The Gonzo has art.

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2775 on: December 04, 2013, 07:46:34 AM
Heh. XD

Sonic Rose is by no means unintelligent or unperceptive, but he's still not one for Naegi's sort of investigation work.

The hardest part of this sketch comic was trying to come up with dialogue that made sense when I was ready to go to sleep.

Posted on: December 02, 2013, 06:01:28 PM

So there was a (Japan-only, as far as I'm aware) Tamagotchi game for the Saturn that had some SEGA cameos, and Sonic Rose is staring down at one of them. It's actually really cute (he sleeps in a ball at night!), but Sonic, likely having missed out on virtual pets, is just trying to figure out if Sonikkutchi is a really weird Chao.

Every now and then, Amy must bust out the megaphone in order to get her points across.

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Reply #2776 on: December 04, 2013, 07:49:07 AM
I think Sonic is trying to figure out why the Tamagotchi has no arms.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2777 on: December 12, 2013, 09:17:32 AM
Hehe. XD

Another page bites the dust. (See if you can spot where I lined up individual bits of edge-of-page scans)

* I honestly don't know if foreigners are allowed to become mikos. I seem to remember reading that there's at least one Shinto shrine somewhere in New York?

* Drawloverlala's Zeti-Cosmo inspired me to draw a Seedrian Zeena, though I'm not entirely satisfied with the outcome.

* Looks like Chihiro went to volunteer at that maid cafe Rock and Sonic went to once.

* I still have some trouble with drawing hands on hips.

* Poor Nanami was blackmailed into becoming the Egg Admin and forced to wear a red uniform despite having pink hair.

* Fuun Onnohono's SHSL Title is "Four Senses" because he's blind, something I wasn't aware of when I doodled him (I thought he'd be a martial artist of some sort).

* If you're gonna shoot Monobears with a megaphone, you might as well do it fabulously.

* Can you tell where I learned not to try to erase near my "penstix" ink before it dries?

* Tomomi doesn't actually have a protag ahoge, but that's about what I imagine what it'd look like if she did (massively toned down, of course).

* Sonic does not like the Egg Kismet.

* It was just going to be Zhi in formal wear, but my hand slipped. And yes, Fukunaga has many issues with people touching him.

* Chiasa with glasses was just going to be a one-off thing, but, well...

* I'm actually not too sure if Ikkiko would wear that, but "pastel goth" did seem colourful enough.

* Tails and Souda would get along, I hope. Though he might be mildly annoyed by her habit of swishing the tips of her tails by his nose whenever he's sitting down to work on something and she's not.

* Megawoman, you're facing the wrong way.

* Super Milk-chan was a show I was briefly obsessed with when I was 13, due to a combination of the incongruity between its art style and its 17+ rating (or 13+, depending on the dub), my parents refusing to let me watch it, and Dad getting a DVD for some reason (don't ask me where it is now).

* Brunette!Junko requires a LOT of explanation. See, I had this dream the other night in which I was playing a game similar to Nightmare Ned (though I'm not sure if the player character was actually supposed to be Ned), and Junko was giving me instructions sight unseen to ignore her, and then seek her out anyway. I was then given the option to obey her, or side with Kirigiri instead (I should note that Kirigiri hadn't shown up at all yet); then I was shown both endings. Kirigiri's was strange (PC wakes up with her sitting by the bed, Junko enters stage right and starts complaining, two people in ridiculous armour tell her off in unison and pelt her with gold nuggets), but Junko's was...hrm.

Junko physically pulls the PC out of the dream world, then there's a timeskip the reveals that they married in the interim and had a child (no mention of despair at any point, by the way), and for some reason Junko now has loose, shorter black hair (I think the implication was that she was wearing a wig previously). The PC is a writer, and there's apparently no downsides to any of this other than their new-found aversion to sunlight.

Posted on: December 05, 2013, 06:11:50 AM

I stumbled across this DR style tutorial earlier and instantly knew that I had to try it out. (There's another one by Fuuuranz, and while it's also useful, it requires brush settings that I don't think my version of SAI can handle) The result's not perfect, but I'm happy with it regardless, as it's closer to the style than I thought I could achieve.

While I did try to draw Naegi in DR style, Sonic is still pretty much in my own because I have no idea how Mr. Kamatsuzaki would render Mobians. (Who knows; maybe the guy's got a personal site floating around somewhere)

Sonic and Naegi make a good team, but whilst Sonic's got super-speed and mad Light Adept skills, Naegi seems to think that a lead pipe is all he'll need to defend himself from his roboticized friends.

