The Spiral of Dreams.

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Reply #200 on: July 02, 2014, 05:05:50 AM
I had an odd dream last night.  It started out with some kids breaking into an old insane asylum to spraypaint the walls.  Their friend kept watch outside.  So, two of the boys were vandalizing one of the rooms, when the one boy thought he heard something, like a woman speaking.  He looked outside at his friend standing guard and saw a woman in a dark blue dress sitting on the bench next to him.  The boy tried to tell his friend, but then realized that he was hallucinating the entire time and they were not actually vandals, but urban explorers.

They decide to set up camp in a former patient lounge area, and started experiencing weird things, particularly visions of the young woman with dark, stringy hair and the blue dress.  The following morning, they find their friend gone and report what happened.

I join a team of paranormal investigators as a psychic medium who specializes in pendulum dowsing.  So, my team go to the insane asylum and speak with one of the kids and some other people involved with either restoration of the building, or owners and other urban explorers.  I go to one of the rooms where the boys reported strange activity and I take out one of my pendulums and start dowsing.

The pendulum swings wildly out of control and it feels as though something is trying to pull it from my grasp.  I put the pendulum away and call upon another psychic medium, and explain what happened and perform the experiment again, but with a different pendulum, as different stones have different energy.

Again, the pendulum swings wildly out of control, and it's almost torn from my grip by an unseen force.  The other medium witnessed the event and we confer about what could cause it.  We decide that it may have been a demonic entity, and by using the pendulum, I ended up pissing it off.

Of course, that's now the game plan, and we meet with the rest of the team to discuss setting up recording equipment to capture any other activity.  One of the rooms we want to use is off limits due to asbestos.

I don't remember much else beyond that, as I think I woke up around that point to the sound of Mabel about to puke on my bed.


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Reply #201 on: July 17, 2014, 01:43:47 PM
I don't dream anymore.

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Reply #202 on: July 31, 2014, 01:53:21 AM
I've been having a lot of dreams about being back in high school.  I have no idea why.

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Reply #203 on: October 26, 2014, 03:45:26 PM
Double-post of weirdness!  I had a weird dream that I must share!

So!  I'm a scientist in hiding from the government, after many of my colleagues turned up "missing" since the development of a nasty new chemical.  I was chief in that development and had designed the formula itself.  My notes were destroyed, but I kept all the information in my brain, and for some reason, my team and I were targeted for elimination due to this project.

As I was hiding out in a group home, I happened upon one of my former colleagues.  We realized that we'd need to go back into hiding because government agents were after us.  He was surprised that despite my handicap (my character had cerebral palsy), I lasted so long after the rest of our team "disappeared."

Then, the owner of the group home realized who we were and attacked us.  He came after me with a garden rake and said that if I don't leave town, he'll kill me because my presence will cause government agents to descend upon the house and flush out other renegades who were hiding there.

So, I leave and eventually join up with another group of political refugees as we're trying to make our way out of town.  The rest of the dream was just a drawn-out chase scene.

Then, the focus shifts to a penal colony where my scientist character was locked up.  An ovoid craft crashed outside the colony, and the prison's staff tried to get inside of it, but couldn't find a door.  So, they cracked open the top of the craft and found a gelatinous green-gray substance covering the interior.  The substance shrank into a large globule once exposed to air, and the dead occupants were found.  The team takes the globule and through whatever plot contrivance, I end up with a fist-size piece of it, which I try to protect from the other inmates.

The inmates know about this stuff and want to eat it because it gives them a high and psychic powers or something.  Another group were possessed by the globule and started creating poisoned versions of it which they planned to use to kill the rest of the general population.

Somehow I end up with one of the guards and he is trying to get information from me about the piece I have.  We happen upon some of the poisoned globules and he's about to touch them and I tell him not to, as they're a potent poison.  Then, a riot breaks out between the possessed inmates, giant cave rats, and the guards, and I'm caught in the middle of the crossfire.

As I lay on the ground, I look to the globule I had and it starts pulsating.  It extrudes tendrils that go into my flesh and come out of my skin in little wormy strings as it covers me in a large green-gray gelatinous mass, which protects me from the riot. 

After the riot is controlled, the mass reverts back to its small globule form and I realize that it's alive (sort of) and because I protected it from the rest of the inmates, it decided to protect me from danger.

I try to tell the guards that I know what it is and why it was found in the craft.  It was a shield for the craft and it was trying to protect the occupants of the craft from the crash, but the force was too much.  The guards question how I know this, since knowledge of the craft and its occupants were kept hidden from the inmates.

I don't quite remember the rest, but there you go.  Conspiracy, SCIENCE, the Colour Out of Space on a prison planet, and body horror combined with the power of friendship.

...what the hell did I eat last night?

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Reply #204 on: February 28, 2015, 09:27:56 AM
*Tosses a Phoenix Down*

So, last night I dreamt about some quest or something, and at some point, the characters encountered this mecha wolf thing in a forest.  The whole dream was done in a simplistic chiaroscuro art style.

I thought the mecha wolf thing was pretty neat, so when I woke up, I very quickly sketched it up before the memory of it could fade.  I concentrated on its shapes, and even closed my eyes to eliminate distraction while I drew it.

Here's the crappy speed-sketch.

I may finalize this thing.  It's pretty cool.

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Reply #205 on: March 02, 2015, 05:00:46 AM
Looks like something Genndy Tartakovsky would create.

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Reply #206 on: March 03, 2015, 01:22:26 AM
Yeah wow that's pretty sick.

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Reply #207 on: March 15, 2015, 02:50:29 AM
It's time once again for another one of my Dreams with a Cohesive Narrative!

