The Gonzo has art.

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Reply #2075 on: October 21, 2010, 10:50:20 PM
His hijackings are always great. You should do it more often :D

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Reply #2076 on: October 22, 2010, 11:51:40 PM
Yeah. :)

Long overdue request for ~TheGr8estOne; he asked for an RM version of an enemy from one of the old TMNT beat-em-ups, Cementman.

*Nazaru requested that I draw Oceanus Shenron kissing his fellow, Trunks Jr. (who I hope I drew on-model).


How long has it been since I drew any non-crossover'd-into-NINE DB/Z/GT stuff? 2006? Ack.

As requested by ~MegaManModelT101--this scene, more or less. Peach and Mega walking through an Old West town (pretend those blue splodges are buildings), accompanied by Calamity Jane (as in The Legend Of).

* Peach's dress was sorta borrowed from one found through Google Image Search; Mega's outfit is a design of ~lilirulu's.

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Reply #2077 on: October 23, 2010, 03:38:10 AM
Well, talk about a pleasant surprise! I guess I'm not the only one here who's actually seen that cartoon series. Quite nice, that. 8)

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Reply #2078 on: October 23, 2010, 11:39:36 PM
To be honest, I hadn't heard of that series until very recently, but I hear the whole thing is up on YouTube...

I can't seem to find that bit of info on TV Tropes anymore, but from what I remember--some gamers who owned N64s, but not PlayStations, were rather miffed that Final Fantasy VII was PS-only. So they started a rumour that FF7 was getting an N64 port, with extra characters to boot.

Maybe if this were Persona 2...

Anyway, that's more or less the only reason why this guy, Orchid Landman, was drawn. An exclusive character for a game with a nonexistent port to a system that I don't think could handle it.

Orchid here used to a dancer, but he couldn't attract crowds no matter how good he was (most of the patrons were straight males). Upon learning of AVALANCHE (or what was left of them), he quit his job and immediately joined them. To keep himself busy outside of battle, he keeps tabs on everyone's Materia.

After Aerith's death, Orchid desperately tries to learn healing magic so that the team might still have a medic, but abandons this after realizing that the others would be offended at his replacing her (even if it wasn't quite his intention).

Also took a stab at emulating the FF7 style of colouring. I think it turned out alright, all things considered.

I'd add "Somebody should try porting FF7 to the N64 just to see how it'd work", but I hear N64 emulators aren't that great. In fact, Project64 damn near crippled two of my computers.

"C'mon, kid! Smile!"


Wanted to draw Cloud being the exact opposite of emo. I hear that in FF7, he was initially rather optimistic--and that in the spinoffs, he's either ALL EMO ALL THE TIME, or not given a large enough role for his lack of emo post-AC to be noticed (by fangirls, anyway).

The reason for this is a non-reason: Square admitted that they ramped up Cloud's emo factor since that was how he was usually depicted in doujinshi.


Granted, in AC, Cloud had damn good reason to be depressed, and he eventually overcame it (though for reasons not in the initial movie). But still--that's like Capcom turning Rock into some virginal little uke because of how some(?) fangirls portray him in slash fic. Arg.

Remember when there was no "Compilation of FF7"? I do...

Happier bit: Rock and Cloud might get along, if Rock never found out about those bombings.

A day late for dA Spirit Week, but hey.

Posted on: October 23, 2010, 01:00:26 PM

Oh hey, it's the X-series versions of these two for a change.

Maybe if there was more than one human in MMX, I'd have a better idea of that era's fashion. (The humans in the Iwamoto mangas dress like it's not 21XX) Tried basing it off of Star Force,

And a sweater-thing with tights and no pants? Better hope the fashion police don't nab you, Rock. >.>

Now that Megaman has teamed up with Cosmos, nothing can stop him--or her.

Oh yeah, been playing Dissidia again. :/

Offline borockman

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Reply #2079 on: October 24, 2010, 01:10:41 AM
So I take it that Dr Wily is with Chaos now.  8D

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Reply #2080 on: October 26, 2010, 06:03:07 PM
Most likely. XD

According to ~Kalinka-Shadows, the Rejuve universe is even more [tornado fang]'d up than previously thought. A shame, but at least it gives me an excuse to draw Rock and Proto like this. (I dunno if Wily would try anything like this, since Mega could probably still shoot him)

Proto's scarf no longer fits, and that hoodie Mega has was meant for a middle-schooler, at least. But hey, what they're wearing beats the uniforms.