Story here.

Posted on: December 11, 2013, 06:27:16 AM
Not old art, but it's about long-dropped plot points.
Actual old art.
SatBK stuff related to the Matter of France.

I would call this a re-working of Sonic's Old StS outfit, but that would imply that I ever want to touch Sonic's Old StS outfit again. This one does share some basic elements with that, though.

The bandages around the waist were lifted from what Ishimaru has underneath his uniform (I know not the purpose of it, but I imagine that it's similar to wrapping your hands in bandages before getting into a fistfight).

Silly thing I had in mind after thinking about MontyTH's character in relation to StS.

Len Rose doesn't want to have any more kids after the twins for various reasons, so by definition, StS!Monty would have to be a cousin, or completely unrelated to the Roses or Lelands; I imagine Sonic's attitude towards him would be largely unchanged ("largely" because he's got mild father issues).

Amy roped Sonic into carrying both her and Monty because why not. (Admittedly, Sonic's weight limit may actually be higher than this, assuming Elise weighs more than my and Monty put together)

"How can I show off both my Quietus-era Chihiro design and my adult fem-Chihiro in an interesting manner?" The answer: have them balance Alter Ego's laptop on their heads, apparently.

I've seen a lot of people who prefer to see Chihiro as a transgender girl, but so far, no art of what she'd look like as an adult (or just post growth-spurt), so I decided to draw that myself. I don't think I planned for the two Chihiros to have the same colour scheme, but that's how it went.

Quietus-era Chihiro is a bit of a dork (roll your pant legs down, man!).

(Feel free to borrow either of these designs as long as you give credit)

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Reply #2778 on: December 12, 2013, 09:25:04 AM
Nice shorts there, Sonic.  Are they comfy and easy to wear?

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2779 on: December 12, 2013, 09:48:12 AM
He has super-speed, so his immediate answer would be a rant against the pervasive tyranny of pants.

It never seems to occur to him that his mom can break the sound barrier in pants just fine.

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Reply #2780 on: December 12, 2013, 09:58:02 AM
Well, with all that friction, I'd imagine that pants would start to chafe after a while...

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2781 on: December 21, 2013, 03:01:33 AM
Most likely. DX

Souda, that is not a winter shirt.

One night (or very early morning), I was incredibly bored, so I pulled out some obsolete business cards and got to drawing--and either I was craning my neck the wrong way or my Sharpies are starting to bother me, because I did not feel so great after completing this or the next pic (the next day, because in addition to being bored, I was tired). At least the pics themselves came out well.

I imagine that these two would initially be embarrassed to be around each other, especially if Souda was still going on about Sonia and the other kids' understanding of their relationship was "didn't those two immediately jump from 'briefly interacted twice' to 'always hanging around each other'?" Plus, Mahiru probably hasn't worked through her issues with dudes yet.

Their outfits ended up being based on their normal ones somewhat (Souda's coat is yellow instead of mustard and Mahiru's tie is a different kind of plaid).

I wanted to make at least one full-colour pic of Amy/Roland and Cream/Olivia. (For those of you who didn't see my concept sketch and are wondering why Cream is fourteen instead of six, it's due to Fridge Logic kicking in)

As Nimue, SatBK!Amy's armour would remain as-is; I'm not yet sure who Cream's non-crossover SatBK counterpart would even be, but she probably wouldn't hang onto her set (or even be a teenager).

The other Peers would get similar cloaks, I think (since the other Peers are Dangan Ronpa characters, their cloak colours would be based on their "name and title" BGs that pop up when Naegi first meets them--ex: Leon/Anseis's would be gold; Celes/Engeler's, red).

Let's hope the "lining up bits of scan" errors aren't too grievous.

* These five dorks are the last members of the class of Dangan Ronpa Quietus; unlike the students before them, I'd picked out their names first and worked on their designs and titles second.

* Originally Teramoto was going to be Quietus's Komaeda-like (sort of), but then I got to pondering about Inoue's...extracurricular interests. (She has an unhealthy fascination with fringe groups, in other words, though seemingly without interest of joining any)

* Gekko doesn't know how to face.

* It's hard to tell here, but at the end of Tsugihara's tie is another tie.

* 'tis the return of the Protosheep.

* I actually have no idea what SHSL Good Luck and SHSL Disaster up there actually think of each other; as of this writing, their bios aren't up yet.

* Here's where I first drew my adult fem!Chihiro.

* Taeko is a bazillion times easier to draw than Celes.

* My familiarity with Digimon pretty much ends at the first US movie, but from what I understand, an evolution like this wouldn't be too unusual.

