Borock-bot nodded and followed after her.

(Okay I know Fexni's mansion exploded many, many parts ago but I figured that time is subjective and since Zeta and Borock-bot were close to the edge of St. Acidburg they could see the explosion.  Plus I would figure it would take a while for them to get back to the Fexnodrome so they'll be back next part.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Phi

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Reply #4636 on: July 02, 2014, 06:39:38 PM
(It's spelled "Fxeni". I just noticed you've been writing it incorrectly all this time.)

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Reply #4637 on: July 02, 2014, 07:06:46 PM
"Thanks for the help there, Kit. Maybe now I can get this damn perpetually bleeding cursed wound thing on my cheek healed..." Taylor said.


"Yeah but these things tend to stop bleeding after a while. That's not the case right now, ya know," Taylor replied.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #4638 on: July 02, 2014, 08:02:40 PM
Blue extends her arms upward stretching as the others converse with Vixy and Kit feeling a little out of place. "Not quite how I thought that was going to go, but hey at least no one was hurt...well maybe Taylor could use some medical attention."

Aqua Star hops out of the Van "Hey were finally here Wohoo-!" he grunts as Blue lightly elbows him in the stomach. "Oof!"

"Hush you." Blue sighs

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Reply #4639 on: July 03, 2014, 04:52:25 AM
Phi stepped out of the van, "I suppose my shoulder could use some stitching up. There's only so much antibiotics can do."

She placed a hand on her hip, "So, does anyone wanna show me the way to the infirmary or what? No stretchers needed."

Arche sighed and decided to follow Phi, "Not like there's much else I can do right now, anyway," He stepped out of the van and turned to Kit, "You coming, Kit?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute. Just need to recharge a bit after that charming spell; especially after using it on that many people," Kit replied.

He nodded and stared at her a bit, pondering if he should ask her a question, against his better judgement, "Hey, so, why exactly are you wearing a cloak? You weren't wearing anything when we first met."

She raised an eyebrow, "Are you suggesting I take it off?"

"N-No, I'm just... wondering... is all," He scratched his head, thinking he shouldn't have asked at all.

She crossed her arms, "Well, I may not look it, but sometimes my body gets sensitive in really chilly weather, like these last few days. Why, just today, my precious nips became twice as firm from that breeze and my but-"

"AH! No, that's enough! Okay, yup, I got it! See you in a bit!" Arche interrupted her and flailed his hands about. He promptly about-faced from Kit and started to pace towards Phi.

"You asked for it," Phi said with a half-smile.

"... Let's just go," He replied, avoiding eye contact.

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Reply #4640 on: July 03, 2014, 12:46:53 PM
Kathy noticing Karring pondering, while his gaze is shifting between Vixy and Kit, before tugging him on the shoulder.

"Hey. Something on your mind, other than the wrong idea?" Kathy being a little suspicious of Karrings filthy mind.

"You know, mate. I just realized something Kat." Karring thought.

"And what could that be." Kathy raising an eyebrow to Karring.

"I just realized that we should of brought Emma with. I mean look at these two." Karring pointing towards Vixy and Kit as examples in front of her, "Emma's powers are somehow similar to their's, and I've been thinking, wouldn't the three together would create like the Triforce of Love, Lust and Seduction. This war would over in an instant, If you know what I mean."

Kathy sighs while shaking her head, "Sorry to break it to you Karring. But my mother is a little tied up with my little brother right now. Even if she was here I'd die before seeing her get hurt again."

"Oh, right... kinda forgot about that, sorry." Karring feeling disappointed "Oh, by the way, are you sure you don't want to get your injuries treated. I mean, not sound worried or anything, but I'm still baffled as to how you've recovered so fast already."

"I don't know how, but ever since I took a few stabs to the ab, from Haku back then. I'm still surprised as you are as to how I survived all of that." Kathy rubbing on a few scars on her abdominal proportions.

"I still can't believe Haku was actually like. I can still remember her saying she had a major dislike for succubi, but never thought she was that mentally impaired, to think every woman I've slept with were succubi. I don't know why she did that over the divorce." Karring still feeling guilty about his decision, "But for now, lets just get some needed rest, all this commotion from the mob was giving me a head ache."

(Just adding some filler here, since I was planning on writing this down, last night)

Fear me.

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Reply #4641 on: July 04, 2014, 12:00:16 AM

"What the hell?" Asch shouted.

"Is that an earthquake?" Fugo questioned "But it doesn't feel like any earthquake I've experienced."

"It better not be another Wily attack!" Asch said as he ran out of the Fexnodrome.

