Dude, judging by the way you type (and your mannerisms as well), you're yet ANOTHER one of TheHacks' accounts from dA here to annoy everyone on the Internet. Seriously, why don't you just admit you are TheHacks in disguise and just leave the Mega Man fandom, choosing to go back to your little recolor fandom (or at least your Sonic fandom, which is said to be one of the worst fandoms out there) instead?
Also, I've seen your "fangame idea" here. Do us all a favour.
Be more serious when you're making a fangame, as your fangame sounds rather childish there, not to mention that you're not even giving good points for it (such as plot and such).
If it's not seriously worked on (like with sebamkfan's fangame "Mega Man Plus"), chances are it's going to end up like [parasitic bomb] and you're gonna get blasted. Blasted hard, especially with that ego of yours.
Though I doubt you'll listen to any of us here on RockmanPM, choosing instead to get butthurt, throw a hissy fit and claim that you're "the best" and that we're "just jealous" all while pulling out any cards Chris-chan used in the past to [acid burst] off every person he's encountered both in real life AND on the Internet.
...Oh, and MagVanisher, if it's alright with you, could I do some Mega Man Powered Up-styled dialogues for the eight Mega Man Killers?