* Since Warhammer High is based on US public schools, there's no uniform, meaning that Rouge was free to dress like a total slob for most of the year.

* It's getting close to Christmas and I don't draw this version of NiGHTS often, so...

* I'd actually drawn Amy in a similar outfit many ages ago before getting a better reference. (Check my scraps)

* Chibi-usa and Junko don't really have anything in common aside from vaguely similar hairstyles and pink hair (well, strawberry-blonde for Junko).

* That outfit swap was based on a pic of mine that didn't turn out how I wanted.

* Slap some cat ears and a tail on Maizono and she'll act like, well, a cat.

* I forgot to shade Bunnie's hand. D'oh.

* Doing the thing that Minnie's unamused by ignores the fact that one of the core beliefs of feminism is "the patriarchy sucks for EVERYONE". (Don't start any arguments in the comments)

Posted on: December 14, 2013, 11:44:13 AM

aka "RADIX farts around with highlighters and ballpoint pens for the first time in ages" (that is not an exaggeration). I'm not scrapping this despite it being on scholastic-lined paper because too much time and effort went into it.

For most of the panels, I tried to include something relevant to the depicted roboticized student. Ishimaru and Mondo are in the same panel because bros 4 life (also I was running out of room), and Chihiro's freaking out because he installed the green Chaos Emerald directly in his TV head--it was supposed to boost his processing power, but it seems it worked too well.

Sonic Rose doesn't have his usual confident grin on his face because de-brainwashing just ONE person is a fairly arduous task, and he has to do that nine times. Can you say "blessed with suck"?

Posted on: December 18, 2013, 09:38:48 AM

I have this inexplicable headcanon that Naegi behaves in odd and erratic ways when he's deprived of enough sleep (coincidentally, this was drawn when I needed to go to bed myself). Sonic Rose also doesn't like being petted.

Colours didn't come out too hot, but eh. One o the annoying things about drawing on the paper I used was that some of the ink refused to dry in a reasonable about of time.

Posted on: December 19, 2013, 03:04:27 PM

Semi-quick thing of Mastermind!Sonic Rose (who has nothing to do with Trigger Happy Hedgehog, BTW).

...He looks menacing, but of those potential crossover Masterminds I doodled, if not for Tails, then his plan would've been the fastest to be unraveled. Sonic simply would not have the patience for all the required machinations.

Watching the reactions of his former friends would be worth it, though. Especially when he indicates that he still considers them friends, since by this point he's so far off the deep end that he forgot that other people (besides Tails) can't trip like he does.

There was this PC game I used to (try to) play when I was a kid, "Nightmare Ned" (based on the TV show of the same name), and recently I got the idea to draw versions of the Deadly Six based on Nightmare Ned's main antagonists, the Shadows (who have nothing in common visually with the Six, but). The result is lots of weird faces.

The Shadowy Six could be separate entities who are somehow even worse than the real Deadly Six, due in part to their varying degrees of emotional instability (maybe Zor catastrophically botched a spell?). They do a good job of hiding this...for a while.

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Reply #2782 on: December 21, 2013, 03:12:05 AM
I've always liked villains posing in the shadows, makes for a good teaser.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2783 on: January 01, 2014, 03:09:35 AM
Indeed. XD

Every time I think I know how to properly scan these things...

* Dame Astrid is a dream-based character, and she wasn't this cute in-dream. She's freaking out because her adviser falsely accused her of criminal negligence.

* The Peers' armour follows the same basic pattern as Roland's (Amy) and Olivia's (Cream); the variations mostly come in the torso armour and gauntlets.

* I'm not too familiar with Ah! My Goddess, but it was one of those things I saw bits of when I was a kid. (I have no idea what I'd have made of Dangan Ronpa were it a late-90s production...)

* Obviously that's meant to be StS!Sally and not Archie!Sally. Incidentally, it's nice to have a clear ref of Mecha Sally post-weaponization.

* SHSL Good Luck Junko is less Naegi and more Komaeda.

* SHSL Gang Leader Fukawa is one of the more interesting talent swaps I've seen.

* From the front, Hisao's hair looks a bit like Zhi's...whoops.

* Sonic Rose has an affinity for non-predatory Mobini (and Earth animals, if Muttski is anything to go by).

* For Mecha Saionji/the Egg Dancer, I went with her appearance in her official art. Her boss fight, as it were, might involve her directing waves of Badniks at Hinata and Blaze, and only fighting them directly when she's out of Badniks; her own attacks are wind-based to a degree, and she prefers trying to stomp the duo's skulls in.