Posted on: October 25, 2010, 05:35:41 AM
Old: LET ME SHOaaaah [tornado fang] it.
Random crap.

I should've finished this forever ago. :/

Here's some advice, Tengu: Don't try to start a conversation with the pseudo-uke while his sister is nearby.

These kids are based off an old doodle of mine; while I thought they were original characters, there were Triforce symbols here and there; it's been so long that I can't remember, but I think they were meant to be LoZ dorks.

Shield Boy, Sword Guy, Leader Girl, and Wand Dude weren't redesigned in any way, and thus all look like fashion vomit (pick a decade). Leader Girl has inexplicable black markings under her eyes that are more fit for a bad guy or antihero, methinks. (Also obviously not their real names. They weren't named in the original pic)

Perhaps they thought that if Link could traverse all those dungeons more-or-less alone, they'd stand a pretty good chance. Har har.

Left this sitting for a while since I couldn't think of a background. Finally grabbed a Letraset, said "frig it", and scrawled in a basic one.

Let's talk about "My Inner Life".


Written by one "Jen" (credited on the pic as "Jen the Batshit Insane"), it's about some lady named Jenna Silverblade, who somehow managed to beat out the rest of Link's benign harem (even Ruto!) and went on to be Hyrule's Most Important Person for lots of arbitrary reasons. Jenna is a combination of many different Mary Sue subtypes (most prominently the most dreaded type of all, the Black Hole Sue); from what I can gather from TV Tropes:

* She was a merchant prior to meeting Link Silverblade (oh yeah, that's Link's surname in this fic). This wouldn't be too bad if we knew more about this job, or if she was a GOOD merchant--apparently she doesn't deal in bulk, but in a handful of silks. Maybe it was just off-season or something, but...

* She receives things that she should not have all the damn time--most prominently, a guardian fairy (you're not a Kokiri, dammit!) and the GODSDAMNED OCARINA OF TIME.

* Her powers function much like Silver Age Superman's in that she can pull them from her ass whenever it's convenient to the plot. They range from inexplicable catlike behaviours and whatnot ("catlike instincts", smelling blood and sulfur from across a lake) to control over the elements (implicitly shafting the Sages).

* She has kids with Link. Not fatally bad, I guess, but the author gets a few things about infants wrong, and apparently never heard of FAS, making this that much worse.

* And of course, to have had kids with Link, she had to have sexed Link. The sex is not the least bit realistic or appealing (GRUNTING TIGERS IN HEAT, anyone?).

* She's descended from the "Silverlites", a race not mentioned or seen anywhere in Ocarina of Time. They, and by extension Jenna, can control the elements. They're also apparently the awesomest people to have ever awesomed, which is of course a damnable lie because it means that more Sues like Jenna could have shown up had the fic been completed.

* The King of Hyrule takes to her better than his own daughter. Just let that sink in.

* There's a strong undercurrent of inexplicable misogyny running through the train wreck of a fic. When Jenna first sees Link, she immediately decides that he will give her beautiful children simply because he's handsome; Jenna is deluded into thinking that being married with kids will make her complete (not that being married with kids is bad, per se--I'm not interested--but that's far from the only goal in a woman's life); she thinks riding a mare is an affront to Link's masculinity (Link? Masculinity? PFFFFFFFT. But seriously...buh?!), and the author's treatment of Epona is deplorable; she's always clinging to Link and riding behind him; etc. etc.

But wait, she's constantly trying to be independent and strong. And yet she insists on these anti-feminist behaviours. GUH.

So...what did all that have to do with this?

I wanted to rewrite Jenna, figuring that I couldn't do worse than the author no matter what. But as I went along, well...see that cat-person up there? That was the point at which I said, "Frig it, that ain't Jenna. That's my own character."