When Asch got outside he saw a giant dinosaur mech heading straight for the Fexnodrome.

"What the hell is that!" Asch yelled as he got ready to fight again.

"Aschy wait!" He heard from above as he looked up.

"Zeta?" Asch questioned as Zehkmet landed in front of him.

"Don't attack it, that Zord is on our side!" Zeta yelled as she got out of the cockpit and jumped down to him.

"Zord?" Asch asked "What is that and what's it doing here?"

"A Zord is a giant robot not unlike a Gundam and usually animal or vehicle themed."  Zeta explained. "As for what it's doing here I think Firefox is behind it."

"Pyro?!" Asch said wide eye. "How?!"

"It was because he found that Dagger in the weapon's shack, you know the one he was playing like a flute?" Zeta responded.

"Of course something he found would do that." Asch facepalmed "More importantly are you and Borock-bot okay?"

"Yeah we're fine." Zeta nodded as the Vic Viper came into view behind the Dragon Zord making sure it wasn't smashing anything important.  "Baldy II sent out a [parasitic bomb] load of Guts Dozers trying to get to this location and a [tornado fang]ing SD Zaku Joe to boot!  Seriously overkill much?!"

"Believe me you hadn't seen overkill like the rest of us have." Asch sighed.

"I'm guessing the Joes weren't exactly easy to handle either?" Zeta asked.

"Try over 150 of them and a leader who was at least as tough if not tougher than 10 of them." Asch said dryly.

"Holy crap how did Wily make this many robots!" Zeta said in shock.  "And just to attack this place too?"

"Yeah, it was a nightmare, seriously I'd rather handle an angry mob than to deal with something like that again." Asch sighed as Borock-bot landed and the Zord stopped in it's place.

"No kidding you look horrible!" Zeta nodded "And did you say angry mob?"

"Yeah Wily had the audacity to say that we attacked him when he was 'investigating a alien space ship landing' and sent the 'peaceful Joes' to make sure it wasn't trouble.  Which is bullshit, the 'alien' was a robot from another planet who crash landed here to get something that was stolen from her from a pirate, who's probably working for him might I add since one of his robots was with the Mets and the Mets attacked her first." Asch ranted.

"And people believed that [parasitic bomb]?!" Zeta face palmed "Dammit Baldy II!"

"Mr. Asch can you explain why all these citizens are standing around with blank expressions." Borock-bot asked as he got out of the Vic Viper.

"Yeah about that...." Asch said nervously.

"Holy crap this place is zombie ville!" Zeta shouted in alarm.  "Don't tell me Wily put them under mind control."

"Actually that was a Succubus, who's apparently our ally." Asch corrected her.

"I beg your pardon?" Borock-bot questioned.

"Yes this Succubus lady named Kit cast a charming spell on them when we couldn't reason with them and since then they've just been standing around, probably should ask her to see if she could lead them into the Fexnodrome while we're at it, though I don't know what's going to happen when the spell wears off." Asch explained to them while trying to keep a straight face despite how disturbed he was.

"....Okay." Borock-bot said slowly.

"I think I might of heard of this Kitty person." Zeta pondered "She caused a huge commotion in RPM showing up naked but was welcomed none the less.  It was one of the rare days I saw Neko in a great mood too."

"I see..." Asch said trying to imagine Hitomi in a good mood "Anyway right now everyone is resting and getting their injuries treated before heading back to the Sex Station."

"That's a wise idea if there's anyway I can help please let me know." Borock-bot nodded.

"You should probably see Taylor first, something freaky happened to her and I think you're the only who can help since Vixy is pretty busy tending to the refugees." Asch explained.

"I'll see what I can do." Borock-bot nodded.

"And I can meet everyone else now, I wonder what they're like." Zeta pondered as they headed back to the Fexnodrome.

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Reply #4642 on: July 14, 2014, 10:31:40 PM
"So now that everyone seems situated, I think it's time we had that talk!" Vixy stated.

"Yeah." Kit solemnly responded. "Definitely."

"What happened to you? Where have you been all this time?" Vixy asked her, slightly concerned.

"I guess I'll start at the beginning." Kit answered. "For me, this all started when Quickie asked to meet me for drinks one day..."

Back at the Floating Castle...

"With his goal of conquest coming into focus, our master knew that certain people could potentially be a thorn in his side from the get go. Or helpful, depending on the person. Kit was definitely one of those people. Especially her ability to charm others and [tornado fang]-kill them. Succubi are rather unpredictable though. Emperor Wily was unsure whether Kit would side with us or not, so I was sent ahead to kinda... feel out the situation. I met up with her a few months after the Emperor found me abandoned on that planet by PB." Quickie said as she clenched her fists with anger.