* Mecha Teruteru, on the other hand, has no on-board weapons at all. He's a tad miffed at this.

* Mecha Sonia's design has some elements from the Etrian Odyssey classes (I think Zodiac and Princess)...

* ...whilst Mecha Souda and Mecha Tsumiki gained some parts of their beta designs (goggles and hairdo respectively). They prefer to stay off of the front lines, but this doesn't mean that they're pushovers.

* Maybe the thing that's bothering Chihiro is that that's clearly one of Saionji's bows.

* See all that space between Celes and Dora? That's what happens when you don't plan out character interaction properly.

* Teramoto deliberately wears a disgusting mask so that it's harder for folks to forget him, whilst also drawing away attention from his other features (like his pronounced limp).

* The dream that Amy's outfit comes from was about this mature (read: borderline guro) Sonic manga, in which all the violence going on tended not to leave its mark on her (physically) due to author favoritism. Said dream spawned another thing that I need to get around to designing.

* Apparently there's at least one person who took Maizono's esper claims at face value (and used it as an explanation as to why Naegi gains skills from his friends; some of her powers lingered with him when she read his mind).

* Chihondo? Chihida?

Posted on: December 22, 2013, 11:44:37 PM

NiGHTS and Amy wish you a merry one, along with some stylistically-out-of-place Ideya.

Posted on: December 25, 2013, 05:04:32 PM

Naegi and Amy wisely decided against asking Maizono about that.

Posted on: December 27, 2013, 04:13:02 AM

Some tumblr folks recently put into words why I'm so annoyed with "equalism": it's a term that ignores the particular needs of the group you're not supposed to identify with (feminists, in this case). Most equalists I've seen seem to base their opinions of feminists on, well, misguided thirteen-year-olds (at best. Some take one look at the name and yell "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MEN"). So, let me confess something.

In middle school, I had very misinformed ideas of what feminism was about, because I knew the patriarchy was screwing me over but had little to no guidance and had to sort things out on my own. You know what happened? As the years went on, I learned more about the movement and changed my opinions accordingly. I no longer think that femininity is something to be avoided, for one.

That's what I think a lot of these psuedo-feminists will eventually do. Of course not all of them will, but you know, every group has its assholes. And hopefully equalists will realize the ethical implications of telling women to shut up about their women things.

In other news, my portrayal of Minnie probably developed this way due to my own frustrations.

Posted on: December 30, 2013, 01:09:28 AM

All he had to do was spend a few hours rummaging through the Cluttered Basement Zone.

Quick photo of my recently-acquired Naegi Nendoroid, holding a gem that came with this jewelry-making set I got back in the mid-90s (maybe; those Jewel Riders figures I got sometimes came with similar ones). Unfortunately, I can't make a "Now Naegi Can Go Super Naegi" joke because I'm missing red, cyan, and violet.


Got it done before New Years'.

* This outfit swap probably doesn't make much sense (and Amane ended up resembling Mukuro slightly), but I drew it anyway.

* I quite like these pastel goth sprite edits.

* When I was a kid and Tenchi Muyo was airing on Toonami, I never realized it had harem elements (I think?).

* Sam was directly influenced by Ranma 1/2, hence the red fur (I don't think she was ever a transformation of Sonic's, though); I don't think there was any non-sprite artwork of her as a hedgehog, so this is a rough approximation (and of course she didn't wear a longcoat back then). She primarily wore black in those bits of old art I checked.

* Remember the days when we thought Tiara was a hedgehog?

* I still think I may have made Shun too short here; she's supposed to be somewhere between Mondo's and Sakura's heights.

* Probably should have put part of Beck's hand behind his head.

* Maybe that strange Junko/Mukuro fusion should've lacked freckles?

* I finally got some replacement pens last week; now I can colour things a certain shade of yellow and shade white stuff without constantly reaching over to my Sharpies-and-Letraset basket.

* May have gotten some of the details on alt-beta!Kirigiri and Fukawa off, since we currently only have some small-ish photos. I couldn't read what was written on Kirigiri's tie at all, so I just replaced it with a reference to the Church of Mockery.

* That odd fire-giraffe was a kangaroo in some scenes. Dreams are weird.

* So there was a time when I was seriously wondering if Zor was a lady.

* Some of Naegi's beta sketches had him wearing glasses.

* Sonic'd probably want to wear as little of the Hope's Peak uniform as possible.

* Leon with a mohawk amuses me greatly, for some reason.