The same cannot be said of the other fellow. That's the Dark Lord Ariakas, who in MIL was the biggest, baddest dude on the block (who was somehow worse than Ganondorf and never showed up). Here, well...

Naarti was merely a wandering merchant (some described her as prone to delusions of grandeur) until a nobleman of mixed Hylian and European descent (Swedish, perhaps) approached her. He introduced himself as Lord Ariakas, and showed her that the two of them were descended from a band of people known as "Silverlites"--individuals who could control the elements. Ariakas then asked if Naarti would join him in his search for the Silverlites' goddess, an entity supposedly connected to a fourth Triforce; she gladly accepted.

Their search began causing problems in Hyrule, prompting Link and Zelda to look into it; they found two major problems with Ariakas's story.

For one, there were almost no records of the Silverlites--the few that they could find stated them to be a cult, not simply a group. Secondly, there was no "fourth Triforce", only the void formed by the three pieces. While past Hylian shields depicted an inverted golden triangle, it was assumed to be for aesthetic reasons.

Ariakas hadn't been trying to delude Naarti--he wholeheartedly believed in what he told her. This doesn't really matter to Link or Zelda, and they set out to stop the two from causing any more damage, intentionally or no.


"Hey, what if Light's first other robots had been helpers/lab assistants instead of or in addition to Rock and Roll?"

It'd look something like this pic. :/

Iceman. :3

Offline Blackhook

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Reply #2081 on: October 26, 2010, 06:30:59 PM
They all look pretty good. I like what you did to Time Man's hair...clever.
Though I am surprised that you didn't change BombMan that much...

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2082 on: October 27, 2010, 06:11:47 AM
Thanks. :) Yeah, didn't know what to do with Bombman...

[One of these is] not like the others.

Hey, anyone remember the first-ever(?) EGM April Fool's prank, involving Simon Belmont being an unlockable character in TMNT II: The Arcade Game (NES version)?

Cudley (not pictured) decided he'd bypass the impossible task of entering the code before the title screen faded out and just grabbed Simon directly. And spat him out without explaining where he took him, apparently, or maybe Simon just doesn't like Manhattan.

Took another stab at replicating the style of KH1's art, this time using SAI and Photoshop. I think it turned out alright.

The pics of Sora, Riku, and Kairi over at Creative Uncut have text on them for some reason, and so does this. Thought I'd draw Wuxa first since, relatively speaking, his design is quite simple.

Despite wearing lots of black and having an X in his name, Wuxa is not a Nobody and has gone nowhere near the Organization. I imagine that if Mr. Nomura ever got his hands on him, his outfit would be overhauled because of that.

And number two in the most-likely-to-not-be-a-series, Rock. Yeah, KH!Rock is only 17 here, as opposed to 21. And that Keyblade looks horrible. D:

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Reply #2083 on: October 27, 2010, 06:37:59 AM
Bombman > Mr. T hairdo and done!

Love the Rock crossover.

Offline borockman

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Reply #2084 on: October 28, 2010, 02:46:07 AM
What the hell is Simon doing in my TMNT? 8D

Neat, never knew there's April's fool prank like that.

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2085 on: October 29, 2010, 06:41:16 AM
Love the Rock crossover.

Thanks. :)

Neat, never knew there's April's fool prank like that.

And there's more where that came from, too.

RS-Roll might not approve of all the pink, but KH-Roll cares not.

Hey, it's these assholes again.

Damn, Xarsha is itty-bitty. :o

Offline borockman

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Reply #2086 on: October 29, 2010, 08:18:18 AM
I still like the monitor head and awesome beard org members.

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Reply #2087 on: October 29, 2010, 10:01:33 AM
I like Roll's look and also I expect Jigsaw to appear inside that monitor...god I hate Saw...

Offline KudosForce

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Reply #2088 on: October 29, 2010, 12:34:53 PM
Nice KH-style designs, there. 8) I'm quite fond of the Roll and Continued Org., in particular.

That said, I could see the monitor-headed one spending most of his time in the shadows (ala Giovanni from earlier Pokemon works, and Dr. Deviler from Super Robot Red Baron).