Back at the Fxenodrome...

"So there we were. Quickie and I were having a really good time, and then she kinda starts asking me these, at the time, hypothetical questions about Wily ruling and stuff. Kind of a mood killer after fun times, but I answered her honestly, saying how what I loved about RPM was the freedom everyone had and so on and so forth. Well, she said she wanted to go down to the Cantina and get some Gargleblasters. I was getting ready, and she blindsided me. Next thing I knew, I woke up in chains." Kit continued her story.

Back at the Floating Castle...

"So yeah, she wasn't down with the whole "World Domination" thing like a cargo-dropping smuggler [sonic slicer], so I knocked her out. The Master decided the best thing to do was keep her imprisoned aboard the brig of the Yamato. Since there were only Robot Masters aboard the ship at the time, Kit would have no souls to feed on or people to charm. Regular food sustained her, but the crux of her power was nullified. Emperor Wily hoped to use her later." Quickie told Ant Man, who chest currently underneath her heel. "What I don't understand is how she escaped!"

Back at the Fxenodrome...

"What some people don't understand is that Succubi don't need charm spells to woo an individual. Yeah, my powers were drained, but as Ursula once said, never underestimate the importance of body language. Or at least a friendly ear." Kit smirked while continuing. "A Robot Master named Brig Man was the one in charge of feeding me and keeping me alive. I got to know him well. He told me stories of how he wishes he had more responsibilities than running the Brig and such. I was an ear & shoulder for him to vent too and we developed a friendship while I was trapped on board."

"One day recently, the ship came under attack. During the attack, the forcefield around the brig got knocked out and Brig Man came to try and stop me from escaping. He couldn't go through with it though, and instead led me to the escape pods.."


"Brig Man. Come with me!" Kit said while he put her in the Pod.

"Nay, lass. If I be to die, then it be with my brig!" Brig Man stated.

"B-but you hate that brig. We spent months discussing how much it sucks!" Kit stated.

"Ay, that I do. But it be me duty to guard the scum that come and go! I be built for that and if the ship goes down, I be dying doing that!"

"...That makes NO sense. There are NO other prisoners. AND YOU JUST HELPE.." Kit said as the door closed. "HEY!"

"I be setting the coordinates for what be left of St. Acidburg. There ye be finding your friends. Goodbye, sweet Kit. Whenever you be seeing a brig in the future, please be thinking of me!" Brig Man said as he punched in the coordinates and saluted Kit.

"WHY ARE YOU SAYING "BE" SO MUCH, YOU IDI..." Kit started to say as the escape pod launched. Minutes later, she could see the ship explode in the distance. "....what...just happened?"


"Even in world conquest, Wily....still builds quirky Robot Master!" Vixy smiled while scratching her head

"No kidding!" Kit said while shaking her head. "So I landed, screwed some people to regain my powers, and came to find you! I missed you all so much."

"We missed you too, Kit." Fxeni said as he and Ariani walked up to Vixy & Kit. "Glad to see you're alright and that...well I didn't kill you!"

"FXENI!" Kit said as she glomp-hugged him. "So that was you who attacked the ship?"

"Yep. Me and Peebs!" Fxeni stated.

"Peebs?" Kit asked. "You mean PBPB?"

"Yeeeeeeep!" Fxeni said.

"Oooooh I like her new nickname!"

"So does she!" Fxeni sarcastic stated.

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Reply #4643 on: July 14, 2014, 10:44:17 PM
"Why...." Zeta spoke in a shaken voice after hearing the things Quickie did "Why would Quickie do such horrible things!"

"Zeta please cal-" Asch started before Borock-bot stopped him with a firm hand on his shoulder.

"As a wise man once said it's best not to tell a woman to calm down when she's acting this way." Borock-bot suggested.

"But-" Asch protested.

"I know it's hard to watch but it's best that you let Zeta try to process this, it's very hard for her to accept,  especially since Quickie was one of her closest friends." Borock-bot shook his head.

"Fine....." Asch sighed.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #4644 on: July 14, 2014, 11:38:26 PM
"That was a very riveting story and all, but I won't lie. It was hard for me to pay attention with all the blood still pouring out of my face and all," Taylor grumbled.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4645 on: July 14, 2014, 11:43:45 PM
"Yes, yes let me fix that right now." Borock-bot sighed at Taylor's rudeness along with ignoring the atmosphere around her and took out his Ping Pong paddle "Benedication!"