* Tara suggested I draw my stylized Minnie, which reminded me that I wanted to give Mickey an StS outfit too. Originally I was going to simplify his KH duds, but ended up basing it on his Apprentice robes and pilfered hat.

* Nanami probably gets fourteen hours of sleep, like I sometimes do.

Posted on: December 31, 2013, 12:47:09 AM

(Actually calling Enkidu "TV Head" is a good way to get flattened)

Sat around on this DR style attempt before finishing it today, lest it go out of date. 'tis Shun, Enkidu, and Tomomi.

Trying to produce the effect on Enkidu's screen by hand in SAI was a pain in the arse, so I took the layer into Photoshop via Print Screen and properly finished it there; it's based on an actual "no signal" screen I found, minus text.

Also officially changed his shirt here, not because his old one was too complex (OK, a little), but 'cuz I just now noticed that part of the pattern was...suspect. (Not saying how.)

One day I got an idea to colourize the black-and-white DR1 icons, using a very limited palette (it's not directly taken from any one system, but I had the Amiga in mind); then I started editing characters who didn't get icons, then it spiraled into this. This doesn't include AU stuff (which is still being worked on), just the canon guys.

Be warned that there are SDR2 spoilers, arranged roughly in order of severity. I couldn't find the source of the DR1-style SDR2 icons, unfortunately; the only non-colour edit I made to those was giving Monomi her bow and droopy ear (and then editing her into Usami).


I don't have a tumblr at this point in time, so the following are all submissions to Dangan Sprite Box.

/what a great title

So remember when I said that, since Sonic's design doesn't change much between continuities (unlike Megaman's), I gave them all different clothes to distinguish them? I've done the same with X!Amy and Cream.

Their new outfits ended up being more subdued than the sort of shonen-anime-esque craziness I had in mind, but I guess it's close enough to shonen stuff in spirit?

Before I knew what the rest of her clothes would look like, I knew I wanted to give Amy a beanie, and that she'd be wearing orange; the green was accidental and ended up making this another reference to her classic colours. (See if you can guess where I borrowed her sweater symbol from)

As for Cream, she originally wasn't in this pic and with her clothes, I just winged it. Flowers seem to be a thing with her, so she wears one at the base of her ear.

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Reply #2784 on: January 01, 2014, 09:36:45 PM
Kitty beanie!

And in terms of feminism... eh.  The whole empowerment and equality idea isn't the first thing on my mind when I draw Hawkeye.  Nah, I just want to draw him in funny poses. :P

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Reply #2785 on: January 02, 2014, 12:47:41 PM
Hehe. XD

At least Tails has the excuse of being eight years old.

...and yes, this is my first submission of 2014. I can see that this year is going to be full of nothing but good decisions from here on out.

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Reply #2786 on: January 02, 2014, 10:14:52 PM
Of course Knuckles finds it hilarious.  He's got the emotional growth of an eight-year-old. :P

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Reply #2787 on: January 15, 2014, 06:27:48 PM
Oh, Knux. XD

Observe my ctrl+v.

Roughly two days of effort went into this; I dunno if I drew quite enough "normal" sprites, but hey, I like having my right arm attached. (Don't ask me about full-body shots.)

'tis Sonic Rose, in as close to Dangan Ronpa style as I can get with no frame of reference. He gets a non-standard neutral sprite because I'm still not sure if I can draw his quills from the front without them looking awkward. His expressions ended up skewing somewhat heavily towards"srs bsns" (shades of his Old StS characterization?).

For those of you unfamiliar with StS and may be wondering about two of those sprites: Sonic Rose has telepathy. Extremely rudimentary telepathy that leaves him with persistent migraines.

Still not entirely sure how I feel about people editing these, but for now, I'd greatly appreciate it if you asked. As for just using them unedited, please credit me somewhere.

Posted on: January 03, 2014, 01:24:00 PM

Silly idea that I wanted to comic-ize. I don't draw underwear often; can you tell?

I have no idea what you'd get from completing Sonic's hypothetical free time events, since he doesn't even wear pants.

So you remember that time I mentioned a dream I had of a borderline-guro Sonic manga?

I drew this whilst tired, so there's probably mistakes that I haven't yet caught. None of that blood is Amy's, BTW, but I don't necessarily think she just got done killing a guy.


Did Sonic actually come down with the despair fever, or does he just have a cold? Either way, I had the urge to stick him in a hospital gown.

I dunno how he'd act in this state; as a Light Adept, it's unlikely he'd suffer any effects related to his mind, so the disease would probably slow him down immensely via huge amounts of fatigue instead. Not that it'd be easy to tell, because he'd spend most of his time just trying to sleep it off.

