The Gonzo has art.

The Great Gonzo · 795965

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #425 on: April 21, 2009, 05:40:18 AM

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Reply #426 on: April 21, 2009, 02:30:10 PM

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #427 on: April 22, 2009, 04:05:44 AM

Offline borockman

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Reply #428 on: April 22, 2009, 04:29:05 AM
Cool tattoo there Subaru!

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Reply #429 on: April 22, 2009, 05:28:14 AM
Looks like he's protected against the Anti-Life Equation.

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Reply #430 on: April 22, 2009, 04:30:55 PM
Woah, Subaru. What just happened to you?

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Reply #431 on: April 22, 2009, 08:55:50 PM
Subaru looks more awesome that way i think

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #432 on: April 22, 2009, 09:52:49 PM
He doesn't look skinny anymore.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #433 on: April 24, 2009, 04:56:43 AM

Thanks to the RNR anime opening, Hikaru shall always be blond.

H: "Oh, come on. It's not like he'll miss it."
T: "How are you holding that?"

(To clarify, Tsukasa is supposed to be the dominant personality right now. Mindfuck alert.)

Offline Rad Lionheart

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Reply #434 on: April 24, 2009, 05:00:30 AM
Who are these people?

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Reply #435 on: April 24, 2009, 05:15:36 AM

Subaru apparently has played too much Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #436 on: April 24, 2009, 10:48:55 PM
Who are these people?

Tsukasa/Pat and Hikaru/Rey, from RnR. Hikaru's colours are a reference to the first anime opening.

Offline Sniper X

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Reply #437 on: April 24, 2009, 10:54:44 PM
Hmm... I don't remember Hikaru/Rey's colours are like that.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #438 on: April 25, 2009, 08:58:30 PM
Hmm... I don't remember Hikaru/Rey's colours are like that.

Should be at the 0:27 mark. They really aren't, but the opening botched Tsukasa's colours. I applied them to Hikaru, since, well, no one else was going to use them. And sociopaths wearing pink are funny. Kind of.

Posted on: April 24, 2009, 11:26:22 PM
Megaman Gold Robot Masters.
What if Capcom released a Megaman game that was harder than anything else in the series and had sixteen robobastards for Mega to take down?

I'd go insane trying to beat it, that's what.

I realize that the scan quality isn't much compared to my other scans. Well, my scanner is hooked up to the XP, which is going senile. Scanning this and the other two pictures was an exercise in pain, and I didn't want to bother with them any longer than I had to.

Everyone was created, inked, and coloured at school (my art teacher liked Craneman and Sphereman. :) ). Most Wily built, some he didn't. There's a great deal of bickering, both amongst each team and at each other, which worries him.


CRANEMAN: A disgruntled construction worker. After several months of lower pay than his co-workers, he came to Wily in hopes that he could legally get back at them. Wily encouraged him to attack the site instead. His crane-arm can be swapped out for a regular arm, but Craneman's fairly comfortable using one arm.

GELMAN: One of two RMs Wily based off the Bio-Devil series. His body is protected by a layer of ballistic jelly kept in place by nanobots; he can throw parts of it at enemies if need be. He's obnoxious and has no concept of appropriate body language (and he watches Oprah, much to his chagrin if anyone finds out).

DEVILMAN: The second RM based off of the Bio-Devil series. He isn't quite Gelman's opposite, but he is certainly more composed than the smaller RM. His Buster is loaded with the composites than make up the Bio-Devils, minus the nanobots. Devilman prefers to attack his victim from one angle, then run around and hit them from another, in imitation of the Bio-Devils.

SNOWWOMAN: She doesn't have the best offensive power, so Snowwoman tries to crush her opponents under several tons of snow instead. For the most part, it works. Because she's aware that she doesn't have to lift a finger to defeat anyone, Snow is arrogant and lethargic.

HAILMAN: Despite being the leader of the first team, Hailman isn't given any respect. It doesn't help that he tends to whine and demand that his underlings do dangerous and unreasonable things. Hail generally summons his namesake from artificial clouds in his base; failing that, he'll pelt enemies with it using his buster, which is powered by a tank on his back.

PLANEMAN: Somewhat vain, Planeman was rescued by Wily after he was shot down on a routine flight. Grateful to the old man, Planeman told him what he knew about the Global Network's Air Force, which admittedly wasn't much. He has all the power of the GN's greatest fighter jets, but needs a lot of space in order to exercise that power. Wily has to watch out for Planeman even more so than the other RMs, because he could be tried and executed for treason.

FENRIRMAN: He's supposedly based off several species of wolf, but even Fenrirman can tell that Wily had Slashman on mind more than anything. Fenrir puts on a tough act, pretending to much "cooler" than he really is--he's really just a confused, uppity RM who found himself at the bottom of his team's pecking order. At least he's efficient in combat, if quick to remind Megaman that the wolf tail around his neck isn't real.

DECKMAN: Wily built him to work at a casino, in an attempt to bring in some extra cash. After putting his latest plan into action, Wily has called Deckman back to Skull Castle to battle Megaman. The cards he uses against the blue bomber are powerful explosives, which he has to aim carefully--they're explode-on-contact. Deckman would rather be back at the casino, under the watchful eyes of the Genesis Corps (it's located in Genopolis, what a surprise).


GHOSTMAN: He's caught in a perpetual state of "neither dead nor alive" through no fault of Wily's; the man found Ghostman's shattered body in a dump, and just barely repaired and reactivated him in time. Ghostman doesn't seem to mind the constant disconnect between states, but it pains his teammates to see him like that. The most he can do is attack Megaman with a shield (like Skullman's); the catch is, generators in his arena send out similar shields.