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2089 on: November 01, 2010, 03:34:33 AM
Nice KH-style designs, there. 8) I'm quite fond of the Roll and Continued Org., in particular.

Thanks. :) Though Roll's is KaitlinEXE's; I just added the colour scheme.

Technically, monitor-guy does mostly stay in the shadows.

Mood whiplash time.


He's really left.

I figured that this would happen sooner or later, but...THIS soon?

Reactions to this have been varied. All I have to say is, I hope that Inafking will be happy with whatever he decides to do after this.

Posted on: October 29, 2010, 06:05:35 PM

Everyone here wishes you one. Or maybe just Rock and Roll.

Rock, Roll, Blues, and Bass are all dressed up as 1st-gen Pokemon (sorta); got the idea from *mizz-ninja's gijinkas.

Break time from what, I dunno.

Rock should do something about that rip in his jeans.

I still cannot draw Keyblades.

Obviously, not all the Keyblade wielders are here--just the ones with the Kingdom Key and versions of it. Let's see here:

Sora: Kingdom Key
Mickey: Kindom Key D
Rock: Kingdom Key R
Mario: Kingdom Key M (wait--)
Bugs Bunny: The Gun (I do not yet have a name for The Gun)
Cielo: Stick

And it's kinda hard for Mickey to be raising his Keyblade to the light if it's the Kingdom Key Darkside, but hey.

Also appears that Rock's Keyblade shrunk in the process of becoming R. Accidents happen?..

Oh, and those unfamiliar with one of EGM's many April Fools pranks might not know why Mario's here. Super Mario Bros. DOES have a connection to Squeenix, in that they developed Super Mario RPG back when they were Squaresoft. There's also Itadaki Street DS (a crossover of Mario and Dragon Quest) and Mario Hoops 3-on-3 (there's quite a few Final Fantasy characters there).

As for Rock, Capcom developed Disney games back in the NES Epoch (and at least one SNES game). Less stable connection, but it's there.

And and Mickey cameo'd in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?. >.>

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Reply #2090 on: November 01, 2010, 04:18:19 AM
Bugs bunny with a gun is freakin' epic!

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Reply #2091 on: November 02, 2010, 01:26:50 AM

Hey, remember that "Complete ORGXIII" pic of mine? Well, there's been some alterations to their story.

* Axel and Xion are not present. In retrospect, it'd make no sense for Xion to be there (at least for KH:VVV).

* While the others are more or less themselves in artificial bodies, this Roxas is a true Replica--sort of; Hojo's Replicas aren't like Vexen's, since they don't leech off of the originals in any way.

Unfortunately, while the real Roxas doesn't have to worry about off days, Repliroxas has some very big nails that he'd like to pound into Roxas's face. (Remember "14 in the Organization"?)

At least Lava figured that something about ORGXIII was truly effed-up, what with having to bring them white floppy boneless midgets every week.

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Reply #2092 on: November 04, 2010, 01:40:36 PM
For a guy called Volcano (or the guy in the middle) he's surely looks blue. XD

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Reply #2093 on: November 07, 2010, 12:24:18 AM
Yeah. XD

~GaiaX2 asked that I draw his namesake; eventually I got off my lazy ass and drew him. :/ Hope you like it, man.

Oh, and Van's in there somewhere.

As requested by ~Wanda92--sorta; Trill and Van were thrown in there.

Careful, M. Green; the RS universe may not be able to sustain your Eighties Hair.

Posted on: November 04, 2010, 02:45:23 PM

Meant to be more of a "US Box Art Roll", but didn't quite turn out that way. (Rock's there for height comparison.)

That broom sweeps away dirt, dust, and the faces of anyone who taunts her for wearing an apron.

"THAT Fic" is, to the uninitiated, "Immortality in Fickle Affection". Name sounds innocent enough; hell, it prominently features Disney characters, unlike many other KH fics. What's so bad about that?


It's not that badly-written. It flows well and doesn't read like an AIM chat log. The problem is the content.

The content is HOMING HYDRA SHARK [ray splasher]s.