Posted on: January 10, 2014, 05:39:56 PM

Sonic and Disney were two fairly significant presences in my childhood (Disney more so than Sonic, admittedly, as I had more access to the former), though if there were any Pre-StS crossovers, it was with Darkwing Duck, not Mickey.

I'd like to think that (in the context of StS) these two had an encounter or two back in the Adventure era. The expression I ended up giving Mickey makes me wonder if he caught Sonic at a bad time.

Amy's set didn't take as long to colour and shade as Sonic's did, I think.

Sorta based on Pekoyama's sprites (you can probably tell where). These don't really mesh as well with the official ones as I'd like, but I still think they turned out alright.


I hate trying to scan these things.

* Have to keep reminding myself that it's only in StS that Sonic and Amy are siblings.

* I quite like these characters of sanitrance's; I'd like to think that the first time Trikk met Sonic, she was so excited about getting to shake his hand that she didn't realize she'd zapped the guy.

* Shame about that post's obvious falseness; the idea it put forth for Blaze is really cute.

* It would be very difficult to defeat Green Latern Sonic, I imagine.

* The Indigo Tribe seemed like a fitting place for Atropos to end up.

* IIRC, Archie!Charmy used to have blue eyes, so that's what Earth-4!Charmy gets.

* Sally's blade rings got me wondering if there could be more colours of Rings in StS than just gold, and instead of elements, they represent utilities (with blue being "knives and cutting tools").

* I don't draw Dulcy often because I can rarely get her snout/muzzle down correctly.

* CatbeeCache brought up some issues regarding Penders' treatment of the Guardians' wives and other female characters, with one example being Voni-Ca and Moritori Rex-as-Tobor (as in, she somehow didn't notice that her husband was being impersonated).

* Next to a redesigned Voni-Ca is a redesigned Janelle-Li; her dreads ended up being based slightly on Aerith's bangs.

* Distrust!Junko wasn't actually wearing a suit.

* "South Side" by Moby and Gwen Stefani is actually kinda semi-important to me; it took me a little over a decade to find that song again (in part because I could barely make out the lyrics when I was a little kid).

* Manga!Amy still reminds me heavily of Roll.

* 'tis Julia, or "HighHeels McEightiesHair" as I first called her. Because seriously, look at that hair.

OK, so this doesn't really have much to do with the song ("Broken Human Machine" by Machigerita) aside from the gas mask. StC!Sonic is the one wearing it because, out of all the Sonics, I think he'd have the easiest time pulling it off.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 01:05:00 AM by The Great Gonzo »

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Reply #2788 on: January 20, 2014, 08:25:35 AM
I haven't seen Dulcy in forever, and nice grape hat, Knux.

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Reply #2789 on: February 04, 2014, 05:39:08 AM
Hehe. XD I hope Ian manages to find a use for Dulcy someday.

SHSL Paladin Maizono and SHSL Other Paladin Amy Rose, based on a set of edits I did recently.

Maizono's getup is a version of an outfit I gave Amy, because I have no idea what else to go with. Her signature weapon would probably be a knife, assuming that Piko Piko Hammers don't come with the territory.

Posted on: January 21, 2014, 03:55:12 AM

Knux has been with the NFF for a fairly long time and he still hasn't figured out that teasing Sonic on one of his off days = property damage for everyone.

"--you never existed."

Sayaka Maizono has...issues.

Posted on: January 26, 2014, 05:46:26 AM

Something that popped into my head after listening to the eponymous song my Murabito-P, and another excuse to practice DR style.

There is a reason as to why Sonic's holding the black mask aside from "Naegi got the white one"; his StS self, while not anywhere near the eternal angst-bucket he was in Old StS, is still troubled. Like, very much so. Accidentally making Naegi into an enemy of Eggman couldn't have been a fun realization for him.

Posted on: January 29, 2014, 01:08:23 AM

Sometimes I can tear through these in about a week or less, sometimes I can't.

* I'm pretty sure that wasn't actually supposed to be a version of beta!Naegi's hoodie that (Classic) Sonic is wearing.

* I sprited that outfit of Celes's shortly after drawing it; the gray plate on her choker was changed to the Seal of Bethor, a symbol I keep associating with Celes.

* Conversely, what Hagakure's wearing was sprited first, then drawn.

* This one artist, Shoushikarina(?), gave Leon an arm tattoo that I tried to draw here; unfortunately, their Pixiv is gone, so I've only got a tiny bit of their art (I found them via a NSFW DR tumblr).