SPHEREMAN: He's held together by a series of electromagnets and was inspired by the not-a-Robot-Master Vectorman. Sphereman is incredibly versatile due to this setup; he loves to reconfigure his body structure into shapes reminiscent of cars or helicopters. He also enjoys teasing the others for not being able to do the same.

RANGEMAN: Being stationed in a desert, the conditions of which he was built for, proved to be less exciting than he thought: most of his victims died of heatstroke before they ever reached him--so he's very glad when Megaman doesn't. Rangeman's "buster" uses actual bullets instead of standard plasma; his shots alternate between incendiary and armour-piercing (both very bad for Megaman). He speaks with a Texan drawl, which prompts his teammates to joke about him being American (he's not).

LABRAMAN: His brain was found at the same site as Ghostman's body, though the two never knew each other prior to Wily's finding them. After realizing he was bodiless, he requested to be rebuilt as a dog. Labraman can only attempt to trample Megaman to death, but it's good enough for him. He's the most composed of all the RMs in his team.

SOUNDWOMAN: She's calculating and cunning, knowing how her destructive sound waves will bounce off and connect in seconds. Soundwoman's arms and torso are heavily fortified in order to handle the brunt of her own attacks, giving her incredible upper body strength--unfortunately, the same can't be said for her lower body; she can hardly jump. It's not like she has to-- she'll just manipulate Megaman into getting close to her (with sound waves, of course) and then strangle him. Good thing Megaman isn't very compliant, then.

HYPERMAN: Wily sought to create a different kind of RM when it came time to built Hyperman, and for the most part he's succeeded. Hyperman's systems are marginally different from any RM he's created prior, and they have to be if he can handle even being connected to his own weapon--the Hyper Beam, copied from Samus Aran's own eleventh-hour weapon. Even so, the vast amounts of energy required to fire it leave Hyperman exhausted after just a few rounds.

PHALANXMAN: Inspired by the ancient battle formation, Phalanxman acts very much like a general of old. He's the leader of the second team, though like Hailman, no one really regards him as such. Phalanxman opens his strategy with a hail of spears all aimed at Megaman, then runs the blue bomber over before he can remove them all from his body.

CROSSMAN: Though a strict Christian, Crossman gladly studies other religions and believes that power can come from an individual, two things that more than a few others at his church don't believe. He has sided with Wily, believing that he can do much good under him. (As he finds out after Megaman defeats him, he can't.) Crossman's powers are electricity-based, manifesting in ball lightning. That cross tied to his back can also be used to electrify the entire room by slamming the base against the floor.

*Snowwoman was inspired by another RM of the same name created by a fellow at Pixelation:

*Soundwoman was based off an unused design for Queen Virgo (RnR3).

*I didn't want Hyperman to look like a typical RM or Megaman, so I turned to Gunstar Super Heroes. He's mostly based off Blue, with Red's chest armour thrown in.


Drawn some time ago at school; I meant to colour it using markers, but that didn't happen.

Clockwise from the upper left-hand corner: Spaghettiman (Luigi), Marumari Woman (Samus), Embleman (Marth), Arwingman (Fox), Triman (Link), the Mountainmen (Popo and Nana--look, Iceman was taken), Blackman (the SSBB Trainer, who I call Black), and Icarusman (Pit).

Wily, Eggman, and Bowser captured and brainwashed them, so now Megaman and Kirby must undo the terrible trio's work. Yes.

I tried to base everyone's armour off their existing designs (Samus's was inspired by =AndrewDickman's Metroid TAS); Blackman has that name to parody "Rockman" (i.e. sticking "man" on the end of your name).

Protoman and Beat. Drawn for a friend at school.

Offline borockman

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Reply #439 on: April 26, 2009, 01:40:32 AM
Your creativity knows no bound!  :O

That's a lot of RM.

Lol at nintendoman.

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #440 on: April 26, 2009, 07:49:01 AM

Offline Rad Lionheart

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Reply #441 on: April 26, 2009, 07:59:58 AM
I can see Proto Man and Beat singing a song together.

Offline Jericho

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Reply #442 on: April 26, 2009, 08:04:32 AM

You know, I am surprised that I have never commented in your thread before Gonzo, but I must say I love this one. I totally didn't see the Marumari above Samus' RM icon and though it was just Woman and lol'd. XD

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Reply #443 on: April 26, 2009, 08:14:11 AM
I did that too, I thought it was just "woman" and I was like "lolwut?" and then I read above it and was like "oh .... lolwut?"

Offline borockman

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Reply #444 on: April 26, 2009, 08:15:48 AM
So you guys also got tricked too eh?  XD

What is marumari though?

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Offline Jericho

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Reply #445 on: April 26, 2009, 08:16:14 AM
Still that would have been plain hilarious if you were in the mindset I was at the time. (I.E. thinking of the NES in it's prime when "Samus is a woman?!" was actually earthshattering.) XD

Also, Maru Mari = Morph Ball.

Yay trivia! XD

Offline Rad Lionheart

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Reply #446 on: April 26, 2009, 08:17:23 AM
That's what I was thinking "Woman" like "HOSHIT! IT'S BOOBS IN A VIDEO GAME!"

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Reply #447 on: April 26, 2009, 01:36:32 PM
I love this drawing.
Me too. I love this drawing. My friend really likes Beat.

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Reply #448 on: April 26, 2009, 06:26:04 PM
Thank you.  owo


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Reply #449 on: April 26, 2009, 06:34:56 PM
in b4 i make a mario joke