A bright energy concentrated on Taylor's wound as darkness escaped from it and finally sealed the wound.

"There my work here is done." Borock-bot said evenly.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Phi

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Reply #4646 on: July 15, 2014, 03:00:06 AM
Phi and Arche stuck around a bit to hear Kit's story, then made their way inside the Fxenodrome.

The two walked around the interior of the building, admiring the various machinery and mechs that could be seen behind massive glass walls. They soon approached a room that had "Infirmary" labeled above it.

"That was much easier to find than I thought it would be," Arche said as he opened the door.

"Oh, hello there! Are you in need of medical attention?" A nurse, bearing a name tag that read "Amber", approached the two.

Phi nodded, "I have a wound that requires stitching."

"Okay, please have a seat here while I get everything set up," Amber said and turned away to retrieve the appropriate medical supplies.

Arche paced around for a few seconds before speaking, "I guess I'll just wait outside until y-"

"You're staying right here," Phi spoke quickly, like a stroke of a blade.

"Why? I'm just-"

Phi shot a rather terrifying glare at Arche. Although she said nothing, what needed to be said was written all over her face.

"O-Okay, fine," He sighed. Either she wanted to talk to him about something, or she didn't want to be left alone with a stranger, he thought. He quickly redacted the latter, as he couldn't imagine Phi as the type to be paranoid around others.

Amber came back with the supplies, "Alright, if you would please take off your jacket and remove the bandaging from your shoulder, we can get started."

Phi did as she was told and the nurse began stitching her up.

As the process was underway, Arche's focus was on Phi's tattoo that was located on her shoulder blade. It was ominous and something about it was... calling to him, somehow. It was of a Lion devouring a red sun; the words underneath it read: Memento Mori if the Nineth Lion ate the Sun.

He couldn't help but stare, and he couldn't place a finger on what was pulling him in.

As Amber finished up the stitching, she applied a fresh piece of cotton on it and wrapped it with adhesive guaze, "Okay, and we're done!" She smiled.

She stretched and rotated her arm in a circular motion, "Thanks."

Arche spoke up, "So, Phi, about that-"

"Tattoo?" She interrupted.

"Yeah, something about it seems... I want to say familiar, but I'm not sure." He rubbed his chin.

"Familiar..." Phi repeated and a small smile appeared on her face. She turned to the nurse, "Hey, can you give us a minute here? I'd like to keep this conversation private."

"Uh, I'm not really allowed to-" Amber started to say.

"10 minutes, tops. Here, get yourself something nice," Phi reached into her pocket and dumped two coins into Amber's hand.

"This is only 2 zenny..." Amber said blankly.

"Are you seriously bribing a nurse?!" Arche exclaimed.

"It would appear so, yes." Phi answered flatly.


"Look, just hurry up and leave, this is confidential information I'm going to disclose!" Phi stated sternly.

"Sorry about this..." Arche said to Amber as she left the room puzzled.

(Next post will be about the tattoo.)

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #4647 on: July 15, 2014, 05:12:31 AM
Two figures slowly made their way through St Acidburg. Their cloaks fluttered in the dusty wind as they advanced ever closer to their destination. The larger figure brings his right hand up to the side of his mask and presses against his temple.

"Irkalla... what's the status of the rebels?" He inquires.

"They have all entered the Fxenodrome sir. An Arwing also landed inside," the winged woman responded, peeking over the edge of the building she was on.

"An Arwing? Heh heh heh... perfect!" he says with a chuckle. "Remain on standby."

"Yes sir," Irkalla whispers back as she closes the channel.

As they continued walking forward, they came across a smoky battlefield. The General stopped and knelled down, examining the remains of the robots strewn about him.

"They were rather thorough, weren't they?" Hel noted cheerfully.

"Indeed... this might be interesting! Judging by the damage inflicted on these pitiful robots, there's a few in that group I haven't had the pleasure of meeting on our side," he replied as he picked away and scanned the parts.

"Ahh... fresh blood, sir?" Hel said while tilting her head to the side.

"Quite so... I'm looking forward to this!" he replied, a menacing laugh following his statement. "Let's go, Hel... we have vermin to extinguish."

"Yes sir!" she replies gleefully as they start anew towards their destination.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4648 on: July 15, 2014, 05:23:15 AM
(We're not going to be attacked again already are we?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #4649 on: July 15, 2014, 11:35:33 AM
(Honestly depends on what everyone wants to do. They only really want Fxeni, so he could probably head out alone if need be. It'll take a little while for them to reach there anyways since they're walking, so he could just arrive after the majority have already left :P)