* Rouge's dialogue was written during a time when I was really frustrated with certain things.

* Reading part of the Yume Nikki manga prompted me to draw Madotsuki again. (The manga Toriningens aren't anywhere near that cute.)

* I joke about Anzai being an SHSL Loser, but his self-esteem problems are quite severe.

* Gender essentialism makes me angry. It makes Bio angry, too, since pulling that "bluh bluh you don't look like a girl" [parasitic bomb] on a planet where none of the non-mammalian ladies have breasts takes a special kind of stupid.

* Had to bust out the white-out on Tempest because I wasn't paying attention and forgot that his arms don't have fur.

* The bit next to Tempest is dream-based, though it'd take a while to explain; it was kinda like Smash Bros.: The Combat RPG.

* Dien Nghia and his crew are also dream-based, though originally it was just him and Koiso (and Koiso met a horrible end for reasons vague at best).

* I think that's how Sonic's quills would look whenever he wore a beanie.

* Dunno under what circumstances Yoshi would have to escort a baby Sonic if yoshi doesn't even live on the same planet.

* Asahina having a special water bottle was born out of a conversation with BlueIke; it was probably blessed by a Lesser Water Titan to never run out, but as is common with water created this way, the water's not fit for drinking.

* Junko has tri-coloured nails in her full-body sprites and her pin-up art, but not her regular mugshots. Strange...

* Seriously, what's up with Ryouko's hair.

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Reply #2790 on: February 04, 2014, 07:59:29 AM
I need to draw one of those character sheets sometime...

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Reply #2791 on: February 07, 2014, 04:53:52 PM
Go for it. XD

"You're not in as much control of your actions as you'd like to think, Leon."

Kinda-DR-style Climax Inference panel starring Sonic Rose and Mecha Leon, the latter of whom I defaulted to after not being able to settle on anyone else for Sonic to confront. I had to stop at least twice to fix wonky lineart on Leon (this is why you always pay attention when inking, folks).

I'd like to think that Sonic Rose isn't that bad at deductive reasoning as I sometimes joke about him being.

That background reminds me of when I was semi-regularly experimenting with Photoshop back in middle school; I actually individually saved it at various stages, something I don't tend to do these days.

Posted on: February 06, 2014, 09:56:32 AM

Sonic with a tonfa.
Elemental coats for the hedgehog.
The Deadly Six, now with clothes.

So some people are still befuddled by Boom!Knuckles's bountiful musculature. Me, I'm more distracted by Sonic's inexplicably-blue arms (not that blue arms is a deal-breaker for me, mind you).

And Sonic is distracted by Knuckles's top-heavy bod.

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Reply #2792 on: February 07, 2014, 05:25:19 PM
I still like the deadly six, nice varied designs. The sonic spin off's redesigns honestly don't bother me besides Knuckles though.

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Reply #2793 on: February 07, 2014, 11:43:46 PM
Why do I see Knuckles--pre-Sonic Boom--kneeling by his bed and praying for "oh yeah, huge peec-toral muscles," and some time later, after getting sand kicked in his face, he spies Big's ample buttocks, which are used in Knux's new pectoral implants?

...I watch too much Ren & Stimpy, but dammit, I want to see that now.

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Reply #2794 on: February 08, 2014, 12:01:19 AM
Why do I see Knuckles--pre-Sonic Boom--kneeling by his bed and praying for "oh yeah, huge peec-toral muscles," and some time later, after getting sand kicked in his face, he spies Big's ample buttocks, which are used in Knux's new pectoral implants?

...I watch too much Ren & Stimpy, but dammit, I want to see that now.

I'm not quite sure how to respond to that...  XD

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Reply #2795 on: February 10, 2014, 08:45:53 PM
Pffft. XD

With all these fan-made designs of official guys yet to appear in Sonic Boom, I guess I ought to pitch in. :V

I have no idea if this version of Silver will still be from the future, but I still wanted to make it clear that there's a ton of disconnect between him and, well, everyone else. He fights primarily with his psychokinesis and Khonsu-inspired staff; so long as he feels he's doing the right thing, there's almost no stopping (or getting through to) him.

There's a certain pair of characters o' mine that I lifted a few design cues from.

Posted on: February 09, 2014, 10:32:06 AM

Puns are suffering.
A hundred-something degrees.

As you know, Naegi only has two regular-size mugshots (even though Hinata's got a full set). Scaling up and drawing over his full-body shots didn't quite work and while shrinking down his artbook mugshots looked better, the colour correction was a pain in the ass, so I decided to just try drawing him some new ones from scratch.