In a high-rise hotel room, a wealthy young corporate executive meets with his mistress and he murders her.  The act is gruesome, with her body stabbed and gutted so much that the weapon pierced the mattress and she bled through it to the floor below (guess he used a sword).  After luring three other guys in (two friends of his and a pizza-delivery guy), he escaped out the window and got away with it, planting evidence to have his three fall guys be convicted.

I rewind to just after the murder and take over the body of the mistress.  Preventing the man's escape, I keep him locked in the hotel room and force him to order a pizza.  While he does that, I take over the body of housekeeping and make them call the cops and send a security team to the hotel room.  In order to stall for more time, I force the murderer to make a pot of coffee.

The police arrive with the pizza delivery, and I force the murderer to answer the door, threatening to haunt him for the rest of his days if he doesn't turn himself in.  He gets arrested, I drink the coffee, and then bid the police farewell, saying that it was the best cup of coffee ever.  Then, I relinquish control of the body, allow the woman to cross over, and I leave to continue my mission of avenging wrongful death.

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Reply #208 on: March 15, 2015, 03:02:51 AM
What drugs do I need to take to have awesome dreams like yours? XD

It would've been interesting if you could manipulate objects, like Ghost Trick.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #209 on: March 15, 2015, 03:06:36 AM
Aile and symbiotes.

... That is all. -_-

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Reply #210 on: March 15, 2015, 03:16:00 AM
What drugs do I need to take to have awesome dreams like yours? XD

It would've been interesting if you could manipulate objects, like Ghost Trick.
I'm on antidepressants, so I guess those?

Sadly, no, I couldn't manipulate objects.  I could only control bodies, so I was more like Deadman.

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Reply #211 on: March 24, 2015, 11:46:09 PM
Wish I could remember more of last night's dream.

Prof. Cuddles tamed a t-rex.  Put a bridle on it and rode it around like a horse. 

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Reply #212 on: March 24, 2015, 11:48:23 PM
That t-rex better be named fluffy.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #213 on: March 24, 2015, 11:49:38 PM
It had feathers and they were fluffy, so yes.

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Reply #214 on: March 24, 2015, 11:51:52 PM

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #215 on: March 24, 2015, 11:57:00 PM
Starting to remember more...

The t-rex could talk, and that portion of the dream involved unstable time travel.  Prof went back in time, tamed the t-rex, and brought it back to present day, where he rode it to escape government goons who wanted to find out how he could time-travel.

Oh, and the t-rex could talk.  It didn't have feathers to start with until the science portion of my brain kicked in and retconned that.

And there was a previous story involving two people trying to stop a mad veterinarian from taking over the world with mind-controlled schnauzers.  Those two people could fly because they trained in flying martial arts.

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Reply #216 on: March 25, 2015, 12:55:36 AM
Your dreams never cease to amaze.

I dreamt I won second place in the GBWC, and I lost out to the first place by just one point. I cannot remember what was my entry, but the first place entry looked almost like it was factory made, flawless in terms of painting.

The funny thing?
I don't even paint my kits in real life!

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Reply #217 on: March 25, 2015, 01:27:49 AM
You should try my meds.  I think they're the reason for my weird dreams. XD

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Reply #218 on: March 25, 2015, 02:21:43 AM
Share the love sista~ Share the looooooooove~

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Reply #219 on: March 25, 2015, 11:45:31 AM
*dumps meds into a candy bowl.*

Bon appetit~ 8D

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Reply #220 on: March 25, 2015, 02:11:58 PM
*downs a few, and concusses*

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Reply #221 on: March 25, 2015, 03:48:44 PM
So for once I have a weird dream.

I was in a Z.O.E Obital Frame kind of like a Red Jehuty in space fighting along side some people in Gundams fighting a enemy army protecting this evil Core. I somehow managed to get in to get to the Core but it was in this Mech suit that kind of looked like a freaky fusion of a Green Mech Suit and Metal Face's face from Xenoblade. 

I destoryed the Mech suit and revealed the core, this ugly little thing that still had the face but also these constricted pipe tenticles and a weak spot on it's back that looks like a giant Red Rupee.  But the thing escaped and the bugger is too fast for me to catch, though for some reason it looked like a really slow chase scene, or at least Not Jehuty was too slow.  Eventually it gets to Earth, I somehow lose it, and just when I ask for backup, who for some reason went to a museum, I find it again eating some birds.  It sees me and transforms into it's mech form again and wants to absorb me to get stronger, in a voice similar to the aforementioned Metal Face without the Evil Thug British accent, but the dream ends though I hope an epic battle took place.

The only problem I have is that for some reason I was only using my Sword and Shots, particularly abusing the Volley Ball Charge Shot.  Where the hell were my Sub Weapons, I could have used a Homming shot or a Geyser to freeze the Core!  God dammit I was a dumbass in that dream even if I was in Jethuty I sure as hell wasn't using it to its full potential. -AC

No A.D.A too, I was piloting the thing without an AI, somehow.  That sounds badass but honestly that might have been the reason I lost the Core in the first place.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #222 on: March 25, 2015, 04:15:24 PM
All of my dreams have been boring, recently. Not even a cool flying dream. I really miss those.

The only one of note would be that nightmare I had, with the chainsaw-wielding old man, who looked like a disturbing Ren & Stimpy character (well, his face did, anyway).

So [tornado fang]ing BIZZARE, though I'm pretty sure I told the story here before.

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Reply #223 on: March 25, 2015, 08:05:06 PM
I had a dream that my boy fish became a cute gothic lolita girl and my girl fish became a shota trap boy.

This is why I stopped watching anime.

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Reply #224 on: March 26, 2015, 02:26:21 AM
*downs a few, and concusses*
... I had no dreams last night. D:

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