Along with [ray splasher] kooshballs, unbirth, insulting gender-bendering, misogyny, homophobia, the desire to insert the word "[ray splasher]" into every other sentence, mutilation, castration, random cockvore and bestiality, abysmally-handled Hercules/Cloud, and OOC.

Oh, Donald. If only you knew beforehand.

Anyway, the pic. I wanted to draw Donald and Goofy reacting badly to some KH fan fiction; IiFA was the first thing to come to mind as to something specific. (I think IiFA was actually meant to be that terrible, but I don't know if its two authors wrote anything else that was supposed to be good)

Put it under "mixed media" since it's mostly colored pencils with some digital sketches done to fill space.

Also, NO KH: BBS SPOILERS. I'm getting that (and the guide) for Christmas.

Rather than upload all of these separately, I thought it'd be better to put them into one large pic arranged like some of ~PharaonicQuiche's. (Or would be arranged, if I'd bothered with the special effects)

1.) Donald alone:

The dialogue and such is taken from a Finnish ad for the Donald Duck magazine/comics. DD, by the way, is read by over a million a week in Finland (with population 5.3 mil.), according to TV Tropes.

(Considering that he's more popular than Mickey over there, I have to wonder what the Finnish thought of KH.)

2.) Sora- and Rock-Lion:

Of all the lions in the Pride Lands, Rock-Lion is the fluffiest. Yes.

3.) Hans:

is a character belonging to ~malerfique. I think he's associated with Mario in some way.

4.) Rock and Blues:

Either Rock got shorter, or Blues had a growth spurt.

KH!Blues was incredibly protective of his siblings, who were more dependent on him at first than in RS-MM. Only when he was sure that they could fend for themselves did he leave Traverse Town...and then things got worse from there.

But this was drawn primarily to show KH!Rock being cute. :/

5.) Mickey and co.:

Is this the first pic to try and integrate Sora into the regular, non-KH Disney cast? (I'm disappointed that Disney hasn't tried to do the same, myself)

Mickey and Minnie's attire is taken from a piece of Disney-approved furniture in our basement. I dunno exactly how old it is, but it's been in our possession since as long as I can remember.

6.) Mushroom Kingdom Hearts:

Well, they came up with a design for Mario; why not Luigi and Peach?

I guess that the Mushroom Kingdom is where all the non-Setzer, FFVI-and-earlier characters are hanging out.

7.) Anthro-Blades:

Inspired by ~Luz-Hikari's humanized Keyblades; it's all three of Rock's. Who are all male, before anyone gets confused. (Say, Kingdom Key R looks familiar...)

The digital stuff is a Flood Unversed tearing a hole through space and time, and armoured Aqua.

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Reply #2094 on: November 11, 2010, 07:54:32 AM
I see some Donald! Poor him for reading that kind of fanfic.

and Donald duck is more popular than Mickey in Finland? YOU RULE FINLAND!  :V

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Reply #2095 on: November 15, 2010, 10:17:19 AM
I really love the expressions on Donald and Goofy.
The look of extreme wat.

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Reply #2096 on: November 16, 2010, 03:27:37 PM

Gonzo and Radix set out to rescue Princess Void from forces unknown. How many times will they have to reset the console before reaching the end?

Next time I draw a background like that, it'll be BEFORE the characters are fully sketched out/inked. x_x

God only knows why Mega and NiGHTS are teaming up again. Maybe she wants to see if he can swipe Marens' powers? (Also, her vest is messed up...)

Had *iMAGNi's Gens/Engelbaum in mind as I drew this, despite Gens no longer sharing the same universe as NiGHTS. Must be the rainbow.

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Reply #2097 on: November 16, 2010, 03:34:17 PM
I believe in Gonzo and Radix.
The resets will be within calculations.

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Reply #2098 on: November 16, 2010, 08:52:34 PM
I believe in Gonzo & Radix.
Princess Void will know the feeling of justice & honor.

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Reply #2099 on: November 16, 2010, 10:51:38 PM
I certainly hope so, because I cannot jump for [parasitic bomb].

KH!Rock likes cute things. Yoshi also likes cute things...for eating.

man, my SAI trial expired recently. :( Now I gotta Print Screen everything if I want to hang on to it.