This involved the same process as Sonic and Amy's sets, more or less. How well they fit in with the officials remains to be seen, but I like how they turned out.

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Reply #2796 on: February 12, 2014, 10:21:41 AM
Those would be good to use in a visual novel.

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Reply #2797 on: February 18, 2014, 07:35:26 PM
I'd hope so. XD

Commission for Gitzyrulz of Eggman and Ovi (alternate universe Chris Thorndyke). I don't draw people at this angle often; can you tell?

Posted on: February 12, 2014, 12:37:31 PM

Another commission for Gitzyrulz; don't ask me how they managed to keep Sonic still long enough to do that.


Another commission for Gitzyrulz; based off of this drabble.


Fourth commission for Gitzyrulz and the last one for the time being; based off of this.


Mickey and Minnie.

"We're runnin' out of tape here, ya know!"

Primarily drawn so I could do some more VHS effects (and also I hadn't drawn Tails in a while).

Posted on: February 13, 2014, 05:02:10 PM

Zeena and a Lesser Earth Titan, Ninsar, AKA that old fanon name I gave to Zeena.

Image-searching Ninsar didn't bring up jack squat (a problem I should've forseen with her stub of a Wikipedia article), so I looked up ancient Sumerian clothing instead; her strange head-vines were sorta in place from the start. The plates were inspired by Ruby WEAPON.

Posted on: February 15, 2014, 09:03:14 PM

Remember when we thought this was Silver's fur colour?

An unusually tall octopus (as in average-human height) that Sonic had an extremely brief crush on (or maybe just interest in) when he was 13. It was brief because she very bluntly told him that that age gap was too wide.

I think I've mentioned before that Tide is a dream-based character? This is the first full-body pic of her I've ever drawn.

Practicing some environment art; very heavily influenced by Final Fantasy VIII. Very sketchy, but I think I spent enough time and effort on it to justify putting it in my main gallery.

Sonic's wandering around an empty facility on Lunarvale (you can see Mobius in the sky if you squint). While it's entirely possible that there's a Lesser Earth Titan camping out in it somewhere, this area seems to be relatively untouched.

A direct result of pondering what a Squeenix-made Sonic game would be like. (The last submission was, too, but it had no moogles)

If Squeenix ever got the chance to develop a Sonic game, I am reasonably sure that they'd find a way to sneak in some FF references; moogles might be more overt. They can sorta pass for Mobini, I think, as could Chocobos; in the context of StS, they'd be found all over Lunarvale.

I still can't imitate Mr. Nomura's colouring. Maybe this particular method needs to be done traditionally?

Posted on: February 16, 2014, 11:31:56 PM

Very quick doodle of Naegi I did the other day to test Actualmondo's version of SAI. The transparency works, but there's almost no pressure sensitivity on the pen or eraser, and the paint bucket tool's almost completely broken.

This one I sat on for a while before deciding to finally finish it before it went out of date; layout and colours inspired by some beta DR boxart, which can be seen in the Reload guide.

The Quietus kids are from two different classes, not for competitive reasons, but to compensate for the lack of a memory wipe. Class A is on the left and includes Tomomi; Class B on the right, with Enkidu.

Tsugihara (the dude with two ties) was going to be in Class B, before I realized that Class A was a person short.

This post has names and titles. Trying to go from left to right didn't really work due to the layout.

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Reply #2798 on: February 18, 2014, 07:56:59 PM
You've been busy!  How do you find the time?

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Reply #2799 on: February 21, 2014, 05:59:06 AM
Unemployment. XD;;

RS-Roll, to be specific. This was my entry for RockMiyabi's 2014 Valentines contest; I was listed ninth [though some people voted me as high as 4th, I was told].

Naegi scrap.
Amy in a sweater.
Sonic trying to sleep in.


Something I drew the other night, inspired by this:

Copy-pasted from tumblr, where I posted it first:

"I dunno exactly what to do with him yet, but I’m sure about a few things:
* As Silver’s rival, he needs to be on around equal ground with him ability-wise.

* He does not have psychokinesis or chronomancy; in the context of StS, the former is an extremely rare trait amongst Mobians, and the latter was something Silver obtained under specific circumstances that Gold wouldn’t be likely to replicate.

* Gold is not as troubled as Silver, at least not initially. He’s also aware of Silver’s abilities and what he’s willing to do (like psychokinetically crush people into pulp), and is justifiably wary around him.

* Silver mostly regards Gold as a nuisance—a bit like a moth that constantly but harmlessly hovers around you."

'nother commission for :devgitzyrulz:, based on this fic: